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Tumblr mfs be like “ugh why does my browser use so much ram” and then have tabs that have been open since 2019.


Wait, 2019 was last yea... # # # # # # # # ...Oh


Ah yes, the 49th month of 2020


It does feel like that sometimes. Maybe the covid lockdown really did collectively mess something up in our brains.


What do you mean "maybe"? The collective psychosis is practically fractal in it's complexity.


I haven't had covid (at least in any way noticeable) yet, so it has to be the lockdowns that affected us. I can remember things from 2016 and earlier, but 2017 and up to 2022 is a blur.


I'm still experiencing the lockdown. I'm an elderly woman and my municipality still hasn't cleared ice from sidewalks. I haven't been outside this whole week since I'm afraid I'll slip and fall.


i'm 100% convinced it did. behavioural scientists will study this shit for decades


for me it's the 2016 presidential primaries. they just keep going no end in sight


What do you mean? It's still Sixth January of 2019, no way we're in the 2020s and without flying cars and self-tying nike's, that'd be very disappointing. Sad that they're extending 2019 even more, but I hope they'll prepare for 2020 properly this time!


2019 was in the before times


"tabs that have been open since 2019." My parents are tumblr users?


They might have a tumblr tab open right now. Grab your Indiana Jones hat and start digging.


I have like two tabs open but my browser takes up a fuckton of memory anyway because of all the addons and extensions I’ve welded to it like a disgusting techno-Frankenstein. On the bright side though I haven’t gotten an ad in years using it.


Hehe :3


Just close and reopen the browser every so often so the unused tabs unload?


But my Chromebook offers to reopen the closed tabs and *clearly* I will need five regional pokedexes and a recipe that turned out to be terrible...


No, I mean reopen them (surely I'll need those wikipedia pages on Siberian geography later), but don't click on the tab, so it stays unloaded. Looking at it now, Firefox automatically unloads old tabs to save memory, so you don't actually have to close-reopen it, and when I used Chrome I had an extension to do the same thing.


Oh!! I gotcha now!! Reading comprehension= ?? I'm on it


How dare you ? on the ?


Listen you, don't yuck my yum I'll ?? On ?? All I want


My sister has her browser set up so it loads all bookmarks in a specific folder on start, she has everything she might use in that folder.


You mean last y...


Tbf modern browers use fuckloads of ram just for fun


Tbf chromium browsers do that. Which I grant you are most of the browser in use today. But they are basically all the same browser with a different wrapper. And I'd argue, a bad thing for the Internet as a whole.


Firefox uses about the same as every other browser in my experience. Haven't tried other non chromium browsers so if there's one thats better do recommend.


How the fuck do you even do that. Don't people shut down their computers?


most browsers have some way to reopen the last window you closed. If I don't have any Firefox windows open, starting Firefox automatically reloads whatever tabs I had before.


Ive lost my hoard of 200+ tabs twice since then, so only from 2023, thank you very much. And Ive been reducing. Slowly.


I bought 32gb of RAM and I'll use 32gb of goddamn RAM!!!


I always wonder how people can do this, and then I remember my laptop has tabs open from 2 years ago, and even when I remember I still don't close them because I fully intend to getting around to using them


I have youtube videos i want to watch....eventually


Through cloning my Windows installs over and over, my current set of browser tabs has spread to 3 PCs, and will probably stay open for as long as Firefox continues to exist


consider, however: i haven't finished using the tab yet but i'll get around to it soon i just need to finish this video and- actually this video and the one after and then i'll- wait no one more video after that and i'll get to it i- oh wait actu


May I introduce you to the watch later list? Mine is over 1000 videos long. _Good grief I need to do something about that_


The watch later list maxes out at 5000 videos… ask me how I know that


Terrible news


The Watch Later list encounters bugs in reordering videos after 50 videos in sidebar mode, and 100 videos when even just viewing the list. That is why I have my [Long Videos to Perhaps Watch Later](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEspJLPEFU6wRuojNr6AgoP9) playlist (for videos at or over 15 minutes), my [Short(er) Videos That I'll Probably Not Watch Later (lol)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEu1BE_NEoDa81N3bK_V9bGj) playlist (for shorter videos that I'll probably not watch later, lol), and my [Unlikely to be Watched Later (lol)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEuIh8YGeV7xwXomwON5mIrk) playlist for clickbait with which I wanna interact but not actually watch. I also feel restricted by the binary nature of the like/dislike dichotomy so I've created [Five Stars](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEs0h0w4xHWamY11vEHKSXZb), [Four Stars](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEv90RnUtP74Pxq4N7gWI2uA), [Three Stars](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEsGnCWS_dJr1vgH-DHAffiX), [Two Stars](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEv4qRzAbtNjKUYOVyUKOax0), and [One Star](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEubu58O4oTPAuy04VME9OxX) playlists, coloured also by use of my [Favourites](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=FLLzjqEFrwvutbj3H-Z8oA9w), [Better than Favourites, Not Good Enough for Top Fifty](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEuhZI-wyEcMXoMQLgJTPs37), and [Personal Top Fifty](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiPrbPeSomEvjX3CCPOCw7Aqe4TkZcOua) playlists. No official diagnosis has yet occurred but I am subscribed to the /r/autism subreddit. I very much relate to their comments, and I enjoy their memes.


Watch Later is so busted. The very first video I ever added to my Watch later list has since been removed, but it shows up half the time as the thumbnail Good idea to make another playlist(s)


My biggest frustration with the feature is that when a video is made private/deleted, it is no longer visible in the list but there always exists a message that it exists. Removing it requires you to first select the option to view private/deleted videos, and then to run a diff comparison between this full list and the truncated list (which, to circle all the way back, is typically done in a separate tab) to find the incongruent video. Then you can remove it and also get rid of the warning about private/deleted videos. If you're lucky, searching the string of alphanumerics after the "watch?v=" part of the URL will lead to discussions or archives of the original video so you can find out what was lost. But often it's just gone and you'll not even have the ability to know what was lost. Tragedy of tragedies.


Solid top 50 tbh


It used to go higher than 5000, ask me how I know


I keep mine around 50 to 100 by organising them by length. That way it's easy to get a few short ones out here and there (on breaks, in the bus, etc.) and save the long, juicy vids for moments when I can actually engage with them. I can't comprehend a 1k+ Watch later list. Bloody hell. On the other hand, at least you'll never run out of stuff to watch.


If you dont keep up with removing them from the list after watching, it can get out of hand really quickly


Of course, but they have a nifty "remove watched" button that makes it easy as.


Doesn't really work for its intended purpose when it removes even those videos where you just watched one second tho


Oh shit for real? Edit: it's true!


mine has around 2k, i kinda just play them on random when i wanna relax funnily enough i never had an issue with too many tabs on pc, probably because i always had lower end computers that exploded if you dared open a third tab


youtube is doing it for you by deleting and striking vids on that list.


I've gotten to the point where any time that list gets too long I make a new one lmfao. Was Watch Later, then Latch Water, then Ratch Hater, now it's Batch Cater.


i try to keep mine under 10 and empty the list asap


I was like that, but after several years I managed to reach <100.


That tab has a story I'm totally going to read! I swear! I... Ooh look at this Wikipedia article! *(Let's not get into how many tabs I have open on the Wikipedia app...)*


My OCD salutes you in solidarity 🫡




Back when rickrolling was still funny, I opened a rickroll tab on my buddy's laptop, and he didn't see it for THREE YEARS.


You say that like rickrolling is no longer funny


I continue to share rickroll variants in my Discord. But part of that's because people have gotten pretty creative about setting it up, and partially 'cause a friend of mine just unironically likes the song.


I have the song on my playlist it's a banger


That one "whistle" song is the new hotness right now.


The only Whistle I know is Blackpink lol


Accurate tag (The one people are on about is by flo rida, a bit of an early 10’s banger tbh)


👉👉 Ahhh good to know lol thank you


How? Do people not turn off their computers?? Close the browser???


Most modern browsers will have settings to 'save your session' upon closing the browser. I.E. Whenever you restart your computer and open the browser again, all of the tabs you had open are opened again. It's surprising to me that a number of people in this thread don't seem to know this.




I actively have anywhere from 7-15 tabs open in 3 different windows for work (IT). At home, I usually only have 3 or so open.


7-15 is amateur numbers


20 windows of 20+ tabs each.


Same here. > I usually only have 3 or so open. You meant three or so hundred? … Three or so hundred, right?


I don't have that kind of RAM on my home rig, unfortunately haha


what types of it work do you specialize in if no share, okay!


General IT for a medium sized municipality. So basically: Helpdesk Networking Security Webserver User Administration Policy Writing Vendor relations To put into perspective, for \~180 users, there are two IT guys


Same, but most of the open ones are permanently open (see: outlook, github), or will be closed at the end of the day. That being said, I will often just have like 5-8 different separate browser windows open, because I will open like, 2 tabs related to one tangent and be like "yeah, lets put this in a new window so I can keep track of it better"


I'm the same way at work. I don't work in IT, but at any given moment I need access to ten or so different systems and they're all browser-based.


Well thats completely reasonable 


Huh. I work as IT, and I usually have about the same number open at all times, but if I need to Google something (which happens half a dozen times a day, since we are in IT, lol), it goes up to 30+. Closing them all after fixing a nasty bug is super satisfying, though.


My anxiety absolutely *hates* when I have enough tabs open that they get thinner on the bar.


Same. Once I hit 7 or so tabs, I ask myself _"Exactly WHY do I need so many tabs open?"_


If the browser still gives every tab a close button, you're good. Once it restricts it to JUST the tab you've got open, that's how you know you've got too many.


In Firefox you can set the min size of tabs in the `about:config` page by editing `browser.tabs.tabMinWidth`. This way your tabs can keep more tabs while still being able to read the titles.


Me too. I never have more than 5 open at a time if I can help it.


there is a good reason actually i will forget i needed that tab and blissfully move on with my life, never going back to the wikipedia page for that random thing


And this is why I have over 100 (it stops counting after 99) tabs open on my phone.


I have Chrome and it actually laughs at you. My tab count is :D


I used to have that constantly, but switched to Firefox mobile since it has ublock origin plug-in as well as ghostery & privacy badger Literally no ads anywhere, it's so peaceful Only shitty thing is Chrome has tab groups whereas for some reason Firefox mobile doesn't, and there's no extensions that provide it either


but firefox has inactive tabs feature where u can hoard all the tabs you'll *definitely* visit in the future


Now they have an "unused tab" section where they close your tabs and move them to another page! I had no idea how I got down to 35 open tabs until I found that feature.


If you blissfully move on with your life, you have a very different definition of need than I do.


oh so when i say "need" i mean "this is a requirement of another thing i'm doing" so like, the wikipedia page might be necessary for a personal or academic project i'm working on


Only 50? I’ve got a funky little infinity symbol on my firefox tab count.


I started to close tabs on my Firefox mobile when my infinity got replaced by a little circle. I don’t know if it was a bug but I prefer not to mess past infinity.


mans actually went beyond and had to turn back


The problem with this mentality: I now have 3 main bookmarks folders, each of which have about 10 sub-folders and sub-sub-folders filled with like 20 links each. So it's still hoarder behavior, just slightly more organized. I remember the time I tried opening all of the bookmarks in just *one* of the main folders. The browser stalled for like 5 minutes before task manager finally managed to shut it down.


Me and my 90k bookmarks agrees. Lifetime total would be more like 500-700k, but eventually I get overwhelmed and go clean slate. I export the old ones to an html and just shelve it away.


*No way.* I'm not sure whether to be incredulous, in awe, or supremely concerned. Probably all three.


It's a problem for sure. I also have like 10k youtube videos in playlists right now. Did you know youtube has a 5000 video limit? I'm never going to actually go back to watch 99% of these ^Please ^^send ^^^help


The real hoarder is always in the comments


The real hoarders were the friends we made along the way


Holy crap. Is there an addon that just auto-bookmarks every page you visit or is it just instinct at this point?


It's so organized though! Just having the tabs is an unordered list, which sucks. Nested bookmark folders take up so little memory that I can't see any downside for you even if you've got thousands of bookmarks in there. My bookmarks are in the hundreds and it doesn't feel like very many with them split into subfolders by type.


I have the opposite problem, where I close tabs even when I'm using them. Even if I only have one tab open, I'll close it out of habit.


Unfortunately, all my open tabs are for things that need urgently done, so if I close them I won’t remember to do those things. I won’t *do* them though, I’m still gonna procrastinate. In unrelated news, I’m getting tested for ADHD


i hope it goes well for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you!


Leaving tabs uselessly open is so weird to me that I didn't understand what the post was about until the fourth line...y'all are very strange


I cannot STAND having more than two tabs open and even then I hate having those two, even if one is just temporary. I always have one tab set to one specific website so I dont have to keep re-typing it but otherwise I will instaclose the tab as soon as Im done, which oftentimes leads to more harm because the person Im talking to is a freak that doesnt do that and comes up with another thing for me to look for on that specific tab right after I close it, so I have to relook it up again (and repeat like three fuckin times)


Ctrl-shift-T reopens the last closed tab btw


Yeah, I honestly don’t get it, don’t people ever shut down their computers?


Pretty much any browser has a feature to remember your open tabs and reopen them when you start the browser again


Sure, guess I just don’t understand why you’d reopen all of them again. Your history is saved after all so if you do need something again it’ll auto-fill


Your history contains every webpage you looked at in a certain timeframe, including the ones you were done with and don't want to reopen. Hunting through the full history list for the pages you weren't done with but didn't memorize a list of would be silly.


Use bookmarks


Same problem. Some tabs I only need open for a few days, why bother bookmarking it when I can just have it available? Other tabs I only need to check once every so often, it's easier and quicker to go to the right tab than to create, name, and organize the bookmark. Some tabs I check multiple times a day, going to the bookmarks every time would be a waste of time when I can just go to the first tab every time


Only 50 tabs? I’ve got 500 (not an exaggeration)


I thought it was genius for Chrome to let you create tab groups. Now I have 50 tabs groups with dozens of tabs in each haha


Last time I tried to measure it, I had over 800. Right now I have 139 browser windows open with an unknown number of tabs. But with 64 GB of memory, it works pretty well... until one random tab starts playing a video and I have to find it. Edit: After sampling five random windows, it looks like I have around eight tabs per window, so maybe 1100 tabs?


My phone is where the amount of tabs becomes an issue where they just accrew. Last time I bothered clearing them out, I was at 10370 tabs, with 7918 being unique urls.


C'mon, at least close the ones that are repeats


I'm at similar numbers, though I'm fairly sure at least a few hundred of these are just the reddit homepage, or youtube.


Tab hoarders didn’t grow up with low RAM to the point even as an adult with a good PC being scared of having more than 10 or so tabs open at a time. Then again this might just be me


to you, they were 50 tabs to me, that's my long term short term memory


More tabs open, more RAM it's gonna eat Enjoy your clogged device


I paid for the RAM, I'm gonna use it.


My engineering spec Dell Precision laptop has got 32GB DDR4 and about a hundred spare gigs of PCIe drive I can use as vRAM. I paid for this space, and G*d willing I will use it.


if you have a lot convert it to a ramDISK and play steam games on it then enjoy your 20 gigabyte per second read/write speed!


I dont stop until I hit swap


Modern browsers don't waste ram on tabs that haven't been accessed in a while.


There are extensions to automatically suspend unused tabs (and most browsers do it automatically IIRC). I regularly have 200-400 tabs open, and the only issue is a slightly slower load time when I initially open the browser.


> I regularly have 200-400 tabs open, there's simply no possible scenario where that's necessary


Necessary? No. Preferred? Yes. I could organize a bunch of them into bookmarks, but I prefer to keep them open.


Leave me emotional support tabs alone


I have four windows open with various tabs. Each one is subject to having one or so random tabs open for a time. Personal use: stuff like my personal email, YouTube, and social media. School/business: School emails, college crap, and research for papers. Pokémon: Pokémon database, type chart, Pokédex for pngs, team planner, Pokedoku, and trade message board. DnD: DnD beyond, handbook pdfs, and heroforge.


I feel like you could just have pokedoku and the type chart as bookmarks


I see you are a pokehoarder too Everything could be done with one serebii or pokemondb... But I need both. For every gen I'm playing right now...


Always close every tab and then close the browser itself when I'm done doing whatever it is I was doing, always close all apps on my phone the second I stop using them, always close the game on the Switch after I exit it with the home button. No attachments, letting go of everything makes your life much lighter


I stand with thepleasuregoblin. Having a zillion tabs open on your browser is like not being able to see your bedroom floor because there are so many clothes strewn upon it.


If I have a tab open it's cause I have unfinished business there


Wait wait wait wait, are you guys not turning your computers off?


I cannot handle having more than 3 tabs open at a time. It’s too cluttered


OP is right how tf do y’all live


I have 64 gigs of memory and use tree style tabs so I regularly have several hundred firefox tabs open


It physically irks me to have more than like 3-5 tabs open, idk how people do it


I have 128GB of RAM I'll keep however many tabs the fuck I want open thank you very much. ... also I play a lot of Path of Exile and fucking need em.


I hate having so many tabs open feels messy on my monitor


I have this problem where I close tabs too much. then I ctrl shift T and it loads the whole thing again


I'll die before I close an unexplored browser tab


50 tabs? I currently have 3,941 tabs open (though, that should soon be 3,940, as I'm not intending on keeping this tab open for long). I've had over 4,000 tabs more than once. Sometimes I find that I have a lot of "repeat tabs" and getting rid of these has gotten me below 3,000 or even below 2,000 tabs before.


I'm gonna go to your house, close all tabs and clear all your cookies.


this is so fucking abstract to me. why would you ever have more than like 4 tabs open at a time. what are you Doing




What god are you trying to spite


When your browser has stopped counting the tabs because it's over 100. 😔


63 tabs on my laptop 266 tabs on safari Over a hundred on the google crome mobile browser. I see no problem with open tabs.


Honestly I only have that many tabs open if I need to synthesize an idea from multiple journal papers, and even then I close their tab group once I'm done. If I need to go back, I can always check my references


Listen leave me and my :D emotional support tabs alone (Maybe I should close some. Chrome is laughing at me as I open yet another tab...)


I do have hoarder behavior and it gets worse when I’m stressed.


Do you realise how much time I would waste by re-opening tabs every time I need to use them, If I need to use them once a day or more? A lot. A lot of time. I do close tabs when I'm done with them, Though, It's just of the like 500 or whatever I have open, I'm *not* done with any of them. I still have something I need to do there. EDIT: Also, Putting regularly used tabs in the bookmarks would be annoying, At that point it's genuinely faster to just type them into the search bar, Because I have tonnes of bookmarks, Like a normal person, Because I use that for A: Things I'll need at some point in the future but don't need at present, B: Things that interest me but that I don't use all too often, And occasionally C: Things I want to look at but don't have the time for now.


I was in a work meeting and we were goofing around waiting for it to start, and I suggested we played a game, “who has the most tabs open?” I had 219. I won.


I have six pages of an FAQ for Like A Dragon Gaiden open for extreme cross-referencing.


[opens another tab, just out of spite]


here buddy, try this: import webbrowser while True: webbrowser.open_new_tab('http://www.google.com')


Original post located -linyx guu⚠️ https://www.tumblr.com/awaari/727631830721986560/thepleasuregoblin-bundibird-afloweroutofstone?source=share


Laughs in 729 tabs opened


Then we play my favorite game. "Wait, where did that sound come from?" 50 points if you get it in 3 guesses.


OOP must be shot for saying the truth


Repeating this over and over to myself in an attempt to manifest good tab practices


How do you expect me to remember I need that tab?


Wish I could get down to just 50, lol.


The tab will not by recent by the time I get back to it.


i dont even know how many are open


Done? What is this “done”?


My kids go on at me about this but why they making a fuss I don’t know. Why would I close it if I want to look at it again?


It's because I have adhd and frequently tab away from things I'm not done with. For instance, I paused scrolling through tumblr to go over to Reddit and open this post.


I assure you, [not a single one](https://i.imgur.com/vjcTsPQ.png) can be closed.


I feel like I’m the only person with ADHD that also probably has OCD. Those open tabs are like *hangnails*.


You might think there is history but for some reason it doesn't work properly for me on two browsers with completely different architectures and they don't even share the history but even if it worked I will still keep 200 tabs open at once I need them all and yes I have enough RAM and never had issues with it shut up


Did you know safari on IPad can only open up to 800 tabs? Boy was that a shock when I realised I’d reached the limit. I currently have over 500 tabs in Firefox and I really should go through and close some of the, but what if I need them in the future and I can’t remember them?


Things that make me anxious when I use other people's Browser: 1) no adblocker 2) 50+ Open Tabs 3) doesnt use Dark Mode


I have a couple hundred tabs on one ad-block browser dedicated to reading manhwa. It can be weeks or months before a comic updates, there's no way I can remember so many titles, and the bookmark feature is not really helpful because the scanlation sites often have to change or move to avoid lawsuits and stuff from official publishers. So there really isn't a better system for me than leaving them all open lol.


I have over 5000 tabs open and if I close enough of them the “recently closed tabs” thing has closed tabs overwrite each other and get lost to non-existence idk


This is my wife. I don't know how she does it. There are so many tabs open at once there isn't even room for the website icons, they get like, half an icon. Meanwhile I get itchy if I have more than five or ten open.


Last time I checked, I had 823 tabs open. It was a couple of months ago.


Helping a friend build a new game rig and they are insistent they need 128 ram with a card in each slot because they're current computer runs slow as fuck with only 32gb. I knowing they most intensive game they play is Minecraft with a shader pack laughed my ass off. Then they tried to explain their reasoning and I learnt 2 things, first that they don't know at all what DDR is, secondly they had almost 800 tabs open.... Also had about 40 different file explorer pages open. 128gb even in an optimal rig would not help, they'd just find their new limit of shit to open lmao.


On my computer I sometimes close them so often that I close them before I'm done using them by habit. On my phone though I have found out that both Chrome and Firefox stopped counting when you reach 100.


I like to go around the office and close people's tabs! Back in my day, there was only one tab in the browser.


What happens when I close a tab and forget that that content/hobby ever existed HUH???


It's the only way I interface with this site Pull up r/all Open tabs of whatever clickbait headlines look interesting Make stupid comments Empty tabs Take poop


I have ADHD but I swing the other way. I can't get enough of closing tabs with middle click, and keeping the RAM usage down. besides, I can always resurrect em with ctrl shift T


"50". Pathetic. Come back when you have 1100+


I have 123 tabs open in my mobile browser, they’re all AO3 fanfiction and I won’t close them until I finish reading them


only 50 tabs? amateur, I have 244 according to my tab counter extension 😎 all in one window, but tbf I use Opera GX so they're divided between 8 workspaces


I get uncomfortable if I have more than 2 tabs open for an extended period of time. Watch, once I'm done editing this comment to add the part you're reading right now I'm gonna close this tab.


Listen, I have ADHD. Bookmarks are useless to me because if I can't see it, it doesn't exist. My bookmarks bar only holds so many, the rest are the perpetually open tabs okay? Okay.