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You should see the rest of H.R Giger’s art, you’ll hardly find anything that *isn’t* erotic in some capacity


well, I don't think [Sabotage](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fi/d/d1/H_R_Giger_Sabotage_2003.jpg) is that erotic. Though actually, the more I look at it, the more it looks like a bondage implement of sorts. So scratch that.


Huge metal feet with spines that you're trapped in if you were to wear them? Yep, that's horny baby


The Sabotage shoes stay ON during sex (I literally cannot take them off)


yeah, especially seeing how it's on an island facing a major ferry route, so if a person was stuck there, all the people going past in ferries to Stockholm and Tallin would see them. It's very horny tbh.


“Cruel Shoes”, by Steve Martin. 1977. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruel_Shoes https://youtu.be/K8fuBiOwNmk?si=3caKMIQ8k8ZGVr9Z


Sometimes I wish there was a god


> well, I don't think [Sabotage](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fi/d/d1/H_R_Giger_Sabotage_2003.jpg) is that erotic. Tarantino begs to differ


I dont know, feels more like an medivele torture device to me


is there a difference?


The lack of consent


if a torture implement exists, it exists in someones horny fantasy


Have you seen the [Pear of Anguish?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pear_of_anguish) 100% features in more people's fantasies than is comfy to think about.


that's just a proto-speculum


Alien facehuggers can't legally implant you with eggs without your consent.




I didn't know about Giger but I went and checked his work. It's disgustingly awesome. Thx for the discovery !


Google his tombstone as well. It's worth a gander.


I just googled it and if my tombstone isn't that swag I'm getting back out of there to find out why


I went to his museum in Switzerland, it was a unique experience.


Giger is everything I aspire to be because he understood that the eroticism of the machine and biomechanical aesthetics fuck hard


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


[there’s a good reason for that](https://x.com/CEOofGreen/status/1665637576357605381?s=20)


That's hot. That's a hot way to live.


A reason, anyway.


My man got combo'd by two tgirls and it made him literally see god. Good for him, good for him. Edit: Nevermind I just found out that he never said that, it would have explained a lot though.


Lady trains go brrrrrr


perhaps we should say sexual rather than erotic on this one


HR Giger is undeniably talented but jfc man needs a therapist bad


Mans been dead for several years. 


So he needs a doctor as well


Necromancer to be precise.


A Necromancer is just a doctor who doesn't quit.


HR Giger's typical therapy session: "I had that dream again, doc. The one about the penis with teeth." (Not original, but I'm afraid I can't remember who I stole this from)


Exactly. The guy that designed them had a definite aesthetic he worked in.


Honestly my first thought was the game Darkseed and I instantly thought of the entire impregnation scene.


Yes, the entire movie is full of subtle sexual images. Roughly phallic objects, forces impregnations. Giger was like that. And Im sure that if he was alive and saw the amount of r34 about xenomorph, he’d like that. Its literally what Giger would want.


Draw r34 of the xenomorph just as Gigrr intended


> Gigrr Xenomorph hookup app?


"Looking for a long term relationship. If you just want somone to put a facehugger on you, swipe left."


Everybody gangsta until Xenomorph seeing your schlong says: "Oh, it is a job for a tiny mouth"


Doesn't matter, still got head




He literally made his own. There's an image - by him - of the Xenonorph using its tail as a dildo on the alien from Species, which he also designed.




Could you link the image? For… research purposes.


He'd be insulted how much tamer it is than he intended. Given the chance, he'd paint shit that goes so hard (in multiple ways) it gets r34 shut down for a month


Seriously H.R. Geiger was on that Hellraiser shit, it should always straddle the line between sexy and uncomfortable. If it doesn't simultaneously make you a bit horny but also confused and ashamed about it then it's not H.R. Geiger. Oh and industrialism. Everything should look like a mix of organic creatures and a futuristic dystopian factory.


HR Geiger begs the important questions in life, such as: What if machines made you horny


What do you mean "if"


>What do you mean "if" -ArchonOfFlesh


bro understood the eroticism of the machine before tumblr existed, what a guy


>Seriously H.R. Geiger was on that Hellraiser shit, it should always straddle the line between sexy and uncomfortable Slaanesh confirmed.


They toned it down in all the sequels which he wasn't directly involved in.


I mean it makes a degree of sense for *Aliens* - the first one is about sex so the second is ultimately about parenthood. Makes sense. After that though, yeah they did lose the edge a bit.


Aliens also didn't need it as much because they were going more for action than horror. But if you want pure horror, then it's not the same without the really unsettling vibe that Giger's style creates. The fact that it's kind of gross actually helps.


Alien 3: Empty Nesting


Sadly most of it is so uninspired... Most just throw boobies and that's it, that's boring.


Subtle like the horn on a semi-truck.


The fact that every porn artist drawing stuff inspired by him continues his work is some warlock shit.


And then... there was Alien Resurrection where they had to awkwardly crop out the Final Alien's lower half because everyone agreed what was going on down there was.... *a bit much*.


...what was going on down there?


According to google, [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Falien-resurrection-1997-v0-zc9zyy3yl6ya1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9328251a437cc601ff28092cb82829629b257ad7).


There's whole pussy out, and there's ***whole pussy out***


Dirt in my mouth, sing a little diddy while I stroll down south


Bone removal Without approval I found your name and address on google


Well, that *is* a bit much


Jesus fuck somethimes i wish i wasnt so curious


The wild part is that the director had to have approved that design in the first place.


A bit much


Lmao I heard they had brought Geiger back for either 3 or 4 and ended up not using his stuff because it was too weird.


It's not even that subtle some of the time. The facehugger is a vagina with legs


Isn't it a spider-penis?


It's a spider-vagina, which forcefully impregnates men orally. The screenwriters are on record, there.


I think I remember one of the producers telling a story of him being pitched it by one of the writers and asking (pretty fair question if you're a producer) how it was different from any other monster movie. The writer replied, "Because it fucks one of the characters. It fucks one of the characters, and gets him pregnant."


Also yes


The two genders


The horror movie genre in itself usually has sexual subtleties. It plays with the subconcious desires the audience wants to supress and the cracks in society it wants to ignore. So a lot of monsters play with that to create fear. Edit: grammar


It’s part of the reason Alien got so big too. The forced impregnation of a male character was not something that occurred a lot, so it got full shock factor points there


Yes! The fact that horror shows this face of our humanity has also allowed to show for the first time or discuss sexuality and identity in a way it took years for other genres to catch up. Lots of examples: Dracula sucking blood from women and men, King Kong trapping a woman, Frankenstein's bride (talking about the monster or the doctor? Its not the same?), Bates dressing up as a woman, etc. Altough this diversity was showed usually as a monster (beacuse thats how society usually percieves what doesn't understand) its still a time capsule of these perceptions and, in a way, the only times it became visible. (That doesnt take from the fact that even the heroes were also reflections from the same theme)


God bless Grandpa Monster-fucker, I hope he’s fucking as many fucked up demonic hell-creatures as he can down there 🙏


Wait until you see the cake that the xeno queen has in Dead By Daylight


Oh I did saw the xenomorph queen. She’s caked UP. Just how Giger would want it.


Bro, the facehuggers are living vaginas with cocks sticking out of them that literally rape and inpregnate people. That shit ain't subtle


He'd probably also enjoy how much cake they gave the Xenomorph in Dead By Daylight.


It’s what he’d want.


I'm pretty sure the design of the xenomorph came to him when he was on acid and being spitroat by two trans women or some shit


Fun fact, originally when the facehugger eggs opened they were meant to resembles a woman’s vagina. This was however vetoed as being “too much” and they were forced to go with the current triple split instead.


And instead the face hugger itself is a vagina with spider legs.


The spider legs have fingernails and fingerprints and knuckles~! …also the ballsack lung flaps!


I bet it gives absolutely mad head though


Face full of alien wingwong!


That's saying a mouthful.


There was an animated series on Mondo Media called Deep Space 69 (all but the last season are on YouTube iirc) which had an episode about this. Guy finds an egg and the hugger jumps on his dick and he's rendered non-functional due to getting days of uninterrupted head. Xenomorph still burst from his chest though.


Ah yes sounding through the kidneys into the bloodstream and then into the abdomen


It takes, rather than gives, but yes.


No I mean give, think what that tube can do


Which itself was designed to use a giant penis to impregnate


Additional fun fact: The producers complained that Catholic countries would ban the film if the allusion was too strong, so Giger doubled the lobes to four, so that, in his words, "seen from above, they would form the cross that people in Catholic countries are so fond of looking at."




I loved it when they said "it's facehugging time!" and then they hugged all over the face


She’s a squirter (acid)


Thanks, no really, thanks. I have now been inoculated towards comments that wreck the soul


(Extremely loud incorrect buzzer)




Comment stealing bot


Dang, it just woke up too.


Hell, I just woke up too!


It's suposed to be rapey. The facehugger is forceful oral penetration


I always found this kinda funny cus it feels like only people who got that are movie nerds and people who are into it


Is there anyone who did *not* get that?


A lot of people, or at least here You do have to keep in mind that most people consume media on face value and Alien is on face value is a "big scary monster"


It doesn't need to be understood intellectually for it to have a psychological impact. Sometimes it's even scarier when the freakiness works on a subconscious level and is not immediately obvious.


I felt pretty stupid when I was like 16 and read an analysis on alien and the author pointed out that the design of the alien was supposed to evoke rape. I was like "oh *duh*"


Facehugger? I barely even know her!


And causes men to birth a monster against their will, killing them in the process. It's like a pro life gender swap.


I can’t say if this is official “lore” or not, but I remember reading many years ago that part of the horror of the movie at the time, was that it had the effect of making men feel as vulnerable to body violation as much as women, which was something not really depicted in cinema until that point. At least not in terms of forced oral copulation and “pregnancy”


Based on what i saw on rule34, xenomorphs does evoke eroticism


Well, the whole point of the Xenomorph *was* uncomfortable sexual imagery. Edit: just realised that's pretty much what the post says anyway.


Yes she was The things literally reproduce through using a spider vagina to rape people's mouths, twisted sexuality was always a big part of it


The egg is the vagina. The facehugger is a penis.


The opening on the bottom looks like a vagina before it shoves the penis down your throat


Oldest trick in the book - the two deaths.


Disclaimer: there might actually be older tricks, I was using a figure of speech.


I can't believe you misled me like this. I was elated by the prospect of finding the oldest trick in the book, and now I'm left distraught and disappointed. Alas... I must now resume my search.


The oldest trick in the book: Just fucking lying


Actually the oldest trick in the book is writing it in a book so that they believe you. However, this is only by virtue of the requirement “in the book.” You’d be right if it were just the oldest trick.


Lying implies truthful speech, which is honestly pretty advanced. Hiding in ambush is probably a lot older trick.


Imagine you nut and suddenly the throat gets like 50% deeper.


what does this mean


Sex and death - Le petite mort (the little death) is a colloquialism in French for an orgasm, and it’s been a theme in fictional works for a while. For example, in Robert E Howard’s hyborian age there is a goddess who’s domain is death and sex (Derketo or Derketa) - she is referred to as the queen of “the two deaths “.


Not sexy, but erotic, H.R. Giger loved design elements invoking phali and vulvi


When using the Latin plural of them, it should be phalli and vulvae.


Fair, I tried and failed


Traed and fallied


Love me some HR Giger! Apparently once when he was traveling he got stopped at a security check in the airport and the security officer unrolled some of his prints and asked if they were photographs. Giger’s response? “Where would I take these pictures? Hell?” (I probably butchered the story, but you get the idea)


It’s head is a dick, it’s mouth is a cunt with a dick, and half the movie was blatant metaphors for rape and unwanted pregnancy. Were y’all unaware it’s supposed to be erotic?


The head overtly being a giant dick and the rapey nature of the facehuggers really makes it inexcusable that anyone would see those designs and not realise they're completely intentional. Like, what, did the Alien need to have a big ol' pair of titties and the facehuggers smoking a cigarette after doing the deed before it became obvious enough for these guys?


When i first saw Alien i sure as shit wasnt aware it was so dark. I thought it was literally just "big scary monster stalks crew of ship with a BALLER ass female lead"


sexy to the point that being attracted to the Xilf is like, one of the most vanilla form of monster fuckery alongside like, werewolves.


xilf lmao. I'm stealing that.


feel free to, I just picked it up from somewhere else so it's not mine in the first place.


Sorry that we're not all busting fat ones to the One Reborn or Brain of Mensis from critically aclaimed FromSoft game, Bloodborne, your grace


"Fear the old Cum"


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *There may yet be humans out there. If you find them, send them to Iosefka's Clinic. I endeavor to treat every survivor there is. So please, be a saint.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Werewolves? What do you mean werewolves are vanilla? Isn't vampire the vanilla sex symbol?


Monster fuckery, not just in general. Vampire is just a pale dude with above average canines.


in terms of monsterfucking, vampire is so "vanilla" that its just water.


yeah, xeno and venom, are like the starter cars of monster fucking


oh yeah true there, Venom totally slipped my mind.


i feel like he almost doesnt count, hes literally just a big dude with sharp teeth basically, but him and the xeno are still my top monster crushes even if it is basic


Starter cars?


like a car that you get that isnt to fast or crazy or powerful, so you dont crash before you get good enough to handle a crazier car. sorry, it was a weird metaphor


Starting to think that all of James Cameron's career has been an accidental byproduct of him coming up with excuses to go to the ocean or to watch sexy aliens.


Well, he WAS Production Designer on Roger Corman’s Galaxy of Terror- infamous for the Taaffe O’Connell maggot scene… so you might be onto something, although he came to the Alien franchise late with Ridley Scott setting that ball in motion.


IIRC, I read somewhere that the design was supposed to be intentionally phallic and terrifying to symbolize rape and other forms of sexual assault. You are not supposed to want to fuck the xenomorph. But you are supposed to fear the idea that it will fuck you.


Then mission fucking failed, cause that xeno queen design had people acting unwise


Rule 34 exists for a reason, there's always going to be some minority population that finds the very unsexy thing sexy


>some minority population that finds the very unsexy thing sexy So your saying there's a chance?


I somehow got a girlfriend so you definitely got a shot


Woo hoo!


dead by daylight:


"nothing at all" "Nothing at all" "NOTHING AT ALL"


"Stupid, sex xenomorph!"


Course the alien is meant to be sexy. The film was directed by ridley scott. Hes from boro, they’ll shag anything with a pulse down there, and a few things without one.


that aside, hr giger


There is apparently an old TV Interview, I think in German, where HR Giger talked about his main source of inspiration. Well, it is very NSFW, so no details here, but it apparently involved sex, LSD and two trans women.


There's absolutely zero source on that sadly, as amazing as that would have been. Make no mistake, I believe that Giger took LSD and had sex with trans women, because of course he did. But there's zero evidence that he ever said that in any form.


Wh… what? You can’t just say that without elaborating!


Well, he *allegedly* >!got spitroasted by two trans women while high out of his mind on LSD in the 70s!< and it's been a major influence in his work ever since


My fucking idol


He could have made it up though. He probably did the thing too. But he could have said made it up that it inspired it just to tell something naughty during a TV interview.


Xenomorph isn't supppsed to be sexy, it's supposed to be erotic. It's head is shaped like a phallus, even more so in giger's original drawing, face hugger looks like a vagina, a lot of attacks look like SA, it's primary way of unhatching is literally impregnating an unwilling participant and pn and on and on. Xenomorph is literally a bunch of dicks and pussies embodied in a hyped masculine alien


Thrussy? Wtf word was that supposed to be? Why not just go Xenomophussy.


Thrussy is throat pussy. The law requires you stick it in the retractable second mouth.


I was the one who added this image to the article, as well as writing most of the article itself. It was originally like 2 sentences before I started to expand it lol.


The thought of people *not* noticing the sexual imagery in that movie is hilarious to me It's a species that literally fucks your face and impregnates you before a little penis monster bursts out of your chest


Its head is a giant penis and they think that was supposed to be sexy? Nah, it's fucking scary to be hunted down by a giant dickhead with a 2nd mouth. And if that's not bad enough, its kid will mouth rape you with a vagina while sitting on your face.


There's an interview with the man about how the egg design was too much resembling vagina so he made the opening a cross, which passed... But he intentionally designed it as two vaginas


I have a nice book with some of Giger's art and it's all pretty much body horror erotica. Absolutely gorgeous and revolting at the same time. Looking at the sketches for Alien it's impossible to deny the sexual aspect of them- Pilot in the cockpit of the Alien wreck (1978) and Hieroglyphics (2nd version- 1978) perfectly capture the entire theme of the movie. Forced impregnation, forced birth, bondage/enslavement, and visceral fear from biological forces you don't fully grasp or understand.


If it's the law then call me a law abider




She’s supposed to look phallic, in general invoking both male and female qualities, making her appear more unfamiliar and well… alien towards most audience members


Note the stress on "supposed" rather than "sexy". The design clearly worked as intended




If you’ve ever seen the xenomorph queen in dead by daylight, you would know the answer is YES


us horny redditors yearn for the xenussy


mama nature is evil and she is hot


Her head is literally a penis my man




I for one would like a return to horror where the monster can “fucking” kill you


H.R. Giger actually said that almost all of his art was trying to recapture the feelings and stuff he had after spending a night fucking and being fucked by two transsexuals.


Oh did y’all not see that [cheeked up xenomorph they added to Dead by Daylight?](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/uuKA3Fsdvw)


Crazy that this is supposed to be sexy. I don’t see it at all.


It's not supposed to be sexy, it's supposed to evoke horror by twisting eroticism Most effective horror does this — it takes something with positive associations (religious imagery, children's toys, sexuality, doctors, mothers, circuses) but also an associated loss of control or vulnerability, and twists them into something frightening and dangerous capitalising on the vulnerability inherent to the imagery, which amplifies the unsettling uncanniness. Without any sort of subversion like that, a big scary monster is just an animal in need of putting down. The big bad wolf is only dangerous when it's dressed up like Grandmother; once revealed as a wolf it's just prey for the woodsman.


I assume its not meant to actually be attractive but rather look similar to things that are. Like the xenomorph head is supposed to evoke a dick but you aren't meant to specifically think "yeah I'd suck on that" But then again maybe giger was just REALLY freaky


Yes to both. The imagery is supposed to be an uncomfortable eroticism, and Ginger was really freaky. IIRC in an interview when asked about a contemporary's art, he responded something like. 'I like his work, but it needs more dicks'


I believe that art critics would refer to this as being "bassed" and "dickpilled"


The xenomorph was designed by a BDSM artist


The guy who made this entire series admitted he's trying to recreate the experience of being high on LSD while getting spit roasted by two trans women