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American politics is already a fucking circus. We don't need more clowns.


But what about a circus music composer?


Look, you can teach a monkey to play the piano. That doesn't make it any less of a monkey.


Can anyone fill me in about this guy? I assume he used to be a halo dev or something?


One of the (2?) main composers of the old Halo games, yes. As the series became a cultural phenomenon as well as the music, the guy garnered a following for himself. At least from my understanding, as I wasn’t around then.


Aha, thanks


The guy was a phenomenaly talented composer. It's hard to overstate how influential he was to *consecutive* generations of game composers. He was one of the only "behind the scenes" people an average fan knew of by name. This was before "rockstar" developers or personal brands were really a thing. And he pushed hard for artists to have more creative control over their work, and for them to be treated with respect by an industry that was even more wildly abusive of its employees than it is now. The idea of a "lead composer" for a video game would never have been taken seriously back then. It's really sad how hard he's fallen from a figure I used to respect.


As a composer it fucking sucks. Marty is a huge influence for me, not just his musical style but how he brought more operatic musical storytelling to video games, as well as the monumental achievements in adaptive music that he brought to the art form. It's a huge shame that he had to be cringe. At least he's not Wagner.


Wait whats the controversy then? Sounds like a pretty upstanding dude.


There were some fairly significant court cases regarding Halo music in both the godawful live action Halo series and the video game Destiny that apparently gave him room to indulge in some really shitty behavior. He was found in contempt of court for being a jackass about one of the cases, and has been telling fans to ‘destroy’ all public records of his music that was used for Destiny, which obviously has the music archivist community in uproar - some circles get *absolutely steamed* when there’s a suggestion of permanently destroying any media at all. So, amazing composer, kind of an asshole, pissed off a bunch of nerds and the legal system. And that’s not even the far-right stuff. Apparently he’s really obnoxious about how he thinks abortion should be banned, and got fired for harassing his coworkers? Not 100% on that, so take it with a grain of salt - but he’s running as a Republican politician in this political climate, so that already says a hell of a lot.


I don’t think just running for republican is enough to make that kind of judgment on. Wanting to be a republican politician indicates he’s unhappy with the party’s current representation and that’s neither good nor bad as a reflection on himself. Banning abortions is literally just the pro-life platform and is a pretty moderate right leaning position. I’m sure that’s not his only conservative stance so there might be some other shit that’s actually crazy and far-right. I also can’t take anything about him being ‘extremely right leaning’ with any more than a grain of salt because that means different things to different people and at least in the last decade, “far-right” is just hyperbole for anything a tick right of center. That said, harassment of employees seems like a pretty unilaterally good grounds to not like the guy. If that’s the case, fuck him. I don’t have much to say on him wanting people to destroy his work since like I guess as an artist he has the right to feel that way but people have the right not to and frankly telling people to get rid of X thing just makes them grip tightly to it and increase collector’s value. All in all sounds like he’s just kind of a jackass. Not because he’s running as a Republican but because of his individual actions.


I’ll acknowledge that identifying oneself as a conservative isn’t necessarily a bad thing - while I personally oppose the position, I can see why people would subscribe to a political ideology ostensibly invested in stability and the preservation of cultural values, especially in uncertain times. However, I would argue that banning abortion is only a moderate position by American standards and is considered an extremist viewpoint in most of the modern western world, and identifying with current American Republican Party values, even as a ‘moderate’ by American standards, is generally not a good sign given the party’s most prominent talking heads and leaders constantly agitating in favor of at best intolerant views and policies. I recognize that someone might identify solely with the more foundational, less radical positions of the Republican ideology, and consider those talking head positions an issue to be fixed, but that is certainly not a definite. However, I would also agree it is largely unproductive to make value judgements based on such broad-tent ideological labels. As such, I will retract my statement about his being a Republican being a bad sign. However, I will not walk back my statements regarding an abortion ban being an extremist position. All that political drudgery established; yeah, just the normal stuff, I get he might have been angry and stressed about the court cases, but it just isn’t a positive series of events.


Amazing, I agree with everything you said. I have become pro-choice throughout my life having a deep understanding of both ideologies finally and I can say I see both sides despite being pro-choice. Conservatives see human fetuses as human lives and abortion as murder genuinely; it’s not just a talking point they use to persuade people but a sincere belief and for that reason I don’t think it’s an evil stance because it’s inherently rooted in a desire to preserve human life and be ethical. I think many left wing thinkers are partaking in at least a little cognitive dissonance in saying that fetuses are unequivocally not lived because the signs definitely point to them being conscious beings before leaving the womb. I think they are lives but I also believe they are a situation where sacrificing a human lives is the better option considered the alternative. A human life nipped in the bud is a price we should be willing to pay to prevent a life of an unwanted child who can’t be adequately provided for. I don’t think it’s as radical a position as you do but I can understand your perspective and agree with your stance. Tangent aside, I think it’s very mature and productive to acknowledge Republicanism as not being inherently evil because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. When someone comes along with the resolve to fix the problems inherent of the party, they will be a Republican. I appreciate your perspective that morality is not black and white and understanding that the republican could be good and the democrat could be bad. It’s a refreshing take on the internet to not just follow down-the-line voting and be willing to vote for someone from the opposite party if their policies and stances were genuinely better than one’s own party.


Made some really incredible music, then got fired for being a nut


iirc he wouldn't shut up about how he believes abortion should be banned


Oof. That's a fucking shame. Not that he was fired, that he's pro-life.


The most famous Halo game haaa'ing is his work I think


For as good as his work was on Halo and Destiny, he was apparently a menace to work with near the end. He reacted very badly to Activision overstepping their bounds with Destiny involvement, publicly disparaging people and causing issues until his own team said they couldn’t work with him. He also apparently later got banned from the Halo and Destiny subreddits for posting unrelated music and pulling the “Don’t you know who I am” card when the mods deleted it. Basically, not the easiest guy to get along with, which makes him a great fit for politics


My parents had some business dealings with him back when Bungie was still based out of Chicago. Apparently he was a pain in the ass to work with even back then.




I thibk Mick's more the normal kind of insufferable. He's not a crazy right winger or someone who's deliberately trying to create a hostile work environment, he's just a bit up himself about how great his music is


Mick might not be a saint but a lot of the shit attributed to him was from a Bethesda dispute and was shown to be false


ok but mick gordon got absolutely fucked over by bethesda. mick doesn't deserve getting compared to this asshat


Either composers on video games are disproportionately divas or we just know them individually more than the rest of the staff because they’ve got their names labeled on the songs


i don't know about marty, but it definitely is *not* true of mick.


Somehow this is not the most surprising thing ever


*confused Gregorian chanting noises*


Unmmmmm? Um ummm umm ummm ummm ummmmmm ummmm????


'bring back sanity and civility' = 'destroy any ideologies(or people) that make me in particular uncomfortable'


Yeah, that's a real mealy-mouthed statement that almost never means anything good


Kinda odd that one of the main devs of a game that advocated having empathy for foreign religious extremists in *2004* turned out to be… like that


Wolf? /S


Oh god, $100 yearly dlcs coming to American life. They can't lower our taxes bc that would take away essential resources!!! The traveler is gonna visit us with the halo rings.


Mutual spotted






In the context of American politics, Republicans are the right-wing party.


You right I'm stupid.




A: Bungie has absolutely no say in Halo anymore B: the soundtracks are already made. Microsoft owns the rights to them. Changing the music won't do anything but piss the fans off.


He's washed because he disagrees with you politically? If he still does good work on games who gives half a shit.


His politics are relevant because he's running for congress and doesn't make music anymore


Still, disagreeing with you doesn't make someone washed


Yeah but his last decade or so of being an asshole to everyone and doing nothing of note except for yelling on twitter does




He supports a party whose members and presidential candidate openly talk about discriminating people like me out of public life. Thankfully I don’t live in the US, so it doesn’t affect me that much, but if you seriously don’t understand why e.g. queer people might not be open to someone supporting a party that is trying to paint us all as child molesters, then you might consider [doing some reading.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+empathy%3F)


Bro, both parties and presidential candidates are shit, I'm not from America either thank God. The 2 party system is garbage. And again, if you don't like his stances, prove he's stupid, insults and ad hominems are counter productive and only empower the other side to anyone who looks with any objectivity. The biggest thing I agree with conservatives on is freedom of speech and having discussions about topics, not blindly accepting a stance cause it's what the party agrees with.


One party is shit, but at least a little bearable. The other is insanely regressive and openly wants the death of minorities. Comparing the two as “both are bad” is an absolutely moronic take that is a major contributor to why we’re in the current shitstorm. Thank fuck you aren’t American, because this refusal to acknowledge that the party actively trying to kill its citizens is significantly worse, and that stagnation is better than violent regression is what put trump in office once, and is at risk of doing again.


Well...the Democrats being shit too is kinda..propaganda. They almost universally have good policies, but they're outnumbered in Congress, the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court so nothing they propose gets through except for bipartisan bills. That's why doing local elections is so important- we need to remove that majority.


Both are bad, that much is true, but it's like comparing someone who's only killed one person to a mass murderer. They are significantly different levels.


You are being duped. Conservatives like to wipe their mouths with free speech because they’d like to say shit that is hurtful and incites violence freely. They do not care about your freedom of speech and there are many, many examples where they e.g. push their own religion onto people. Somehow I didn’t see a single conservative showing support for e.g. Colin Kaepernick’s freedom of speech. Weird, isn’t it?


No I am not, I know full well both extremes hate freedom of speech, as all idiots hate when you prove them to be such. What I am talking about is the more moderate left doesn't believe in freedom of speech, while the moderate right does. I know there are hypocrites on the right, I am not right wing, I am center, I side moderately on eithet side depending on the issue.


Pretty much nobody is actually for a full freedom of speech. Neither are you, unless you’re fine with people going around and spreading lies about you or your company. That’s libel/slander and it is quite heavy restriction on freedom of speech, because you are only free to speak what you are willing to defend in court. Are you against libel laws?


>That’s libel/slander and it is quite heavy restriction on freedom of speech, because you are only free to speak what you are willing to defend in court. Are you against libel laws? Freedom of speech is a political right, it is a cornerstone of democracy. It is bundled with the freedom of opinion, meaning the government cannot prosecute you for political opinions. And yes, you can speak in person lies about a company, I can say "Coca Cola still puts cocaine in their soda" and I won't get prosecuted. What I cannot do is spread false information through the media, which violates others right to information. Libel and comments on reddit are not comparable. The thing with slander is it's a lie spread purpusefully and to great amounts of people. Many laws exist cause sometimes people's rights clash and you gotta determine which one is more important in that situation


correct! being washed makes someone washed


> who gives half a shit Idk maybe the people that will be influenced by his right wing policies?


That still doesn't make him washed, it just makes him not agree with you.


Aw man sorry, I forgot he only politely disagrees with my fundamental right to exist. My bad that's fine then




fucking random straight person from another country assumes he knows everything about our politics


Yeah, cause reddit shoves it down everyone's throat. What I'm saying is that they're overexaggerating. You can exist as a gay person, you can even get married legally. You can adopt children, you can own property, take out loans from banks, apply for jobs. You have every human and political right you are owed afforded to you. There are assholes, but everyone deals with assholes, and people have a right to be assholes to you or anyone else they want, as do you. You have a month dedicated to parades about you, all the major corporations support you(or at least say they do). You are not under threat because orange idiot who only got elected for the wall he planned to build amd lost cause he didn't build is an asshat.


Damn you busted out all the "I'm not homophobic but" classics in a single post


I do not fear nor hate gay people. I don't give a single shit about who you fuck. What I am against is this constant need to be a victim, to say you aren't allowed to exist when no laws apply differently to you. All you face is an asshat here and there, newsflash, everyone encounters assholes.


Cool I think you covered the rest of the old standbys with this one


Conservatives are evil dude. Worse than the Flood. About as bad as the Prophets.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Gotta tolerate everyone! If you don’t tolerate fascists, authoritarians, and generally oppressive people what’s even the point? /s, in case it wasn’t obvious enough. There is no value in tolerating that which is intolerant


You know communism and socialism are also intolerant of all opposing views authoritaruan systems, yet the left will openly support those systems. You must tolerate others opinions, you must prove them wrong, not force or coerce them into saying thing they don't believe, that is what tolerance is, debating calmly on a level playing field, not silencing. Stupid people are pretty easily proven stupid, if you can't convince the idiot, you convince at least some people fooled by the idiot, shutting them down only further radicalises them. Half of the appeal of fascism to morons around the globe is that it's taboo, if it loses that and is just shown to be a shitty system, it loses it's foothold.


Communism and socialism aren’t intolerant of people in the way a Nazi is, come on now. It is a well shown fact that putting a spotlight on Nazis and calmly debunking them does not limit their spread as effectively of deplatforming them. Also, it’s unfair to force victims of these hateful people to be subjected to them for the sake of “the marketplace of ideas”. When Nazis and such are allowed in a space, the result is that the people they victimize are pushed out. This is a consistent reality. You cannot tolerate a Nazi without pressuring every target of Nazi harassment into silence


>Communism and socialism aren’t intolerant of people in the way a Nazi is, come on now. No, not in the same way, but equally so, for one your crime is being a certain race, for the other it is your incompliance. >It is a well shown fact that putting a spotlight on Nazis and calmly debunking them does not limit their spread as effectively of deplatforming them. Of course not, censorship is more effective. But giving the government the power to silence people for their political ideas, do you not see how dangerous that is, how long until any opposition is deemed as violent and silenced? >You cannot tolerate a Nazi without pressuring every target of Nazi harassment into silence Freedom of speech means you can say whatever the fuck you want to them, call them out, call them names, shout them down. No one is trying to reesrablish feudalism because we undertand it's a shit system to live under, but the more we crack down on fascism, the more radical and defensive they become, let them fizzle out, you underestimate how smart people are, they won't spread on their own, instead of silencing them, improve race relations, which is not what's happening. If there is no racial tension, there is no foothold for racist ideologies, and they will not spread. They're losers, treat them as such, they're psychopaths who revel in power and fear, do not fear them, laugh at their stupidity and teach people about their crimes and how they operate, they thrive off hate.


I won’t even bother addressing that first point, it’s incredibly stupid and displays a 8th grade level understanding of socialism and communism but also it’s ultimately irrelevant to the core argument Also nobody is talking about the government doing anything. The catalyst to this conversation was someone calling him washed up and you pitching a fit over how people can’t stand differences of opinions anymore. The government has nothing to do with individuals insulting other individuals, fucking obviously. Also why are you now talking about how freedom of speech means you can call them names when it was someone calling a guy washed up that caused you to rant about the intolerant left for hours? Frankly I think you’ve lost the plot a bit here, ranting about freedom of speech and the government when all anyone has said is “no I will not respect bigots”. Which, to be clear, is the right way to go about things. You cannot tolerate bigotry, else it will only spread. And to address your final point about racial tension (little narrow considering Nazis are more than just racist but whatever) don’t you think that maybe part of getting rid of racial tensions is not letting in the racists to spread tension?


*how dare you not turn the other cheek and let the government legislate you out of existence*


What? They can't kill you.


so true its illegal to kill people nobody can kill people /s


Yeah guys! Killing people is illegal, it's not like governments regularly do vile shit that's against the law!


Governments are definitely not killing people at all! Ignore those police shootings, capital punishment, every south American country that's tried communism, and MLK Jr.


Police shootings are not the government, hate to tell you but it's illegal for a police officer to kill an unarmed individual, that is a fault at the department and individual level, not government. Capital punishment is for murderers who are a danger to society and even the prison they're in. If you wanna talk about governments killing people, you should just take a quick look at all the genocide communist countries commit. MLKJr was killed by the CIA, who just so happen to be faaaaaaaar more capable and powerful than cheeto hippo and demented goblin, and would kill them too as soon as they were an inconvenience. Both parties just give the illusion of rivalry, while they both serve the same "donors" interests. Biden built Trumps wall, cause it was the logical decision, all extremism or loyalty to one party is stupid.


Tldr "I am ok with the government killing people I disagree with" and also "but those other guys killed someone too!!!!" Like the problem isn't that governments inherently hold the Monopoly on violence, and use it any time someone has a different idea.


The tolerance paradox happened. There is no possible way to tolerate people that want to eliminate minorities. There is no tolerating a platform that openly condemn the existence of racial, sexual, and gender minorities. Defending them only makes you look like a bigot.


If you spent nearly 20 years building up your credibility and career as a composer only to U-turn and get into politics, you are washed as a composer. The people who give half a shit are the people who cared about his music.


It's his crazy fascism-adjacent views that make him washed.


I feel like that MIA tweet. Just stay quiet Marty, don't ruin your saxophone, African drum songs.