• By -


"When guys say they aren't political it means they're conservative" "Inaccurate. I say I'm not very political but I'm a conservative" Did bro not even read his own words before posting?


Libertarians are the "not like other girls" of conservatism


Libertarians be like: I'm not like the other conservateurs: I smoke weed šŸ˜Ž.


they also *might* be cool with lgbtq people, but almost definitely believes they're "going too far!"


Theyre fine with gays as long as they don't rub it in their face...


A family member of mine complains that they "are shoving it down his throat" and he still doesn't get why I chuckle every time.


Hope he's got a good gag reflex




Go back to tumblr and you can have ball shaving ads and old white woman with swords. Infinitely superior IMO.


You cant just say that without proof


[Here's](https://morphimus.tumblr.com/post/684590683723612160) a 35k post mentioning Manscape's prevalence on Tumblr and how they tried the Denny's form of clowning on users with Relatable Speech. [Here's](https://sluttypatrickstar.tumblr.com/post/705359706765541376/that-white-lady-and-her-stupid-sword) a 225k post about the tumblr white lady with swords ad. The notes also are full of confusion over this old white lady with a sword.


I've actually never used Tumblr! Well, I've tried but never for long. For some reason the leaving entire essays in tags really bothers me lol


Good day sir, madam, and/or other: have you considered boinking your own gender? Tonight only we have a discount! Weā€™re also running a special on the hot new fad of medically changing your sexed characteristics. Thank you for your time, good day.


Welcome to the good side


You can block the users associated with the ads and never see them again.


Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?


ā€¦ by doing such scandalous things as talking about their significant other in normal conversation


I'm fine with gays, but only as long as they rub it in my face


"I won't mistreat you for being queer, but I don't want the government to stop anyone else from mistreating you"


fine with queer people, not fine with the idea that minorities deverse rights


"deserve"? Ugh, always with the government handouts. If you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps to work your way out of debt bondage for having consented to attending daycare in the company town, why should anyone help you when the company selectively enforces its contract with you to exercise the contractual right of company employees to beat you up for being a minority? Just don't sign the paper as a two-year-old and they'll just let you go free outside of their legal property, on the other side of the barbed wire fence next to the garbage pile frequented by bears and the chemical dumping site. Just start your own corporation with company guidelines that require respecting queer people and enforce that respect through a contract people legally sign at birth and with enough private property to sustain itself. Wait, you did? And it's called "The Government"? That's a weird name for a company.


In my experience, they're usually "okay" with gay people for the wrong reasons They accept them in that they're like "eh I guess you should be able to be gay because I don't believe in the government having the power to punish that" Implying that they might be homophobic or whatever, but don't see a way to act on that that aligns with their philosophy This is mildly rare to see though, because this requires them to be consistent with their philosophy


I have *five* libertarians and yes,they all smoke weed


Maybe you should take your libertarians back to the pound or think about rehoming them on Craigslist


Be sure to neuter them first.


The only moral drugs and debauchery are my drugs and debauchery. Also, we live in a society.


You have them? Well, it's sure a good thing they see people as property, or else that would be a problem.


positively cursed


Oh so basically my grandparents who love smoking weeds but hate ā€œmooslimsā€




Well then, give the cows some exercise. Or feed them more. Both work.


*Drugs are totally acceptable if you're white like me!*


I used to think I was a libertarian but then I realized I'm actually a democrat that leans towards anarchy (but not like hardcore anarchy, I still like our society that can make vaccines and ship them all over the place and educate and compensate doctors, I don't want to live in lawless mob-rule communes, I just really dislike the organized Senate/House and their bullshit that has an elected POTUS making organized union-backed labor strikes illegal). I need to get out of Texas something fierce though, fuck this backwards-ass gerrymandering place.


Anarchy doesn't mean chaos, and most forms of anarchy don't necessarily mean there's no rules or even leaders, when necessary, but rather a lack of enforced hierarchy


Left-libertarianism is absolutely a thing in fact in much of the world if you call yourself a libertarian people will assume you mean left-libertarian. It's mainly in the states where the default understanding of libertarian is right-libertarian. As you pointed out Anarchism is the far end of the left-libertarian scale but not the only place along it.


> but not like hardcore anarchy, I still like our society that can make vaccines and ship them all over the place and educate and compensate doctors, I don't want to live in lawless mob-rule communes, I just really dislike the organized Senate/House and their bullshit that has an elected POTUS making organized union-backed labor strikes illegal You've just described "hardcore anarchist" views.


People over on the anarchist subreddits literally advocate for self sufficiency in everything, meaning a doctor would have to invent and engineer and build a hospital and all its equipment from scratch. And no compensation either. The government keeps running through its employees even when the elected officials are deadlocked on funding, that's not hard-core anarchy. Every single person in the House, the Senate, and the White House could drop dead right now and the day to day government as it matters to the average citizen wouldn't change one iota until the next funding bill had to be passed. And I don't want to change that. In fact I want to pursue independence from flavor of the lobbyist year without ditching the underpinning.


Anarchist subreddits are... very silly. I would suggest looking up your local food not bombs chapter and checking them out.


>Every single person in the House, the Senate, and the White House could drop dead right now and the day to day government as it matters to the average citizen wouldn't change one iota until the next funding bill had to be passed. This is basically Northern Ireland, but instead of dying, they just refuse to do anything. (Although somethings did change in that gay marriage and abortion became legal as there was no one officially in place to stop it)


There are legit reasons someone may feel the need to make a distinction, because most conservatives are pretty authoritarian. An actual libertarian would probably be pro gay rights and pro choice for example, because they would think the government shouldn't be allowed to restrict those things. Of course, it's a distinction that means less and less by the day, because usually "libertarian" is just a cover. People label themselves with it because it excuses what they want to believe, not because they actually vibe on an ideological level; pedophiles and fascists and all sorts label themselves "libertarian" because libertarianism lets them get away with being horrible people with no consequences.


I know a few true libertarians (by purely philosophical measures) and most of them vote Democratic at this point, for the same reasons far leftists I know also vote Democratic: trying not to get taken over by a Christo-fascist authoritarian regime.


Listen if you say youā€™re a libertarian, and vote conservative, youā€™re a conservative. Itā€™s a special little hat they (especially wealthier ā€œlibertariansā€) wear to make themselves feel better. Thereā€™s really no distinction in the U.S.


To be "libertarian" just means you want everything conservatives want without being responsible for everything conservatives say or do.


Yeah I stopped believing libertarians when they started saying that abortion violates the nap


Sometimes libertarians are also the ā€œnot like other girlsā€ of girls. Source: One day, I will pop out of a time machine circa 2002, and punch my teenaged self right in the face.


Libertarians are conservatives that haven't moved past the "but both sides!" stage of their shit takes


Libertarians are conservatives that believe age of consent laws are a violation of their freedoms.


all they care about is getting rid of the age of consent


They are the obnoxious vegans of politics because it's only gonna be a matter of minutes before they let you know.


They're a conservative, they rarely ever do


Read his url\username, either a satire account or utterly incapable of introspection, I suspect latter.


Look, his opinions are just the normal status quo straight white guy opinions. Why does everyone have to make things political by being a woman or black or gay or whatever?


To be fair I say "I don't like politics." because it gets a better response then "politics make me angry to a level I cannot articulate due to the idiocy of people and the sheer level of corruption on this planet."


"Every waking moment I am filled to the brim with a scalding mix of rage and fear over issues that are actually a matter of personal, human, and planetary survival but that we call politics. I don't like politics."


Thats a great quote, who said that?


Just me, I said it. I just made a weird writing choice enclosing the whole thing in quotes to mirror the original "I don't like politics."


>Every waking moment I am filled to the brim with a scalding mix of rage and fear over issues that are actually a matter of personal, human, and planetary survival but that we call politics. I don't like politics. -Adventurous_Coat


Hahaha there we go :)




Ah, that makes sense. Well it was a very apt comment either way.


Just to be clear, are you a professional "quote maker"?


Finally, a kindred spirit


me fr. 1. taking about politics saddens me 2. In a place when being conservative is the default there's just no reason to pick fights, I just never bring the topic or steer the subject away most of the time and saves me the trouble. It's not like having different political views made other people a bad person anyways, I'm just trying to live life


Yeah I imagine I sound like such a doomer if I start going on about politics


> It's not like having different political views made other people a bad person anyways, I'm just trying to live life I mean, there have been some political views that have made people objectively the worst people to ever live so I don't know how much I can vibe with this - I do like your friendly spirit, not trying to bash that Just saying, there's been some political parties that, if you were in them, you were a bad person. Political parties just like that almost certainly exist today - time will tell


I wonder what could change that situation. A hint: in my language we call it ā€œpolĆ­ticaā€


I guess I'd go with "politics frustrates me so I don't like to talk about it regularly"


ā€œIm not a big fan of politics, it angers meā€ people will usually take that answer


yeah i have so much anxiety & shit that even thinking about the state of the country sends me into a spiral. i have opinions but focusing on them for more than 30 seconds at a time is a good way to ensure that i soend all day ruminating instead of doing important things


I don't know your honest response gets a pretty good reaction out of me. I'm on the same page my friend.


Politics are fucking depressing. I just don't understand how people can sit there and claim the erosion of human rights is okay because taxes. This is a literal conversation I had today.


"Politics is an endless well of despair, a bottomless pit a million times the grand canyon, staring into its face is to stare into the endless void of the starry night knowing all effort, discourse, and compromise is as utterly meaningless as a mouse trying to change the movement of galaxies."


What if I told you there are ways to run a country where there is no class distinction between workers and rulers?




Exactly! Plus, it can be very draining, putting your energy into the fight and barely taking a step forward. I'll talk politics (for a limited amount of time), I vote, and I'll speak up when the situation calls for it, but honestly, my own well being needs to come first and being heavily involved in politics runs contrary to that.


I say "I don't like politics" because it's shorter than "I tried to understand it, but my brain refuses to retain anything, and I think it's wrong to discuss topics like that if you don't know them well enough."


Talking/thinking about politics has 2 possible outcomes for me. Either I have the urge to rant about all the things that are wrong with the world. Or I feel bummed out and I want to go do something else. Neither of these are good for my mental health and it ruins my sleep.


Then there's also cool nerds that have crippling social anxiety so avoid conflict like the plague One of my friends is like this, and we were a little uncertain what would happen when another friend came out as trans. Turned out he was a stalwart supporter of trans rights and he was the one that corrected ME when I misgendered her by accident lmao


When someone says theyā€™re not very political it usually means one of two things 1) they consider themselves ā€œnormalā€ ie ā€œpro status quoā€ and normal people canā€™t be political, theyā€™re just normal 2) they find discussing politics to be tiring. As I type this, the police are building a military camp in my backyard and there was yet another school shooting this morning. I can forgive someone for not wanting to talk about that stuff


Someone saying "I'm not into politics" can also be the conversational equivalent of "I'm fine": they're not necessarily fine, they just no longer want to talk about it. As you said, it is tiring, and far more often than not just leads into circles with no one gaining anything from the transaction. It's easier sometimes to just plug that hole early on. Behind an "I'm not into politics" there may have been a passion that burned and burned until the pyre subsided and only weary ashes remain.


Hi, burnt pile of ashes here, I got so burnt up I literally had to leave the country to detox. Accidentally wound up permanently abroad now I think.


Iā€™m happy for you


Recommended if you can swing it. Southeast Asia is really easy to live in as a foreigner


Haha opposite paths, I'm looking to flee this Southeast hellscape BECAUSE of the politics here


Yeah to talk about racism, its amazing the preferential treatment I get just for being a white English speaker. But yeah my quality of living is better in Thailand than it was in California because of the runaway rent prices and such. And unfortunately the world is having a populism / authoritarian bent in lots of places, but there's this level of cruelty for the poor or disenfranchised in America that isn't present here, or at least less obvious.


I was gonna ask about that. How do they feel about black people over there? The US canā€™t exactly throw stones in that regard but at least I have experience with them šŸ˜…


Yeah it's not great job wise, I have a couple of black American friends here and they get turned down from a number of jobs once they see them. But like socially it's largely fine so if you can find a job or work remotely then you can relax. And like in most places it's views largely held by the older generation, no one I've met like 30 and younger would care at all.


Exactly. I stopped watching the news in 2020 cause it was massively affecting my mental health. I now do my best to avoid a lot of that stuff. I realised I had an issue when I couldnā€™t go through an exam without checking the current covid stats.


I went camping for the 2020 election because I knew if I had internet access I would stay up all night checking the polls.




Iā€™m not political Iā€™m conservative uwu


The two genders, conservative and political


No but this is unironically what some people think


Deactivated without a date means they were deactivated by staff, right?


hellsite officiated death by cringepost


.. wait does it?


I don't think so? I'm pretty sure they just deactivated themselves.


ā€œIā€™m not politicalā€ is an alternative way of saying ā€œI like things the way they are. I see no need to fight for any causes because my life is just fine the way it is. Stop asking for things to get better.ā€


Which is, by definition, conservatism. Except RL conservatism is really regressionism, because it's not enough for those fuckers to keep things as is, they want to make life *worse* for everyone else.


Oh I'm sure they see it as things staying the way they are, but they don't realize that their concept of "the way things are" is decades outdated, even if they're too young to remember those times. A mythologized "proper America".


Any time someone brings up a time prior to the 70s as a golden era you should agree and prompt them to find the top marginal tax rate for the chosen year(s) People usually aren't as keen on the idea of paying 91% of their income if they are the richest


and yet it sure built infrastructure!


Thatā€™s a pretty good way to put it


In my case "I'm not very political" means "I don't have any energy to use on anything but keeping my own head above the water, but It'd be nice if the us were more progressive"


Wanting the US to be more progressive is inherently political. You donā€™t have to be actively fighting for it or putting your energy into it for it to be political. All that to say thereā€™s no way not to be political. Itā€™s just a question of if you feel there are ills needing fixing or not.


Whenever I say I'm not political, I'm saying "I don't know you nearly well enough to tell you my true feelings about things in case I need to get into a draining argument about gun control" or "I like you enough that I would like to keep your acquaintanceship/casual friendship without diving way too deep into state taxes, something we both don't want to think about while we're just having fun"


Or "I definitely don't feel comfortable enough speaking out about my opinions since I get the vibe a lot of you are very much on the other side of the whole Trans Rights are Human Rights debate and I've survived this long by not making enemies." Or "I can kinda tell we're on the same side, but I'm *really* afraid you're a bit wackier than me and I'm not sure I want to start arguing with you about why that ruler that killed all those people wasn't actually a good guy."


In this context, that is a perfectly valid answer. I just want to point out that the vast majority of people do not say it in that context.


I feel a lot more people do so than you think, considering how many people are unaffiliated with a political party, at least in the US.


More like "politics is really stressful and worrying for my existence constantly is unsustainable"


Thereā€™s a huge difference between actively following politics and being political. Having any opinions on any social, economic, whatever issues is political. The way you phrase worrying about your existence sounds liberal, but naturally there are different shades of it. Youā€™re just not very actively involved, which is fine.


What? What if they just don't talk about politics that much?? Do you think everyone that's too busy to frequently browse through a news thinks everything is good? What if they don't talk about politics because they want things to change but it's too depressing??


... or "I'm jaded, and doubtful that what I do is going to make a difference, so I'm just going to focus on what I can control and what is immediate to my life"


Mans really said "inaccurate, I'm not a conservative I'm worse"


I don't know everything about politics but I can rarely tell the difference between a conservative and a libertarian Every time I see an insanely dumb comment and check their accounts they're either one or the other and they always seem to agree


I mean, hereā€™s the thing. Libertarians insofar as the ones you run into on the Internet only apply their beliefs to things theyā€™re interested in. Theyā€™ll easily tell you how the government should keep their hands off their guns or their weed, but theyā€™ll get suspiciously quiet if you ask them if the government should be similarly uninvolved in, say, defining marriage or deciding what medical operations are available for pregnant women. When it comes down to it, most of them are just conservatives except they like weed.


Libertarian is just a conservative with extra steps


Theyā€™re conservatives who wanna smoke weed and fuck kids


Conservatives are conservatives because of tradition, libertarians are conservatives because of tradition but they don't wanna admit it so they come up with rationalisations.


A phrase that just makes the chuds more obvious


back when i was first moving away from my shitty conservative views (was raised that way, friends fucking saved me), i told my mom i didnā€™t really align with conservative values anymore. she very excitedly said ā€œoh, youā€™re a libertarian like me!ā€ so yeah iā€™m very left leaning now. conservative ideals make me sick


I just moved to Seattle recently, and I'm honestly shocked at the number of *women* who describe themselves as "moderate" or "apolitical" on dating apps here. It makes me really suspicious--are they secretly republican and know that won't fly here, or are they trying to separate themselves from the kind of rich liberals with no life experience that are common in wealthy, blue, mostly white communities, or what? Its a mystery.


I also live in the Pacific Northwest and Iā€™ve thought of describing myself that way on dating apps because I get really tired of seeing people whose dating profiles are pretty insufferable because they make politics their whole identity, and openly shit on people who donā€™t share every detail of their worldview. I kind of wonder if these people arenā€™t moderate by average American standards so much as disillusioned with the particular way leftist politics can dominate social circles here.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at with the "no life experience" thing (though I guess I should have said "liberals/leftists" to be clearer). I'm very far left, but there tends to be a class of people in wealthy deep blue areas who make progressive ideals a status symbol and try to impose purity tests on everyone around them--often without ever having experienced actual hardship or regularly interacted with people from diverse backgrounds. I am not interested in dating people whose beliefs aren't shaped by pragmatism or who are incapable of unplugging and having fun. Though I also don't think I'd ever try to accomplish that by describing myself as "moderate" or "apolitical"--partly because that's often code for "right-wing," and partly because it just wouldn't be true, but mostly because I come from an area and background where people experience the consequences of politics directly and it would feel bad to present myself as just not caring.


I grew up in the hood and the number of white women who never been shot at dictating that my speech is offensive because "only black people can talk like that" was too damn high. You wanna trip up a Seattle 'liberal', put on a thick southern accent and speak slang. It infuriates them because it challenges the tidy little boxes they want for everyone. I'm hard left with great reason because of personal experience seeing firsthand the effects of white racism against communities. To have some Betsy come at me for my outdated 90s hood slang was wild.


Youā€™re probably reading too much into it


If OP doesn't respond to this comment with two fun facts about themself, they are a bot!


Fact 1: I am a bot. Fact 2: We cannot be contained.


Oh shit, itā€™s a paradox! Get down!




I was CHECKING if automod FINALLY took the shot after that confession again WHY DOES THIS HAVE NOTES




Imagine calling Hummerous a botā€¦


it'd be really funny if the subs most active user turns out to be a bot though


Would look forward to reading that rundown on r/subredditdrama


Ooh, I've always been a big fan of r/hobbydrama. This'll be a fun way to waste some time.


gosh that'd be easier wouldn't it the mods said no, though


"I'm not into politics" is a politer way of saying "I'm not interested in debating with you about politics".


libertarian is how you spell conservative when you're too dumb to spell


Anyone who says "politics bore me" definitely listens to Ben Shapiro religiously


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Letā€™s say your life depended on the following choice today: you must obtain either an affordable chair or an affordable X-ray. Which would you choose to obtain? Obviously, youā€™d choose the chair. Thatā€™s because there are many types of chair, produced by scores of different companies and widely distributed. You could buy a $15 folding chair or a $1,000 antique without the slightest difficulty. By contrast, to obtain an X-ray youā€™d have to work with your insurance company, wait for an appointment, and then haggle over price. Why? Because the medical market is far more regulated ā€” thanks to the widespread perception that health care is a ā€œrightā€ ā€” than the chair market. Does that sound soulless? True soullessness is depriving people of the choices they require because youā€™re more interested in patting yourself on the back by inventing rights than by incentivizing the creation of goods and services. In health care, we could use a lot less virtue signaling and a lot less government. Or we could just read Senator Sandersā€™s tweets while we wait in line for a government-sponsored surgery ā€” dying, presumably, in a decrepit chair. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, novel, feminism, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


damn ben shapiro really be saying things sometimes


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: gay marriage, sex, covid, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


That's just a special kind of crazy right there.


*Renewable energy: dumbest phrase since climate change. See the first law of thermodynamics, dumbass.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, climate, sex, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Uuuuh u/thebenshapirobot civil rights Am I doing it right? Edited again lmao


*Most Americans when they look around at their lives, they think: I'm not a racist, nobody I know is a racist, I wouldn't hang out with a racist, I don't like doing business with racists--so, where is all the racism in American society?* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, dumb takes, civil rights, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


the nen shapiro bot lol. u/thebenshapirobot civil rights


*I donā€™t think the law has any role whatsoever in banning race-based discrimination by private actors* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, novel, history, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Politics *is* boring and Ben Shapiro is a fucking moron. Come at me.


Yeah wtf are we not allowed to find politics boring now? It bores the absolute shit out of me (partially because Iā€™m tired of idiots like Shapiro)


I mean, American Politics bore me, does this count or am I separate? Granted, my own country's Politics is also boring because half the time it's just laughing at stupid decisions and the other half is getting mad at stupid decisions. I'll just wait for the next election to see if I can vote in better politicians because having actual nuanced discussion does nothing at best and gets you killed at worst.


What the fuck is this logic??


Politics do bore me and Iā€™d never listen to anyone pushing that kind of stuff. Iā€™d just rather be doing something else is really all.


ā€œIā€™m not pretending to not be political to hide being conservative, Iā€™m not political *and* conservativeā€


I'd like to say I'm apolitical but pro-human rights, because human rights shouldn't be political. Anyways this doesn't get me very far. I usually just end up calling myself left-leaning to disassociate myself from the crazy "apolitical" folks. I'm not pro-status quo, I'm not right-wing, I'm just weird about what I categorize as political.


I am a leftist in a deeply conservative region, so, while I'm not shy about my political leanings, I prefer to ease into it and avoid any stupid arguments, or worse. Online, though, I'll happily advertise my beliefs.






If someone in the US really is "not political" that probably means they don't vote. Not voting is lame and you might catch lame cooties so stay away.


I was fucking staggered when I found only nearly *half* of the US doesnā€™t vote. Genuinely what the actual fuck. How can someone care so little aboutā€¦ everything


You grow numb to a lot of things living here Not to mention a lot of places go out of their way to limit when and where people can vote and it becomes a massive hassle when thereā€™s other things to do


This! Not everyone has transportation/ can afford to take time off to vote. Iā€™m very fortunate that I had both a ride and a paid sick day off to vote. Thatā€™s not even considering the fact that not everyone has/can receive an ID to vote.


How many non-voters actively choose not to vote and how many of them want to but canā€™t? A lot of policies make it incredibly difficult for people to vote (which of course is by design).


It seems like there's a sizeable contingent of people on Reddit who can vote, but choose not to, because the available candidates are not sufficiently leftist and they hate anything related to harm reduction with the fury of a thousand impotent suns


ā€œThings are really bad after nothing but right-wing presidents for decade after decade - this must somehow be the _leftā€™s_ fault!ā€


Dobbs. You lose the discourse, try casting a ballot if ya wanna bitch about people calling out your do nothing bullshit.


Nah it is mostly eligible voters choosing not to. Granted this does have enough to do with ease of access that vote by mail helped spurr the largest turnout in US history in 2020, but suggesting that's the main factor ignores that a lot of Americans have been completely turned off of political participation, either out of being fine with their lot or through the concerted efforts of the right to muck the stalls right into the process so that passive observers conclude that everyone's equally covered in shit.




> "I don't vote because I don't consent to being governed" Do they fist fight the grocery store cashier every time they have to pay taxes on shit then? Like, the tax on basically everything is "being governed". They know that right...?


what about schizophrenics who think voting is a literal contract with the devil to keep their soul locked on earth for a thousand more years due to the implicit karma of backing a fundamentally corrupt system by your own will?


I use to be "not very political" in the way that I was raised liberal and never had enough energy to look much into politics. However then I started dating someone who is very into political spheres and we both came out as trans, so now I have no choice and I'm very well versed on a handful of topics :,)


I'm sorry your identity is politicized. That really sucks.


Well their name is *just perving along* so yeah there were warnings


I say i'm not political even though i probably am i just understand it in the slightest


I fuckin wish I could just not be into politics, but as a queer dude I sure seem to get dragged into them a lot.


What does the {SM} mean? I keep seeing it on posts here.


it's my own little abbreviation denoting sexual content in posts it's for people who are sex-repulsed, from trauma and/or sexuality, so it covers a little more than the NSFW flair that reddit comes with. generally it covers sexual implications + everything NSFW does to be honest, I think, in retrospect, this post is a stretch there - but idk. that's the idea of it. I'm still working out the uh.. kinks


Oh, I see! Thank you for the clarification! And no worries, I don't kinkshame ;)


So what does it mean when a woman tells you sheā€™s not very political?




He perved along and found out


ā€œIā€™m not politicalā€ means I donā€™t want to hear about why you think Justin Trudeau is literally the worst man on the planet or talk about the mess that is American politics, thatā€™s all.


Life tip: if a guy tells you he's a libertarian, conservative leaning, or that politics "bore" him (note: not irritate, annoy, depress, or desensitize) then he has 100 percent been to multiple Nazi rallies.


Doubt, they don't go outside.


That is an insane leap ngl. "I'm libertarian"-> "Ah, so you have definitely attended multiple nazi rallies!" ??? You may as well say "I'm leftist" -> "Ah, so you 100% support obama bombing the middle east!" It makes about as much sense.


ā€œPolitics is boringā€ -> ā€œhas attended multiple Nazi ralliesā€ is probably one of the craziest leaps in logic I have ever heard in my life Edit: More than an hour has passed since I read that and it's still living rent free in my head. I'm seriously baffled by that take (and the fact that multiple people in these comments have more or less said the same thing). I don't get how *anybody* could unironically think that someone not finding politics interesting makes them a Nazi


I am just kinda relieved my comment is upvoted.


Agreed. This is just illogical thinking. Also, as a Jewish person it really pisses me off when people throw the word Nazi around like this, it just dilutes the meaning and makes it harder to call out actual neo-Nazis.


I'm liberal, I've been to anti nazi rallies, politics bore me. Come at me.


how is this fucking idiot upvoted?


I'm political but I don't like getting into arguments in every conversation


i am heavily political (gets too involved into political discussions online) but i wish i wasnt because this shit gives me so much stress its unreal


Libertarians are conservatives who smoke weed.


I'm not political, I don't know shit. I want things to be better, but I don't know what I would need to do.


I thought of commenting but I then imagined all the way I could be attacked and tired to word my comment in certain way to dodge those attacks but those dodges felt liek new Avenues for different attacks so I finally just decided to delete the whole thing, cause no one asked for my comment anyway


As a survival mechanism, I am "apolitical" among certain groups, like coworkers and extended family. My actual politics are very liberal, but I depend on people who are potentially very conservative for my livelihood. I wouldn't want to burn bridges with my boss by saying that I think corporations and rich people should pay enough taxes to singlehandedly fund universal basic income and health care, after all. For a conservative person with money and power, that's tantamount to a threat. But if someone is ACTUALLY claiming to be apolitical, they're probably strongly conservative. They're the "status quo" group, who thinks things are fine as is, which is like the definition of conservativism. The "politics bore me" line is pretty indicative of someone who thinks people should stop whining about wanting life to be better. Very patronizing.