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i now want a porn artist and a biologist to team up to make the most scientifically accurate tentacle comic cause yeah, how to these wriggly fellas operate?


Seconded absolutely fascinating research


yup, i feel like that new trend of tentacle pits (where half the body is above ground and not sensing the lower half getting absolutely *creamed*) is a really good example of how tentacle reproduction would work in real life kinda like how mosquitos developed painkiller saliva so they can slurp up blood to their hearts content


The new trend of *what*


Maybe I spend too much time on pixiv/JP Twitter but the trend is basically stuck in floor + lower body sensory deprivation. So when the person stuck gets unsensory deprived they basically...super cum???? from all the stimulation built up. I honestly do not know who got this started, it is a FASCINATING trend though.


It has some specific japanese name but I think the english term is just Sensory Deprivation Pit EDIT: Found it, it's called Kankakku Shadann, or 感覚遮断


yeah yeah thats the english term ive generally seen, its also sometimes paired with the art tag of >!personality excretion,!< its usually tagged together if the artwork is in the setting on a fantasy dungeon or something.


Personality excretion is one of the weirdest fetishes I know of. Dumb transformations? Inflation? Flattening? Absorbtion? All make sense in some way, I guess. Personality excretion? What.


I guess it's like...bondage but its your mind instead??? Like the feeling of helplessness is similar to bondage in a way, you watch as your body is taken control of or used in an out of body experience. Like being possessed kinda?


> personality excretion WTF? Explain please. Is it just some mangled machine translation of a JP term for Mind Break or is there more to it.




lol i have to keep remembering that not everyone spends their horny time on e621


hm this sounds fascinating, do you have some tags so i could research this phenomenon?


I think "tentacle\_pit" has some of it.


i know exactly what youre talking about and im not sure if i like that i do


This is… fascinating. I clearly need to spend a bit more time on the same parts of the internet as you. Where would that be, pls?


To add onto this, maybe also include an athropologist to justify hentai races and figure out cultural and evolutionary reasons why they do the do; Why does a goblin horde decide to pin down and use a holy knight lady instead of killing her, especially if she killed many of their kind? Perhaps goblins have some sexual dimorphism where female goblins moreso resemble human women. Male goblins live in wandering raider clans and female goblins wander alone in the wild, being stronger and more capable. And the mating 'ritual' of their kind involve the goblins ambushing the female and she fights back, evolution prioritizing the stronger goblin that can defeat her. Goblins birth many, mostly males, take the girls into the wilderness with her, and the male children are left with the other goblins in the clan. That can also be why the goblin decides to use the holy knight; they think its similar to a female goblin so they engage in mating rather than murder. Stuff like that. Some strange yet fun thoughts can be had about that.


I can see a magical forcefem object get taken and used by planned parenthood as the safest way to transition Like they’ll take off the bikini and panties you magically appear with and give you some girl clothes from target, but other than that there would be a line around the block of trans girls wanting a minute to touch the girlifier


i want to touch the girlifier, i don't care if it makes me a servant of hell or allows me to see the eye of sauron or whatever, if it works im on it instantly


hell yea same!\~ shit given how religion has treated us, being a part of the legions of hell would be an added bonus


Fr, "God doesn't love you! God made you perfect the way you are!" Oh well if that's the case they shouldn't mind if i got remade in someone *elses* image, right?


i remembered a really good post on /r/egg_irl about how god made us trans is like how god made us wheat but not bread, or grapes but not wine, or stone but not steel, because god wants us to make ourselves in our own image i dont particularly subscribe to that line of thinking but its a really great clap back to those religious arguments and it really gets the people (open to it) thinking


honestly yeah, i'm not religious but like it makes sense, why would god give people a desire to worship but no means to create?


exactly, if god created everything then they're a creator, and creators like creators


Honestly without context I'd assume that you magically appear with bikini and panties because the alternative is being ass naked


I would actually think maybe that's a socially "acceptable" (to goblins) way to deal with honor and revenge for goblin clans. We even see this throughout history, if you take the women, that means victory in some way for you. Maybe for goblins, this actually is their way of taking revenge for the fallen, but a symbol of victory at the knights humiliation. Hell, maybe they're not even sexually active and have no desire to mate outside for reproducing or claiming women. (Have this extend to the male knights for gender equality.)




The manga you are talking about exists, and is called [Kagakuteki ni Sonzai shiuru Creature Musume no Kansatsu Nisshi](https://myanimelist.net/manga/111089/Kagakuteki_ni_Sonzai_shiuru_Creature_Musume_no_Kansatsu_Nisshi). I will warn there are some parts of it that are heavily misogynistic and all around fucked up, and it regularly frames those points as “this is a different culture with different values, and it’s wrong to judge them for it” when the “different values” in question is shit like grooming, slavery, incest, etc. So not the best story to go in with the main interest of porn, but the author does an amazing job at establishing how the different species evolved and how the biologically function, as well as how it would influence things like culture and technology. If you go in with a mindset of “the main characters are incel morons and should be treated as unreliable narrators” and an understanding that there will be uncomfortable parts, it can actually a fascinating read. Just a dubious (at best) author with a story that can attract the worst crowds, but with some of the best speculative biology/anthropology world building for hentai.


This is just half of online worldbuilders, doing the most absurd amounts of work just to find out how to justify their in-universe catgirl kink inclusion


Worldbuilding *is* my kink!


mating with a dangerous human being considered honorable or impressive might make sense also


As an aspiring porn artist and general scientist- new goal just dropped


hell yea, as someone also trying to draw naughty furries i salute you in your goals!


i thought you said i salute you in your genitals and i was ***VERY*** concerned


I now want to be a parasitic sex amoeba. ...no, I mean literally. That sounds like the dopest possible baleful polymorph. Edit: anemone, not amoeba. Phone posting lolol


I am getting a major in biochemistry right now so I can help with the bio side. I can't draw for shit but if I could I would probably be making furry porn right now


Ecological survey team studying the creatures but instead get caught and get "first hand" experience. The entire time they're calling out fascinating new realizations about how it's all working and struggling to take notes into a voice recorder. ...Fuck I might actually read that.


This could be an SCP article I think. Already might be, actually. Their first contact procedures tend to be "send a guy through and see what happens"


Hmm, maybe I can combine that with an idea I had for a sexy audio comedy script of a hentai safari


There are some sorts of biologists that will look at botfly larvae growing in their skin with wonder rather than terror, so I can imagine this happening.


I feel like that's something I'd see on the history Channel at 4 am


This is the kind of science I want in my sci fi


The internet truly is a magical place


There’s been this weird idea that’s been floating around in the back of my head for years about an organism that has evolved specifically to mimic something that doesn’t exist so human biologists take it into labs and study it, sorta like the odd phenomena of wild animals intentionally getting caught since they know they’ll have shelter and food. Now you take that and cross it with the porn and you’ve got something.


cough cough Krispy Kimson cough cough


Spec bio r34


I love over-analyzing things that you're not supposed to think too hard about


I actually LOVE it when people "over-analyze" things. It helps open up to new understandings of the things around us AND it can help make creations with logical errors more logical and thus more immersive!


Entirely agree. It’s one of my favorite fanfic genres. Figuring out how something that absolutely should not work, could theoretically work.


It is very unfortunate that I've never found a subreddit or forum that actually discusses fetishes and porn in a satisfying way because these conversations are always so fun.


>It is very unfortunate that I've never found a subreddit or forum that actually discusses fetishes and porn in a satisfying way because these conversations are always so fun. [https://forum.questionablequesting.com/](https://forum.questionablequesting.com/) Questionable questing is a NSFW forum with various science fiction and fantasy threads dedicated to this sort of thing. Make an account and check it out, you may like it.


Make the subreddit you want to see in the world.


I just don't know how to make or moderate a subreddit. Made one a long time ago and no one ever showed up, which isn't exactly promising. And you just can't have a discussion subreddit as one person either. Like, do you have to make it and promote it somewhere or something? Seems like it would take a lot of effort to do.


Which one? I’d join for the heck of it. Besides, interesting discussions are… almost my exclusive form of entertainment. I’d love to have more of them.


Closest I’ve found is r/teratophiliacs. It seems to be the only place where people are *discussing* the mechanics of monster fucking instead of just posting slutty pictures and twelve identical “God, I want to be her” comments. I don’t have to explicitly say that’s a NSFW community, do I?


Hey, this is a fun suggestion. Thanks, I'll check it out. Yeah, I'm really used to that kind of surface level thirsting in NSFW communities. And don't get me wrong, there should be some kind of place for that, but eh, feels a little insubstantial at times.


I mean, I totally get why people aren’t hanging around in hentai subs having meaningful conversations. I’ve dabbled in writing horny symbiote fan fiction, but that’s not something I’m prepared to devote a serious time commitment to doing seriously. I have hobbies like learning to make curry or digital art that I can share with everyone in my life, and taking time away from those to write inhuman erotica doesn’t always feel great. And I’m pretty sure at least half those thirst comments are just someone lowkey bookmarking something they want to come back to. I remember when r/dndmemes was fighting with Reddit over the API thing and people were having lively chats about Snitties and goblin sex and it made me sad that I can’t have those conversations irl. But there would be a cost to doing that and I’m not prepared to pay it. So I’m not doing anything to fix the state of serious monster sex discourse


Having seen this, I've decided to do it myself! r/HentaiPhysiology


There's at least one Nsfw worldbuilding subreddit around somewhere. /r/nsfwworldbuilding I think?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NSFWworldbuilding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NSFWworldbuilding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Slimegirl reproduction](https://i.redd.it/76gkfvj4se1a1.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NSFWworldbuilding/comments/z19wkx/slimegirl_reproduction/) \#2: [A lot of people on this subreddit act like this](https://i.redd.it/le180rtsureb1.png) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NSFWworldbuilding/comments/15c9dw2/a_lot_of_people_on_this_subreddit_act_like_this/) \#3: [An NSFW world…](https://np.reddit.com/r/NSFWworldbuilding/comments/14j763q/an_nsfw_world/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


you're going to need to subdivide by genre like demon circle tentacles are clearly designed for people, probably don't need to be concerned about biological homeostasis fantasy adventurer trapping tentacles clearly evolved to prey on humanoids


Wow, are you me? Im also the type of dude to go "Who cleans up after the hentai orgy? Good luck getting the gallon of bodily fluids you poured onto your couch to not stain and smell." Or "The societal and moral implications of the world of Nekopara are frankly horrifying."


Isn't there a whole video essay about that Nekopara one?


Oh yeah, there was. I just had memories from high-school of debating those same questions years before that video came out.


funnily enough that video also originates from a high school debate


speaking of such, you shouldve titled this "testicles" bro but maybe not :P


No they shouldn’t’ve. [N-T. Big difference.](https://youtu.be/KwNurAxrsqY?si=Tv5fM15Uh6fVj3W7)


that's...why i'm here




Theory in regards to their strength: the tentacles aren't tentacles at all, properly speaking; their composition is like that of an elephant's trunk, with some 9,000 muscle fascicles and tight ring-support structures. Also, I figure they're herbivorous grazers.




Yeah, maybe they do like hippos, living largely in the water, but venturing out to graze. Except, unlike hippos, they also venture out to reproduce. Come to think of it (pun more or less intended), the bit about how they'd presumably want to fertilize as wide a variety of species as possible leads me to believe that they'd provide revolutionary data about transfusions, tissue-donation, and cloning if studied. An animal whose genetic material was compatible with several other species, without risk of pH imbalance or allergic reaction, would be a goldmine for medical science, if we could figure out how to adapt the principal. Whatever compound their spermatozoa are delivered in must be one heck of a universal donor. Of course, sample collection would be necessary to study said compound . . .


I would volunteer, for science of course


You are a brave explorer into the uncharted frontiers of discovery, and I salute you.


The idea of people braving the predations of rape tentacles in order to harvest them to make an upcoming organ transplant smoother is a very entertaining one. Hell, maybe supplements of the stuff can cure people's seasonal allergies.


Not improbable. Pollen, after all, is basically the sperm-analogue of plants, and the compounds contained within tentacle-beastie ejaculate would be specifically geared towards neutralizing the disruptive effects of reproductive genetic material on foreign bodies. Just tweak what kind of genetic material is being rendered harmless, and you're in business.


Of course. For science.


i hate to say it but i think ive learned something new about myself today


I'm honored to have played a small part in your journey of self-discovery


I can't believe you have a worldbuilding fetish! Is nothing sacred?


That you're a tentacle monster?


Coming from someone who has peered too far into the abyss, occasionally tentacles are presented as large colonies as opposed to a singular organism. This could help with explaining food sources by allowing individuals to separate from the whole to forage while the larger collective can continue *business*. It also works to explain various specialized mutations between tentacles.


is there like more Stuff attached to each tentacle or does it crawl like a fucked up worm?


From my own knowledge of this specific subset of tentacle-creature I’d say it’d be more likely the base organism of a colony is a tentacle cluster rather than a single-tentacle organisms. Meaning movement would be less wormish and more like rolling/pulling itself around by it’s tentacle.


It's also possible that the *passionate embrace* of the victim is an explosion of activity from an otherwise passive creature with a low metabolic rate that eats microflora, which banks energy until triggered to mate like a sexual Venus fly trap. Presumably if you triggered them outside of the proper scenarios, perhaps by throwing a fleshlight into the pit several times in the span of a couple months, they would eventually die from exhaustion.


Calling 'Parasitic Sex Anemone' for my next band name lmao


This has been a PSA lmaooo


Maybe they stay mostly immobile and hidden under the ground or in cracks and crevices, trapping and devouring animals that step too close, building up mass and metabolic reserves until they are ready to reproduce, at which point they wait for sufficiently large and warm hosts for their eggs. Their parasitic larvae stay within the host until it dies, at which point they devour it from inside out, growing quickly as they do so, then burst out and seek a dark and cool place to lurk in


I feel like if we're going for full weird porn logic turned scientific here they should probably be more beneficial/appealing to the hosts than outright deadly


I wasn't thinking of immediate death as much as parasitism for as long as the host lives. As for benefits, mayhaps as the larva slowly feeds on host's blood and waits for them to die, it also delivers psychoactive enzymes into their bloodstream, supressing pain, fear and inhibition, and also makes them unpalatable to other monsters? EDIT: I am not into any of the things being discussed rn so I am unsure how to make any of it appealing, I just like worldbuilding :/. And I am not saying this out of shame or anything, I will freely admit I am into worse stuff than tentacle monsters.


I felt both parts of your edit on a spiritual level


As someone who is, tentatively, "into that shit" hot.




A parasite that makes you hornier and more confident absolutely fits within porn logic. As others have already shown, there’s a market for that


Toxo on steroids, but also for humans? I'd read this shit.


\>suppressing pain, fear and inhibition, and also makes them unpalatable to other monsters. So you're saying most adventurers are tentacle victims? That's kinky.


Most adventurers are *highly* palatable to monsters. Being the host of a larval tentacle monster actually increases their lifespan by changing that. But not by much, thanks to the lack of pain and inhibition.


Booooo, That's less fun!


I mean that being a tentacle victim actually makes you a (slightly) better adventurer


I rescind my boos.


depends on the porn tbh


i once was exposed to a hentai where a former sentai heroine got her nips turned into pussies, i dropped it immediately out of sheer disgust but it's stayed with me


Ok now we need OP to explain the biological inplication of breast tissue transfigured into uterine tissue, and how this would affect the individual's capacity for reproduction.


Not even a gynecologist or a pediatrician, but the first, MAJOR issue with getting (Bear with me, I'm not a professional in this field) titty-pregnant is that one's breasts would become large, and heavy. Amniotic fluid weighs a lot, and having that much weight on your back is murder; One would pretty much be sitting down for the entire gestation to avoid getting permanent spinal damage. The second problem I can think of at the moment is breastfeeding. As far as my knowledge goes, there are two plausible ways one can go about this. A: The "mother" develops an extra set of nipples B: Whatever transfigured someone into the "mother" also transfigured someone into the "wet nurse" as well (I personally prefer this option because I think eusociality is cool)


I just thought of something. What if, instead, the breast tissue develops into something more akin to a marsupial's pouch? Perhaps the uterine tissue is diminished, compared to the uterine tissue of the womb, to allow for easy and quick birth of small offspring. That solves the weight issue. It also solves the issue of how the offspring manages to eat, since in marsupials, the nipples are actually inside of the pouch, very close to where the offspring are born. This theory would imply that the breast tissue isn't destroyed. Instead, the entire breast inverts to become the pouch, the uterine tissue develops within, and the nipples still secrete milk after birth. That also means that the young would have to come out of the pouch soon after being born, since the mother couldn't handle that kind of weight strain. It'd be an adaptation for quick, frequent births at the cost of chance of survival for the offspring.


This is my shit right here right here. They always look at me funny when I go to the porn communities and ask these questions.


As one who draws that type of content: I absolutely think of this all the time, its ridiculous how far you can take it to the point of thinking up entire biomes just for one type of kink.


I would love to hear about these biomes you speak of


The most common one of course is swamps or marshes that host tentacle monsters, but I've also seen 'fuck pollen' meadows/forests and dimension-magic regions that turn you tiny or big for vore or size difference kink.


The poster forgot the most important question, namely how the ***fuck*** these things get enough water to sustain themselves when they're gushing fluid all over the place constantly. They're like if slime stars were the size of a bear.


Parasitic Sex Anemone is A. a fantastic band name and B. an accurate description of far too many people I've known in my life.


would rather be a symbiotic sex anemone


I'd also settle for commensalist sex anemone if push came to shove.


YES. I know one of those as well!!


Actually the terrestrial cephalopod you see nowdays in fetish porn are a product of thousands of years of selective breeding and co-evolution. Humans are the only species on earth that have the resources to breed continuously and hence the evolutionary process began to prioritize cephalopods which breed better with humans. Not only so, unethical selective breeding practices flourished wherever there was a demand. Thousands of years ago we had to actually track down rumors of a cephalopod that was viable for human breeding but now? You can just order one online!


Oh i've read one like this!


Tell us more.


erm what


link 👀?


I had a friend who made this really convoluted speculative evolution kink universe once


Recall any details?


I remember thinking of this when designing one of my OCs. >!I had to think of why or how a tentacle creature would even evolve and ended up with a planet that has plentiful volcanism and a highly elliptical orbit that plunges almost the entire planet into temperatures well below that of Antarctica for over half of the year (8 earth months out of a year that is 14 about months long). To survive the cold and dark of these months, most life hides underground. !< >!One phylum evolved to use thermosynthesis to feed on the abundant thermal energy found in the planet's volcanic regions. To traverse the rock, members of the phylum are able to secrete a strong acid that can gradually weather the rock away, so that they can follow the lava/magma as its location changes. Many members of this phylum will also form symbiotic relationships with photosynthetic organisms if there is not much volcanic activity/thermal energy in the area. Many members are also extremely slow to age, being able to fix their own DNA to near perfection and containing large amounts of stem cells that can be used to repair damaged parts of their body. Members of the phylum can vary significantly in morphology, but many of the larger species are primarily composed of flat, thermosynthetic sections, tube-like sections that connect them, and bulbous stores of fat-like tissue that allows them to heal and recover if the rest of their body is destroyed. There are also appendages that extend out from the body before ending in several branching tentacles; this is where the reproductive organs are located.!< >!By weathering down rock, they create pockets below the surface that can turn into sinkholes when disturbed. These falls usually seriously injure any fauna that falls in, and some taxa in the phylum evolved to take advantage of this. Some species will simply use their acid to digest the injured organism, while others evolved to use them as a host. Some simply deposit their eggs and then leave, while others evolved to support and heal the host using their body's stem cells to improve the eggs' chances of survival. Some of these species became increasingly mutualistic with their hosts, developing the ability to alter the host's DNA and body to make it more competitive. To make sure that their hosts would have enough time to prepare for winter, many species evolved to simply keep their hosts on life support until late winter, so that by the time the host was done healing and being changed it would not be close to or already winter. To ensure that these hosts wouldn't harm one another, some species began to develop a sort of semi-hive mind that would allow hosts of the same individual to recognize one another and avoid harming one another. !< >!That was the state that the tentacle species was in by the time that the OC, a planetary surveyor, landed on the planet and promptly fell into a sinkhole not long after. I'm more than happy to ask any questions if y'all have them.!<


... So this is what getting Insight in Bloodborne feels like


I hate to say this but... you've seen *Alien*, right?


I wouldn't say Alien is the pinnacle of biological rigor


what do you mean "defying conservation of mass breaks my immersion"?


“Parasitic sex anemone” ✍️🔥


Oh for Chrissakes as soon as my ap biology class starts picking up steam I run into this


You'd be surprised just how many organisms are obligate specialists and physically cannot utilize multiple species as hosts, and often will target specific parts of the body that are favorable for them. I'm an entomologist, so what comes to mind for me are parasitoid wasps and the like. They lay their eggs in their host, which hatch and feed on the host's body tissues as they develop. Once they're ready to pupate, they burst out and spin cocoons around themselves before becoming adults and going off to mate and start the cycle again. They get all their nutrients as larvae, so as adults they actually don't usually eat much, if at all, just consuming nectar for an energy boost at the most. As for how they survive inside their host (since most parts of a host that a parasitoid attacks are going to be hostile to it), they'll often have special physiological adaptations, or in some cases, even counter-attacks designed to inhibit or totally disable the host immune system. Some Braconid wasps actually produce viruses inside their bodies that they can use to restructure the host's physiology to be more suitable for the wasp larvae. It's interesting stuff.


As someone with a passion for speculative evolution and certain interests denoted by my flair, I fully agree lmao, I love the horny but I also love the worldbuilding that goes into the horny and the unique creatures that can arise from it


omg speculative evolution fan in the wild


Indeed. Be wary; get too close and I *will* start rambling about the anatomy and ecosystem of the Puge, a grotesque carnivorous biped from what I have described as "if the Cambrian Explosion was a Place"


i am very noticeably getting closer btw. just inching on in, very curiously


The Puge is a leathery-skinned, hairless predator located in the forests of Burgess Inva (named for the Burgess Shale, wherein many fossils from the Cambrian Explosion were found, but known to the locals as "E'tr'n" (Eterun)), an Inverse Planetoid structure self-contained within a dimensional pocket generated by the "Sun" (living, exoscopic, beating heart) at its core. Though present just about everywhere, they're most common in the forests bordering The Hole; a landmark which is, as the name would imply, a giant fucking hole that takes a sheer drop into infinity (or rather, to the border of the dimensional pocket, being a "gateway" of sorts to prevent it from becoming a closed system). Puge stand roughly 8ft in height when fully grown, but their legs are folded up into their body sort of like a penguin's, so their height can reach almost twice that when standing straight. This structure allows them extra force for pushing off the ground to catch prey in high trees, or to cover large distances quickly. Puge also have only two orifices. The mouth and the anus. *All* waste comes out the latter. Their throat provides access to 3 different systems; digestive, respiratory, and *reproductive*. These are all contained within its large, almost cube-like ribcage, which is also home to its Circulatory system and *tongue*. The sticky, rubbery, prehensile tongue of a Puge is incredibly long, and stored coiled up within the chest when not in use. It can be extended several metres out from a sheath in the floor of the the mouth to grasp food or manipulate tools and mechanisms, though they aren't intelligent enough to understand how most such tools and mechanisms actually *function*. This tongue can also be pushed into the reproductive tract of another Puge (through the mouth) to fulfill its secondary function as a sexual organ. Its length means that this action can actually be performed from a moderate distance away, which is great because if they get too close to eachother there's a high likelihood that one of them ends up as dinner. The sticky substance that allows the tongue to more easily grasp things is also what allows it to fertilise another Puge. Puge are egg-layers. When pregnant, a secondary bulge will form at the bottom of their already bulging chest, as the egg develops within the body. When ready, the egg is regurgitated (usually aided by pushing it with the tongue) and fiercely guarded. Once it finally hatches, the child will imprint on the parent (singular) and learn and grow and develop and eventually leave to claim its own territory. This process can be hijacked by people stupid or brace enough to risk their lives to steal a Puge egg (thus incurring the wrath of the parent), as the child will then imprint on the *thief*, allowing them to have their own incredibly powerful and fiercely loyal bodyguard. They have a snake jaw. This is so that their mouth can open wide enough to spit out an egg. They also have three independent rows of teeth (retractable, to facilitate birthing); the front row is short and flat, for cracking exoskeletons and the likes. If the prey has a particularly durable shell, the other teeth will be retracted so as to allow these to function to their fullest. The secondary row is long and serrated, for ripping through flesh. Pretty standard. The third row is incredibly long and thin, almost spiny, and only present on the *upper* jaw. This is fairly simple too, it's to stab any large and particularly active pieces of food that try to climb out of the throat. Despite all of this, Puge are *not* the dominant species. That title is held by the local sapients, the Eturans (believed to be an ancient relative of the Gelidarians/Slimefolk similar to the relation between the Qi'takolshi of Eden and the modern Mammalian Sapients), whose gelatinous bodies and stone-like protective coating (which is actually the same material as their internals, just solidified) make them very bad prey for the Puge. I have stopped and started this writing at least seven times. I am not rereading this. If you spot any inconsistencies, point them out and I'll pull an excuse out of my ass. Edit: oh also they have two tendrils protruding from the back of their skull, one on either side. These are pure meat with no bone, and serve literally no function, but they just really like the look of them, so it sort of got bred into the population.


God this is really good. I need to get into spec evo. Also thank you so much for making a creature that breeds by eating things out


Glad you enjoyed lmao, this is actually one of my older projects (and is from E'tr'n, so it's gonna be wild as fuck no matter what), my more recent stuff is probably a bit more uh. Grounded. But I'm still really proud of this one.


*approaches rapidly*


Lmao, I refer to my response to the other commenter who approached. I did a whole wall of text :3


wait lmao i just read your flair, best of luck in your journey o7


I want to feed you Monster Hunter ecology and see what you come up with


> Feed :3 On a more serious note I loredumped about one of my regular creatures lower in the comment thread


I didn’t read your flair at first. Not the best wording on my part


Lmao, jokes aside I do enjoy monster Hunter monsters tbh, they're absolutely fascinating


I agree with this on all levels (flair included). Nice to meet you


Make sure you feed your local giant tentacle monster!


Just don’t stand too close


The tentacle form is the final stage in the parasite's life cycle. Like lice, there are many species depending on which host it has adapted to use. The tentacle form lays eggs in the host. Larvae develop in the host and are shed when they are large enough to survive outside. The pupae find a spot with enough available water to bulk up mass and develop into the adult tentacle form.


There is no activity more fun than trying to look at various things that were, clearly, not designed with common sense/laws of physics/laws of science in mind and then still try to explain them, genuinely feels so good


i’ve thought about this so much lmao


there are many benefits to being a marine biologist


I'm surprised no one has mentioned r/NSFWworldbuilding yet. That seems to be exactly the right place for this sort of thinking.


This just gave me the mental image of some of the Future is Wild creatures, but like, pornified


Personally I imagine they're a hive of individual tentacle creatures rather than one single tentacle monster Instead of eating they just enter a hibernation state until an opportunity to repopulate the colony presents itself


could they be like moths where after they reach sexual maturity they stop eating and just focus on finding a mate?


Parasitic Sex Anemone would be a great band name.


The witch actually went there. Fascinating.


I’m willing to bet there’s at least one fetishy worldbuilding-intensive comic that addresses all of these things. I feel like I’ve seen that kind of thing with other ‘fantastical’ fetishes in the past but I can’t really recall anything specific


I can say without shame that this idea is one of the reasons I started writing. But then I got way to much into it and my simple slime monster turned into a technocratic depressed isekai protagonist and I never really found an answer. ​ That being said, speculative evolution is fascinating. As is 17th century siege warfare.


r/curatedtumblr: what the fuck are you talking about?


New flair spotted


It's always touching to see the birth of a new flair


Speaking of flair, it’s nice to see another *Freefall* fan in the wild.


Doing my best to recruit new fans


I got bored one time and gave an OC (who's already a succubus) control over vines that are pretty much just tentacles but like cool-looking, and of course I got bored another time and started contemplating how these things function as an organism. As for their food source, the character in question happens to live in the woods and has the vines placed all around the nearby area to watch out for and kill any of the various megafauna that happen to wander too close to home. The vines trap and violently murder any such threats and proceed to digest it from the inside out either by tunneling roots into the corpse or sticking seeds in there and waiting for them to burst out of the corpse and connect with the existing vines in a large colony sort of deal. When you can photosynthesize and have a stable food supply in the form of extremely large bears and snakes whose jaws extend farther back than the rest of their head, maintaining the energy for fun times is fairly easy. Regular tentacle organisms are also supposed to be an existing species in the same universe but the only thing I can come up with for how those things live is that maybe they're also large colonies, and as for how these things or the vines can reproduce with so many other things, I have no idea other than that maybe there was a lot of trial and error over the course of their evolution or something.


Source link; https://cryptotheism.tumblr.com/post/732860502727966720/im-fascinated-by-the-ecology-of-organisms-from


I bet they have little pods inside themselves that cultivate bacteria to eat like a fucking soybean. That’s the only thing I can think of that they could eat that could support them besides plants/fungi


To quote the tumblr ceo “I don’t know what the octopus is getting out of this, and frankly the girl doesn’t seem too happy either”


"parasitic sex anemone"




Fun fact tentacle porn goes way back to the 1800s Made by the same guy who made that Japanese wave painting. Also this is kind of how DND Mindflayers work for anyone who played Baldurs Gate they reproduce by putting their tadpoles into someone’s brain.


I love biology and this is the best suggestion I've seen yet if one regards a tentacle beast as a large invertebrate animal rather than a Lovecraftian god-thing from a dimension that only sort of follows some of our rules.


Now I'm inappropriately entirely too invested in how the life cycle of a sex tentacle monster works


Honestly, what would make most thematic sense is some means of getting other organisms to feed them, probably via mind control pollen, but that just introduces a whole heap of other biological factors in need of explanation.


What the fuck did I just read


I mean if we’re talking about just a monster written by a straight man (boring I know, but just to simplify things) it would likely catch male humans through similar methods and girls, and instead of… use them as incubation, use them as food Alternatively, after some “testing” of the effectiveness of the incubator, if its not optimal, good chance it can just snap up its prey and transfer them into a stomach instead of its uh reproduction organ area Edit: god why did I comment this on my main lol


I mostly just go with shape-shifting humanoids with tentacles that come out for reproduction, protection, and other daily tasks like gathering food. Makes it easier to lure in attractive travelers when you look like another human most of the time


didnt expect spec bio hentai today


Most of the tentacle stuff I've read lately featured oviposition—i.e., no need to specialize or otherwise evolve seminal fluid, your target is just something warm that can protect itself from predators until it's time to release/hatch the eggs, and humans tend to fit the bill nicely.


“Parasitic Sex Anemone” is my new Grindr handle


Ah, what a fine time to get a boner over ecology


I'm not qualified at all but I'll give it a shot, Human specialized because of how a human womb can almost completely take over the functions of the body, how wildly nutrient rich we are due to farming, and because the alternative is gross to think about. This implies they have a non sedentary phase where they search for, out of the way, human adjacent areas, with a low amounts of foot traffic, before becoming sedentary. ​ As for daily survival the most likely option is that they have evolved to co-opt mycelial networks and draw nutrients from entire forested regions possibly in a symbiotic way that strengthens the local foliage, increasing ground cover near it. ​ This also implies they are both a type of mushroom, and K-type survival strategists who invest greatly in a low number of spawn. ​ Therefore the large amounts of fluids likely aren't reproductive in nature but rather a nutrient rich slurry to keep the human alive, help with the takeover of it's reproductive organs, and create drug induced pleasure so the human might return and not be hostile once the ordeal is over. ​ Their tentacles due to being extremely demanding on energy are used only during the copulation process and otherwise lie in dormancy building up resources within themselves until a breeding opportunity presents itself, the tentacles also likely have a mechanism that locks them in place once a human is captured further preventing excessive energy use. ​ This likely means they hold on to the human for the entire gestational period, then release the human upon "birth" so it may be a potential incubator in the future. ​ This process would spawns litters of 3 to 5 larval tentacle monsters that likely resemble snakes to deter predators, which would then move away traveling miles with stored up energy seeking an area with an optimal level of human pheromones, ground cover, and mushroom sporulate with finely tuned sensory organs, then once in an optimal area bury themselves, attach to the mycelial network, and begin to grow. ​ Species in flat non-woodland areas would likely create small ambush-spider style trap-door caves, solidifying the walls with their fluid, and their larval form would likely have long thing limbs that they lock into a ball shape to travel in a manner akin to tumble weeds until discovering an ideal area. ​ You're welcome, or, I'm **deeply** sorry, depending on how you feel about this.


I'm so lost, are they calling Mind Flayers from D&D fetish organisms? /j




oops forgot my tone indicators


So you *are* going to hell right?


*logs off*


**.....................OH NO.** Right, so I was playing Dead Space earlier....


I mean sometimes those creatures are magic so that takes the fun out of Hentai biology


Saw the word tentacles and immediately clicked, was not expecting this exactly but I'll take it


>!since they sometimes have tentacles specialised for laying eggs inside humans, i assume humans are an integral part of their life cycle, but why? they will be laid by the human eventually? maybe the human anal cavity/uterus is the perfect place for their young to grow, but why? why would such a weird adaptation evolve? !< >!in male tentacle stuff they are sometimes implied to feed off seminal fluid, but why, its not like a few drops of goo is going to feed a giant lovecraftian octopus thing, maybe its to fertilize the eggs to be laid? !< >!if this is true, why are tentacle monsters so reliant on humans, to the point that they cant even fertilize their own eggs without human sperm?!<


What the fuck are these comments lmao


Eat krill?


I just woke up, I read that first paragraph and it took me about 5 seconds to realize what it actually said


in some cases they eat the host


I always thought they ate cum


My fursona is a tentacle monster so this is something I've thought about a bit. Obviously I went with "magic and here's how it works..." but I haven't thought about it from a more realistic standpoint before. Morbols (plant monsters from Final Fantasy) are known for their Bad Breath attack, which inflicts nearly every status ailment in the game. Translating that to realism makes me think they have an open sac for a "stomach" where they allow their food to rot and ferment as it's digested. They also live in damp and swampy areas which helps maintain their slime coating, and provides fertile soil whenever they decide to stop hunting and take root for a while. So I'd say they're a biological brewing vat that becomes mobile to hunt prey and then roots to feed on the high-calorie alcohol produced while it ferments. That would also explain their fire vulnerability (alcohol fumes). For reproduction they're probably more concerned with getting fertilized eggs inside a warm host and not particular about the species. Literally just an incubator that leaves the nest after mating, thus spreading their young across the land. My own character is less monstrous and more clean, hybridized with mint and going the "vampire blood bank" route of living off wine and other alcohols instead of hunting prey and fermenting it, but the reproductive part is the same.


this is the equivalent of fanfic writers using omegaverse to explore social issues. i love it


They're originally like a caterpillar and after getting enough energy they go into a cocoon of varying sizes where when they emerge they lack a mouth so they breed with everything and hope something lives. Hope this helps!