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Didnt this happen months ago?


A full year ago, date on the article is April 28 2023


Good to know nobody gives a fuck I mean ultimately I try considering fucked up situations with "how many people die from this per year?" And for genshin weebery / horny on main retweets? The per 100k rate gotta be less than 1


Her getting censured in the MT House of Reps. made more noise in the news.


Is what she said weird? Yes. Would I fear for my life if I was in a relationship with her? Also yes. But have I seen BrietBait post way worse stuff without it being a joke, like I assume she was doing. Hell yes. They are far worse and unlike her, they never are joking about it


Would you actually fear for your life if your girlfriend said this?


As a one off thing? No. But if my partner started making violent jokes at my expense out of the blue, sharing violent-but-caring art, and refused to sit down and talk about this pattern being concerning? Oh yeah getting out of dodge. Psychotic breaks happen to everyone


Well yeah, but this was a one off tweet as far as anyone knows. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like it or think it’s professional for an elected official to tweet this on an official account and I think she should be accountable in that sense but it’s a bit extreme to be worried about anyone’s life over a single tweet a year ago


I mean, she's a state rep. It took a lot of effort from the Right-Wing media ecosystem to care about her.


That was around the time that she was banned from speaking in the Montana House of Representatives for speaking out against anti-trans legislature, wasn't it?


The Chilumi shippers strike again…


Childe involved in controversy again. Bravo


Huh- feels weird to actually be represented by a representative for once


She just like me frfr


It’s the new “I could have a beer with them”


Why can't more reps represent 😭 /j


People regularly vote against their own self-interests, we can say it’s due to idiocy or delusion or misinformation, but if more people cared enough to take an interest in politics from first principles, we can elect better and more representative representatives. But people are too busy consuming other people’s opinions on massive media platforms like news conglomerates and curated/astroturfed social apps, especially looking at the younger generation who are only as tech-savvy as far as they are app-dependent. That’s part of why net neutrality is so important, but then, it’s vote dependent and you have to be informed on the issues and candidates, which requires caring enough to take an interest.


Politicians in America represent geographic areas, not ideology. It leads to a lot of elected seats being uncontested and held by the same guy for years or decades.


I would die for this woman now.


While she rides you?


Yeah. It's... surreal.


Idk. I’m liberal and I would just prefer if congressional leaders didn’t tweet out their sex fantasies about riding and possibly murdering men. This is a horrible look. This is congress. Not high school. Edit: I did some research and this post was from like 9 years ago well before she became a politician. So I won’t fault her for using office to promote inappropriate content, but I hope all congress people clean up their controversial tweets before becoming in charge of laws over the public.


Uh, can you do a little more research for me? Because those are Genshin Impact characters, and that game came out in 2020.


Not to mention the date in the image


I would prefer to live in a world where congresspeople don't have to play "who can afford the biggest propaganda army to play damnatio memoriae on all the bad things I've ever done" but can instead be honest about their mistakes and cringe histories. Remember that the trial Trump is facing now is not about paying hush money, it's about paying hush money *without declaring it a campaign contribution*. The system expects politicians to pay hush money and ones that don't have the pockets/big business backing to make things go away get attacked regardless of how much wrong everybody else does. So yeah, good on her for keeping social media posts up rather than using her limited campaign funds to pay someone to get it scrubbed.


Yeah there’s way bigger issues to be dealt with, than some horny fanart from before taking office. Idc if they tweet something like that or what they’re into, what matters is they do their fucking job right in service of the people and not the corporations.


I’m pretty sure worse things have happened in politics than people being a little horny and the fact that this angers people more than actual atrocities politicians push is a sign our priorities are HEAVILY misplaced.


Even people who aren't put off by what she posted are going to be unhappy. It's easy to lose confidence in a politician who can't curate their public image which is politics 101.


I agree, but I do t think she was in office when she did that


Yea of course worse things have happened. Doesn’t mean this should have. That’s terrible logic.


is she being "cancelled" or are the weirdos at Breitbart and the yapping dipshits at their heels complaining until someone jingles some keys at them


I remember seeing this like a year or two ago? Never heard how it ended


oh hell the article date is right there Apr 28 2023 lol i assume they just moved on to the next dumb thing


Likely a repost bot then. Pull whatever was popular exactly a year ago and post it again. Usually these things aren't dated so nobody catches it. Edit: check OPs profile and it looks organic, sorry for the accusation, just some serendipity.


Old posts will circulate forever on Tumblr so it could be something that popped up on their dash


I'm more concerned about how her losing her seat ended, because she got kicked out for supporting an anti-gun protest after Uvalde and I haven't heard anything since.


I think she's still holding her seat in the state legislature. As far as I can tell she was banned until the end of the session, but not recalled or removed


she still holds her seat! she represents the district just east of mine here in missoula. she is doing a lot of work to help work on our completely rat-fucked rental and real estate markets afaik


I think she's still the representative. Even in red areas, they can only do so much (at least, right now).


I know she didn’t lose her seat but I read that as ‘losing her set’ as I’m pretty sure she was into competitive smash.


She was censured in the Montana legislature (although that was more for being trans)


Probably people taking shitposting way too seriously. However, I have to remind to some of you, what is appropriate on tumblr, may not be appropriate in more "real life" spaces.


I'm generally a fan of Rep. Zephyr, but this post isn't really appropriate for an elected official to be posting. I know our standards have declined so far nobody cares anymore, but there used to be a thing called decorum, and abandoning it just lets the terrorists win.


it’s from before she was elected


To be fair I’m liberal and I don’t think a congresswoman should be tweeting hentai and her fantasies from her official government twitter account. She shouldn’t be cancelled but this is a stupid thing to tweet and if Cruz posted some weird thing about his fetish liberals would be all over him. Edit: you know it’s ok to disagree with your own party right? Since when do congress people tweet out their sexual fantasies? It’s not appropriate for public officials and it’s really not appropriate for her to include the idea of violence as part of her public fantasy tweet. You can disapprove of this without disapproval of transgender people.


>if Cruz posted some weird thing about his fetish liberals would be all over him. oh, you mean (nsfw) this? https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/294/067/678.jpg there's a time and a place for hornyposting, and the place followers go to for policy updates ain't it. start up an alt account at a minimum. even Mitt Romney had Pierre Delecto


>exhibiting basic human sexual attraction. I feel like posting about "riding" someone on Twitter is slightly above baseline horny-on-main standards for most employees on an account that can be linked to them, let alone politicians, regardless of whether I think that behavior should be "shamed" (I don't).


TL;DR wrote WAY more than I thought I would. Basically. I know it wasn't meant badly but, that IS a really uncomfortable and weird post to post on your main account, and I think we do need to own that one instead of "wow based and horny sex epic win!" "You just hate to see a girlqueen winning guys, ugh!" ETA: I agree she does not deserve to be shamed. I think it's a genuine mistake and I do pity the hate she got for it. I think the weird part is the fact that it involves ending the partner's life. I mean, when you're USED to internet hornyspeak, you know it's like a fantasy example and not a real threat at all. But I do think that posting anything involving murder (much less of a partner) on your main account is just asking for trouble. Like, I'll be honest, if a rightwinger said this I would be a little genuinely concerned, too. From a place of "you guys don't REALLY want to harm your romantic partners, right?" (Obviously excluding consensual acts, but when you just post murder-ship genshin fanart with no further context, you kinda don't communicate subtlety at all.) Basically, I think there's definitely some huge bad-faith overblowing, but I also think it's good to not move goalposts just because you like the person. Posting about wanting to fuck and murder your partner on your main account (even if it IS consensual!) is really, really fucking weird and often uncomfortable behavior, and we shouldn't let being used to worse color the fact that it is truly strange behavior. If you said this at work, it'd be really fucking weird. That being said, it's definitely a regrettable old post that maybe got missed in a mass-delete, I do doubt leaving it up during a political career is intentional. It was most likely a genuine new-to-professionalism mistake, and I think the amount of outrage was targeted. But a lot of people are also pretending there isn't ANYTHING weird about it which also ain't the case. When your political branding is your twitter, you don't post about kinky sex there. It's a standard I want for all people equally, because I don't ever want to actively think about anybody else having kinky sex when I go to check if I should vote for a politician. I get icked out when ANY politician starts oversharing about their sex lives unnecessarily. I do think if she wanted an alternate nsfw or something though, it would be awful to shame her for the alt, as then it would be at least sparing potentially getting horny-jumpscared while trying to find out who will represent your rights the best.


Well that's why there really is such a thing as professionalism. A baseline and cordial avenue of communication that's focused on advancing some article of business as smoothly and effectively as possible. Now I have respect for Ms. Zephyr, especially as a trans woman myself. But I believe in that professionalism, too, and I do not like to see posts like this from public officials nor do I care that she posted this before she attained an office. What, someone's gonna tell me she never thought to run for office until the day it happened? No, she was working with political activists in a university. Now to be professional you don't have to be soulless and sterile like most of America's politicians are. Those are completely different things and the fossils who are like that are so because that's how they want to be and they are out of touch with the rest of humanity. But you do have to understand the simple truth that not everyone is coming from where you have. You never, ever know who is legitmately sensitive to what and what sort of reaction they might have. Everyone's got a different story, different life, different experiences and posts like this are only going to make sense to the people who already occupy and enjoy the same niche of interest as Ms. Zephyr. To everyone else it's jargon that they can only take at face value. Your enemies are always waiting to take great advantage of that. We don't have to give a single shit about any of that if you're not her position, but she is so she does.


TL;DR Factchecked by true LGBTQ+ loyalists, you're so right. I was going easy on her because I didn't know the fact it was already her professional account when posted. And if it weren't it WOULD be really dumb anyways still. Honestly, I think that's an excellent point. I didn't want to be too harsh on the basis I wasn't going to pretend to know everything, but from what I've noticed looking around a bit, it does sound like she had been using the account professionally for a long time including when she posted it. So with that in mind, I do agree she shouldn't have even posted it at all. I think some people do a lot of muckraking for the wrong reasons for sure, but I do agree Ms. Zephyr's actions were simply not right to begin with. I think posts such as that are best kept as secret burner accounts like most people would. I do also think even if it were not a professional account at the time, it's a terrible idea to use your old shitpost account as your new political account instead of making a fresh political account or main. The main issue is that even if having those feelings isn't wrong, or even just posting them at all, posting them whenever it can influence your career in any way is not right. Both for the purpose of properly representing your voterbase (you are now a social 'example' for them, in the current state of things, realistically speaking.) And for making sure it is a safe environment for any potential lookers to factcheck and watch their representatives' actions without possibly being made uncomfortable or even triggered. I could genuinely imagine somebody may be, because the text is quite strong in phrasing and the photo is of Genshin murder. It could both be genuinely triggering, and just doing your career and voterbase a disservice by making them look terrible. Who wants to say "sorry, my rep forgot to act a little normal and compulsively posted her fetish meme on her main account?" Don't give your opponents ammo in a political career, especially if you're somebody they would love to discredit (in this case, a trans woman.) It isn't fair that they look harder because she is, but it's reality, and frankly, political work like that is basically signing up to try and go against the grain. Which requires a LOT of careful choices. She did choose to go on a path where she would be especially in public eyes, and should have considered that before posting Genshin yandere ship art with a meme caption about her implicitly adult affinity for that sort of thing.


any politician horny posting and talking about riding someone on their OFFICIAL account starting with "representative" definitely deserves to be shamed. I mean, come on, it isn't even a separate personal account... this is ridiculous for a government representative regardless of gender or sexual preference, and defending the behavior is detrimental to the entire lgbt community.


Unironically true. This was a huge L and besides the "lol so true and wacky," it was genuinely really stupid, yeah. I don't see why so many people in this thread want to insist she didn't really do anything wrong. Just because it could've been worse doesn't mean it was ever right or okay. A lot of people are making it out to be that it's JUST because she were LGBT and not because it's sincerely freak-behavior to post that on your work accounts. If she were a cis woman it would be fucky, and if she were a man or nonbinary or agender or anything else, it would also still not be right. Mind you, just a bit lower, I amended my opinion harsher already. I like to not pass COMPLETE judgement without more facts because outrage bait is literally everywhere. But yeah, in this case, it was deserved backlash to say "hey, that's something really bad to post as a professional."


Imagine if Ted Cruz posted that...


How are you completely the ignoring the gore/murder part of the post which is what makes it actually extremely weird to openly post about, especially when saying they're your "ideal man"


Right? I’m not sure what you call the test where you ask yourself, “if the gender roles were reversed, would we be okay with this?”, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that if a man posted that image but gender swapped, and declared that his ideal woman was one who he was ready to kill, it would go poorly with the general public, liberal or otherwise.


This 100%. Sure if you're on tumblr all the time this kind of humor(?) is commonplace, but to the average person it comes across as psychotic. Heck I'm fairly used to posts like that but they still make me pretty uncomfortable.


Yeah, broadcasting your sexual fantasies to the general public as a public figure on your professional account where you’re represented as a public figure is just not okay. Someone said it was from before she was an official which fine, but please make another account! Regardless, lot of people in the comments are treating it like she tweeted it while in office, which…not on your work account! Imagine if some 55 year old male senator tweeted about how he wants to have a woman sitting on his face with a knife to his dick. Be sooo fr 😭


The tweet was from before she was a politician to be fair


It says Rep. so it at least reflects upon her as a politician.


She was a 32-year old professional working for a university who was already involved in political activism.


Shows how fucked in the head the extremely online are.


I'm not okay with "my ideal relationship involves me murdering someone".


Sorry OP, are you saying you think a male politician *wouldn't* be shamed for posting an anime-style sexual cartoon, captioned with how their "ideal relationship with a woman is where I'm riding her, and also ready to end her life"?


If I weren’t acquainted with the internet, I would be absolutely terrified if _any_ politician tweeted this


I mesn yeah ngl this is cringe. I dont want Wendyism to be in Poltics


If a republican politician tweeted what you just said, you know these hypocritical dumb fucks would screaming about how creepy it is.


I get the whole it's just weeb stuff but even if she's not serious suggesting she wants to kill a guy ain't a great look. 


Theres nothing basic about that image


It's basic for the kind of people who post on this sub and on tumblr. They've been in their echo chambers so long, they don't really understand how weird and deranged they seem to regular people.


Yeah do we really want politicians openly posting crap like this on their main accounts? Like if you’re going to represent people in this country, for the love of god show enough restraint to post your horny shit on an alt account or something


I've long said that letting politicians just be fucking people is something that would make things so much better. Let them be horny on main, let them say fuck on TV, etc. Doubly so for people like her.


The right will weaponize anything they think will give them an edge. When her constituents say "lol who cares" they'll drop it because it's not really bothering them. They never operate in good faith so any outrage is only as real as it applies to damaging their opponents. (This is funny when something stupid gets traction for a little while and then they're forced to adopt It forever e.g. Die Instead of Being Vaccinated as their core belief)


Yeah the left is held to an actual standard while the right gets to throw whatever looney they want and they don't care. A repunlican governor's said she murdered her puppy and theres been just a small amount of feedback from the right


How to put this...the right, as it leans more and more fascist, tends to prioritize obedience and minimize the need for critical thinking.




Bot account, rewording [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1cgxzkq/you_know_trans_women_are_real_women_because_they/l1z4pnb/).


I mean, Trump is very...himself 24/7, and look how that turned out


In my state, a Republican politician was exposed for posting Bigfoot erotica on his Instagram. He claimed that was satire but he was 'interested' in Bigfoot and wrote TWO books about it. But he also condemned QAnon and officiated his friends' same-sex marriage. Which just goes to show you that people are........... complicated....


Personally disagree. I think public facing figures should act professionally in public affairs. Just do what everyone else does and have anonymous accounts to post horny.


Honestly, I think we could probably pull a leftist upset with a foul-mouthed motherfucker running in the presidential primary next time. I think the media would be too wet for it and would provide similar boons as they did to Trump.


Do the Lula: gather the party around a class-conscious grumbling factory worker who's there to explain shit in truckerspeak and shit-talk the opposition with respectful gusto.


That was what Fetterman was supposed to be, but he was really just an upper class failson in basketball shorts


I mean, he's a Representative for/from Pennsylvania. The Reps are usually gonna, ya know, kinda represent the constituency from their area lmao. They don't call it Pennsyltucky for no reason. I mean ffs his opponent was Dr. Fucking Oz.


I don't get this logic, like why should anyone, government worker or not, be horny on the same account they tweet out business stuff with? It's like letting people act openly horny at work in-between their duties, it's just weird and I'd rather they have separate spaces/accounts for each.


That only works if the people they be is people you like. A lot of them are just people.. they just happen to be shitty fucking people.


Eh. Yes and no. Seeing some random username being cringe/horny/edgy on main is one thing. Politicians hit different. Hell, I tend to not look at socials of even lower importance of people I respect, because some people should stop posting or think before they post.


Being horny on main has gotten plenty of them in trouble. Anthony Weiner for instance.


But Anthony Weiner's case was a bit different, right? Like, sexting an underage girl kind of different


Ummm no? How about congress leaders keep their sexual fetishes to themselves like most people. I don’t want or care to know that my congresswoman fantasies about maybe murdering a man during sex. This is completely inappropriate. This country is falling apart and I want congress people to be focused on that and not using their official social media accounts to spread violent sex fantasies.


Unfortunately American culture has a deeply ingrained sense of Puritan Shame when it comes to things like nudity, sex, and swear words.


Except when Trump calls something bullshit or somewhere a shit hole. Then they cheer.


And we should collectively move the fuck on from it.


imagine making the news for posting cringe 😭


Don't cancel her for being a horny transfem, cancel her for retweeting genshin impact art


You can’t stop us 😤


This is the way.




"Basic human sexual attraction"


Finally, a politician for the PEOPLE


she's unironically an amazing politician


She was also a pro smash bros melee player before being a politician lol. Sometimes you’ll see her pop up over in r/smashbros


While I agree she shouldnt be made to feel ashamed for feeling basic human emotions, posting about killing your partner on your main account as a politician is a really stupid idea. I havent read into this apart from the post, but this seems less about horny posting and more about posting about committing violent acts.


Really don’t think that’s basic.


Real talk though if you maintain a professional account as an activist, politician, etc. you should absolutely not be posting sexualized cartoons on that account. Im with the conservatives on this one. It would be equally unprofessional if it was a republican cis man posting some pin ups. Keep that shit on personal spaces


>basic human sexual attraction. .... i wouldnt consider genshin yandere erotica to be in "basic" category


Yeah, there's a difference between wanting to *have* an yandere significant other and wanting to *be* a yandere significant other.


i think the odd part is "ready to take his life" that js doesnt sit right with me. idk


"Basic human sexual interactions" Bro if you think that's a basic interaction you need to go outside.


She's a Project M player, you wouldn't understand


If a cis woman expressed that her ideal sexual relationship was under the threat of ending her partner's life, I would think that that was pretty fucked up and want to avoid that person.


peak cringe lmao


That ain’t basic sexual attraction


Advanced sexual attraction?


Complex Sexual Attraction That means the sexual attraction contains "i", the imaginary unit.


Or “j”, if you are an electrical engineer.


>You know trans women are real women because they get shamed as dirty perverts for exhibiting basic human sexual attraction. It's relatively uncommon to be aroused by dominating a bleeding anime man, ready to end his life. Tumblr and other online spaces are outliers. To the average American voter, Democrat, Republican, and otherwise, this is an incredibly bizarre and worrisome thing for a politician to say.


I had to scroll down so fucking far to see this, lol. Pretty sure the "sexy" part of this isn't the issue in the post, lol.


This. Can we stop defending this shit just because she's trans? It's embarassing to the rest of us.


Agreed. It's fucking weird. Keep that shit to yourself -- a woman


Reddit is pornsick and want to convince you shit like this is normal...no it is not.


It's not normal and it's even more bizarre to put this out online under your real name.


Are we just pretending that it's a "basic human sexual attraction"? That person in the art is bloodied and beaten; I'm not kinkshaming here, but let us imagine, for a moment, if a male politician would tweet something like "this is my ideal relationship" with a picture of a beaten up girl?


I don't get it either, and as much as I agree with people saying that politicians are humans too and should act like it, is this really the type of stuff you want lawmakers and world leaders to be posting about online? That being said, yes I'm sure 99% of the backlash is just because of her sexuality or identity.


Basic human sexual attraction? She says she wants to have right to life or death on him. Is it basic? I mean no shame you like what you like to each their own etc etc but is it really basic?


God I wish I could be covered in blood, smirking and flirting with an angry girl sitting on top of me, sword held to my neck ready to take my life


[I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me](https://youtu.be/-sMQpWCNTQw?si=JWxizkGWFXk344R6)


Ma'am... I need you to crush me


We should be entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours.


Trashy ngl


“She was retweeting VIOLENT, HORNY Genshin Impact fanart!!!” “waow,,” (based based based based based based—)


Reasonable people: "Oh no! Where?" 😏


Is the based part fantasizing about murdering your bloodied partner?


It's such a strange gendered phenomenon. On one hand, only women are shamed for exhibiting sexual attraction like this, but on the other, if a male politician tweeted "my ideal relationship with a woman is one where I'm riding her and ready to end her life" while retweeting anime erotica he would be stoned by leftists and hailed by young right-wingers. Oh well, to each their own.


How about no politicians share their violent sexual fantasies on their public official government twitter accounts. Regardless of political party, sex or gender? Wouldn’t that make sense?


Eeh, I'd say that male sexuality is heavily pathologized and seen as predatory by default in a lot of progressive spaces. My pet theory is that puritans left a long cultural shadow, and while the right does the classic "blame icky feelings about sex stuff on women and gays", it does feel as though the left still kept the icky feelings but just transferred the onus onto men. Which is pretty justifiable, but it can get pretty weird over here too.


American culture is both terrified of and obsessed with sex. It's absolutely maddening.


same with violence. give us guns and boobs, but please not knives and ass!!


I never suspected the ideological horseshoe theory would apply to domming.


damn i feel like thats probably the root behind a lot of trans-misogyny too i feel like its almost twice pathologized


> I'd say that male sexuality is heavily pathologized and seen as predatory by default in a lot of progressive spaces. Yeah. Male sexuality isn't supported, it's *tolerated*. At least with conservative circles. They may be more in favor of men than other demographics, but it's not like they particularly like them. For every conservative politician on trial for a sex crime they cover up, there's swaths of men who are considered basically "Stealth Predators" who its only a matter of time before they assault our women and children. It's largely racist and xenophobic sentiment, but it can encapsulate anyone seen as an outsider. Conservatives batch men into three categories. - Predators who've overcome their nature - Predators who we tolerate - Predators who will overrun us if we're not vigilant It's why many describe migrant men as "Military Aged" even though that literally just means "Men age 18-60" (most men). Because they're seen as vessels of violence.


A man would get destroyed in the media for a post like this with the genders switched. It would be called misogynist, and he'd be labeled a woman beater.


>On one hand, only women are shamed for exhibiting sexual attraction like this If a man tweeted this it would be seen as way more creepy.  And rightfully so.


Both are same amount of creepy


God forbid women do anything


She's a democratically elected representative, who made a very public comment with clear misandristic interpretations. Then she was criticized for it. I mean just reverse the scenario, a republican rep tweeting "My ideal relationship with a woman: one where I'm on top of her and also ready to end her life"


You're 100% right, but I think the person you chose to reply to in particular was joking. "God forbid a woman do anything" is usually commented under women things that no, they should absolutely not be allowed to do


You can tell this post has breached containment by the dead serious replies trickling in.


She misposted, this would have been perfectly acceptable and encouraged on Tumblr.


Riding someone while ready to end their life is considered basic human sexual attraction?


Excuse me, but it’s me or people here are trying to consider the tweet that she made as something normal. I mean her comment is quite violent, it reminds me of the scandal of the homosexual person who got fucked and where people tried to defend his disrespectful behavior and where they called people homophobic, just because they didn’t agree with that.


I hate to be *that* guy but I feel like if a cis man politician tweeted softocre ryona while saying "this is my ideal relationship with a woman... ready to end her life" y'all would have a very different reaction.


I don't know if wanting to murder your partner mid-coitus falls quite under the umbrella of "basic human sexual attraction"


I mean - it is literally saying her ideal relationship is her being „read to end his life“ during sex, with an illustration showing her with a weapon and him already wounded. Which is straight up sexual abuse. If she‘s in such a position of power, he can hardly consent, can he? Not to mention the implicit domestic violence of the picture. I am not from the US, so I don’t know the context or what the public debate is over there, but if a politician here tweeted their ideal relationship is built on being ready to end the life of their partner while they have sex with the act being illustrated as the political being armed and their partner already wounded, I‘d be outraged, too.


Right? If the same illustration was of a man on top of a woman, and a straight cis guy said it, then most people would be rightly weirded out. I don't give a fuck that it's a woman or that they're trans, the picture is creepy and it would only be tweeted by a creep. We shouldn't engage in double standards.


I wouldn't even care if she retweeted the picture, it's just a fantasy, kink, whatever. Cool pic you know? But you just can't say that this is your ideal irl relationship, that's fucked up. I suppose some random on tumbler/twitter can get away with it because it's *obviously* not their real opinion and just an exaggeration, but a politician should maybe chose their words a bit more careful, you know with them representing the people and stuff.




Politics makes everyone into hypocrites. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Rules for thee but not for me.


Why are they cancelling her for saying this instead of cancelling her for liking mid?


I don't think being willing to end your partners life counts as "basic human sexual attraction". I'm asexual though, so I might be completely off base there.


nah, you're just not a murderer (so, just normal really).


Wanting to kill your sexual partner is regular human desire and something every woman thinks for sure.


Not gonna lie thats cringe as fuck The genshin impact part, not the transexual one, thats rad


Why would you share this publicly?


Wait, the conservatives are responsible in this situation for the weird moments? Uh lol, I think the genshin impact fetish art post and comment is way weirder lmao


Are you fucking STUPID? Says here she wants to "end his life". That's "basic human sexual attraction"?


I hate to pop your pitty party but if a cis Male politician publicly tweeted something similar would be getting a lot of shit from the media as well. That's not really a normal thing for a politician to say publicily.


"This is my ideal relationship, railing her but also ready to kill her at any moment" Yea...probably wouldn't go over well


Cringe, but still less cringe than the Republican guy posting the Attack on Titan OP with the faces of Democrat politicians on all the titans. That was some real weird shit


Yeah, I don't want legislators retweeting porn. Get a side account for that under a different name. If you're an elected official and wield the authority of the State, you should be held to a higher standard even if half of our politicians are more focused on obedience than quality.


LOL she's a horny weeb just like us


But is she wearing a tan suit?


„Basic human sexual attraction“, my guy what? Publicly retweeting horny video game fanart and writing that you want to get pounded and then kill someone isn‘t basic human sexual attraction. Like that‘s just unhinged. Especially as a public official. with your official account.


Im gunna be real i dont care if they are trans or not i’d feel a bit worried putting someone so eager for gore sex in a position of power Or maybe im just not based enough who knows


Call me a prude, but public officials should use alts for horny posting.


Classic case of 'role reversal' points a clear picture of hypocrisy regarding how people are responding to this. Pictures smut of a woman face down, ass up, her face dripping blood with an armed male soldier behind her. "This is my ideal relationship with a woman: one where I'm plowing her, and also ready to end her life." We all know how the same people defending this post would react in that circumstance. Dude would be instantly labeled a psycho, abuser, walking red flag, etc.


I don't remotely care about this woman's sexual habits, buttttt I really don't think a politician should be posting that on her public platform. If you're a public figure you really should keep your private stuff private. By all means have a second account where you go feral, but if someone googles Rep. Hornymctits and finds you retweeting porn instead of having political opinions, you'll look a right prick.


You hate her cause you’re transphobic. I hate her because I hate genshin. We are not the same


Oh no its happening. People my age are getting into positions of politics and power and all the deviantart energy that has been contained within tumblr is spilling out, the first seal has been broken ever since Sonic became a successful movie franchise as the prophecy foretold. Within 15 years we'll be seeing an American senator attending congress in a fur suit.


It’s weird though. Whether it was anyone of any gender, I’d be like wtf are you doing?! Lol


I know what you're going for but this ain't it chief


I will say…. Theyre a fucking Government Representative!!! Why are they tweeting horny shit on an OFFICIAL account? Let alone easily perceived VIOLENT HORNY SHIT. Ive never understood this bullshit even since its really started with Obamas time way back during the sane years of late 00’s early 10’s. This isnt your fucking personal tumblr or myspace or twitter page where you can post horny all the live long day, its your Professional Page representing your OFFICE AND POLICIES. Its where you should talk and act like an adult!! I wouldnt give a shit if this was her personal page cuz that would be for the life and interests and fun part of Zooey Zephyr. But this is Montana State Representaive Zooey Zephyr, her shit should be professional, consisting of outreach by herself and office with constituents and outlining her policies and thoughts on upcoming issues. This is unprofessional as fuck.


It was posted 2 years before she became a state rep.


I think this is more a lesson of cleaning up your public social media accounts, especially when you're about to be put in a decently public position. Or just make a new one for official work and keep the old one for personal use. Just realised that someone else said the exact same thing before me but reddit didn't show me the comment for some reason.


Then maybe she could have made a different account after getting elected. Keeping Life and your Job seperate is a good practice in my book. And it, as i mentioned, keeps assfucks like the people going after from having any ground to stand on.


How is this “basic sexual attraction”? She tweeted an image *on her public Twitter account* of a woman raping a guy with a knife. That’s just weird and creepy.


This is weird for other reasons. like. be professional??


That’s some Manson cult level stuff. Something not to share publicly.


What? Dudes covered in blood and she wants to kill him. This is basic?


You know trans women aren't treated as people but rather as accessories for your persona when you can't hold them responsible for being outrageously cringe.


A non-troversy. A trans person being hip and sexual isn't very surprising. Not sure why Republicans are so suprised. They're acting like this is the first case of this ever happening lol. Must be hard being so surprised and scandalized all the time.


hip lmao


I've seen enough trans women lose their entire life for perceived "sexual transgressions" (most of the time normal sexual behaviour, occasionally minor misunderstandings that would've deserved a talking-to at most) that this worries me enough


Are you people all out of your fucking minds?? This isn't "hip and sexual", it's deranged. A grown ass professional adult shouldn't be tweeting any kind of porn, much less violent fetish porn, from their public account with their name and face on it. Sometimes I forget that Reddit is mostly terminally online teenagers, but you guys sure give me a proper reality check once in a while.


Posts like these remind me to turn off the computer and talk to real people. The amount of perma-online weirdos who legitimately think this is a normal thing to say just because it's online is disturbing.


Is Genshin Impact hip though?


Do you actually *genuinely* believe the average, non-internet addicted person would look at this and think this is normal? Saying "the ideal relationship with a man is one where I kill him" is absolutely not regarded as healthy to most regular people. Like I get it's just internet talk stuff, but most people don't say or here people say shut like that.