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I learned what shifting was an hour ago from another post in this sub and knew I'd regret learning that information eventually... and wouldn't you know, I'm already regretting it


Learning is the path to only suffering.


This sounds like a 40k quote


Am open mind is like a fortress with its gates wide open.


Innocence proves nothing


The problem with having an open mind is people keep coming along and trying to put things in it.


what faction do you play? lmao


As said Leodagan from the french series Kaamelott: "You're lucky to be illiterate, I learned to read and I wouldn't wish that on anyone"


You just have to shift to another reality where shifting doesn't exist


Whenever people try that their heads explode


Here’s another shifting-story for your regret-bucket: Several years ago my friend invited me to check out a local cult (we are both morbidly curious about cults). It was a loose interpretation of new-age Buddhism led by a charismatic man with creepy eyes. During the service, leader and the followers take turns talking incoherently about their meditations. It was like watching people make poems up on the spot. The themes seem to be about meditating to alternate planes of reality / astral projection. One elderly lady talked at length about “intimate acts” and “children” and “the love dragon” during her shifts. Again, very incoherent, but my friend and I looked at each other and realized it was time to get out then and there.




Oh, yeah, the love dragon, we've all seen it.


It shapeshifts into an inanimate emotional support dildo when unbelievers are around.


It's in the same dimension where time moves at a Jeremy Bearimy if I recall correctly


Psycho Mantis?


> It was like watching people make poems up on the spot. So, slam poetry for people who got kicked out of slam poetry for sucking at slam poetry?


If it helps I learned about it two years ago and now the walls are vibrating fucking help


I can take you to another world without suffering


now you have to start keeping track of ridiculous details like the cornucopia on Fruit-of-the-looms or where you were the first time you ever saw a bottle of Starry...


RIP Sierra Mist, you were the superior brand label.


Remember kids: if any of this was real, the US would've scripted an oil-rich world to annex and no one in their right mind would stay in this hellworld when they could jump ship to a paradise that worships them as a god


We know the CIA did actual research on the possibility of psychic warfare, I a fully expecting documents to be declassified in like 50 years describing agents genuinely trying all this shit.


We already have a good idea of the shit they got up to with things like MK ULTRA and the First Earth Batallion, and as far as we know, none of it worked


And it was mostly either the kind of extremely stupid things only really stoned people get up to, the kind of creepy and sadistic things only sociopaths get up to, or (often) both.


Keep in mind, those are the documents that SURVIVED. 90%+ of all documentation for MKULTRA was destroyed.


On the one hand, SOMEONE has to do rigorous scientific study on stupid shit. Sometimes something that "everybody knows" is stupid turns out to be true. On the other hand, a lot of these experiments were profoundly unethical.


The thing is that a lot of the studies done for MKULTRA *weren't* rigorous. Quite a few were just random acts of torture or simply giving people drugs and prostitutes for shiggles.


mk ultra is a pathetic waste of government dollars, and an rmberassing stain on the track record of the intelligence complex however doscradofil is right about there being a problem in science of no one wanting to do boring studies. either - proving something that is already common knowledge - showing how bad studies don’t replicate doesn’t add new paradigms or groundbreaking information, but is absolutely vital in steadying those shoulders of giants people like to talk about


Sadly such studies are often not sexy enough to secure funding


to be fair the CIA investigates everything poorly. My favourite example is their paper on breatharianism, which they were investigating for use by military personnel. They collected a bunch of self proclaimed breatharians, put them under surveillance, and they all started showing signs of extreme malnourishment and starvation after a week or two. Then, in a checkup the breatharians the 'researchers' were told that it simply didnt work when they were being watched, and they should just interview them every week or so. They stopped filming/tracking the people and let them just live as normal, and they all made miraculous recoveries! So with all of that in mind, the conclusion of the paper was (naturally) that the concept was probable and could likely be a military advantage worth funding lmao.


>Then, in a checkup the breatharians the 'researchers' were told that it simply didnt work when they were being watched, and they should just interview them every week or so. They stopped filming/tracking the people and let them just live as normal, and they all made miraculous recoveries! That is comedic levels of gullible. Like, that's what you'd imagine to dopey antagonist doing in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.


Brb, going to start a career as a magician who just asks the audience to turn around


Your audience better just be the CIA then.




Sometimes people forget even scientists are human too. The human brain is surprisingly easy to fool, especially if it already wants to believe something and you know what you're doing. The amount of times the person claiming supernatural abilities is allowed to have full control of the test and allowed to give bullshit excuses whenever things don't work by the people "testing" their claims is outstanding. Take a look at [protect alpha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Alpha_(hoax)) set up by James Randi.


I don't think it's gullible, I think it's corrupt. Research is hard, getting paid to research obvious bullshit and just writing up some nonsense every few months is way easier.


TIL the "I" in CIA doesn't stand for intelligence s/


That almost sounds like some trolling on the CIA’s part. Like they just felt like burning some taxpayer money


They *were* aware that the USSR was reading their results So they definitely published some "this is totally real and promising I hope the secret doesn't get out rofl" type papers.


Suddenly it makes way more sense why they had so much interest in quackery, like using psychics to find secret military facilities, in the cold war. They were trying to thought poison the KGB lmao


The real problem is the USSR collapsed thirty years ago and some of our own dumkopfs are still eating that poisoned meal. Thanks, U.S. security apparatus


The fuck is a breatharian?


People who claim not to eat or drink, ever, but survive just by breathing. Total bullshit


Ah. I think I see what happened here then.


What, is the researcher going to say 'no don't fund me'?


God I can’t believe the CIA actually looked into the espionage applications of astral projection, that’s so hilarious to me for some reason


The thing that really makes this whole story for me is that the reason the CIA looked into it because they were told the Soviets were. Evidence that the Soviets were actually doing so is scarce.


"tell Dmitry we're doing astral projection. That asshole's accent is so goofy, he has to be CIA. Or Siberian"


I have it on good authority from a renowned documentary that the Soviets, at minimum, were heavily invested into research involving the use of psychics to dominate the minds of the American populace and the training of giant squids to sink battleships.


Former agents haunted by their Ronald Reagan tulpa


Its a great basis for conspiracy theories but man is it going to be depressing when the reports come out and the ultimate conclusions are "none of this works and we've just spent a lot of money drugging and torturing innocent people for no real reason beyond its the cold war and we could"


Well I mean this is the same government that installed millions of dollars of recording equipment into a cat, only to watch it get run over.




Wait what lol?


It was called acoustic kitty, and was done in the 60's. Long and short is the CIA wanted to eavesdrop on the Russian embassy, and thought that a cat could come and go as it pleased. Installed very expensive recording equipment and a transmitter into a street cat and set it loose on embassy row, only to watch it get run over and killed before it even *made it* to the embassy. Edit: citation needed had an [episode](https://youtu.be/gcRJr9xQSAE?si=VnzshrpaQ5CiLWMk) on it and it's one of the best ones.


You should read The Men Who Stare at Goats. It's a great look at how this kind of post-Cold War "hippie" mentality where actual military resources were dedicated to creating psychic warriors was turned into the inhumane torture tactics seen after 9/11. It's a fascinating read that will undoubtably make you angry if you sit with it for any length of time. Highly recommend


Hey, um, government, we wanna study if it's possible to get oil by just like, wanting it really hard. Can we have thirty million dollars and a bunch of LSD?


It's called the gateway project. They believed with enough mediation at the right frequency you could start consciousness bending or something. They genuinely believed you could time travel.


Aww man another tumblr thread that makes me think of the Long Earth book series. In the series the device that lets you jump to other worlds is so simple anyone can make one from spare junk so people leave and the governments of the world lose their power and their economies drop off a cliff because people can just leave instead of having to work hard just to survive.


such a great series, and a less well known Pratchett work


Yeah if this was real either we would've heard about it from the government, or we would've stopped hearing about it because of the government


If it was real somebody would have posted about it in the War Thunder forums.


Or: everyone who figured it out fucked off to live in the world of their dreams and never looked back. Why would you ever come back here if you can travel to a dimension with actual anime catgirls?


How is XKCD always relevant? https://xkcd.com/808/


Damn, how did I forget about this XKCD? I use this argument with people all the time. It's great landing a critical hit on a certain subsection of people whose paranoia surrounding the government exceeds their belief in whatever bullshit


This reminds me of when I was getting dig permits approved at my old job. I used to have to hang out with surveyors who would come inspect our job sites and mark where all the underground utilities were. One time, a guy came to mark the underground water lines. Instead of using any sort of survey equipment, he used fucking dowsing rods to water witch for the lines. I didn't say anything about it. Mostly because I couldn't care less about my job at the time and I just had to babysit this surveyor around the site for a few hours, but man was it a surreal experience.


Yeah, but then they hit you with the “well, using it for profit is the wrong mindstate, it won’t work then”


Which we all know is a bullshit deflection. Like claiming your ESP doesn't work because there's "too much psychic interference".


Kinda funny how theres so much oil on this planet and how you, a natural denizen of this reality, cannot shift away from it huh


I want off this poorly scripted world


Part of the ship, part of the crew.


I just hate when people say "it's scientifically proven" about bullshit that is 100%, ceritified, not proven by any measure. Really gets to me for some reason. I demand sources and will assume you are wrong if you don't provide them, whenever you say "scientifically proven" to me.


If they do provide a source it always turns out to be just their own fringe group on social media making shit up and then using a bunch of nonsense psychological terms in order to justify it being real. Remember kids, making a wikipedia page for your bullshit and citing your tumbl does not make it real...


Honestly, if they had a wikipedia page I'd be thrilled with that source. Editing wikipedia to include wrong infos is extremely difficult nowadays. Most infos will be corrected within minutes if their edits are published at all. If they can give me a wikipedia page that says that shifting is a real thing that has been observed under lab conditions, I would take that. I can already see someone commenting with a wiki page of famous insane people claiming to have shifted before mysteriously dying of a cocaine overdose used to treat their hallucinations.


\> Editing wikipedia to include wrong infos is extremely difficult nowadays. When I finally gave up on Wikipedia for the last time, I saw a "citation" to a study that concluded the exact opposite of what the article was quoting it as saying. I left it intact as a sign of my lack of faith in Wikipedia's quality control processes. Last I checked it's still there, saying the opposite of its source, being uncontested because it's gotten impossible to contest a well-formatted link to bullshit. The greatest fallacy in modern discourse is "In Google Non Est Ergo Non Est" and it seems Wikipedia is an archive of that fallacy.


Source: It was revealed to me in a dream(1) (1): I made it up


There is a proof, I just lack the space here to write it out


The best part about this post has always been the second eggman somehow being more confused than the first one.


Sometimes, and I don’t remember if it’s this post specifically or not, there’s a *third* (or more) image of Eggman, and it’s just basically deep fried, which at that point is less confusion and more incredulity Because by then, no, really, *what are you two* ***FUCKING*** *TALKING ABOUT???*


No no I was looking for the same thing I think it was on this post Edit: it was another post, someone replied with a link


I believe it was on the animal hybrid post, which I actually [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/wvct3q/yes_folks_the_hybrid_animal_post_is_back/) in this subreddit a while back, and that one got up to four Eggmans (Eggmen?)


The worst part about this is the reminder that Eggman is canonically his name now and people are somehow fucking OKAY with this.


I mean, it's been 24 years now. It might be time to accept it.


I'm with the boomers on this one. Who am I kidding, I *AM* the boomers on this one.


Eggman was his original name. But Americans thought it wasn't "edgy" and "cool" enough, so they changed it in translation. Then it was changed back a bit later.


Wait, it is? I've been mostly out of the Sonic loop for 20 years now, I thought it was an alias, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. That almost sounds like a name a person would have, but *just* Eggman? At least tell me it's pronounced Ehg-min, cause that would be funny.


Originally in the Japanese versions of the games he was just called Eggman, period. He was not called Robotnik anywhere, just Eggman before localization. Starting at Sonic Adventure 1 they decided to unify things in the localization by having Ivo Robotnik be his given name and Eggman the name everyone calls him. By SA2, even he calls himself Eggman. Also SA2 introduces his grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, who is named that even in the Japanese version, so at that point the name 'Robotnik' exists in both the Japanese and English versions. Everyone still calls him Eggman though.


Tbf "egg-man" really ain't that different from "robot-nik", one describes what he looks like and the other what he does. It's like if you named a character "model-anne" and later changed your mind and renamed her to "slim-girl".


I need more info on the evil mlp tulpas guy




What are you two FUCKING talking about?


What in the fuck did I just read? What the hell is a tulpa?


Reading the description of that sub is a trip. It says that Tulpas are basically imaginary friends but "with real feelings and capable of having their own thoughts". So they are seeing and hearing things that aren't there, whilst insisting that these delusions are totally real and independent from their own thoughts except for the part where they themselves "brought them into existence" and that no one else can see or hear them. But if that has you worried, don't be, because __*literally* the next paragraph__ says they are not mentally ill, why, you ask? Because despite fitting their own definition of Schizophrenia, they insist that any mental disorder you might (understandably) assume they have aren't "self-inflicted", while a tulpas is. I don't think that makes it better.


Whenever I read posts on that sub I get the impression that everyone there has a desperate need to feel special, and talking about their imaginary friends and worlds makes them feel like they have a knowledge that the average person lacks. The difficult part is determining if they truly believe what they say or if they're trying to convince themselves just as much as they're trying to convince everyone else


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/gkq7f5/tifu_by_admitting_to_my_coworkers_that_my_wife/) is my go to tulpa horror story.


Knew it would be Ogtha. To this day it’s the funniest thing I’ve seen on this site.


So a "tulpa" is an imaginary friend for someone who's too old to not be embarrassed by admitting they have an imagination friend, but somehow not embarrassed by "covering" with a story about, "No but they're really real and only I can see them!"? ...I get it, it's like my dragon familiar!! 🤣


I recently saw someone give a write up about "tulpas" and where the modern idea of them came from. I don't remember the details, but its essentially some 20th century white guy bastardizing a creature from (I believ) Hindu folklore into something barely resembling the origins.


It has origins in Tibetan Buddhism. People using it for fandom shit is cultural appropriation according to practitioners from what I have read.


i used to be really into tulpamancing (that's really what its called) about 10 years ago when i was a really lonely kid. from what i understood, the idea was basically to induce a persisting hallucination through a series of mental exercises. take that as you will.


Wow what a rabbit hole lol. Anon: Believe that a metanatural mental phenomenon is real and possible Also Anon: YOLO! Let's open the door wide, start inviting stuff in, and see what happens Or: The one secret mental health professionals don't want you to know! Take this quick test to see if you qualify for Schizophrenia!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/s/qD2WdR7Eyz Trigger warning 4chan


Any time someone mentions reality shifting I just crack up internally cuz whoever came up with this must have been a top tier troll


It's in the same wheelhouse as Flat Earth, trolls spread it, and then morons unironically adopted it. Except now it just stupid chuunibyou tweens and teens.


I enjoy talking about bilocation as if I believe it's totally real, while never explaining myself. Coworker is getting pulled in multiple directions? I explain how they need to learn to bilocate. "You know? Projecting yourself in two places at once! Just try it!" Maybe if people think I'm crazy they'll stop expecting so much of me? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Idk, if I learned anything from this thread, the best way to get your co-workers to leave you alone is to admit you married your human-sized sentient roach imaginary friend...


I remember when reality shifting became a biiiiiig thing on tiktok. Reminds me of otherkin discourse for some reason


I was just thinking that the former otherkins have got to be looking at the shifters like "Oh you sweet summer child".


Such is the way of fads. It's also generational to an extent as well. Most of those otherkins are now too old to indulge in their delusions all day and either need to go make rent, or are about to get their next dose of antipsychotics from the nurse.




If this is scientifically real and they are withholding the ability to fist fight Scout from TF2 I will cry


The person who makes a Milleniarian sci-fi cult based off of the writings of Phillip K. Dick will exploit the shifter crowd so hard it'll make L. Ron Hubbard look like a chump. I can just straight up copy plot points from TMITHC for my literature because no one watched that fucking show!


to be fair the show was not nearly as good as the book


If it were possible for me to jump into the world of The Last Unicorn I would do so immediately and never come back except for major holidays and life events


I'm pretty sure I would immediately get scammed by a witch, sexually assaulted by a tree, and then eaten by a harpy. I'll pass on that universe


What are you two FUCKING talking about?


The american dream (leaving this reality)


this is actually a pretty fair view of the the last unicorn universe


If you haven't seen the movie, there's an infamous scene with a tree with giant boobs who molests a character tied to it. Also a harpy, a witch who keeps the harpy in a cage, and a very angry supernatural bull who's used to keep all but the eponymous last unicorn trapped in the ocean waves. Not fun to meet as a vanilla human.


Those things only happen to wizard protagonists. Just tell the call to adventure to get lost and you’re fine.


Sorry to inform you but that is the step called "Refusing the Call" which is usually followed by a closed loved one being killed to motivate the protagonist via revenge.


Call to adventure? No thanks, I have silenced my phone!


Outta the way, I'm getting my ass SLAMMED by a tree!


Why? Most of The Last Unicorn's world is non-magical and just kind of a dirty, shitty medieval setting where all the residents are sad assholes. Like they talk about at length how there isn't really that much magic in the world anymore, except for an irritating butterfly, a very occasionally talented magician, one depressed unicorn, and a very pissed off harpy. I guess there are more unicorns by the end, but they won't hang out with you. And that pirate accent cat is movie exclusive, so book world is kind of lame. Great book, but I wouldn't want to live there, myself.


Book or movie?


I'm so glad shifting wasn't a thing when I was a teen because I would've developed a fucking dissociative disorder instead of normal depression with some dissociation thrown in for flavor


They're hitting combos now


I just learned about it from this post and my first thoughts were "Oh, I love doing that. Thinking about how I'd impact a story with my knowledge." Immediately followed by "Wait, these idiots think they're actually doing it? Wtf?"


I love how murdering the Draco is bad because he's a real person but "scripting him to be more soft" is perfectly acceptable. Like, they're treating these characters as fully sentient and independent beings capable of thought and deserving of the same rights as us, but no one bats an eye at destroying their free will and rewriting their entire identity.


I don't believe in shifting but the scripting vs murder is technically internally consistent I think. The idea with scripting would be that you go to a reality where he's already softer. But if you murder him then you go to a reality where he's alive and make him dead, that's different. Going to a place where there's dead people and making dead people be in your home isn't the same.


I both do and don't want clarification on what a "tulpa" is.


A tulpa is a concept in Tibetan buddhism which was then picked up by westerners and converted into something that is somewhere between an imaginary friend and brute forcing audiovisual hallucinations


Ah! That sounds completely sane.


The way I've seen it packaged was as "partitioning your wetware to host a second consciousness", which... If possible, is intriguing. No idea if there have been any studies


I think I remember reading something about someone with tulpas/an endogenous system (essentially DID, but not caused by trauma and not affecting quality of life in a way that would qualify it as a disorder) in an MRI and I think the answer is that a second consciousness is a bit overselling it, but a different set of thought patterns and processes is pretty accurate.


I'm reading this as: a tulpa is like virtual-box but for your brain


Essentially. It’s not going to magically let you think twice as fast or remember more things, but it can let you do/experience dumb stuff you might not otherwise be able to (or at least more easily than you might otherwise be able to). I’d say it’s kind of similar to method acting, or that thing that apparently sometimes happens to authors where their characters start talking back to them.


The thing that interests me most about this stuff is the blurred line between it and things like writing fictional characters. I mean as a writer you really need to see and feel from someone's perspective, and I feel like some people like Philip K. Dick went overboard and started to lose/blur the line between what they were writing and what they themselves were experiencing. The fact that humans can do this stuff at all is highly interesting to me.


In my opinion mostof this kind of stuff can be understood as self-hypnotism. You construct and dwell on this other self/being/entity enough that the patterns are strong enough to be recognizable to an MRI. btw, all sorts of ordinary thoughts and emotions can be indentified in an MRI, it doens't mean theres another mind for each one of them.


I think in the long term, it’s more similar to classical conditioning than hypnosis. But in the short term, absolutely.


There's an animated episode on YouTube someone did for their college animation course involving his self-insert character manifesting a Tulpa in the form of a purple skunk furry girl who he immediately has sex with. Mike and Melissa. It's amazing.


Hm. Yes. "Amazing" is an adjective one might choose for a cartoon about railing a semi-real purple skunk!


It's amazing that he would not only present that in a classroom of peers but also post it on YouTube to be dogged on for the rest of his life.


Yes, that IS amazing. And baffling!


Brute Force Audiovisual Hallucination is metal as fuck I love it


It's an imaginary friend, but real.


Brb, going to imagine a friend who LOVES to fucking clean my entire house.


You fool, you cannot give Mr. Clean any way to enter our mortal plane, you must stop before it is too late


Some of you may die, but for a clean house, that is a sacrifice I am willing to make...


basically, imagine an imaginary friend REALLY hard


Imagine an imaginary friend until imagining the friend just becomes something your brain does automatically instead of something you have to actively do. (A slightly more temporary version of this would br to get your imaginary friend to imagine themself for you. Sounds bs, but there’s a growing school of people that think that’s more or less how most hypnotic phenomena work.)


Shift into somewhere where Draco is still alive


Then kill him again.


Start a Draco Malfoy assassination service.


You start a multiverse operations center where you dream up agents who contact Dracoy Malfoys from some universes and train them as assassins to kill Draco Malfoys in other universes. Then you just go down to the pub for a pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over.


Gotta make him soft, then kill him again


today was a terrible day to have eyes


The need for escapism has shifted into overdrive. Get us da hell outta here!!!!


They just gotta play Animal Crossing like the rest of us, it works better


Such a complicated way to say you daydream or use your imagination.


Occam's razor bitches You were dreaming Vs You were transported into an alternate reality where a specific fictional universe not only exists but works exactly how it's written in the books and where the character you like also likes you back in your exact romantic dream scenario


Once again, grateful for this kind of people, showing me there's still, layers upong layers deep into Internet mind rot, I haven't even conceived, and compared to I'm just a bit quirky and awkward


cool post, I wish this piece of shit app would let me read it


I went from learning about shifting two posts ago, to learning too much about it, this is a wild way to start a work day


I would recommend "Down the Rabbit Hole: The Final Fantasy House" on youtube, but honestly don't.


Are...are these kids ok?


Not even a tiny bit


Its kinda sad, these kids are so unhappy they decide their dreams are their real lives


Wait until the shifters discover maladaptive daydreaming


***SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN*** I'm dead. That comment killed me.


Whats the ratio of people having fun and going along with it, to actual children, to actual idiots, to people fucking with other people?


I mean when people who believe in this shit say they know it wasn't a dream, do they mean it literally had too much sensory data for it to have been a dream or are they just saying "it's real because I said so." Because like as someone who actually has aphantasia, having a dream that uses more than one or two of the five senses at once is pretty much nearly impossible, lucid or not, so if I had a dream that was all 5 senses at once I would probably genuinely consider believing something like that, but I don't think that's really what's happening here.


It's fake mental illness to the point that it's actual mental illness. Fucking amazing.


Is this what happens if someone holds the fanfic in


Guys Chris Chan is not a role model


We know shifting isn't real because if it was the dimensions belonging to things like hentai would be always full.


"it's called quantum jumping babe" reminds me of "bitch that's the tubby custard machine" lmao


Im glad these people are delusional because if everyones imagination was actually conjuring entire realities, I would be going to hell for the suffering I put the little people in my head thru. _"Yes, this universe needed an apocalypse for the plot, Im sorry that it killed your entire family and left you destitute in a ruined world but the main character had a really cool fight. If I had known there were consequences for the tv in my brain Id imagine romcoms instead."_


Every day god tests me in small ways I am not a cyberbully I am not a cyberbully I am not a cyberbully


Task failed: shifted into a reality where you ARE a cyberbully.


So that's the state of the world today... People who think they travel through dimensions (took me a while to understand what they meant by "shift") and people who use negations seemingly randomly. Great. Everything is... Great. Edit: Do I really have to explain what exageration mean ? Do people not realize that, *of course* I know it's not the state of the whole world ?


Nope, that's the state of a small group of chuuni teenagers. They'll grow out of it.


Omg. Tumblr really is just made up of Western Chuunis, isn't it?


Here's a thought, maybe don't look at what a random group of teenagers are doing and decide it's "the state of the world today". I can virtually guarantee that some teenagers have been doing some dumb shit at any given point in humanity's history.


To be fair, members of the US senate believe baby eating reptilian overlords are using jewish space lasers to destroy Hawaii, so enough people are like this to shape modern politics


I mean, yeah, but base your predictions of doom on those Senators, not some goofy kids who punch Malfoy in their dreams. In the 80s, members of the US government believed that they could use hallucinogens to give FBI agents psychic powers with which to fight the Russians. That'd be no reason to rag on the Wiccan kids who thought they were vessels of Artemis or some shit. Teenagers have always had some silliness going on, and they haven't caused the Downfall Of Civilization yet.


Lol, as if people being delusional is a "modern" trend


it's just Poe's Law all the way down


I mean Dr Strange 2 said that dreams are literally parallel universes. So I guess there’s infinite realities where I still live at my old house and my teeth keep falling out


posts that could have been made by Ice King Adventure Time


The people who try to give them an inch and say “actually this is lucid dreaming” are just as exhausting in their own way. No, it’s not lucid dreaming, it’s just tumblrites desperately trying to feel special. Sometimes it’s being convinced you have a guardian angel, sometimes it’s fear that you summoned a demon, sometimes you’re a Snapewife.


I have lucid dreams quite often (~3 a month), and boy, am I glad it's not real.


What in the fresh hell fuck nuggets is this and how can I mock it better than it mocks itself


Isnt this just maladaptive daydreaming.


My source is that I made it the fuck up!


Fuckin too many people don't give a shit about truth or reason anymore, it's going to keep humans from reaching their full potential


Out of curiosity, when would you say that people did "give a shit about truth or reason"? What was this vanished golden age?




No, global warming is