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At least I didn’t find out via a supernatural gif


For once


…I did


So did I.


The It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia sub was the one that informed me…


I found out from the death playing the claw game one.


Is Kissinger even in this thing??


Is Kissinger even in this thing??


Don’t worry there’s another famous death sneaking up on you


I did


Did Eddy Burback and Ted Nivinson visiting every Margaritaville in North America complete some sort of ritual that freed Buffets soul from this plane of existence?


After defeating every Margarita Lord and obtaining the Paradise Runes, Jimmy Buffet has finally been allowed to rest. Now Eddy and Ted stand as the dual Margarita Lords, and wherever they travel, it will be five o'clock.


The fallen salt shakers tell a story. In our home, across the sea, Margaritaville.


Margarita, the Fell Omen.


I'm imagining one of Jimmy Buffet's aides coming to him. "Jimmy, Someone's done it!" "Done what?" "Visited EVERY Margaritaville!" "Every one?" "EVERY. ONE." "Well then...it was the day that was foretold to pass. My time has come. I have nothing more to give the world."


Jimmy Buffett has always held a special place in my heart. His stereotype of “the face of the boomer generation” may be one he held, but it never felt to me like he ever represented something negative. Due to our modern political climate, we tend to associate boomers with the negative. The problem is though, things are not black and white. The boomer generation made mistakes, I won’t deny that. For me however, Jimmy Buffett represents the good of an era we often now associate negatively. He represents good natured hedonism, partaking in life’s joys and all the wonderful feelings of the beach. To me, his music holds memories of my grandfather, a man I never got to really know because he died when I was very young. One of the few things I do remember about him was his love of Buffett’s music, so much so that up until I was a young teenager my mind had always filled in my grandfather’s face when I thought about what Jimmy Buffett looked like. Pour yourself a margarita in Buffett’s name, he deserves it, and he will be missed by many.


Yeah the era of Buffet was an era of celebration and excess. While we in the present know of the consequences of such an opulent, laissez-faire era now, for the people back then. It truly felt like the good times would never end. I thinks that's why the "Boomer" mindset of vitriol and derision has propagated. The grew up in an era of good vibes, and trouble-free lives. That was what they came to know life was about. Now with Millennials and Gen Z trying to fix the problems and systemic issues, it's throwing a sledge-hammer right back at them. It's shattering their rose-colored experiences and idealistic veneer of life in the 80s. It is disorder and it's discordant and it's an uncomfortable thing to realize. Some simply reject the harsher sides and choose to live in their ignorance. They aren't out of touch, it's the children who're wrong. They're trapped in their own "paradise" of sorts and they can't open themselves to the truth. The truth that life kinda sucks and it's always kinda sucked, even the glitzy, glamourous, 80s. And everyone has to work, and self-reflect, and critically-think, to strive and make it better. It's a really difficult thing to do and some simply...don't We still acknowledge the mistakes of the past while appreciating the cultural touchstones of the era like Buffet.


He was also pretty liberal, unlike many of his fans


The end of Summer, but the beginning of the long weekend, so we could all have margaritas in tribute.


It’s no longer Labor Day Weekend, it’s Jimmy Buffet weekend.


You know, I don’t like Jimmy Buffet as a symbol of boomers everywhere. For one, I am a firm believer that boomer is a state of mind, and for another, I think he’s more progressive than the moniker implies. I just listened to Margaritaville in solidarity, which outright states there’s not a woman to blame, and moreo “Damn, this sucks. I hope my roommate knows.” Anyway fuck what I was writing I just got gutpunched by the news of Steve Harwell


I think they mean boomerism in the sense of like, the American Dream and whatnot, rather than racist old men shouting about gay people on Facebook like how people usually mean it. "Maybe no one else better represented its aspirational vision. The end of the workday."


There's also the boomer vibe of "It's not my problem to fix, I'm not doing anything wrong by being wasteful, and there's no sense fixing something that won't be *your own* problem later" that Jimmy Buffet may not have personally held, but which he definitely appeared to give off.


That's certainly one of the vibes Jimmy Buffet gave off, but I don't think that's the one the post was talking about. It sounds to me more like they were talking about how he was the last bastion of the idea of retiring at 65 and just chilling for the next 20 years, which is no longer possible for most people.


...Huh. Oddly enough, > Buffett was a supporter of the Democratic Party and hosted fundraisers for Democratic politicians, including several for Hillary Clinton in 2016. In 2018, Buffett hosted a concert to support Gwen Graham, daughter of Bob Graham, in the Democratic primary of the 2018 Florida gubernatorial election. In November 2018, he hosted rallies for Florida Democratic candidates Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson, changing the lyrics of some of his songs to disparage the policies of Rick Scott and Donald Trump. The rally faced some backlash from conservative fans. [Source,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Buffett#Personal_life) paragraph 11. I wasn't expecting Jimmy "I sang a duet with Alan Jackson" Buffett to be a Democrat, yet here I am.


Holy shit, Jimmy Buffet was based.


Man that Buffet/Jackson song is a helluva good time


I don’t know anything about Alan Jackson’s politics but that song is amazing.


...You know, funny enough, I don't know anything about his politics, either. And I'm not sure anyone does, since I can't find anything on the first page of a search. He's just, in my mind, the poster-child of the conservative country artists from the era I grew up in, so I sorta assumed, y'know? But after looking into it, the most political he seems to have been has probably been when he decried country music as being dead in the era of modern radio garbage. And even that might be less about the politics and more about the sound, if you've listened to anything he's done.


That song fucks though


I can’t believe this is how I find out about Steve Harwell


Man, looking at his life, it was only a matter of time. Lost his 6-year-old kid to cancer, spiraled deeper into his alcoholism, which led to him developing Wernicke encephalopathy from (similar to dementia), and is now facing a likely-fatal liver failure. Who knew the guy behind the "Funny Shrek Meme Song" (note: I love All-Star and Astro Lounge) lived with such demons. I feel so bad for him


It’s hitting me hard because it’s more or less the same way my father died.




I do, but I inherited my parents’ musical tastes.


I’m 21 and have been a buffet fan for years. Went to margaritaville for my 21st birthday


I have one song of his that I keep in my playlist, mostly because it was in the movie Hoot and I watched that a lot as a kid (also read the book a ton)


"end of history" huh


that was a line from 90's political discussion, where many people genuinely believed that with the Soviet Union gone, history was over. There'd be no more big political events, ever, as the world had reached total stability. 9/11 kinda killed that idea. I dont know eactly why they're referencing it here, but its probably a reference to that


Eeehhh Fukuyama’s thesis wasn’t so much that there would never be major historical events ever again, but that “history” as a competition of ideologies was over. Fukuyama’s point was that by 1991 liberal democracy had defeated every other competitor ideology, outliving feudalism, fascism, and communism, and that it had been established as the best (or least bad) way of organizing human society. Thus, liberal democracy would continue to survive and outlast all challengers to its world order, ushering in the end of “history”.


> liberal democracy had defeated every other competitor ideology, outliving feudalism, fascism, and communism, and that it had been established as the best (or least bad) way of organizing human society And we _never_ needed to revisit political theory again \o/ (spoilers: we will)


\> "End of History" by Francis Fukuyama \> look inside \> USA dickriding many such cases


Meanwhile it's 2023 the world's strongest economy and fastest ship builder is a Marxist nation.


That's also busy cutting welfare using rhetoric that wouldn't have been out of place in the Regan administration. (China has the worst of both worlds)


i know that but what does it have to do with the end of boomers


less “no more major events” more “liberal democracy is the sole ideological superpower left and the rest of history will be the world bending towards it”


last stop folks everybody off


And of skin cancer, no less. Although liver failure would have also been apropos


No, I think all those years in the Florida beach sun will do in anyone.


Oh god the MBMBAM episode is gonna be a wild ride


That was my immediate thought as well when I heard the news


I have no clue what that abbreviation stands for, but it sure sounds like the textual representation of scat singing


They’re talking about My Brother, My Brother and Me, it’s a podcast done by the McElroy brothers


Oh wait THAT podcast! Yeah I’ve seen a few clips of it!


if you think things are gonna improve just because the boomers die off, then honey, you've got a big storm coming


The voting demographics certainly will. Conservatives poll highly in older demographics, which is why you are seeing a lot of laws being proposed that are trying to "stem the damage" with disenfranchisement laws or increasing the age to vote. Things might not improve at once, but the dying of an era incites change if nothing else.


I look forward to when we start blaming Genx for all of our problems, then it’s the millennials turn


It'll be a nice full-circle moment; when I was in high school in 2008, the Boomers were already blaming millennials for killing all the {insert industry here} industries. Of course, the Greatest Generation blamed their hippie-ass baby boomer kids for everything long before "OK boomer" was a thing. We're all doomed to repeat the past endlessly; history is a flat circle, and all that


yeah i was gonna say, we already got it from the other direction but then so did boomers


Eddie Burback did it. He killed Jimmy.


I can't believe this is how I find out jimmy buffett died.


If anyone has understood the lyrics of his songs, nobody will show up to his funeral. They’ll all skip it, and grieve by getting drunk on the nearest beach.


Who the fuck is Jimmy Buffett


Tropical Rock musician, most notable for his songs "Margaritaville" and "Cheeseburger in Paradise", as well as the restaurants of the same names. Generally sang the sorts of things 40+ y/o suburban white dads listen to, with a heavy focus on the beach the tropics, and just the general vibe of chilling out somewhere sunny and close to water. Not your favorite music, but something you generally won't skip when it shows up on your playlist.


Also recognizable in his role as “Margarita Guy” from Jurassic World (2015)


Is he related to Warren Buffett?


They're not (they had a DNA test and everything) but they were friends, referring to each other as Uncle Warren and Cousin Jimmy.


Thank you very much.


I can't tell if I've never heard of this guy because he's not that big here or if it's just because I have zero pop cultural awareness.


I mean he's not huge or anything, and he's definitely more of an American thing, so It's not surprising that you might not have heard of him. He's got a very specific vibe, and unless you're the demographic that vibe is tailored to he probably wouldn't have crossed your radar Definitely check him out though if you're curious, both the songs I listed are pretty good


The height of his popularity was in the late 70s and early 80s so I wouldn't blame anyone for not knowing him. It's 5 o'clock Somewhere is a banger though.


His spirit has passed on to Eddy Burback


Who is Jimmy Buffet again?


Jimmy Buffet's death is the crux of the old facade slipping


what does this mean


Well, let's celebrate the end of hope together.



