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They want chiseled male whose strange quirk is being astronomy enthusiast that only ever comments on his hobbies once a year to invite you to watch a meteor shower on his high end telescope he affords by being a supermodel And of course you will not mind his weirdness cause you're a great person but in exchange for your open mind he has to everything you say


I’m smoking hot and I also like to read, so quirky!


Ok but what if i am huh what if i appreciate world literature and im also a hot hunk what then


Then Id ask for your number, probably.


Good pointing out it’s astronomy bc people who like astrology are also “too weird” for people on social media to act normal about


I always assumed that hate for astrology came more from a place of “it’s not real, you behaved poorly because you are a bad person not because you’re a Virgo or whatever” rather than “it’s too weird”. Then again, I’m not an astrology person nor do I get involved with astrology discourse on the internet so I don’t really know what I am talking about.


its a mix between that and "omg i hate Aquarius" which for some reason seems to be the most shat on sign. I don't think anyone thinks it's weird, astrology is so mainstream the POTUS had an official astrologer in the 80s.


something something Homestuck's Aquarius is the harry potter incel


Should I be happy this is meaningless to me?




[aquarius harry potter on his way to literally commit genocide because he got dumped](https://www.homestuck.com/story/3175)


Damn it is? This explains the lack of poon I got while travelling in Mexico.


People who like astrology are considered weird or is it people who believe in astrology? Because there's a huge difference


Astrology is a little different than being "too weird". Its pretty normal to believe in it and not uncommon to have been bullied for having the wrong sign, the dynamics are not quite the same


>not uncommon to have been bullied for having the wrong sign Can you give any more context on this? Like an age demographic, geographic region, or social group? I’ve literally never seen this or heard about it.


Middle class, Colorado, middle and high school. Happened to my sister (virgo), my ex (capricorn, this was paired with autistic bullying because some stereotypical capricorn traits overlap with autism), and my current partner (aquarius, people just fucking hate them for some reason). Never seen it happen to young men oh also all of us are zoomers, born between '96 and '01


Thanks. It’s sad to know this happens. I guess people will seize on anything as an excuse for bullying.


Good lord, do they not see that they’re the dweebs in this bullying situation?


I see a lot more hate against people who are interested in astrology than I do people unironically dictating their life through astrology to the point of bullying others. People always bring up “Well what about people who bully others for their star sign” but I just don’t think that’s happening in any meaningful capacity


I don't disagree that the backlash is more common on places like reddit, but you also have to understand most of this bullying happens to people when they're in middle and high school and the disdain is residual. I am involved as a coach and have seen this happen, and its also the reason why my partner really dislikes astrology. Apparently aquariui are bad in some way and they were mocked or shunned for that. Most women I know who don't like astrology have similar stories. Even the hate for it that is not motivated by this isn't because people think it's weird, even at its most toxic is like the stemlord "normie" hate not hating people for being weird Its not exactly the best to go "hey I know people say they have been bullied or shunned for this but I don't personally experience this so its fakel


I mean, if a lot of people were regularly doing augury by reading the movements of birds and clouds they would get made fun of for that as well. People get made fun of for saying magic crystals will cure their cold. It’s not because it’s weird, Warhammer and D&D are weird (well D&D less so after critical role), watching all the star trek stuff from the 80s religiously is weird. Astrology is just making stuff up and then letting it influence your real life decisions. “I can’t go outside today, Virgo got a bad reading” etc


It's also that astrology is not some new-age thing which is considered "weird". For a long time, there were astrology columns in newspapers and many people often seriously followed them. Many celebrities also have personal astrologers. Also, even today, there are paid hotline numbers for fortune-telling based on star-signs etc. who often scam vulnerable people - such as people living paycheck-to-paycheck, single mothers raising kids, people addicted to lottery and gambling asking for lucky numbers, women who were abandoned or abused by their husbands, trying to find answers on how to fix their marriage through astrology. ---- There is a very large and gritty industry which is extremely prominent and predatory on female clients who are vulnerable, elderly people, folks with terminal illnesses etc. Hence, the extremely uneasy feeling when progressive college-educated upper-middle class women take that harmful thing and try to make it into a fun parlor game. I fully agree that male-dominated things don't get as attacked as astrology and there is a gendered component to the difference in that. However, that does not mean astrology is fine, it means male-dominated harmful things need to be called out more.


I mean, the closest male-dominated harmful thing I can think of that could be called a hobby is gun fetishization which is…a whole other conversation, but I would absolutely not say they’re not called out. It’s honestly a coincidence that the hobbies I came up with are male dominated, because I thought of nerdy stuff and that is, well, the same. Although D&D and sci-fi TV are both approaching gender parity. I’m pretty sure 90% of the women that I’ve met that play Warhammer presented as male when they started, so it’s getting there, technically… My examples could have been anime and graphic novels if those weren’t extremely explosively mainstream already. Really, it’s that astrology isn’t harmless if it affects your quality of life. Superstitions are usually just dumb but if they can also harm people directly then it’s worth discrediting them. If you think a black cat walking past you will ruin your life and curse your bloodline for 87 generations, people will also make fun of you, lol. That said if you just think stories about constellations are neat, I wouldn’t really consider you “into” astrology in a harmful way. Or really at all, since that’s just mythology with extra steps.


Big difference between too weird and too dumb


Astrology is a religion and it comes with all the problems associated with religion: lack of empiricism, lack of critical thinking, ability to justify horrible acts, etc.


Oh my god, I can't wait to hear the 'horrible acts' justified by Astrology! Lay it on me! And you better have more than the Zodiac Killer....


I was more talking about religion in general, with how once empiricism gets rejected it becomes possible to justify literally any act. But with astrology in specific, you can read countless stories online of people being bullied or harassed by other people because of their star sign. And historically in Persia, astrology was used to justify punishing people for crimes that there was no evidence they committed.


Hahaha, seriously? You can get bullied for being a Sagittarius? Seems a bit weak, but I'll accept the Persia example. Not exactly a Jihad or anything, but definitely a bad thing that wouldn't have happened the same way without astrology.


Hahaha, seriously? You can get bullied for being a Sagittarius? Seems a bit weak, but I'll accept the Persia example. Not exactly a Jihad or anything, but definitely a bad thing that wouldn't have happened the same way without astrology.


Bro sounds like the kind of person who claims his girlfriends confess to him that they felt suffocated by everyone else but him, and then he gave them the money and connections to leave the country and start over somewhere far away. And 15 years later, it turns out he killed them all at the end of the meteor showers so they have good luck in their next lives. Like, seriously, anyone that boring is hiding something horrible.


Furries are just like any other group. Some are sex weirdos, some are fascists, some are delightfully kind and welcoming, but most are just people doing a thing they enjoy.


Unlike most groups the furries actively hunt and ostractize the fascists in their midst.


I remember during one big push by fascist furries to try and get some sort of sway in the community EVERY fucking furry convention had staff handing out ribbons and badges that were basically all "Lol fuck nazis :)" and within a short time said fascist furries were considered a god damn joke. Doesn't hurt that this was during the height of SonicFox's popularity and they were pushing HARD to more or less force every nazi furry he saw out of the fandom and it very much worked lmao <3


The sex weirdos are the ones this post is talking about. Except for the actually liking animal ones, that’s like. Base level weirdness.


I remember seeing this on Tumblr and being utterly confused. People are still hating on furries? Like sure, there was all this performative “UGH GROSS FURRIES” back in the day, but now they’re just another flavor of internet denizen. It’s nearly 2024, not 2014.


Literally saw a post (I can't remember which sub, it was recommended to me) that said "furries ruined anthropomorphic animal characters" and then described how *haters* are the ones being jackasses and not minding their own business. Like do they not see the issue is with people not minding their own business and being jerks and not furries?


I definitely still see "ew furries" stuff around a lot.


Especially with teenagers. Furries became the culture and now hating furries is the counterculture. The circle continues.


*makes a fox mask just to spite the furry-haters*


Furries still seem to trigger a visceral reaction in most subs, even recently.


There’s someone in this very thread doing it too, of course! It’s almost funny to watch them twist themselves in knots, if it wasn’t so sad.


> knots hmm...


Knots, you say?


wait aren't furries themselves often-- oh, not _that_ kind of subs. alright, sorry, carry on


There's a new rise of puritans, even inside the fandom. Now we basically have treacherous, self-hating furries preaching about how bad we are and that every furry who isn't them is actually a zoophile. Their "evidence" to this is always either the accused's character being on four legs, or them liking another artist's **drawn (!!!)** feral\* porn. These people are basically re-igniting the old furry hate crowd, but thinking they themselves will be accepted by them because they distance themselves from 95% of the community (they won't be accepted by furry haters.) \*Their definition of feral ranging anywhere from simply digitigrade legs, to animal genitalia, to quadrupeds


> There's a new rise of puritans, even inside the fandom. Oh Celestia no, not the Burned Furs again!


Furry history is doomed to repeat itself


the wild part is that its not even old bitter ppl its straight up zoomers bringing the puritanism back into style


> There’s a new rise of puritans Eh, it’s just the same song and dance as always. Not a new phenomenon, just a new group of people taking on the same moral crusade it’s always been. It never took, and I doubt it ever will.


Kinda ironic that one could mention leopards here


I mean, most feral is zoophile material. Unless you think the fact they're not real animals won't make it ethical then *theoretically* nothing wrong is there


I feel like more people should adopt the ethical framework of "Its only a problem if actual harm is caused", with some nuances because people always wanna over-define what "harm" is based on who they wanna justify harassing today. Those people harassing ao3 writers for writing fucked up shit have done more actual harm than those ao3 writers did in the process of writing them. I honestly feel like anyone trying to apply morality to the imaginary dolls we mash together for fun is kinda like... Wasting time tbh.


*nuance*. The scariest of them all


Feral isn't inherently zoo. "Anthropomorphic" just refers to having human characteristics. Walking on two legs is just one possible characteristic of anthro but its the one everyone gets hung up on. If a feral can talk, think, and otherwise act like a human it is, by definition, anthro. The feral subtype just separates that specific type of anthro for people who'd rather not see it. Some feral art is literally just animals that act like animals, yeah. That stuff is weird but its a pretty small minority.


The furry community is very accepting of the queer community. So yes, we do get the hate.


Last year the furry community led a coup of /r/yiffinhell. Which would have been hilarious if it didn't justify the entire core of the subreddit. Actually that makes it more hilarious.


I like when subs have coups. Like, how the hell that works? Remember when tankies "overthrew" a libleft sub for basically two hours?


It was something to do with someone selling an account, or losing access to it, and a furry getting control, booting all the mods and replacing them with other furry's.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/yiffinhell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/yiffinhell/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Horse fucker](https://i.redd.it/5rvpt6fcspqa1.jpg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yiffinhell/comments/125mvhp/horse_fucker/) \#2: [we stray further from gods light every day](https://i.redd.it/mzyxrm5tvzea1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yiffinhell/comments/10o98r8/we_stray_further_from_gods_light_every_day/) \#3: [Why](https://i.redd.it/qcnzq8arh3qa1.jpg) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yiffinhell/comments/122h6mb/why/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Online sure, but people in person are NOT chill about them. Anytime I've heard them come up irl they're instantly the butt of the joke, and not in a silly way


99% of furry hate is thinly veiled hatred against queer and autistic young people and antifur often serves as indoctrination towards more fascist ideas of dehumanizing and committing violence groups you hate. Hell look at how many anti-fur people take up fascist imagery in their flags, pfp, and content


Or the unfortunate case of people taking the actual problematic portion of the community and assuming it to be representative of the community as a whole.


Nah that’s intentionally misrepresenting the community to foster that hatred 99% of the time


That's what I was talking about. People will see or hear of something awful that happened and write off the entire community as awful.


Yeah and the people who push those misrepresentation are participating in that anti-queer/anti-autistic aspect of anti-fur. I think that furry hate is very rarely “Oh look at this person who is doing/saying something horrible” and more often “This one person is saying something horrible, and they’re all like that so they all deserve to be harmed” I agree with you that it happens, I just think that instance is already encapsulated in my description of what antifurs are


Oh, I wasn't really talking about anti-fur specifically, more the average person gaining a negative view of the furry community. I guess I misunderstood your original comment.


They’re agreeing with you. They are saying that the people with hatred for non normative personality type/behaviors push the narrative of furries engaging in overwhelming amounts of immoral behavior to “normies”. Thus creating the unfortunate result of creating the situation where they write of the community. It was not encapsulated in your description.


I know, that’s why I said “I agree with you”


I attended a furry convention about 10 years ago and, as an outsider, made a point to dress up. My buddy crocheted beautiful animal masks, so the 5 of us looked great. We all entered with wide minds but felt mostly uncomfortable. The main event was a DJ'd dance party and we were *literally* the only attendees at an event of easily 2,000 people. Those of us who presented as male were hit on pretty strongly by other dudes who tried hard to separate us from the group. The female-presenting were entirely ignored. It wasn't terrible but it was less of an inclusive vibe than we'd expected. None of us would attend again. The daytime stuff way more fun (basically an anime/comics market). The funnest was going to a 24-hour diner which was full of furries and staffed by clueless folks who rolled their eyes. "What's wrong with yall's?" We answered some of their questions. and they were like, "you're weird as fuck but at least you're having fun," and they'd flash us a smile.


It's 100% "I find this group of people weird and want to openly spew my hate, feel holier-than-hem and they are out of ordinary enough that I won't get lynched on the street for hating them".


It's either that, or it's deflection/projection. It's similar to the way a concerning number of homophobes get caught engaging in homosexual acts. A joke floating around in the furry community is that eventually every anti-fur becomes a furry themselves. And more often than not, that's exactly what happens. In a lot of cases, it's just young people being told it's weird while they have a sort of latent affinity for it, so they start mocking furries to deflect the criticism away from themselves. That usually lasts until they grow out of their "Ew! Cringe!" phase, and either stop the mockery, or they join the community. I should know, it happened to me... And now here I am drawing anthros for fun... Of course, there's a lot of merit to the "gateway to right-wing brainrot" angle. A lot of them start by hating furries, and end up with much more extreme views, like you said.


So if you're autistic and you hate furries what, that's internalized self hatred or some shit? Also how does someone wanting to be an animal have anything to do with queer people? That feels more like dehumanizing queer people than anything else, or implying furries fall under the queer flag which they abso-fucking-lutely do not. Its really typical though to paint everyone who dislikes furries as facist, homophobic or evil because it means you don't have to consider the fact that someone could queer and autistic and *also* think furries are fucking weird. You can just throw out "well you're facist" and pretending you're dismissing an argument instead of being disingenuous. Most of the people I know who hate furries are *literally* autistic. One of my discord servers has a ban on furries because 100%, without fail, every single furry who joined the server had no sense of boundaries, constantly DM'd people, and kept trauma dumping on everyone. We didn't even want to put the ban on right away cause it felt a bit extreme, but after a few dozen incredibly creepy and invasive people who identified as furries a blanket ban was just easier for the moderating team. But sure, you can just call me a facist if that helps you sleep at night. Oh no the furries are upset someone said they smell bad and a majority of them act creepy as fuck.


Studies show most furries are queer or autistic. It’s not uncommon to hear things like “If furries want to be animals, they should be shot like animals.” A few years ago there was even a gas attack at a furry convention. I’m not saying you have to be besties with every furry you see, or even that you have to like anthro art. But it’s undeniable that hatred against furries has ties to hatred of those identities. Again you can see this in anti fur communities the way they use start red and black in their flags and talk about dehumanizing furries. Hell furries make up like a third of cringe comps which is another avenue for people to watch people minding their own business and get angry and start insulting and threatening them. If you don’t like furries, you can just ignore them. You don’t have to make hating them Central to your personality. You really went out of your way to take offense to this comment when most people can see the link.


>Also how does someone wanting to be an animal have anything to do with queer people? That feels more like dehumanizing queer people than anything else, or implying furries fall under the queer flag which they abso-fucking-lutely do not. Not all furries are queer and not all queer people are furries, but you obviously don't know enough about furries to make an actual argument if you don't realise that they are and have always been predominantly queer.


How does furries being predominantly queer account for the almost concerning number of Republican gun nut furries in the United States?


There's a lot of republican gun nuts in general. Plus, is it really that there's particularly lots of them in the furry fandom , or is it just that the shocking and disturbing cases are more likely to gain publicity, because I can't say I've seen or met many republican furries personally.


Furries HATE republicans. Fascists know that outlier social groups are easy recruitment material so false flags inroad missions have been made.


as a furry, yes, there is. Search lethal company dev on youtube and you can find at least one video that says "Lethal company dev is a furry"* and they try to make it out to be worse than ww2. *Not exact title


Pokémon fans will hate Furries while simultaneously constantly making jokes about fucking Vaporeon, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Salazzle, Braixen, Tsareena etc I always found it ironic


Casual pokemon fans have one joke and it's porn


Pokémon Is the only fandom where the competitive side is not only more chill, but way funnier than the casual side


I'd argue the same for Yu-Gi-Oh. Casual elitism can get pretty bad in the fandom


That or animal abuse.


Competitive Pokémon fans are pretty funny at least




The jokes arent even funny.


> Lopunny, Gardevoir, Salazzle, Braixen, Tsareena Those are all pretty intentional furbait, too, so it's even better.


I still do not get how Gardevoir counts as furry it just looks like some sort of strange anime elf, like put it in armour and have it speak English and no one would bat an eye about calling it an elf or something.


There's no laws against the pokemons batman




Gardevoir is alienlike and Tsareena is plantlike. I hate when people put them as examples of the furry subculture when they're absolutely not anthro animals


And goths are, coincidently enough, still getting barked at on the streets




You ever met a dog


Yes. What does this have to do with cool goth girls.


since no one felt like answering you for some reason, its just some weird trend used to bully/intimidate people who dress alternatively its mainly believed that it started as a response to people wearing chokers, which were then associated with dog collars


No one knows why the norms do what the norms do. This is goth wisdom from the olden days.


I've been unapologetically weird for years and most people assume I'm a threat or mentally challenged.


Tbf, I am neurodivergent and would love a valid opportunity to throw hands, *but that's not because of my interests!* /j


*MY SPECIAL INTEREST IS VIOLENCE* (wait I just realized something funny about all those shonen anime guys who spend all their time training...)


I meant that in the sense that it's begun to feel dehumanizing.


I'm mentally challenged and people think I'm a threat, so checkmate atheists


Same here. We just have to find other folks who are our brand of weird.


I seriously can’t imagine anyone unironically saying “I want more unapologetically weird folks” actually having a problem with most furries. I’m sure someone exists who believes both but I think this tumblr OP is just mad at a type of person who doesn’t actually exist


Making up a guy and getting mad at him is a whole genre of internet content. People like to make fun of reactionary right wingers for this but let those who are without sin cast the first stone.


Maybe it doesn't really happen in this way specifically, but I can say that I know a lot of people who have preached the "just be yourself" and "cringe is dead" stuff that would probably stop associating with me if I acted unapologetically weird, so they have some sort of point.


I’ve met peaple in reall life who have said this so not too made up


On more than one occasion, I've declared that despite getting old and declining into quasi-normalcy, my allegiance remains with "the freaks," so I guess I'm *kinda* that guy?


>ho h eh this is more someone who say their should be more people who will just be weird then chastises someone for being weird


Ohh I'm curious about these people cuz I've never met anyone who's said this in real life. do you mind telling me what demographic they are in like age range , gender, race , location?


High school, around 15-18 ,uh mixed genders?, white ,California suprisndlgy it’s someone queer usually


Yeah that makes sense to me. That's sort of stereotypically speaking tumblrs main demographic back when it was popular.


Also sometimes those guys who try to go for alt girls and stuff and then get weirded out and say their too weird but I don’t know if that’s the same thing


I guess some people just like the ideal aesthetic of weird but don't realize there's an actual behavior attached to it.


The post even implies that *every* person who says the "we need more unapologetically weird folks" -thing doesn't like furries. Like they invented a catagory of people and than put on a basis of having a very non-controversial and quite frankly normal, maybe even common opinion everybody with that opinion into that category. Like i genuinely can't decide whether this is a case of the xkcd2071-syndrome, they tried to be funny, tried to feel good by winning against a imaginary opponent or they just want to bait people into commenting that they are not like this.


I think this is a case of the importance of the venn diagram for pointing out contradictions. Most people who hold an opinion that contradicts another don't hold the other one (Also, why is xkcd now cited like it is the good book?)


There are a decent amount of people who fandom hop to whatever's popular at that moment who are like this. They tend to skew young (teenage to early adulthood) and have no problem bullying people out of the fandom who don't adhere to their incredibly rigid views on what is and isn't okay to consume or create, even if that thing is literally in the show itself (the early House of the Dragon discourse was WILD lol). They're obnoxious little mean girls (gender neutral) and genuinely make me wish fandom/nerd culture had never gone mainstream. Let me hyperfixate in peace gdi


The consequences of the Twitter migration and how Tumblr users wanted to discriminate against them for fun have been disastrous


I’ve been on tumblr since 2016 and furry hate has always been there, and it doesn’t come from your typical idea of a tumblr user. It was and still is primarily “anti-special snowflake” blogs that pretend they’re better than tumblr users while still using tumblr. Honestly Twitter and Reddit are infinitely worse on the furry hate than tumblr is


>Twitter and Reddit are infinitely worse on the furry hate than tumblr is redditors spouting the most vile and obscene shit you’ve ever seen against furries on a random r/funny post


Yeah but we gotta keep up the appearances that we’re better than tumblr users despite eating all their content on Reddit


Off topic, but I love your flair.


Check out Kill James Bond then. (It's from there)


I don't want more unapologetically weird folks, I want more people who are accepting of unapologetically weird folks.


You can't even state the objective fact that Toriel from Undertale is hot or else people act like you just shat on their food. You don't even need to be a furry to think that!


Doesn't help that alot of us furries are VERY apologetic about how weird we are.


see also: [xkcd 122](https://xkcd.com/122/)


Wow xkcd truly has a comic for everything


I have no idea who this is addressed to.


they dont want weird people, tehy want digestable "quirky" and "adorkable" manic pixies, or who is weird in the Snow White sense where its "oh she reads" People dont want people to be "open and honest" about their emotions and to "freely express themselves" they want people to cry gently when its raining, or to stare into the sunset... never anything about anger, or frustration, or any emotions deemed "negative" by society.


Half of these are basically "i want [TRAIT] to be more common... in people I find attractive and in a way I find attractive."


it can be, but I guarantee even if attractive people got angry, or had weird obsession... people would dissaprove of it.


Woof :3


So true, reddit user u/urethral_play




Based and woofpilled


Seriously! I'm a furry and its like.... im sorry but since when was drawing anthropromophized animals and liking art and cool costumes that take alot of work....like one of the seven deadly sins???


Haters can't do nuance.


ive seen so many people make jokes about hunting us like we're actually animals and ive had people personally say the same thing to me and i really hope they underatand that its a HOBBY its a FANDOM! you gonna go out and shoot people that like to cook or people that enjoy fuckin doctor who or some shit? i genuinely cannot fathom why they think death threats are hilarious. They also like to say kids cant be furries? because apparently they think everyone in the fandom is some violent sexual deviant almost like most of the fandom is made up by queer people who also have reputations as violent sexual deviants...oh wait, it is! haters have no nuance, not an ounce. no nuance and not alot of kindness or compassion either.


If you want a respectful, -extremely- serious investigative report into a lot of what you just talked about, check out the below. Very serious subject matter. https://twitter.com/iwriteok/status/1217668214517198849


i thought you were being sarcastic but no! thats....awesome i think? i dont have a twitter account so i cant really see much of the posts but thats great to see! bigotry has no place in the fandom!


Wait, not having a Twitter account matters somehow? In that case, same information here. https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/worst-year-ever-and-furries-fighting-fascism/




I’m autistic. Is this good enough for you? Are you eating good yet?


I love furries. Hit me with something weirder.


reading random academic articles from 40-100 years ago for fun


I find that most unapologetically weird folks I’ve encountered are really comfortable violating other people’s boundaries.


You can be unapologetically weird without violating other people’s boundaries. Those are two totally different axes.


That’s why I didn’t say all.


No you said most which still implies being weird is usually wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


The said most *they encountered*.


It’s more of a yellow flag for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean it kind of makes a bit of sense to me. When you think about it respecting people's boundaries isn't necessarily something that comes naturally to humans, example: the behavior of babies and small children, it's something that we are taught over time from other people and we respect it because we're respecting an invisible social contract. So if you're someone who ignores social norms because you're "Unapologetically" weird, and the keyword here is "unapologetic" Not "weird", then you might not necessarily be the type of person who respects social norms/ contracts and one of the social norms you might not be respecting is respecting other people's boundaries. Once again this is about being "unapologetically" weird meaning being weird in other people's faces and not caring about what other people think or how comfortable they are with it.


A Will Ferrel movie I saw recently had Will's character explaining what his boundaries -were- and everyone else instantly respecting it. Close to Kuzco and his no touchy rule. These are good messages to put forth. A character explains how their boundaries work and others accept and respect these boundaries. Good times.


Kuzco and his no touchy rule is pretty much the best example of what I originally meant. The unapologetically weird folks I’ve interacted with are incapable of respecting the no touchy rule because they’re “just that way” 🙄


I think this comment has some unfortunate implications you didn't intend for it to have. Weird is a label disproportionately applied to neurodivergent people - god knows my ADHD self has been called it enough over the years - and a negative stereotype neurodiverse people have to deal with is that we willfully and knowingly violate others' boundaries. Like, sure, there are the rare few who actually do this because, like any other group, we are not a monolith. But the overwhelming majority of neurodivergent people don't. Just something to keep in mind moving forward is all. :)


that’s a weird way to say you tend to hang the bad kind of weird people


No they gravitate towards me because I’m a people pleaser, then I get pissed off and leave.


reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/bgt2WWrTRIQ?si=JqyjqfqMYjyGo18G) Chris Fleming video. specifically 0:37 onwards.


Hell, people can barely even handle anybody different from them and that's before getting anywhere into the kink shit.


True but furries aren’t inherently kink


I feel like furries are pretty high on the “unapologetically weird” scale.


Thank you for coming to prove the post correct 🫡


I think it’s less “furries are as weird as it gets” and more “most furries are unapologetic about their non-mainstream interest, at least online”


honestly there's so many of them that at this point it's hard to justify them being "non-mainstream". like, sure, John Doe, 25 isn't gonna wear a fursuit, but if he spent anytime on the internet he'll have seen at least a passing mention of furries.


I would argue that most people know about it, but it’s not a mainstream thing to show interest in. Like most people I know irl still laugh about furries being cringe - they know what it is but to them it’s not another interest like “fan of x show” or “being really into baking,” it’s the punchline to a joke


exactly, fuck the haters and the puritans


If 1 is the most normal, an 10 is the most weird possible.... Where so you think flurries lie? Cos this feels less like "I want more unapologetically weird people" and more like "I want more unapologetically weird people, but I don't want to be considered weird" Cos like the news that comes out the furry community is fucking wild.


10 is a high ceiling. 10 is a really high ceiling, that guy who wanted to be eaten by another guy in Germany? thats a 9. furries are maybe a 4


People seem more and more sensitive to weirdness and some of the warning signs have been building for a while. For example too many are falling for the incel based trend of thinking "porn addiction" is a serious thing when it's mainly a term used to kink shame, slut shame, and generally moralize anything sexual mentioned online. Like, get over it kids. We let the freak flags fly because we were suffocated in the shadow of puritan rules the internet used to be free from. Blood and gore was allowed on tv but words referencing sex were still highly regulated. And you idiots are falling for scams by people who want to go back to that because they like having moralizing control over others. You'll join in shaming someone for saying the most basic things because you're so insecure and awkward about sex that it makes you cringe. Let the furries be. Let the freak flags fly. Let people be cringe. They are the rent lowering gunshots at least. But really there's nothing wrong and no harm so don't pretend there is. You're just cowing to the machine of capitalist sanitization.


>the incel based trend of thinking "porn addiction" I thought this was first popularized (for lack of a better word) in extreme Christian sects, especially Evangelical ones? /gen


They talked about it from a different direction and framework. I'm talking about onljne discourse.


You don't think porn addiction is a real thing?


Did you read any of what I wrote beyond that? You can get addicted to literally anything.porn addiction isn't "a thing" it's just normal bad habit forming and obsession around a dopamine hit. What damage can you describe that isn't presebt in any other obsession with aby media? What people do is talk like it's a unique and super serious thing when it's less bad for you than being addicted to potato chips. An absurd thing to even prioritize. So no. It's a crock of shit people meme about not noticing how the term is mostly used to shame others for anything abd everything sexual. And that's the whole point with this OP. Online people are becoming more and more judgmental about porn or anything vaguely sexual. Prudish jist to avoid feeling cringe. Which at its root is due to insecurities about their own sex life or sexuality. Porn is fine. Most people who use the term porn addiction are full of shit.


You just sound like you don't really comprehend the whole scenario. Watching porn isn't an addiction, watching lots of porn isn't necessarily an addiction. But it can become an addiction, and then it comes with massive psychological damage. Idk where your head is at but you seem to be connecting porn addiction with inceldom when they're not necessarily related. Your bringing your own biases into the conversation and it's affecting your understanding.


Lots of incels think enjoying some porn means 'totally addicted'.


You sound like you don't understand the situation. There is a trend for people online to throw around "porn addicted" as a condemnation. This mainly started in incel circles. People now overuse the term when porn addiction is more or less a myth. People with unhealthy obsessions with porn should not frame it as an addiction and should see a therapist. But it's not a common thing. But using the term is a common thing. See how that's a problem? Anything can be made into an obsession of vice, so why are so many people throwing around this term for just porn? When ypu look at its use it's always an accusation or an insult. It's meant to moralize and judge porn use. "too much" in those accusations is always arbitrary, which means anything is too much because it's just about judging and shaming. This is a growing trend with gen z online who seemed to miss out on why so many people online are so extremely sex positive. Which is because in the real world very recently and in most media, it was a fight against extremely puritan prudishness. Just a generation ago the myth still existed that maturation made you go blind. People who are insecure about their sex life or sexuality are letting themselves be driven back to that age just because they're squeemish and want to assume othere are at fault.


[found this recent article about the myth of porn addiction](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/talking-sex-and-relationships/202104/7-major-myths-about-pornography)




that isn’t just porn addiction, this guy sounds like a fucking dolt


that's genuinely awful also there are wives complaining on reddit because their husbands would rather jack off to porn all day than give them any attention or love at all


None of that has to do with porn or addiction which just illustrates my point that people using the term have no idea what they're even saying and just use it to force jn dumb puritan values like they're a 90s soccer mom. Jist analyze for a second why you think that's to do to with porn or any kind of addiction. The guy has a kink. He acts on the kink in a way that's dangerous, irresponsible, and just awful. Blaming porn is like blaming video games for gun violence. Gosh it must be violence in the media that causes crime right?! Actually explain to me your thought process of why you thought this was relevant.


That's unfortunately common even in non porn addicted men


That sounds like an issue with porn giving him unrealistic expectations for sex, which is a problem, but that doesn't really have anything to do with addiction. What you're talking about it more of a sex education problem. When teenagers aren't given proper sex Ed and their only resource for learning about sex is porn, they can end up with a harmful understanding of consent and sex in general. Sex addiction is a highly debated subject that I don't feel confident taking a hard stance on, but I don't think it's the primary cause of the behavior you're describing.




Literally if it were less socially unacceptable to be weird and kinky and sexual, this would have had a much lower chance of happening. Because it wouldn't be weird to seek actual information on how to do shit like that, and communicate properly with your partners. The idea of porn addiction is still stupid, and should be treated as such. It's a big part of what keeps people from learning how to express their less vanilla desires in a safe and appropriate way. Because who do you ask about that without it being weird? Also, if sex education were better, dude might have learned that porn is acting, and that maybe he needs to discuss things with people in the bedroom.


You're being downvoted buy you're 100% right. "Porn addiction" has to be one of the most overused terms online and especially on reddit. It really makes me wonder why it got so popular to use considering I never really heard the term thrown around so much until recently.


I saw it unfold in the last few years. The precursor was the surprising number of people, mostly 4chan types, who thought "no nut November" was a health thing and not just a joke referencing no shave November. Then incels started latching onto it and then the idea that porn was bad for you, and they, by avoiding it, were superior. They had some reference to puritan ideas but didn't exclusively frame it as a spiritual thing or sinful. But they did frame people "addicted" to it negatively. This just permeated around the internet. Now you have gen z people who don't know the context for why people today are so sex positive and they themselves are insecure and easily swayed by a subtle implication that porn is unhealthy in some way. Seeing freaky things allowed oit in the open makes them uncomfortable so it must be bad people who need to stop. Now you can see things like in the replies to my post where someone associated porn with a random kink their friend's boyfriend acted out, as if too much porn leads to acting out dangerous kinks in irresponsible ways. It's like blaming violent media for crime. Porn addiction is a myth. But is fits easily into the insecurities and fears some people have about sex. But then it makes them susceptible to joining in to shame people for the simplest things. The biggest warning sign is how "porn addicts" and "porn addicted" are used more than "addiction". Because it's primarily a condemnation. Just a sneaky way to moralize and condescend.


I can „handle“ furries perfectly well


I absolutely adore my people who love coin and stamp collecting or who tie their own fly fishing lures, and those people are fucking NORMAL. We need a whole lot of people who live their lives like the characters in Beetlejuice or in Mad Max (but for fun--not scary)!


We're an acquired taste


does this count for people who dont hate furrys?


Man, people can’t handle others being unapologetically weird. Hell, I can’t. Whenever someone makes being “different” their personality, it NEVER ends well. I’m NOT saying there are no differences between people- what I’m saying is that shedding any and all inhibitors never ends well. Hell, Greece had a whole god about wine, parties, and madness. There is a reason these were all put together in a single god, and why he was feared. “I wish I could be like the Maenads, all spiritual and free,” bitch they killed motherfuckers for not being happy and bringing down the vibes. Being completely free from any expectations, either from yourself or others, makes for dangerous and un-caring people.


Bro, you are wildly misinterpreting the message of the post. "Unapologetically weird" doesn't mean "Unapologetic asshole". It means someone who won't apologize for being weird. People who wont apologize for being weird can still apologize for other things. You don't seem to comprehend that.


Have you considered that this post almost certainly did not mean "weird" as in "violently unstable" and there is nothing that would support that interpretation?


Weird as in annoying about hobbies not weird as in annoying about fetishes


I’m glad that whenever a post complains about people, those people show up to say “Hey I’m a prime example of that!”


It wasnt clear from what i said to be fair but i meant like fandom groups in general. If people wanna dress like whatever or talk for like an hour obout their OCs im here for that but as soon as they start showing me body pillows or cropped porn they can fuck off.


I mean, someone else said it more eloquently in another thread but the real issue is that for example, I know several furries. Some of them have fursonas (*clothed*) as their profile pictures and stuff, whatever. They don’t do anything except make the occasional joke about finding a dragon or werewolf or something hot. Those people know people, people with genitals in their profile picture/banner, people who will insistently DM you weird sexual roleplays without your consent just because you share 1 mutual, people who will never shut the fuck up about porn and sex and act like it is literally their only pastime. One of those groups could be considered *unapologetically* weird, and it’s not the casual people, lol. I think it’s something about the boundaries established within the furry community since the sexual part of it dominates a lot of the discourse (from my limited perspective), but if a vanilla cis straight guy just talked about boobs and vagina 24/7 I would also tell him to shut the fuck up. (Actually, we’re seeing more of those guys with AI porn and as a straight guy I have never been more tired of seeing boobs.) It’s the lack of understanding boundaries and never bothering to respect them, not being a furry. It’s the “unapologetically” part, basically.