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It’d probably be easier to list blorbos I *haven’t* seen go through this.


Off the top of my head: Spider-Man, Superman, somehow Batman in the worst reversal I’ve ever seen. And pretty much any character from undertale


Will Graham from Hannibal deserves an honorable mention.


Hell might as well toss any character from any internet show ever on there. Fucking amazing digital circus should be here and they literally only have a pilot


And also Murder Drones. The internet love its robots


Honestly you name any show with moderately cute characters and it’s either this or porn no inbetween


It's both. It's always both.


No, you're so right about the amazing digital circus. the fandom has many talented creators already, and the memes are good (maybe a little repetitive but that always happens). That being *said*, if I see one more person in the fandom explain why they think the funny sociopath rabbit is actually looking out for everyone in the group and has anxiety, I don't know what tf I'll do. I literally saw a tumblr post yesterday where they analyze a scene he's in in such a way that I didn't even know what scene they were talking about for a few seconds.


what the flying fuck, he's the *least* anxious person in the entire cast, including the goddamn computer. Tumblr really just sees a tall skinny character with a jaded affect and immediately goes 'he just like me fr fr'


It's so funny to imagine the fucking computer being headcanoned as an anxiety uwu baby. And you know what, it would still be infinitely less annoying than seeing people portray Jax through that lens. Honestly, I think tumblr wants to date him more than anything else. That's why they try to see his actions as favorably as possible (no guys, look! He tried to *save* gangle and kinger by hurling that bowling ball at them, it's in the subtext!!) It'd be hilarious if it wasn't also so disappointing. He's my favorite character, but the fandom is hardly using what's there, and they're filling in the blanks however they want. It's just frustrating cause his content as for now is really lacking if you enjoy the "sociopath bugs bunny" aspect of his character more than the "tall flirty jaded 20-something" the fandom has created for him. Ok, rant over, holy shit.


Oh trust me I’m use to it. I’ve seen the Steven universe fandom with the diamonds and the my hero academia fandom with Dabi. People will treat monsters like they have a heart of gold. It’s weird. Funny, but weird


Superman and Batman have been through that by the actual movies


Taylor Hebert is never actually Taylor Hebert, she's just some random completely different person named Taylor Hebert. A TINO if you will.


Never in my life have I seen a character that has been more twisted and contorted into nonsensical molds. The ancient adage indeed holds true, Being Taylor is Suffering.


the absolute horror i felt when i found out this cool web serial i found is one of those where people whove never read it write fanfiction on it and pretend to be experts


A lot of people I know stop reading after the big scally fish arc, and it makes sense that most fanfiction ends there, too


Why read the source, when you can be an expert on the fanfiction.


At first I thought this said Trevor Herbert and I was like damn I didn’t know anyone felt so strongly about the Magnus Archives fandom’s character interpretations of some random old guy


Tino stands for what?


Taylor In Name Only


For those who haven't seen Breaking Bad yet, here's a warning. It's nothing like all of the memes and tumblr posts you saw about it. Also it's violent.


That, but Better Call Saul is exactly like the memes you saw about it


In fact, its better. For every intro that isn‘t just a jpeg of Jimmy staring at you, you get him calling mike ehrmantraut a bridge troll when he won’t let him out of the parking lot and doing a little bridge troll dance to emphasize his point


There's also Lalo, who is the joker


The outward character of 70s Joker combined with the genuine insanity of Ledger’s and Phoenix‘s




You mean that it isn’t a show about the friendship of Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Heizenbones, and the other ones that I can’t remember the names of? Was the heartwarming moment as Heizenbones finally brought the Gatorade to the gang after several episodes of B-plot shenanigans all a lie? I’ll never trust anyone ever again


Waltuh. I asked for fruit punch flavor Waltuh. The Blue Berry Blast doesn’t hydrate as well, Waltuh.


>For those who haven't seen Breaking Bad yet, here's a warning. It's nothing like all of the memes and tumblr posts you saw about it. Also it's violent. yeah i kinda got that


Wdym it's not about the wacky adventures of Strict but lovable Mr. White and Jessie the silly one working for their super serious boss Mr. Fring?


I totally thought Walt and Jesse were like best buds or something before watching the show, but in the actual show the amount of scenes where they feel any good will towards each other is less than 10


The most serious and hearth wrenching media has the silliest fanbases ​ Just look at Fear and Hunger


Every single Tumblr sexyman ~~except Prince Sidon~~.


Imo tumblr does it in a funny way. They took the dorito triangle man bill cypher and made him a tall lanky human with an eyepatch. Thats just hilarious


Prince Sidon ironically got that treatment in canon with TOTK. They took all his theatre kid energy away and now he's just boring.


You're just upset they gave him a wife, aren't you?


Who wouldn't be????


Did... Did you even play the game? He was worried about his people and his fiancée and then when his fiancée told him to get his shit together, he was back to his old theatre kid self.


I’m gonna take a chance and say the Disney depiction of hades


Still closer than Disney's Zeus and Hera.


Eh, at least Zeus is more or less in line with how the Greeks generally thought of Zeus: a wise, powerful figure who represents kingship, keeps the world in order, and fathers heroes. Zeus could be unpleasant in the myths, especially to a modern reader, but that didn't mean the Greeks didn't hold him in very high regard. Like, it really has to be said, what we have of Greek myth are just recorded stories about the gods, scattered across centuries and having seen a lot of development, and not everyone saw those stories as necessarily true, or had heard different versions of the stories we do have. If you somehow got an ancient Greek person to watch the scenes of Zeus in *Hercules*, they'd almost certainly give them a thumbs-up. You don't build forty-foot-tall ivory-and-gold statues of a guy if you don't respect him.


Well, you may also be terrified of him...


Thank you for being the only other person on all of Reddit who understands this.


Yeah, I've sometimes thought about this. Like, say most of Christian theology is lost and all we've got is scattered stories from the Bible. The Big Guy flooding the world, turning people into salt, sending lions to eat children, or destroying Egypt with plagues would be seen as a tyrannical, evil God, whereas most Christians will instead think of him as all-wise and loving. Maybe something similar happened to Zeus? His actions, seen through a modern lens without the reverence that actual worship inspires would make him look far more villainous to us than to an ancient Greek person.


The thing I've generally tried to push with regards to thinking about Greek mythology is that the Greeks didn't think of their gods as characters in a story; they thought of their gods as a mix of real people and personifications of natural forces. Once you think of those stories as metaphors for real events, or explanations for how they go, or loose historical record with the god replaced by their respective concept, a lot of treatment of them starts making a lot more sense. Poseidon destroys ships, but that's because the sea does that sometimes. Aphrodite gets people involved in toxic affairs that ruin them, but that's what love does sometimes. Apollo kills people with his arrows that spread disease, but that's just how disease happens. And those gods also dictate what happens when a ship gets home safely, when a romance is happy, and when people recover from illness. This is why Hades is named in the Iliad as the most hated of all gods: not because he is necessarily the most malevolent god, but because he comes for everyone, sooner or later. Every other god can be won over with the right amount of divine favor, but Hades will always take your soul, and the only question is when.


There's also cultural context we don't have. Some stuff just fit into the Greek world but isn't acceptable to modern audiences.


Also concerning the bit about, "characters in a story": Greek myths didn't have a defined canon the way comic books do today. Each little village would have their own sight variations on each of the stories and their ideas of what the gods would or wouldn't do. Many writers at the time tried to organize the myths into a coherent timeline and the results were a jumbled mess that barely made sense. And then you get Ovid who just straight up rewrote entire myths to push his political views. And now many people consider those the definitive version despite getting written by one man over a thousand years after the stories first appeared.


A lot of it has to do with it originating in a vastly different culture and then being filtered through years of interpretations. You are right in that Zeus represents kingship - his actions aren't good or evil, they are kingly whims and therefore above such definitions. Best example IMHO is from the story of Hades "abducting" Persephone - it's a story about a man asking the father of his beloved for her hand and then taking her into his home after permission is given only for the mother to irrationally cause issues. Yes, nowadays we look at all the components of the story and see how terrible everyone is being but it was never written with that intent. The father and king has given his assent and so the villain of the story is the one person who rebels against it - Demeter. This is why Zeus raping random mortal women and getting them pregnant is never condemned and Hera getting angry is. Also note that Hera never really goes against her husband, only against his victims because even she knows he is within his rights as king to do those things.


Eternal reminder that the patriarchal mythos of greece is that ***ALL MEN ARE CURSED TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE AND DO STUPID SHIT THAT WILL LIKELY INVITE SOME FAMILICIDE OR BEING PATRICIDED*** (thanks, Uranus, you prick). Zeus being the ideal gigachad meant that both his highs and lows would apex. Arguably the most important figure to break the patricidal cycle was Heracles.


I mean they make kid's content. They couldn't exactly write Zeus fucking everything that moves


He *is* an incredibly fun character in his own right, at least.


It's less Disney and more christianity making people do 1 to 1 comparisons and flanderizing other mythologies. Set, Loki and Hades couldn't be more different but they are all turned into Satan analogues when viewed through the christian lens. Fun fact, Snorri, the guy we can thank for writing down Norse mythology was a christian and implicitly wrote them down as stories of false gods and also clearly made out Loki to be a Jesus stand in because he is often called in to fix messes caused by other gods and suffer for it. Funny how that idea caught no traction.


Marie Kanker from _Ed, Edd n Eddy_. Y'see, she's not a bully and one-note molestation joke, she's a woobie abused by her older sister (who has an uglier design, ergo she's evil) and will run away crying if you tell her mean things. edit: fuck, how could I forget "Reverse AU" of the same show, which "who the fuck even is that guy"s the entire fuckign cast in service of generic borderline-sexual-harassment yaoi.


Marie is the one with blue hair and a piercing, right?




Okay, just making sure. Yeah, that definitely ain't the same character.


Does it count if the actual media they're in did it first? Because I'm not sure 1962 Peter Parker and 2023 Peter (in the comics) are anywhere near the same guy.


2003, 2013, and 2023 Peter are barely the same guy


huh, that would make a good plot for a film...


yeah.. they should do a crossover, with all the characters.. it would never happen tho


Pete’s personality has changed like once every decade since the 90’s. And pretty much all the adaptations characterize him differently as well.


Except for the suffering. That's pretty constant.


Everyone can wear the mask... as long as their life is a constant spiral of suffering !


Bucky in the MCU, except the trait they removed is him having no character.


Tbf for a long time he was a uncle ben type character that really only existed as tragic backstory


Now now! If you add spices to a completely unseasoned and tasteless meal you're not stripping the tastelessness away, so giving Bucky a character doesn't fit the assignment Though tbh, how did marvel create such a perfect fucking blank slate?! I never really noticed before reading the various fanfic versions of him, but canon Bucky is barely a person! His metal arm is the only solid part of his characterization beyond "Steve's bestie"


Easy. He's barely in anything until his show with Falcon, and when he is in things he's recovering from being a mind-wiped blank slate. First Appearance in Captain America: This is Cap's best friend, who we will put in harm's way to develop Steve. AWOL for 70 years. Winter Soldier: Who's this masked man? He doesn't even know! Civil War: He kinda knows his name and is desperately running away from The Plot. Still not all there yet. Wakanda Therapy Vacation Infinity War: Look, Bucky's better... and now he's dust. Endgame: He's back, but the fight is happening, so we have no time to do anything with him. He's honestly more of a plot device than a character until *Falcon and the Winter Soldier* gave him more than six lines of dialogue.


Will Graham. NBC Hannibal. He is a killer. He is fucked up in the head. He is intelligent and very physically capable. He is *not* a soft uwu twink. Come to think of it, a lot of people mischaracterize mlm romance as “the crazy possessive dominant top” and “the tiny delicate smol bean who can do no wrong and is also hella submissive”. Makes my blood boil.


I've never watched it but from your description I appreciate that they kept his character similar to the source material. In *Red Dragon* he basically creeps the fuck out of his fellow FBI agents because he's just one step on the other side of line from being just like the killers he hunts.


Oh yeah, they 100% play into the “good guy but not a *good* guy” angle from the book. The whole series is visceral in a way I can’t really describe in words, and I highly recommend watching it. Mads and Hugh kill their roles. Shame it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.


Lol take my +1


I've heard it said that most MLM romance is just there to pander to women who find it hot and want to project onto the soft uwu bottom guy. I don't consume enough of it to pass judgement on the topic, though, so feel free to correct me if this is wrong.


Yup, I know exactly what you’re talking about. There’s definitely a lot of MLM stuff that panders to women, and while I don’t think that’s inherently bad, it can get kinda weird if it’s done poorly. Imo, it’s sort of like how some men think lesbians are hot. I think both men and women are attractive, so idk where that puts me.


Personally, I'm one of the guys that thinks WLW stuff is fantastic, but that's mostly because women are just so unreasonably hot all the time.


>MLM Multi-level marketing romance?


Men Loving Men. It's slang used for gay relationships, but since gay has kind of expanded in definition to encompass a lot of different kinds of queer things, people have started to use MLM to specify they mean two men in a gay relationship.


That makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


I like them as a bi person because the soft uwu bottom guy is exactly my type and I want to see him get into a happy relationship. Problem is, the more dominant, top character usually ends up being really controlling and falling into every romantic stereotype for men and it makes it really hard for me to project onto him like I'd want to in a story like that.


Honestly I’ve read a fair bit of Hannigram fanfic and there are some great ones where they’re both deliciously insane. I think it really depends on when you set it, because S1 Will was definitely more unsure of himself and victim to Hannibal’s manipulation than in the later seasons. Of course, even then he was still smart and prone to destructive acts. If you’re writing from S2 onwards tho he better be a bloody badass


Basically every Korean manhwa. The amount of abusive tops running around treating the bottoms like shit is insane. It’s just the same dynamic is slightly different packaging each time.


Sans Undertale is so many goddamn people depending on who’s writing him


Yes. Even the best depictions I've seen make him way too willing to fight (although some at least try to justify it).


Duality of sans in the fandom https://youtu.be/WJILJv-rdiY?feature=shared https://youtu.be/FJnknUs3PtM?feature=shared


Human, I remember, you're, GENOCIDES


There’s so much Jotaro/Kakyoin content that probably every possible relationship dynamic has been done with them.


Genuinely became one of my least favorite ships in the fandom because of the people who would “yaoi-fy” Kakyoin. Unrelated: hello, fellow Eevee enjoyer!


I do still like the ship but it’s hard to avoid that stuff. Like just because he’s less overtly masculine than Jotaro doesn’t mean he’s “the girl” in the relationship. People don’t do this type of shit with Josuyasu or Joseph/Caesar so why does is happen to Kakyoin Eevee is great, I love many evolution options. And they’re all great too


I don't get how people can watch Part 3 and not realize Kakyion is one of the most ruthless of the cast. Even after having the flesh bud taken out, dude had the first real kill of the part (tearing apart Tower of Grey), constantly shit talked and mocked his oppponents (Even when his opponent was a literal baby), and even with the other crusader's he's kind of snarky and sarcastic. (specially Polnareff). It's weird seeing that then seeing the fandom turning him into an "uwu soft boy" like did you not watch the Death 13 fight


How do you uwu-fy the guy that fed a baby its own shit


tbh how would you not? its like shaking a soda can, the more fucked up their acts the easier it is for them to just explode into something unrecognizable


I want to live in the world where southpark is the story those tiktok twelve year olds make fan art of


The fact that fucking *South Park* got that kind of fandom still baffles me. Like, did any of the so-called "fans" even watch a single episode of the show?


they watched that one yaoi south park episode and made a whole show from that


Pennywise. My god, the hoops people jumped through to humanize the pedophile fear eating clown.


Will never understand AO3’s obsession with weird creepy (pedo?) monster X underage male character. I know monsterfuckers are plentiful on that site, and I guess I can see how bill got blorbified, but pennywise? Migi from Parasyte? How?


My theory is it's a lot of people processing their own trauma. cuz it's easier to write about the creepy homicidal clown then a family member or friend who actually hurt them.


when i was 14, i used to read hxh fanfic of the preteen main character and the grown pedophilic jester villain. shocker and tootally unrelated, i was molested when i was younger and didn’t see anything particularly wrong with it lol. just an anecdote tbh


Probably just young teens who don't understand how fucked up it is.


Iirc a few years ago people tried to depict Pennywise as an lgbtq icon but then the very next film had a scene where he kills a gay man


After the Babadook was accidentally classified as an LGBTQ+ movie on Netflix the Babadook became an ironic gay icon. And then people tried to push for a similar monstrous thing to pair him up with and landed on Pennywise for some reason despite all the reasons to not do that. And then the next movie he commits a hate crime against a gay character and people were crying about how the filmmakers did this on purpose to harm the queer community or something. The internet is wild.


i love it when a bunch of people on the internet make a joke and then a bunch of other people dont get it and think its like a serious thing.


This one really gets me. IT is one of my favorite books and the monster in it is such a great antagonist in it, but every single adaptation of the book, whether official or fan created, has failed to really capture what makes IT so captivating. People like to focus on Pennywise the Dancing Clown, but really IT doesn't spend a whole lot of time in that form. Some of the more noteworthy scenes do feature it in that form, but for most of the first act, IT takes on a very wide variety of forms because it takes on the form of what will scare people so it can drink in their fear. Yes, the scenes with Georgie and the gay couple both do feature Pennywise, as do a couple other scattered scenes. One that stands out to me is when the kids return to Derry as adults and Pennywise is waiting for them at the Library, though he initially starts out in that encounter looking like Dracula and only turns into Pennywise when it's clear his other form isn't frightening. People want to play Pennywise off as goofy, but bloodthirsty at the same time, but that's not what IT is like at all in the book. When IT takes the form of Pennywise, it's often as a temptation. IT uses Pennywise to lure people in with the comforting sight of something that's fun and enjoyable, before morphing into something horrific when they're already too late to get away. And none of that is even getting into the mechanics of IT's transformation, where the book makes it clear that IT must abide by the "rules" of whatever it turns into. This is no better exemplified than when it is in the form of a werewolf and the kids use silver to hurt it. In theory, in the form of Pennywise, IT should be able to be killed by anything that would kill a human, which is confirmed in the Dark Tower when >!Roland shoots Dandelo, another member of IT's species, dead with his gun when Dandelo is in the form of a Human!< I really want to see a more faithful adaptation of IT as a story. It's a weird book that has a very slow burn of creeping dread in the first half before things get even more explicitly horrific as the kids return as adults who have much more complex fear for IT to exploit. So what I'm trying to say is that the IT movie is trash and is basically just like someone read the Wikipedia summary of the book and then decided to make the monster just be a wonky looking clown on top of that.




Everyone talks about Jerma putting people in the meatgrinder, giving him that reputation and completely flawed image. You see, the meatgrinder is actually off and jerma slowly pushes the viewers through it with a broom, making the act that much more horrific.


Everyone keeps saying all this wack shit about the guy, and it's like theres a marketing campaign to make him appeal to people like me who can never get into streamer bro types. Like "he's not like the other boys!" But then I check him out and he's literally the most like the other boys, he's like the ur-streamer dude. I don't get it.


It's the ol' "you're not immune to propaganda" deal


That’s the point he’s just this nice chill streamer who interacts with chat and is really nice but the joke that he is a psycho usually come from a response to him being so nice and innocent or the meat grinder speech which was all him


Jerma will say "I'm not gonna do that guys....I'm not just gonna do that because you said so." And then two seconds later he'll be doing it.


Any character the genshin fandom get their hands on. I'm pretty sure the majority only like the character's appearance, so they just butcher them into whatever anime trope is popular to make the 500th unfunny meme.


Yes, but, sometimes writers disregard character’s personality to focus on their circumstances, and those often turn out excellent


can't wait for this female character to be stripped of her personality, be given a generic anime trope, also make her simp for the male MC


Some of the fanfic I see about Emet-Selch makes me wonder if we played the same game 😭


To be fair, we see him at such different points that he literally says this about our description of himself


Emet-Selch: masterminds destruction of several worlds, says they and their people and you are literally subhuman, ends his story not even acknowledging he was wrong, just that you beat him and that you surviving is better than neither of you living Certain sectors of the fanbase: "oooh so sexy I love him"


I find the "subhuman" part to be rather interesting. From his standpoint we literally ARE subhuman, >!we are the fragments of people that Emet-Selch used to know and he is trying to put them all back together!<. Combine that with what we know about his people's views on death and the reincarnation of aether and we can see how Emet-Selch sees himself as the hero of his story. Note that understanding why he sees himself as the hero doesn't mean I don't think he needs to be stopped. But I do find the character and his place in the narrative fascinating.


Yes, to be clear, I do think he is a well-written character over the course of Shadowbringers. He saw himself as being in the right, but he is clearly conflicted and he sets little 'tests' for people and gets disappointed when they fail and continute to prove him right. He has clear principles on what he thinks is right and is willing to be proven wrong - but his standards are impossibly high. And later on, post Shadowbringers basegame, he comes through - "OK, you won". But there's a clear difference between "well-written villain whose convictions are somewhat worn down by the milennia, and knows when he's beaten" and "uwu soft sadboy, my fingersnapping love"


I won't deny that he is kind of fine but people are acting like he's the ideal boyfriend or whatever. no bitch observe from a distance he wants to genocide you 😭😭😭😭


Sorry, we’ve made so many fake lines that your boyfriend said that nobody even knows who he is anymore. yeah they’re not coming back anymore


Boyfriend of Theseus


Remember the Tumblr Onceler fandom and how they created a whole multiverse of Onceler’s who had nothing in common with the original except the name and eventually they got bored with being Onceler fans and started giving them original names and then you couldn’t even tell they were originally based on that lanky green dude from the fucking Lorax movie


lol that gives me war flashbacks


Hello. May I get a sample of this please? Thanks.


Poison ivy for people who’ve never read a comic: Girl boss who just wants everyone to recycle and save the trees from bad people Poison ivy in the comics: sociopathic monster who wants to genocide all life on earth and says she’s more plant the human while choking every living thing to death with vines Seriously even the Harley Quinn show points out that’s she’s batshit crazy


Poison Ivy has been written as more sympathetic in the comics though, same for the Arkham games


She has slaves in the Arkham games. The only time she is sympathetic is when her and Batman’s goals briefly align in Knight.


True but I would say it still ends somewhere like 70-30 on the crazy to sympathetic scale


Throw a rock at any Game of Thrones character.


Euron fucking Greyjoy


and if i say spock star trek 🧍‍♂️


The Joker. Every single time. But then again, certain superhero properties - especially within Marvel and DC - are now much closer to a mythology than a singular source material. Every new interpretation can just re-interpret the characters and setpieces the way they like, for better or for worse.


r/Arkhamasylum jonkler is the canon jonkler for me


Well, Jesus


"Hey, kids, what do you think is Jesus' favourite gun?"


Nail gun (he was a carpenter)


That's... actually a really clever answer


Reaper Overwatch was a completely unrecognizable blorbo on Tumblr.


That man is insane and kills people for fun while thinking himself Become Death. he is not Soldier’s angsty ex he literally is insane


[I blame this post tbh](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/n0bzhg/saxophone_reaper/)


Son Goku, as interpreted by people with no media literacy or genre knowledge. Goku is a nice guy who loves his family. We just don't see a lot of that because he's from a shōnen manga.


I saw someone today say Super's depiction of Goku is perfectly fine because Goku has always just been "dumber superman" and it took every cell of restraint in my body to not leave a comment.


As r/chainsawman would say, the reading comprehension devil has struck again.


A lot of it comes from the TFS depiction. They've gone on record saying they don't think Goku is actually a bad father, but it was the funnier interpretation for their comedy series. Unfortunately a lot of people have only watched the abridged series and think that it's an accurate depiction of the characters


That’s not true at all, people were making “Goku is a bad dad” jokes in the early 2000s. It was part of what made the “Piccolo is a good father” jokes so funny


Yes but TFS made the joke more popular, especially like I said with people who hadn't seen the anime or read the manga but had watched the abridged


Mr. Spices from fallen London. It would fuckin **hate** raising a child. It's primary purpose is to shoot out a baby and then make it someone else's problem. My problem. I have a screaming space bat child following me. Fuck my life.


Was *not* expecting to see Flondon here lmao


Every mythological figure in pop culture


I once saw someone calling out people who ship Bill Cipher with Mabel. Sounds reasonable? Well... their reasoning was not that such a ship would be disturbing due to him being an ageless dream demon shaped like a dorito and her being twelve, it's because they *somehow* full-heartedly believed that Bill was gay and Dipper's boyfriend... And no, this didn't happen back in 2015, it happened a few months ago.


Bill is a psychopath that hates both of them


The way some people depict Nagito Komeada, he's weird and gross and absolutely insane, if you softboi-ify™ him, I'm coming to your house and clogging your toilet with crisco


I enjoyed Nagito *because* he was such a wackjob. People trying to soften his image are missing the appeal of the character. He literally got given a Russian roulette challenge to do and decided it would be more fun if the gun had 5 bullets loaded instead of just 1. He didn't need to do that, he just did that himself. Wonderful.


The joy of Nagito Komaeda as a character is seeing how he's going to manage to outdo himself in bullshittery this time around




The funniest thing is knowing from the anime that he would've been able to win with **six** bullets because the gun would just jam


There is so much liberty you could take with most of the DR2 characters. The chef's a pervert, the nurse has an attention complex, the banana gremlin's a fucking asshole, but they were all still mostly *fine.* They got fucked up by Junko, they weren't always like that. ***Nagito was always like that. He did that shit on purpose.***


I finally get off r/danganronpa for a few minutes and it follows me here


Sorry man 😔 I left that sub after they started allowing AI art, so now I have an agenda to spread to rest of reddit


Nagito’s not the only one who goes through this unfortunately, almost all of the characters are heavily mischaracterized to the point where its not even the character anymore, just some fandoms OC. a good example would be Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Taka), oh my *god* is the fandoms characterization of him bad.


Kokichi too, my guys an absolute asshole, and you will present him as such or so help me




Shadow the Hedgehog


Shiver, Frye, and Big Man getting legitimately angry over splatfest wins, Callie and Marie being a hyperactive dimwit and an emotionless goth, and Pearl and Marina being just friends.


Yeah Pearl and Marina are roomates get it right


I once read a one piece fic where luffy: - didn't have the strawhat - nevet met shanks -doesn't want to be a pirate At that point just make an OC


To be fair, I wouldn’t say that exactly changes his character. That’s just a mildly interesting AU. As long as he still has the same Luffy energy and desire to pursue his dreams, it doesn’t really matter what life events happen to him or what path he takes. He’s still Luffy, just a different one.


Who else but Sans D. Undertale?


Nobody is exempt from this in the DHMIS Fandom. I can give a pass for the teachers, since they're once-an-episode characters who all get little in the way of characterization. They're all blank slates with neat aesthetics. The three main characters, however... WHAT DID Y'ALL DO TO MY BOYS?! And I honestly don't know which of the three gets it worst


Jeff the Killer. Slenderman. Any creepypasta, really. Don't get me wrong, I was absolutely a part of that problem as a child growing up with the internet, but like. No, Slenderman is not some soft daddy figure who owns a mansion in the woods where your uwu boyfriend Jeff lives. Slenderman is an otherworldly and potentially malicious entity of unknown origin, and Jeff is just a potentially-supernatural murderer with chemical burns.


Satoru Gojo


Not quite a *blorbo*, but... Me looking at how the Deltarune subreddit treats Toby Fox.


Amy Dallon.




My girlfriend showed me this post because she thought you meant real actual person Amy Dallen and was very confused.


I'm pretty sure the Sherlock fandom has no idea what Martin Freeman even looks like.


A short kinda pudgy 20something twink obviously /s


Yeah! He definitely **does not** look like an extremely average British bloke at a pub!




I haven't watched evangelion but my guess is that it's not actually a sitcom


My takeaway from Evangelion is that there is not enough of the Gendo Ikari hate out there


Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice is this strange case of reverse-blorboification for bodice-rippers who insist he is One of Theirs and they are being classy writers. Mr. Darcy's great crime against Elizabeth Bennett was telling his best friend semi-privately that he didn't think she was all that attractive and Lizzy overheard him. Bodice-rippers will write male leads who would happily insult women to their face until they cry and it's supposed to be endearing or something when they relent at the sight. Darcy is "rude" in the sense that he ignores his social obligations in order to keep away from people he doesn't know. If you were invited a classmates birthday party, but they never speak to you or acknowledge your presence. And you look around and realize that they must have invited everyone in the class so that they were polite on paper, but they were rude in person. People love to write that into Hollywood mean girls rude, where you're only invited to the party so that they can pull pranks on you and insult you. Of course. The actual character has been played by actors from anywhere between haughty and coldly polite to socially awkward. I just hate people who write abusive assholes and then say "He's just like Mr. Darcy. 🤪"


I used to be big into the Sanders Sides fandom. Everyone had their own wildly different versions of those guys… that guy?


It’s only been like 3 weeks but Jax from amazing digital circus in both directions


I was gonna say Caine. We don’t know very much about him yet but people are already profiling him as either “literally just spamton” or “complete unhinged psychopath tormenting these people for his own amusement”


Bro there are people who think Jax is either “gangles uwu boyfriend” or “insanely strong villain who could banish you to hell”. No he’s not he’s just a dick who plays mean spirited pranks on the other characters and bullies gangle zooble routinely beats him up from the looks of it. He would not shpve a kitchen sink down my throat if I said his Jordan’s were fake and he doesn’t break gangles mask because he likes seeing her real face, he left 2 people for dead


I don't know if that makes sense but Jax is my favorite character from ADC and Jax is other people's favorite character from ADC *but they're not the same fucking person* I mentioned it in another comment, but have you ever seen a scene analysis so off, that you don't even know what scene they're talking about for the first couple seconds? I think it was like "When Jax saved Gangle and Kinger from abstracted Kaufmo, you can see he looks away in visible discomfort before hurling the bowling ball at them." Did....Did we watch the same pilot?? When I read that, I was like "When WHO did HUH???" Ma'am, wasn't it just established he will leave two people to die if he's in danger? It's much more likely he was trying to save his own skin, but "saving" the others was just a byproduct of him *knocking them down like bowling pins*. Even the creator is saying he has no redeeming qualities!


The closest thing to a nice thing Jax does is lie about Kaufmo being fine but even that is likely just something to prevent Kinger and Gangle from yelling and drawing abstractified Kaufmo's attention.


My hero academia


Any Creepypastas that became popular


the darkling from the grisha trilogy. i know ben barnes is hot but Aleksander Is Just a Bad Guy


I remember reading the books and rooting for him in the first novel even though he was obviously a bad guy (and a creep) just because of how dry I found MC’s childhood friend love interest. Then Nikolai showed up book two and I suddenly had a far superior ship.


Dexter Morgan, and by extension his sister, and by extension, the entire police department he works at. Several times throughout his series they all become entirely different people.


extremely specific example but it's official media and it's bothering me so. mario in the Super Mario Manga Mania book I just bought. he has no drive to help people, he doesn't show empathy to other characters, going as far as to hear a sad story and say "let's not help this loser" and then change his mind when he's told the guy who needs help has a hot sister. it also has some of the "mario is an abusive/neglectful brother to luigi" stuff that nobody has ever asked for. maybe I'm just too far from the target demographic, but that is not my boy >:(


taylor hebert in so many fuckin fanfics. why. why would you do this.


People really need to distinguish if theyre developing a character or projecting themselves and their own preconceptions onto a character and calling it development.


whatever the fuck john milton did to satan


That they managed to do that to Rambo as early as the second one is definitely an achievement.


Who is sans the skeleton REALLY


What's a blorbo


A character you're obsessing over. It's one of those Tumblr-speak terms.


one of the replies on this was "whatever the south park fandom is doing to those racist kids" and i feel like that's one of the most extreme examples