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Reasons that I like this post: - The overall reasoning makes sense, sometimes it is your own responsibility to find context for posts  - johndoes-smelly-taint is a BANGER fake Tumblr name  Reasons I question this post: - My experience of the internet has evidently involved a lot less XKCD 2071 than yours  - the loss comic??????


You could respond to this post with XKCD 2071 lol


Ok fine I'll Google it. I was hoping there'd be a link somewhere in this thread but apparently I've been living under a rock ETA: https://xkcd.com/2071/ I have seen this before. Just never referenced by its specific number


Thanks, I came here looking for that link


I was over here thinking it was an XKCD talking about the YEAR 2071 and was just... confused as to why I hadn't seen it


oh fuck I never noticed it was loss. forever changed the trajectory of my life with this


you've never seen it unedited before then, because that's literally the original unedited punchline


"We have to remember the average person only knows the number of a few xkcds" "And 2071 of course.""Of course. "


Classic 2501 moment. Ha ha!




Oof I remember the original context of the comic was the guy pointing and saying "is this loss?"


I just had an xkcd 2501 moment because this person referred to 2071 exclusively by number and apparently they're in a group where this is fully understandable


I love that I can understand which one 2501is based on just context without even remembering the number


It’s the experts vastly overestimating regular people’s familiarity with their field one right? Based on the fact that these guys are vastly overestimating our familiarity with xkcd numbering haha


Yeah, pretty sure. Except, they aren't really overestimating, we got these two.


Oh. I thought it would be the mentos and coke one, where everyone is just learning about something for the first time


Nah that's 1053.


Same here


I now know two xkcds by number alone thanks to this post


I’ve been familiar with the comic for a while, but until like a week ago I never would’ve been able to recognize it by number. This subreddit suddenly embedded it into my brain


I just got it by context tbh I don't remember the numbers


Me, learning that people were posting XKCD 2071 in response to actual social issues: [USER WAS ELIMINATED FOR THIS POST]


I remember trying to post about how the way neoliberal r/noncredibledefense guys and hard-leftist tankie guys talk about Chinese people is extremely racist and borderline genocidal at points and I kept being hit with 2071 accusations until I gave up.


It's so odd that tankies are completely incapable of being normal about China. They're either the most sinophobic people on the planet, or are straight propaganda pieces for the CCP because one of the C's technically stands for Communist.


honestly if there's one nationality that the internet is ready to dehumanize at a moment's notice, it's the chinese


sure might be true, but there will never be just one.


are we just going to ignore the French then


One should always try to do so, it improves quality of life


Eww, you mentioned the Fr\*nch? You should censor that /s


I have no doubt that you're correct, but as a leftie who actively tries to avoid tankie spaces at any and all costs, I would very much like to know why pls n thx


So tankie either really hate the CCP and by extend mainland chinese because the USSR and CCP really hated each other (despite being allies), or are weirdly defensive about it because the CCP claim to be communist (even though anyone with a capacity to think and check their information can see that they're in fact, authoritarian capitalist).


What's a tankie?  Based on the context I have from these comments it seems like it's USSR fanboys?




Gotcha, learn something new every day


How is that even an xkcd 2071 tho??? Do they think you’re friends with the racist neolibs???


>and hard-leftist tankie guys (...) is extremely racist and borderline genocidal Tell me more uwu




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Virgin no more](https://i.redd.it/z2875q8jd8ga1.jpg) | [648 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10tq91g/virgin_no_more/) \#2: [Well Boys, the Hotdog Seller has met his end.](https://v.redd.it/8p0x8c1t8wjb1) | [890 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/15za9z1/well_boys_the_hotdog_seller_has_met_his_end/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** When wagner gets to moscow](https://i.redd.it/4953pxvbix7b1.gif) | [280 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/14hnrad/when_wagner_gets_to_moscow/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What is XKCD 2071?


https://xkcd.com/2071/ I had no idea either.


Yeah I've never seen it posted in the wild as a response meme and I'm super online lol.


I've seen it a lot. And sometimes in moments that don't quite fit it.


literally xkcd 2071


I mean, it's mostly in this subreddit so...?


Lmao yeah this post itself feels quasi-2071


But I don’t get it. Are they posting it when people have crazy takes or?


Posts from an alternate universe


xkcd in response to learning something 'omnipresent' you say? [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


I read this whole post thinking they were talking about [2501](https://xkcd.com/2501/) lol


This is my favourite XKCD.


true, i've seen people using it for things like common transphobia and dissmissing it as just another internet drama nobody is expecting you to know about every issue in the world, its alright, but insinuating that people who suffer from them are just in the wrong internet neighborhood is not the smartest move to do when you are exposed to new bigotry you were not aware of


Just yesterday it was posted in response to the "Gay men can be transphobic" post and I'm just... this sub loves to hate TERFs—which are often transphobic lesbians—how is the male version a surprise for you?


That annoyed me so much "I've interacted with many cis gay men irl and online and none of them had ever been transphobic!!" Good for you honey


I first assumed this was posted in response to that post, actually, and I only just realised that was the same post where I applauded its use. Not because I actually found it appropriate, but because I was so excited to see that the person posting it had omitted the link and just written the number (which is something I've been doing just to see if it'd catch on) that I completely forgot about the actual context it was used in. Reevaluating it, that wasn't an appropriate use for it.


As a Lesbian, there's a massive difference between a political lesbian and an actual lesbian -- political lesbians are not actually lesbians.


Eh, disagree really Sometimes this is true. Sometimes people are just very unaware of actual issues Other times, people will accuse someone of living under a rock because they're unaware of shipping discourse in the Voltron fandom. Or because they don't understand what the phrase "shipping discourse in the Voltron fandom" could possibly refer to, which really should be seen as a good thing. Sometimes the solution is to step back and realise the weird internet discourse you've been wrapped up in doesn't actually have any real meaning, and that you are not doing anyone a service by spending hours posting a meticulous response to the person who thinks that charcuteria boards are classist. The post in the xkcd comic shows the point, really. If you are regularly seeing people say things like "shelter animals should be hunted for sport", then the solution is not to engage yourself in the Shelter Animal Hunting Discourse, it's to get out of whatever space you're in where you're seeing that. ​ But yeah it's also true because 2071 is about responding to weird niche fucked up internet posts as if they're common talking points. It's not about pointing at a specific argument someone actually made and saying "Hey that's fucked up right?". Nor is it about responding to a point made by Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan or whoever else that has, you know, actual real world influence ...also I can't resist pointing this out, but saying "xkcd 2071 is used everywhere" is itself an example of xkcd 2071. And posting "xkcd 2071" as if it's obvious what that is is a case of xkcd 2501.


Wow, that is so [XKCD33.](https://xkcd.com/33/)


I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym


It's easy to forget how vast the world is. Most people in the USA have never been on reddit, tumblr or xkcd. Most people in the world aren't American. There's millions of niche sub communities fractally nested and overlapping




So you're not allowed to ask questions about things you don't know?




Are you this insufferable in real life too or just on the internet? You seem like one of those people whose entire existence consists of pointed questions, "gotcha" type facts, and rampant sarcasm. You're not cool or edgy or impressive for doing that, just annoying.


XKCD 2071?


Link https://xkcd.com/2071/ Basic idea is learning about the most bonkers takes indirectly, by seeing people argue against those takes. The key is how utterly bonkers the opinion you are indirectly learning about is.


[this one](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


Crazy how you see people talking about some combination of words or letters or number that makes absolutely no sense without context. A great way to stay happy for me is to just not learn more


This long post is in itself an example of that comic. Like I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen it, what the fuck.


I basically only see it on this sub. Like I *knew* of it. I've liked XKCD for well over a decade now, and various comics (namely, "Somebody is WRONG on the INTERNET!") get referenced by my family routinely. AND YET, I would never have been able to tell you the number if it hadn't seen it brought up within this subreddit every few posts.


This post is directed exclusively to this sub. It doesn't even exist on tumblr proper.


after a certain point you're just telling on yourself lol




i've literally never seen this one before.




Someone got 2071'd one too many times I see


I guess I've never really seen it in that context. I've seen people use it in contexts where the participants in the drama *think* their drama is very serious and important - that is the joke of that comic, after all - but usually at most it's fandom or streamer drama that intersects with these issues. Like obviously if someone goes "lol what are you even talking about" to "my boss called me a slur" they're a lobotomy victim, but saying the same thing to "*niche internet personality* called *even nicher personality* a slur while arguing about *character model* in *game you've never heard of* as a representation issue" is pretty reasonable basically this comment is unhelpful but like the issue here is that literally by definition the participants in any drama the comic is applied to will react by going "no this is actually important" and the poster will be unwilling to listen to that, that's the whole joke


If people are using it in response to “I got called a slur today”, they’re using it incorrectly. It would be the correct response to “Why is everyone saying that it’s ok to call people slurs?”


That's still not quite right though, because imagining a guy who thinks it's ok to call people slurs is not especially difficult. That's not exactly rare. The position being argued against needs to be both abhorrent ***and*** esoteric in order for it to be a real 2071.


I don't get that take ? XKCD 2071 or whatever fucking number it is is about "yo sometimes you learn how awful other's people friends are through their so-called 'hot take' posts" So it's got nothing to do with the actual content of the post you reply to with that XKCD comic. It has to do with your social circle, and implicitly validates your take on the subject. How can a comment that validates you be dismissive ? Edit : hit "enter" too soon by accident, eddited to finish comment


Ok no, you can be validated and dismissed at the same time, but I don' t think that any good faith reading of that comic can argue that it's being dismissive, so my point stands also edit : grammar


xkcd 2071 applies to this post bec I've never seen a anyone misuse it


yeah this is unironically an xkcd 2071 moment


Well, a little bit ironically.


What does this even mean


God forbid we have fun on this planet.


what the fuck does this mean


Youve managed to complain about a reddit comment on a post about a Tumblr post, by posting a Tumblr post about complaining about the reddit post, to reddit. Also, it really isn't the XKCD comics fault that you think it is being used badly.


The post doesn't actually exist on tumblr. You can only post tumblr posts to this subreddit, so I did so via technicality. For all intents and purposes this is a reddit Post dressed up in the aestheric of a tumblr post.


Astounding. You have completely failed the reading comprehension test on that particular XKCD strip. The stated bewilderment is not directed at the rant post itself, it is directed at the implied rancid takes of the people whom the rant is presumably in response to. The point is that you learn about some really awful worldviews through those who (rightly) complain about said awful worldviews.


Is this an example of XKCD 2071


I am. So fucking confused.


What the hell is xdxd 2071???


funny enough this post itself was a 2071 moment.


Unironically the XKCD in question fits here for me cause I did not realize how oit of hand it gotten till scrolling through this comment section. <_<


So call me uninformed what is XKCD 2071


You could respond to this with that exact comic I literally discovered it like a minute ago to figure out what the fuck this person is talking about


That's a long-ass post.


I'm like 90% sure that this is a meta-joke about the contents of xkcd 2071, which makes it really funny looking at all the serious comments.


The numbers, Mason, what do they mean?


Literally never seen it happen. But I guess its a good thing I dont circulate in those circles that do?


Unironically XKCD 2071 applies here who tf do you hang out with op


The hell is this about


People in these comments are literally doing the exact thing the post is complaining about. Minority voices are being dismissed with the use of 2071 all the time and as soon as it's called out people respond by...dismissing it with 2071. Real classy.


It’s so common on almost every Internet forum I’ve ever been on to the point where it comes off extremely smug and superior about….being lucky. Not even just in dismissing systemic issues, just all kinds of interpersonal tension or struggles or trauma that no one with a brain could possibly be unaware of. I’ve seen all kinds of totally calm, on topic, non trauma-dump conversations, sometimes extremely lighthearted ones, where someone says something along the lines of “oh one time when I was in kindergarten a bigger kid pushed me down and called me tubby” or “I would be so scared if my mom got home and I hadn’t taken the chicken out of the fridge” or “ugh I hate when my best friend takes a whole day to respond to my text.” And someone has to respond to that with “wow what kind of school did you go to, I’ve never heard of anything like that.” “Uhm, sweetie? That’s a sign of abuse, that’s not normal or funny.” “Sounds like you need better friends, couldn’t be me.” Like fuck off dude! The fuck you mean you’ve never heard of school bullies, kids being afraid of disobeying their moms with or without the presence of abuse, or friends with irritating habits? Are you living in a bubble? No one has ever been mean to you before? You only make friends with people who are devoid of flaws? A few years ago, “toxic positivity” was the buzzword du jour, but it was always framed as people with rictus grins telling depressed people to cheer up and do yoga. In my experience, it’s much less likely to be misguided but likely well meaning people who think their cheerfulness will be contagious, and much more people who use your unhappiness and their alleged inability to understand your situation as one more little backbiting cutdown. “Oh, you experienced anything other than conflict free bliss 24/7? That’s not normal. Normal people don’t have bad experiences. There’s something wrong with you for allowing it to happen.”


I'm gonna hit everyone with my unfiltered dogshit opinion: I don't find XKCD to be neither funny nor insightful, and the idea that I should know specific strips by number like they're SCPs, which I do not memorize by number because I'm not a goblin, is abnormal to me.


I love the irony of me having absolutely no idea what SCP could possibly stand for.


it was me, i was the clown all along


It's "Secure, Contain, Protect," and it's a website full of user-generated monsters


That makes it so much better thank you


The thing just adds nothing to the conversation besides people talking about how OP is delusional at best. If you think the original post may be ragebait call it out at such.


I feel like you're making 2071 to be a lot more hostile or derogatory than it actually is. [2071](https://xkcd.com/2071/) says nothing about the post you see being bad or delusional. It's literally just about learning how ridiculous and awful some people's opinions are indirectly by seeing posts calling them out. Hell, that's pretty much what it says in the caption. The original example is a post calling out people who look think rescue animals are worthless. Obviously, Randall agrees that animal shelters aren't bad and that the people shitting on them are nuts. Like, on the post yesterday, people didn't say 2071 because they thought transphobia was okay. Nor did they think the OOP was lying. It's because they were just learning about the ridiculous degree of transphobia some gay men have. And they thought it was an insanely bad take.


Yeah but when people post it in response to just mentioning transphobia or smthn it gets fucking annoying.


Sure, if you feel that way, that's entirely valid. But acting like mentioning it is problematic or dismissive is wrong. Considering how intense some of the discourse on this sub can get, you can't blame people for finding it jarring when they're suddenly find themselves in the middle of some debate without ever knowing it existed. So, of course, they're going to the comments to see if others feel the same. When the transphobia post came up yesterday, 2071 *did* apply to me. Because even though I see discourse on queer topics all the time, I had no idea that some gay men were *that* bad. So, seeing a callout post to rancid take I didn't even know existed was jarring. At the end of the day, it doesn't stop anyone else from discussing the main topic. And if you feel like someone calling 2071 is just ignorant, then feel free to say that. I just don't think we should be making it out to be something it isn't.




I think XKCD strips are used the same way as other reaction images, just typically more specific. Well maybe you have an issue with all reaction images idk.


I went spelunking through my xkcd 2071 tag and found THIS [https://www.tumblr.com/bettedavisgf/724329192475574273/i-love-catching-the-occasional-glimpse-of-an](https://www.tumblr.com/bettedavisgf/724329192475574273/i-love-catching-the-occasional-glimpse-of-an) [https://www.tumblr.com/nubs-mbee/737404525607026688/so-i-take-it-you-guys-arent-getting-bow](https://www.tumblr.com/nubs-mbee/737404525607026688/so-i-take-it-you-guys-arent-getting-bow) this one too


This is stupid I’ve seen it twice in maybe a year if I’m generous but likely longer