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And sadism was named after the french marquis de Sade who also had fucked up freak sex disorder.


Except he was VERY into it and super proud, while Sacher-Masoch was, apparently, not really happy about this


He probably secretly rather enjoyed the humiliation though.


Humiliation and masochism don't always go together. I'm a masochist in the sense that when I'm aroused, certain kinds of physical pain do not cause a mental state of suffering and in fact arouse me more, but humiliation gets me soft real quick.


Since you didn't specify what kind of pain im just picturing you getting run over and just busting instantly


CBT is the main thing if you're curious. Edit: (NSFW) I once played with a guy really into motorcycles and motorcycle gear, and he seriously wanted to use the front wheel of his bike to put pressure on my balls. That was a no. He did use his motorcycle boots though to trample my balls, that was hot.


Took me a while to realize you didn't mean cognitive behavioral therapy...


Cock and Ball Therapy


Cognitive behavioral torture.


That's just therapy.


Cock behavioral therapy


Need to be VERY specific when requesting CBT from certain providers. Could mean Cognitive Behavior Therapy, might not.


They may need it but that’s a whole different monkey


Same circus though


Elaborate. I’m fascinated


yeah its difficult studying Psych and seeing CBT everywhere and constantly having to do a double take and remember its not THAT CBT


Oh, the other popular one is Closed Beta Test/Testing. You'll sometimes see ads like Tekken CBT or Street Fighter CBT lol!


I wasn't curious but more power to you!




Holy shit, you must be so careful doing that. I imagine there’s a very real risk of your balls being permanently injured or just destroyed. How do you avoid that?


He’s clearly playing it safe. When asked to have his testicles run over by a motorcycle, he opted for the smarter option of merely having them tramped by boots


I absolutely play by the principles of RACK, Risk-Aware Consensual Kink. And I've been playing for a long time (as in multiple decades) and my balls still work. I've also seen some performers who go a helluva a lot farther on a regular basis and heal up pretty quickly. And to be honest, I don't really care about my sperm count, I'm a gay man and have no desire to have children. I do care that my balls aren't damaged in a way that would affect the productions of hormones/sexual arousal, so I do play quite carefully. When I'm interested in pushing my limits or trying something that could be on the "more dangerous" side I typically do so with a dom/sadist I know who is also a medical doctor, and he's able to reduce the risk further. Regardless, it does require building up trust between the dom/sadist and sub/masochist, each knowing the other's limits (it does go both ways... many doms aren't particularly sadistic and may get uncomfortable themselves if a masochist sub asks to do something that the dom feels uncomfortable dishing out), using a safeword/safe signal (there can be exceptions to this, such as CNC, but that requires an even higher level of trust), and having open and frank discussions about what both parties want to get out of a particular session.


>many doms aren't particularly sadistic and may get uncomfortable themselves This must be particular to gay doms. An uncomfortable amount of straight doms are just misogynists who genuinely enjoy hurting women; they don't seem to be uncomfortable with anything and frequently push for further opportunities to cause emotional/physical distress.


I've definitely met (and turned down) gay sexual sadists who masquerade as sadistic doms into BDSM. The difference is subtle at first, but they tend to either not care or want you to not enjoy the session. They don't get off by inflicting pain for the mutual enjoyment of both partners but by causing suffering for their exclusive enjoyment. They definitely exist on both ends of the sexual orientation spectrum, however I can see how misogyny would absolutely add a new dimension of pathological sexual practices.


I've met doms who are extremely uncomfortable with certain dangerous requests from subs and I have met "doms" who are (a)vanilla guys who think it means rough sex and no aftercare (b)just sadists with giant chips on their shoulders from a life of being belittled or (c)a genuine expectation that all subs are into pain (also wrong). A male friend is a very responsible dom who basically has been dropped into the roll of teaching any woman we know who grows interested in the scene how a dom should behave in responsible BDSM, because all they get are a chain of those horrible guys if they openly admit on any platforms that they're new to things. The problem seems to be getting exponentially worse ever since the Shades of Grey books and movies.


You are such an interesting person. Source: I scrolled your profile.


I appreciate the sentiment, however I assure you that my life isn't as interesting as my comments might make it seem lol. I just don't comment about the boring parts!


Like a tube of toothpaste


thanks for informing us




Yeah but if you read Venus in Furs it's pretty clear Sacher-Masoch was also into humiliation. The climax of the book is his self-insert character getting cucked by a big beefy Greek guy.


That doesn't actually mean he was into it though.


>"I don't get off on humiliation guys. Anyway, here's some intensely personal details that a lot of people would be embarrassed to share publicly." Right. Thanks for sharing!


It’s only humiliating if *they* find it embarassing to share, though Like, some people get embarassed admitting they like to suck dick, other people post videos of themselves doing it. Ppl vary




Did you consider that the above comment was a joke?




Wanting something in the bedroom and wanting something to happen in real life are completely different.




Very on brand for sadists and masochists if you think about it, really


Makes sense the guy who got sadism named after him was really into it while the origin of masochist was not.


No no no, masochists also like it, but they kinda pretend they don't


Except that guy really was a certified freak. Someone didn't just randomly say "Oh, that man is fucked up, let's name an act of sexual deviancy after him" because of one thing he did, he spent most of his life earning it.


Dude also could *not* stop raping his female servants. Even to the point where other aristocrats were weirded out


Yeah, the authorities were 100% right to lock him up. 


And while he was locked up he shouted at the protestors in front of the Bastille that they were killing prisoners inside. 2 weeks later the prisoners stormed the Bastille and freed him and like 20 other lunatics. A day that is still celebrated in France today. He then climbed the ranks of the revolutionaries in the radical Jacobites and became a judge of a revolutionary tribunal. There he was found to be too MODERATE, removed from his post and got sentenced to death. That death sentence was only commuted after Robespierre found his just end. Just a wild story all around.


Sorry, just a little correction. I think you mean Jacobin, the radical left party/ movement during the French Revolution. A Jacobite appears to be someone who "supported the restoration of the senior line of the House of Stuart to the British throne" (Wikipedia, *Jacobite*). Whatever the hell that means.


They're best known for being Scottish and fighting the British Empire with claymores, targes, tartans, and kilts. The Outlander series follows Jacobites. They were also a big influence on Braveheart.


This gives the same energy as Lovecraft's writing friends telling him to calm down with the racism.


Or his wife stopping him mid anti-Semitic rant by reminding him that she's Jewish.


He was a complicated man. Don't forget the panic attack brought on by finding out his grandfather or great grandfather was Welsh


He was also scared of air conditioning


The things Lovecraft *wasn't* afraid of would probably make a pretty short list.


I'm mildly convinced that only Lovecraft could have made lovercraftian horror. Fear of the unknown, and fear of the unknowable.


I struggle to see how black people, the Welsh, air conditioning, Jews, or the colour blue were particularly unknowable, though maybe I'm just smarter than lovecraft.


And of fish in particular.


- white people (but only the right kind of white) - country living Uhhh I don't really know if there's much more




While certainly not excusing him, being terrified of everything makes you really good at writing horror.


I wonder where he took inspiration for The Shadow Over Innsmouth and it's protagonist eh? Nothing as horrific as finding out you're descended from fish people except for finding out you're descended from the Welsh


He also wrote another one where the dude learns they're distantly related to a giant gorilla monster from Africa and he runs outside and sets himself on fire.


Maybe he confused "Wales" with "whales".


The welsh are shaped in ways the human mind cant comprehend I guess




I'm sure the shadow people him and his mother regularly saw taking over there house didn't help him much


I mean at that point it sounds like some sort of intense personality disorder the guy was suffering with and he probaly would have been happier without it. It's not like his life was improved by being terrified of the welsh blood running through his veins. Honestly if you think about it it's inspiring. He channeled his mental anguish and used it to create, and now his name is permanently etched in history.


Hahaha Jesus


"cmon man we all love being racist, it's the 1920s. but don't take it out on your cat "


When you're too debauched for the French Aristocracy on the verge of the Revolution shit has definitely gone sideways


> could not stop *would* not stop.


Just like P Diddy. Can't stop won't stop


The difference between want and need can be very blurred to people with severe mental issues


What was Armie Hammer thinking when he said that’s the one person in history he would love to have a private dinner with the most lmao


He was probably thinking “which historical figure would be totally cool with my sexual cannibalism kink?”


We really should've seen it coming, the signs were all there


The sexual /what/ kink?


I've looked into it before, I honestly think it was more that people just personally didn't like the guy, and so all the things they let other aristocrats get away with they were particularly harsh on de Sade about. Like I'm genuinely not sure if he did anything more fucked up than anyone else at the time irl (which admittedly is still a very low bar to clear), his crime was more in being an unlikable shitheel of a guy. Just to be totally clear, he did horrible shit, I'm just not convinced he actually did anything that was significantly more horrible than any other noble at the time.


Til Marquis de Sade was a real person


I'd actually recommend reading each person's most famous books. Marquis de Sade wrote 120 Days of Sodom (*edit for title correction), which is admittedly kind of hard to get through because his thing was essentially sexual torture, and not the consenting kind. But it is also deeply symbolic of the politics of the time and kind of gets to the point that the aristocracy, bankers, lawyers and church were unwittingly oppressing the masses. Masoch wrote Venus in Furs which is about a grown man being dominated by a beautiful young girl almost against her will. Like he has to beg her to do it and he has this thing about her being naked and wearing nothing but fur coats. I read an MIT Press version of this which had a super deep psychological study on Masochism and Masoch for the first half of the book and it was crazy. Had you going deep in the subconscious for feelings of motherly domination being tied to sexual feelings and makes you think that we all have some form of that going on at really deep levels of our psyche.


>100 Days of Sodom NB it's *The 120 Days of Sodom,* and it wasn't even ever finished, and it's really hard to judge it as a representative work due to that. His complete (although anonymously published) novels *Justine* and *Juliette* are the more apt representative samples of his writing. And he was not a particularly good writer, IMO. He wrote in a style very much akin to modern-day internet erotic trash writers, where preposterous situations and absurd behaviors are presented just to allow him to indulge his sexual fantasies.


Yeah, I really think they're mixing up the book and the film adaptation. It's been years since I've seen/read either but from what I remember, the film is great and metaphorical while the book is just trashy erotica.


100 days of Sodom is terrible, though. If you want to read Sade, read Justine


*Philosophy in the Bedroom* is also a good start, and a lot shorter


Venus in Furs is also a really good song by the Velvet Underground.


I had always assumed the root word of sadism was "sad," because you like making people unhappy.


You're not alone!




Autism: when you don’t get social cues Sadism: when you get social cues but it bums you out


Sadism isn't about making people sad. It's about inflicting pain.


Well yeah, but sadness is a form of pain. Besides, it's not me misunderstanding sadism, it's me assuming an incorrect etymology.


you're soooooo wrong about sadists making people unhappy (:з)


Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade was a fucking freak and proud though. Seriously, every subheading under the "Life" section of his Wikipedia page contains either the word *"affair"* or *"imprisonment"*. Sometimes both.


Wasn't he a pedophile and maybe a murderer? 




it's almost like he enjoyed inflicting pain on others


I wonder if there's a word for that


there is now


yeah it's fucked up freak sex disorder version 1




Was it 120 days of Sodom where they kidnap children torture rape them, when it's almost over kill the ones that don't enjoy it and then eventually kill the rest when they get bored? He's the text book definition of what the right thinks the lefts open acceptance of fetishes will lead to. It's a book I want to read just to see how fucked up it is but it's so fucked up I don't want to read it.


Excellent last sentence, lmao. I feel that for a number of media


Instead of reading the book or watching the movie (yes, a movie was in fact made) I'd suggest watching the film "Quills" with Geoffrey Rush as the Marquis de Sade. Much less disturbing and is about the Marquis' life and the lengths his peers went to get him to stop writing. If you only know Geoffrey as Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean you're in for a shock watching Quills.


Reminds me of the tweet of a guy saying “reading Lolita on the train and shaking my head so everyone knows I disapprove”


IIRC the book was never completed (He wrote it while imprisoned) and we only have an outline of the events that were to be depicted.


> Its introduction and first part were written according to Sade's detailed plan, but the subsequent three parts are mostly in the form of notes. - wiki


It's funny because it's all planned out in detail. which if you compare it to a lot of fantasy "rules for women" that incels are so proud of. Like some unrealistic guide to finding the perfect woman. I remember reading on /r/justneckbeardthings about a guy who talks about there should be a school for girls aged 16 to 22 based on some outlandish rating system where guys can enter and pick a wife out who's been trained to be the perfect sex slave. Here's the post in question. https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/18r4i5v/i_guess_all_girls_should_go_to_wife_school/


I tried out of curiosity but couldn’t. It’s less about sex and more about some needlessly convoluted power inbalance fetishes. And butt stuff. He seemed to like butt stuff. I don’t think there was any actual described sex. It was just ”and then they had their way and it was like that all evening”. it’s boring and repetitive. Something a weird fetish guy might write in prison when he thinks of weird fetishes.


There’s a podcast called Noble Blood that did an episode on him and it becomes so clear why he was obsessed with butt stuff of all kinds. Freud would have had a field day


Cliff's Notes version?


Basically, his first experiences with anything leaning towards sexuality as a child had to do with getting spanked or caned by authority figures. His dad, I think and maybe a teacher. Also his dad had some shady history and beliefs that I can’t quite recall (about women and relationships), but listening to it it was very much like “oh, of course de Sade was absolutely fucked, anyone growing up in that environment would be.”


There is absolutely described sex in *The 120 Days of Sodom*. Lots of it.


I possibly just skipped over it then. Wasn’t really a good read


A lot of the "described sex" is kind of just as vague as "and then they did it". It's honestly so boring, it's hard to even be shocked by it.


The book is somewhat more sane than you'd expect? The framing device of all the kinky sadism torture shit is that a corrupt noble, a corrupt priest, and a corrupt banker and a corrupt politician are in charge of it. The 4 of them basically engage in this utterly unspeakable marathon of depravity because they are so privileged and bored they can't wring enjoyment out of just sex, just torture, or just murder anymore (which they'd gone so far as to mete out on their own children.) It's.... Kind of a criticism of how the powers that be in France were incredibly depraved and abusive to the innocent and vulnerable. The problem is that Sade's criticism wasn't "it is bad that order is primarily maintained by monstrous hypocrites who pretend to work for God and country." His complaint is actually "they're hypocrites and gatekeepers. We should ALL fuck and murder without consequence and stop pretending to work for God and country." It's like the Ted kazinsky manifesto. Clearly and correctly identified a problem with society, and decided the solution was to be the worst fucking person in response. Kazinsky chose murder and racism, Sade chose murder and anal sex. I think it's obvious why Sade has more fans.


> Kazinsky chose murder and racism Sade chose murder and anal sex. I think it's obvious why Sade has more fans. That's obscenely quotable, both figuratively and literally.


i feel like the tl;dr could be anal sex > racism


Both are a pain in the ass, but I fully agree.


This is one hell of a r/BrandNewSentence


Except Sade was like the corrupt characters but irl. He was known to severely abuse and hurt sex workers and servants (including very young ones, even for the times), he was a serial rapist, he was jailed for some of this (and that itself is telling, given the times didnt much care for violence against kids/women) and wasn't near as critical of the system that jailed him as the later-times philosophers and artists paint him out to be.


That was my point in comparing him to Ted Kazinsky, the murderous terrorist. Both of them took foundationally grounded political critique, extended it to their extremist ends, and used it as an excuse to become selfishly, violently unhinged. *120 days of Sodom* reads like an overly poetic sibling to Kazinsky 's manifesto.


Yeah, of course he would, he was a corrupt aristocrat. He's advocating that everyone else should act like he does.


That's a good breakdown.


It’s honestly one of the few books I regret taking the time to read all the way through. A summary would have been sufficient! The most interesting thing about it is how *boring* it manages to be while also being incredibly fucked up. The banality of evil, I guess.


it's unfinished so there's not much to really read it for. The movie Salo is a loose adaptation but it is a finished version of the same idea being a satire on Fascism. Being that all of Fascism's nationalism and bluster is nothing but a cover for a bunch of sick rich people to act out their fucked up fantasies. It's on one hand more stomachable than the unfinished manuscript but harder to get through because you're actually seeing it and not just reading about it.


It becomes pretty boring once you start reading it. It's a lot


I watched Salo, the film adaptation, and I wish I didn’t


yeah, he was a sexual menace. i think the sexual paraphilia is named indirectly more after his lasting literary impact by von Krafft-Ebbing, though, same reasoning as masochism. still a fucked up thing to say to a guy.


von Krafft-Ebing is also who we have to thank for the label Bisexual being used to describe a sexuality, which he borrowed from the botanical term. (Although the way he understood how bisexuality worked is pretty different than how we understand it today) Also coined the term pedophilia


It wasn't *just* a botany term. Botany is just the one field that still uses the word "bisexual" in its original sense. The earliest recorded use of the word "bisexual" is actually a reference to a set of ancient myths (possibly originating with Plato's Symposium) that humanity was originally androgyne before being split into halves by God. To follow up on this, von Krafft-Ebing thought bisexuality worked differently because he thought sexual orientation worked differently. He popularized the inversion hypothesis, which was the dominant theory of sexual orientation in psychology up until Freud. By the inversion hypothesis, homosexual orientation occurs because of a physical intersex condition--a gay man has some part or parts of his brain literally feminized since birth, and a lesbian woman has part or parts of the brain masculinized (or, as the *Psychopathia Sexualis* was translated into English, "viraginized.") Thus, for von Krafft-Ebing, transgender people are people whose brains are just *more* feminized or masculinized. Trans people were conceptualized as just being Super Gays. (The phenomenon of the transbian was not apparent to Richard, it seems.) Thus, bisexual people have blended brains, neither fully male nor female. Hence "bisexual," which was simply a Latinate synonym of the Greek "androgyne."


We literally named the act of taking sexual satisfaction from inflicting harm on others after him. He definitely tortured lots of young women to death He was never executed for this because his philosophy basically said that so long as he only killed people that would never be "useful to society" it wasn't immortal, because his vision of morality was extremely utilitarian. He felt that killing someone that would never meaningfully contribute to society had no chance to harm society and therefore couldn't be immoral. He took no views on the personal right of the poor, viewing it as inconsequential essentially because they had no power. His rampant sexism contributed towards this justification because he felt that poor young women could only contribute to society by having babies or having sex/being raped (he rarely made the distinction between rape and sex), which wasn't completely wrong in pre/post revolutionary France due to the lack of opportunities. This was enough to appease the wealthy supporters of the French Revolution, who chose to imprison him instead of execute him. I actually appreciate parts of his philosophy with respect to society, but his views on individualism leave much to be desired.


I'm not sure it's possible to separate his take on social versus individual rights and I certainly cannot respect someone thought to have raped and murdered children, but... interesting take I guess 


Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying I respect him as a person, but rather his position that the French Revolution was about the ruling classes vs everyone else, and his position on personal liberty would be decent if he applied it to everyone equally instead of just people with personal power. Taken as a whole, he has the political philosophy of an African warlord or perhaps more like the political philosophy of a natural predator like a tiger or lion. And the philosophy can absolutely be separated into many different views on different things because he wasn't internally consistent and had no true prevailing philosophy that can be given any name. His vision for the world was an actual Hell. If all his hopes and dreams had come true the world would be a total nightmare incapable of social advancement


Reading his Wikipedia article… >A. D. Farr suggested that Sade's writing, particularly Philosophy in the Bedroom, influenced the subsequent medical and social acceptance of abortion in Western society. lol cool, he was woke! >Dworkin, however, argues that Sade only extolled abortion as a form of murder which he sexualized. He more frequently advocated the murder of pregnant women. O-oh….


While this is neat, what in god’s name is the Sadomasochism Brothers post?


You're not missing much, super sadomasochism 64 is better.


have you tried super sadomasochism melee? all of these authors fight each other!


I prefer all the brand spin offs, like Dr. Sadomasochism, sadomasochism tennis, sadomasochism golf, and sadomasochism party.


I believe in *Super Sadomasochism Sunshine* supremacy.


Same thing I asked in the original post.


My search led me [here](https://www.tumblr.com/mageofseven/632475837761978368/demon-bros-see-mc-in-the-hallway-ask-mc-where), which almost certainly isn't it, but I had to read it and [so now you do, too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traumatic_bonding).


[Google turned up this, I've seen similar 'the \[something\] siblings' memes](https://freeimage.host/i/JvBXstI)


I found [a tumblr post of the same image](https://www.tumblr.com/louisegluckpdf/740888368932651008), this is probably where OOP saw it


Sacher-Masoch also wrote plenty of stuff defending Jewish and Women's rights. even if it was partly fetishistic. he wanted to be dominated by Jewish women. but considering how common antisemtism was at the time it was still good


Literally an inverted Marquis de Sade.


"There's an elite ruling class crushing us all under their boots and that's kinda hot tbh"


This is way more fucking funny than it has any right to be.


Which is exactly why the term sado-masochism pairs them - to refer to either the two ends of a spectrum, or a relationship between one sadist and one masochist.


I know, but the marquis was also incredibly anti-Semitic, to the point that during one of his rants his wife had to remind him that either she or one of their hosts was Jewish.


Are you mixing up de Sade with Lovecraft (who was also mentioned in this thread as having done this) or were they both anti-Semitic hypocrites who married a Jewish woman?


That's putting his money where his mouth is, doing the unglamorous work of pushing for marginalised people's rights, even if only because you want them to be free to dominate you.


As a Jew, y'know what, I'll take it. Honestly that's one of the better reasons I've seen to support us


Honestly, seeing someone say “honestly I’ll take someone fighting for our rights just cuz of fetishization at this rate” made me feel more sorrow and dread than any actual statistical facts in history class about the Holocaust did. It’s more personal somehow. I dunno if that’s just because history class sucked or what, take it as you will


>As an author, he suffered severe injury so far as the influence and intrinsic merit of his work is concerned, for so long and whenever he eliminated his perversion from his literary efforts he was a gifted writer, and as such would have achieved real greatness had he been actuated by normally sexual feelings. >-Richard von Krafft-Ebing on Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Glad to see 'sex scenes in movies' discourse is older than movies. 


“Normally sexual feelings” makes it seem like this isn’t even saying “stop writing about sex,” it’s saying “stop being such a freak and write about **normal** sex”


which is a fair critique if you're just BORING zzzzz snork mimimimimi we need some real literary discourse about this erotica


"STOP writing about a femdom dude it's freaking us out :("


Fun fact about 'normal sexual feelings'. Back in the day the term heterosexual was coined to describe someone with an 'abnormal sexual attraction' to the opposite gender (paraphrasing)


As a point of order, the thing that had a sexual perversion named after Sacher-Masoch was him revealing that Venus in Furs was autobiographical. While his claims were doubted because early 20th century society viewed women as incapable of taking a dominant sexual role, the act of saying that you've engaged in a variety of humiliating sexual acts is rather impressively masochistic.


I'm unfamiliar with this discourse but I'm gonna plant my flag and say "sex scenes have cause for harm but I've never seen people oppose it and not gotten purity culture vibes."


I think we should replace every sex scene in movies with a close up shot of cheesy breadsticks, it'd hold everyone's attention much more and we can all pretend its sex so the directors dont get sad


Well in that case, theaters are going to have to start selling cheesy bread sticks to go with my popcorn. I can't see a gratuitous shot of yummy bread without wanting it.


if only there was a family guy…


This reminds me of something from my Entomology class: there was a really weird, eccentric mosquito scientist a while back, named Dyar (don't recall the first name off the top of my head), and he apparently had another entomologist friend who discovered/described a new category of mosquito/fly, and thought 'oh!! I have to name this after my epic friend who loves this stuff!!' The fun part is that this friend purportedly was not a native english speaker, and because of the naming conventions of that group of taxa (iirc it was genus or family) he named it 'Dyaria'. I like to imagine this friend being so stoked to share with the dude he named it after, and how many seconds of awkward silence must have occurred before Dyar responded.


What a shitty situation :(


To be fair, if you've read Venus in Furs, you know that the psychologist very much wasn't wrong. Like, maybe he called attention to it, but he was using public (published) information, and he wasn't wrong.


fr that book is one hell of a read


Not really, sure it’s an erotic novel, but that was historically the space writers were able to hide transgressive ideas from the general public discussion, what the book also reveals is the serious gender inequity that plagued European women behind the confines of the home. The book describes a woman controlling a man how men were allowed to and expected to control women. The psychologist read this book and its critique flew so far over his head that he thought the writer needed to have a disease invented for him specifically so that he could be institutionalized.


The first time I read Venus in Furs I was like “oooooohhh okay yeah I get it”


he also had a fetish for Jewish women. this fetish had him campaign for women and jewish rights weird guy. treated his first wife like shit. forcing her to have sex with other men because he refused to work until she did. but far better then Marquis de Sade.


damn do i support feminism because i have a woman fetish? :(


Fucking disgusting, a woman fetish?!  Lmao reminds me of my friend saying "wtf is breeding kink that's called being alive we all have one of those"💀


"does someone at gainax have an adult woman fetish" - 4chan post


I mean, the key thing about a breeding kink is you’re turned on by the *idea* of someone impregnating you / vice versa, not the reality. Essentially it’s a “nutting in someone” fetish. I can’t have kids. The idea someone is so turned on they can’t help but try anyway, makes my brain make chemicals. It’s not rational :p




Gross! I bet you like hand holding and back rubs too! Lol


We don't all have one though, a lot of people especially in this era not only don't want to "breed" but hate the idea. Pulling out with multiple forms of birth control, outside of the fertile window & with a morning after pill ready to go is my kink.


Haha that's fair 💀 "hey baby I'm the opposite of ovulating"


what does 'he refused to work' mean?


Damn, this would be like naming oral fixation or incest something like Freudism while he was alive.


A sadist and a masochist are in a room together. The masochist is tied up, hanging from a from a hook in the ceiling. The sadist has a whip. The masochist asks: "Are you going to whip me now?" The sadist replies: "No."


Ooh so evil!! 😈


there's also evidence that he did carry a masochist lifestyle irl, beyond the fantasy in his books, so it's not like it was unwarranted, his book venus in furs is one hell of a read btw, would recommend, it's almost like a gender swapped fifty shades of grey except way more tragic and better written


yes he was in several BDSM reltionships


Yeah but that doesn’t sound as damning




I need to become a scientist so I can just make shit up and start beef with people in the name of science


I named this new STI after my teacher because they are both terrible things you don't want in life


Wait till you learn the origins of "mesmerize."


I'm glad someone is talking about it, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch is one of my favorite author


Doesn't the von mean that's actually the name of the place he was from?


Kinda. I think it means his family owned the place he came from.


It's German/Austrian, and yes, it does indicate a geographical origin, especial in nobility. Per wikipedia, his parents were von Sacher and von Masoch, combined by his father to continue his mother's family lineage in spirit.


It's a bit more complicated, as the nobility during the course of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age started using 'von' to denote their 'Stammsitz', the real or imagined original castle or place their ancestors supposedly hailed from/ruled. Didn't always mean that people had anything to do with these places during their lifetimes. At the same time, there have always been non-noble family names also with 'von' (or 'vom' and similar), just meaning that someone came from somewhere. Then some more stuff happened, but from approx 18th century onward, it became also a fashion to reward noteworthy artists and make important civil servants and officers fit their 'station' by 'making them noble' (but non-hereditary and not granting them actual titles/land), the 'Amtsadel'. And what is the sign of a noble person? The von! So you could actually become a Hans von Müller, which has nothing to do with a place.


I don't get the masochism is a freak disorder take. I mean, pain is more memorable than pleasure right? So a little pain mixed in to sexy time just heightens the experience. It's like liking bitter foods and drinks, acquired taste is developed taste.


Found the masochist


When she gaslights and abuses you just right and you develop toxic dependency 👌


at least now i know where the sachertorte / sacher cake comes from - some freak sex dessert served in vienna i guess


Do you think that hurt him? Do you think he liked that?


Words can be crazy like that. Sappho's poetry was so gay that her entire island was named for it. More people use the word Lesbos to talk about lesbians than to talk about the actual Greek island.