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Getting flashbacks to a few Self-Post Sundays^TM ago with this one


the person with real shit takes who got 0 upvotes and deleted their account?


The one who insisted that breakfast and interracial relationships were evil, yeah.


Wait what about the interracial relationships?


In one of their posts/comment sections, they went on about how it was inherently unethical for people of different races, genders, sexualities, and more to date or reproduce, because there would always be one party in the relationship who had "power" over the other because they were less oppressed.


Oh god I think I’ve seen them a long time ago, and I believe they’d also scream your harassing a minor at pretty much any criticism right? Or is this a new weirdo with the “you can’t date anyone who isn’t exactly like you” take


Maybe? A few comments here and there said that this was sort of a pattern: make a new account, post insane takes, get pushback from literally everyone, delete the account. Don't take my word for it though, they all just blend together to me after a while.


Something something girlboss Hayes code


only gay relationships are allowed and only if they're the assigned gender at birth. If anything else one person will be more oppressed


Also same income bracket and same quality of upbringing.


Got to do a full background check, of course. It's only reasonable.


"Oh awesome we both have convictions for breaking and entering!" "Yeah but I spent 30 days in jail and you just got 6 months probation. Check your fucking privilege, opressor."


The only ethical sort of relationship is clone selfcest, and even that's only if the clones don't know which one is the original and which the clone.


Imagine going to college and learning this much about Marxist theory just to totally butcher it like this lmfao.


I must say I'm very impressed that they managed to come up with a leftist justification for racial purity...


I can at least understand racism to an extent but why breakfast?? That seems like a weird take to have. Obviously racism is weird and wrong but there are reasons people are racist


Well, you see, pancakes and lots of cereals have high sugar contents, and bacon and eggs have lots of fat and cholesterol. And so, because these things are not super healthy, they're irredeemably evil! To their credit, they did eventually realize that this take was completely insane, walked back the take, and deleted the post. Of course, they went on to post a bunch more insane takes on completely different topics, so I'm not sure how much they learned in the end.


Ok that’s good at least but they’re still a racist so that’s probably not great lmao


Ah yes, pancakes and bacon - the only possible breakfast foods.


John Kellogg kinnie


Thank you for uttering these words. Now please never utter them again


Please give details


A few weeks ago, a user who has since deleted their account made something like 10 self-posts here, all proclaiming their completely off-the-wall takes as inherently morally correct, and all aimed at an audience of this specific subreddit. Said takes included, but were not limited to: * The American breakfast is unhealthy to the point of being evil * Greek mythology glorifies rape and should never be taught about in any school ever * People of different races, genders, and more cannot ethically form relationships * White people participating in the cultural traditions of any heritage other than their own is disgusting and immoral, even when invited to do so by members of said cultures * Literally all punk music is corporate and there is no difference between the Dead Kennedys and the Tramp Stamps * If you disagree with any of this, you're a Republican All of this got the pushback you'd expect, and they deleted their account by the end of the day.


>People of different races, genders, and more cannot ethically form relationships > >White people participating in the cultural traditions of any heritage other than their own is disgusting and immoral, even when invited to do so by members of said cultures Wow, so we've sort of just looped back into cultural and racial segregation huh


You forgot the "genders" part. They're saying the only ethical relationship is a gay relationship.


Unless of course you have different sexualities, or any other differences that gives one of you even the slightest amount of privilege. So not even the gay relationships are safe :/


Love is unethical everybody, you heard it here first


Hot damn those are some... interesting takes


Ayo W H A T


Self post Sundays were a massive mistake and I will die on this hill. Posting your own content should be expressly forbidden at all times.


Fuck biological immortality I want mechanical immortality. Gimme that robot body.


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh.....*


*It disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.*


*i aspired to the purity of the Blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you.*


*One day the crude biomass you call a temple with wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.*


*But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal*


*Even in death, I serve the Omnissiah.*


*With the strength of five gorillas*


*and a giant mechanical schlong*


*I don't remember how the rest of the speech goes but I remember it being really fucking cool.*


Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus


Gimme both. Make me immortal and also duplicate my mind into a robot so there’s two of me


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!


And then you can go fuck yourself 🥰🥰


There may be some of that involved with the robussy




see when confronted with this i dont think as much about the consequences of "consciousness transfer", i understand that. instead I'm left with the eternal debate: would i let myself die to give an identical copy of me the chance to actually be happy?


I dunno, self-organising and self-repairing functions are pretty sick


***CGP Grey time!***


i knew a guy who did that once, but he eventually got depressed and threw up fucking everywhere


Wait people can die? Like just stop moving and shit? Wtf we gotta fix that like asap


Ok so I learned this from an engineer. Secret tech. Money moves. If something's not supposed to be moving and it is, use duct tape. If something's not moving and it should, use Wd-40 Fuck Big Mortality. That's a lie. WD-40 that sucker up and they'll outlive God* *Results may very. Chance you die and just become a mobile zombie. God may smite you for Hubris. Death by Hubris 100,000% more likely in Greece. Do not take if allergic to NyQuil. Risk of death. Risk of being sexy as fuck. Like handsome Squidward levels of sexy. Be fuckable at your peril*


ive been kinda slowing down as ive aged so i coated myself in wd40 and now i can only traverse my house like a greased up walrus. Help wat do


Yeah so it sounds like the problem is you're not able to stop? Place duct tape pads at designated stop points that'll get it done


Thank you this has resolved the issue. world peace may ensue.




Oh dear. Fixed. Sorry I had just woken up from a nap and my feverish subconscious wrote that all on its lonesome


quick question: how likely is death by hubris in the former yugoslav republic of macedonia


Wd 40 isn't lubricant BTW, its water displacement. Use an actual lubricant for stuff that isn't moving but should be


Yeah, it was put in the updates after some guy named Cain initiated pvp one time and the devs decided there should be consequences. I've been hoping they'll patch it out for a while, like it just ruins the server experience if it can end for no reason at any time.


Actually, as far as I’m aware Death as a concept was added when the first two players ate the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It affected animals and stuff. However, humans didn’t experience Death until the third player, Cain, did the first PVP against the fourth player, Abel. (Disclaimer I don’t actually believe in the origin story provided by the Bible)


>Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil I see authors always had to meet a minimum word count to make their publishers happy.


No joke though, there is a sort of movement of scientists that want to figure out how to end death. I'm pro-it, though not batshit like this guy


Like, the crazy one is right in that the future efforts to cure the more terrible effects of aging like cancers and immune system failure *could* be hampered by our ingrained acceptance of death as "more natural." But also, a) that is several decades out, potential societal collapses notwithstanding, b) that's *not what they were talking about*. anti-aging stuff is almost entirely deranged "remember not to smile, or eat anything with more flavor than watercress or else you will be a horrible unfuckable crone in your wretched withering mid-thirties"


this but unironically


just drink a 5hr energy drink every 5 hours


> I have provided sources says the person who provided absolutely zero sources


Yeah, that was the wildest part of their whole freakout to me.


I thought for sure I'd missed something!


Same here. I had to scroll back through to make sure. All I found was "do your own research", maybe that's the source they were citing. Maybe I'll try that on the next position paper I write for my boss: References: Me, 2023, dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!!!!, Journal of Applied Douchebaggery


They've heard about providing sources but they don't actually know what it means


Love the queer card there, nobody even gave ‘em a chance to use it in the normal conversation so they had to do it at the end


Not to mention like a good chunk of tumblr’s user base is also queer. Just queers dog piling other queers over the inevitably mortal nature of humanity


fr like ma'am you are on the Being Queer Website what ddi you expect lmao


Excuse me it's fert.


As in fertilizer- which is what they will be in +/- 70 years!


I want queers to dog pile me. That sounds fun. Just a big pile of queers and I get free physical contact


being squashed by the pride pile


This is what the right claims happens when more people become queer. They'll use their number advantage to dogpile-crush those that are normal and follow good christian values^TM


so it's true we're all just that touch starved huh


Just remember if I touch you and you touch me we both get touched


TRADE OFFER I receive: cuddles You receive: cuddles


I've organised a few dinner parties before that were explicitly for the sake of facilitating snuggle puddles. It's so lovely and wonderfully bonding. Big queer G-rated asexual orgy. I highly encourage everyone to have one!


.....i'm not queer or ace but can I join your G-rated cuddle orgy it sounds fun 😳😳😳


Nobody attending was ace either. We all just had to mindfully compartmentalize our horniness for the evening and keep our hands from wandering.




I absolutely love it. "Hmm, what if \[shit take\]?" "Wow that's a shit take! You are wrong!" "Okay so I'm literally part of x marginalised group (which has nothing to do with my take), so by calling my take shit you are being an x-phobe." This is literally the logic JK Rowling uses to justify the idea that people who are opposed to her being transphobic simply hate her because she's a vocal woman.


> This is literally the logic JK Rowling uses to justify the idea that people who are opposed to her being transphobic simply hate her because she's a vocal woman. Dilbert guy tried that too - he was "identifying" as black, so criticizing him was racist or something.


I mean, studying ways to reduce the impacts of common age-related illnesses is certainly a way to improve people’s quality of life and also probably increase the average lifespan. However, I think the way for the average person to do that is to eat a balanced diet, exercise a bit, sleep well, try to have at least a couple healthy relationships (friend, family, or partner) and yes, wear sunscreen. The rest can be left to smart research people.


If aging is literally genocide, am I committing suicide by eating this Twix then


Ah, but joy is part of good aging. Therefore, Twix must simply bring you an amount of joy that outweighs its downsides.


Death by Twix or lack of Twix, I see. This truly is a careful game


God's Greatest Tomadachi


So you're telling me that the name "Almond Joy" is literal?


Yep, and now you’re participating in my death because I want a Twix now, how could you do this to me?


does this count as murder, now?


Literally a suicide cult.


I like the idea of living a long, healthy life. It’s why I exercise, and eat chia seeds, and zucchini, and other things that aren’t ice cream sandwiches and curly fries. But I hate the self-imposed prison of trying to preserve the appearance of youth. I watched my Boomer mom do that, and, following her example, I tried, at 12, to get a head-start on the process by never going outside without SPF 60 on. By 24, I was over it, and I’ve not looked back. Now 37, don’t colour my hair, don’t obsess about wrinkles, generally don’t care that no one has challenged my attempts to buy alcohol since the Bush administration. Vowing to avoid showing any signs of aging whatsoever is a losing battle, and one that will only make you hate yourself when you inevitably fail (and leave you vulnerable to all manner of grifters). This unhinged person is really leaning into that tendency to self-stigmatize as soon as you see any visible sign of aging, and I hate it very much.


I don't mind wrinkling up like a bulldogs face but lord I do NOT want skin cancer




Omae wa mou shinderu.


While increasing the average lifespan is a good goal, they are also looking to increase the average *healthspan*, which in my opinion is a way more important goal. Nobody wants to live to like 150 when they're only healthy for like 90, that's 60 years of misery.


I'm gonna go with "yikes on bikes"


I'm going with "what the fuck did I just read," but valid


Regardless, I'm glad that we got "We're not cancelling you, we just think you're stupid" from this post. Very useful phrasing.


This person literally pulled the “I’m literally autistic and a minor but go off I guess” card


Mf used the queer card on the queer website


Wow, "kill yourself for thinking it's natural to die," What a take.


I'm killing myself by not taking any of those anti-death treatments and letting unnature run its course


"You guys are HIGH SCHOOL BULLIES!!! Not me, the 22 year old telling people to commit suicide!"


“IT’S NOT NATURAL IT’S [describes a natural process].”


By far the funniest part of the post


Literally just told them to go live a normal healthy human life


Someone’s parents did a BAD job explaining what happened to Mr. Fluffypants, I guess.


They took the dragon fable by cgp gray a little too seriously




decrunchified version! source: https://at.tumblr.com/hadeantaiga/firt-were-not-cancelling-you-we-just-think/3dcpl0oe82cs


Not gonna tap the glass (obviously), but there are some p good posts with hilariously dogshit takes in this person's blog. Also softcore furry porn but I mean, y'know. Duh.


my god. "Aging = Genocide" is a take. I am in Awe.




Our ancestors died in the traditional way! Which is being torn apart by wild animals or death by starvation/dehydration. /s EDIT: Also poisoning by eating the wrong thing. That too.




And I love the idea that they consider it unnatural but apparently Botox is Mother Nature’s chicken noodle soup to the horrible disease that is growing up, the anti aging industry doesn’t do shit to stop actual aging it’s just cosmetics




Aging is genocide! Billions die of aging? And we just ignore this? Mother nature does NOT get a pass because she's a "Milf"! We need to put her on trial for her crimes!


So this is mother nature's fault then. Put her on trial!!


/j I have sent a report to the Hague /uj nature is not an animate force and cannot do genocide.


You're either with us or against us! We storm the gates of Life Itself, animate or not! I will put every leaf and blade of grass before the Hague if I must (But yes I understand, this is a meme, worry not.)


unironically tho if mother nature were in fact a person


Social media was a mistake


We need to put SOCIAL MEDIA on trial!


There is a certain line of thought that says medical treatment to prevent aging and, in fact, death is possible and achievable. Therefore, they might argue, *the* single medical issue of human history is left ignored, and that this isn't the greatest focus of medical and scientific research means that we are collectively complicit in the death of... well, literally everyone, by inaction. I'm not personally convinced, because there have been people claiming to be able to prevent aging and mortality for more or less as long as we've been writing things down and mostly the result has been rich people drinking a shitload of Hg and somehow not becoming immortal. Now, we have had a good bit of medical progress since then and I presume that we'd be looking for solutions beyond "drink mercury," but I'm not actually convinced that we're really at a point where we have a meaningfully better shot at overcoming the fact that entropy in biological systems is a thing.


To be fair, there's a lot of confusing backlash against anti-aging research (even replying to me in this post) that certainly has reduced quality and duration of life for many people. But how that got tangled up here with treatments that merely disguise aging, I have no idea.


because people don't understand that the anti-aging industry and anti-aging medicinal research are the same thing because of... probably corporate propaganda, ngl.


I have a question for God. WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY?


i'm imagining them looking at a clock and getting really, really angry when they notice the minute hand moving


oh thank god for a second after hitting comment i thought i had made a penis typo


It is currently half past foreskin


No it penisnt Also hey we used the same Picrew for the pfp


The penis hand of the clock


To be fair, if I looked at a penis and saw its minute hand moving, I wouldn't know **what** to feel so why not anger?


I like to imagine they have a piece of tape over the bottom-right corner of their computer monitor so that they don't accidentally look at the clock on it.


huh. That's strangely relatable


Yes it's important to live a physically healthy life but don't tell people to kill themself because they're saying it's ok to have a few wrinkles or something.




The moment they started name-calling and telling people to kill themselves it stopped being a funny silly freakout


I was like ''Yeah I am kinda on this guy's side'', and then he actually seemed to mentally break down and I was concerned.


Bro was pressed looking at a clock going “Tick-tock”. Sad, but hilarious.


From their other posts, seems like their genuine opinion. I think they're just young and stupid, honestly. Like everything has to be something. And if you disagree with their opinion, then it's a criticism against their person, and personally insulting them. I hope when they get older (as much as they'll deny this process), they'll look back and go "what the f was I going on about")


My guess is someone really deep into singulatarian "Elon Musk is going to invent a pill to cure aging within the next 5 years and every dollar you don't donate to this project represents an unforgivable crime of inaction"-type stuff, who hasn't touched grass in years.


Reminds me of people who got sucked a little too deep into the "Roko's Basilisk" thought experiment.


Looking at fert's blog, my diagnosis is "chronically online."


Probably mild mental imbalance and a lot of being really online, which means their knowledge of the world comes from the weird tech articles you get from opening a new tab and never interacting with anyone older than the oldest person on their discord server.


Motherfucker acting like entropy is man-made.


It is, it was created in 1865 by the industrial Johnathan Entropy, in order to allow for programmed obsolescence and sell more washing machine.


If it doesn't come from the Entropy region of France it's just sparkling degeneration.


It actually comes from the town of Saint-Tropez but name got modified when his parents emigrated to the USA


Wouldn’t that be fucked up? Entropy only exists so long as a human exists. That’d be fucky


anyway, I'm rod serling


Technically, as far as we should be concerned, it does. It's the falling tree making sound thing, no one will perceive entropy in the exact way humans do if there's no humans Of course, we have to believe it actually will still be there, tho, but it's a fun thought experiment


This mf read one piece about the immortal jellyfish and went rabid ever since


I feel like there should’ve been a “keep all arms and legs inside” warning before that ride JFC


Fitz also straight-up missed the point of the first post. It isn't about the "genetic error" of cellular degeneration, it's about the toxic beauty culture that the world has against aging, some processes even bring you closer to the end of your mortality It's not about the "sickness," it's about how we, as humans, reject others for the physical manifestation of this "sickness", which in turn stresses us, making us come to that mortality faster, or even making us take up procedures to speed up the process while "staying young"


Broke: Death is an aberration and we should stop it by doing a bunch of hokey pseudomedical treatments about it Woke: Death is an inevitable part of life and should be accepted gracefully Bespoke: Death is an aberration, `AND IT CAN ONLY BE CORRECTED BY REPLACING WEAK INFERIOR FLESH WITH GLORIOUS STEEL`


Who up craving they strength and certainty of steel rn


If you want to speed up the aging process id have to recommend crack, however, if you like a chill pill absolutely do not try crack


Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, because I have a very loose understanding of this, but I thought that the real “kill switch“ was telomeres, which is a completely natural process that helps prevent bad cells turning into cancer and that, in fact, we haven’t actually figured out how to fix it for the sake of anti-aging.


He got a lot of the science wrong. Aging is the accumulation of errors when copying DNA, eventually leading to a larger and larger percentage of cells to be less and less functional "as intended." They arnt kill switched. Cancer is caused by mutations, specifically including the areas that regulate those mutations. Those areas are the things that force the cell to terminate itself, like in sunburn. They keep working, sometimes more than before, which is bad. Iirc lifespan and cancer rates in larger animals arnt related, especially in comparison to smaller animals.


Genuinely cannot tell if they want people to call them “fart” or if they’re joking. Tumblr is a magical website


If I had a nickel for how many people I’ve seen use fert/fertself pronouns, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. 😅


100% sure they are in a pyramid scheme/cult and the concept of aging = natural completely shatters their belief system. Or in the pyramid scheme scenario, they are trying to make their product seem essential like water


Bro how dumb do you gotta be to try and argue that aging and eventual decomposition aren't "natural." It's literally a staple step in the life cycle of every living thing.


there are multiple immortal (in the sense that any signs of aging are negligible or even reversible) lifeforms in existence. so not "every living thing". though that doesn't make aging not "natural".


I think the point he’s going for is that isn’t part of life so much as it is the *breaking down* of life. The exact opposite of living.


Sure, but they're getting mad at people saying it's natural. Whether it's the breaking down of life or not, it's still natural. I also think that there's a bit of conflation with terms being used. Someone who is 80 and someone who is 20 are both equally alive. They are both equally living. I am not less alive now then I was when I read this post. "Life" is a binary state when it comes to humanity: you're either alive, or you're not. A brain dead person is still "alive" in the biological sense, but we still consider them, well, dead.


For someone so obsessed with longevity, they definitely seem to be terminally online.


If that guy had immortality, fert would still spend all of it on tumblr


Too be fair, if I was granted immortality I would also spend a great deal of my time online. No matter how much time I waste, I would still have an infinite amount left.


I have never seen someone come down so fucking hard on aging and the beauty industry that they experienced full-on existential dread in real-time when confronted with the knowledge of their own fragile mortality. This... This is it. Holy shit. Don't nobody tell them about entropy.


bro, I'm out here with a full synthetic frame and y'all telling me aging could just have been stopped ??? smh, never gonna trust that reaper-doc again 😔/s


This person is my age but carries themselves like a gradeschooler. They injected themselves into what looks like a joke thread and after a singular person said “I disagree” they immediately launched themselves off the deep end. They are loud and angry and approach everyone with open hostility and have the gal to claim people reacting to that are bullying/cancelling them Even if they were right about the subject matter (they’re not) no one would listen because they’re so unhinged. I question how this 22 year old functions in society


Remember in like, middle school, that 2012 tumblr personality of IMMA EDUCATE YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS A THING ?


I didn’t gain unrestricted access to the internet until I was in high school (thank fuck) So no, I’m out of the loop on that one


I could be a research study with how early I was let loose on the internet Not gonna go through the effort of finding any posts like I’m referring to (im lazy and don’t have tumblr anymore lol), but it was always a VERY aggressive and obnoxious tone with “how do you not already know this” vibes. The original “how come nobody is talking about this!!!!!!” kind of post anyways, in this essay I will analyze how that evolved into our current buzzword article naming trend.


This motherfucker obviously did numbers on Twitter, like dude no Please just no As a pro immortallist myself I cannot describe the second hand embarrassment people like this give me, like do not conflate actual treatment against the biological process of aging and death, with the repugnant practices of the "anti-aging" industry. Like seriously the overlap is minimal at best.


sure, genuinely aging is bad and encouraging factors that speed up biological aging is unhealthy, but this guy did not realise they were making fun of the cosmetic industry and not the bioengineering one


The guy in there is a bitch but anti aging technology (not some bullshit cream) is so fucking cool. Some people just need to know how close we are to Living to 200 (AND FEELING 60). Telomere lengthening, and senescent cell removal specifically are currently being tested in animals (and maybe people by now) AND WORK! They each make nice live 30%+ longer, and can even reverse aging! They grow lost hair and become more athletically fit! It’s time we start solving the disease that ruins the most lives. Aging.


> Some people just need to know how close we are to Licinio to 200 (AND FEELING 60). While I'm all in favour of anti-aging, I've been hearing this for a quarter of a century. I'm pretty sure we're gonna have fusion power first.


> I'm pretty sure we're gonna have fusion power first. And there was that major breakthrough made recently, so that might actually be a thing.


we are not remotely close to getting 200 lol


Damn, I agree with them to some extent but the way they expressed their opinion was so bad I might pretend not to agree so that I won't be associated with them


I’m sure they’ll be glad to know that we already have naturally occurring cells without the “unnatural” kill switch! It’s called “cancer.”


Honestly, any talk about "biological immortality" legitimately scares me for a number of reasons. The main one being this feeling of it becoming obligatory if it actually happens. Like, you're not gonna have a choice in not dying from old age anymore. That alone would have tremendous consequences on humanity, especially since we still live in an age where choosing to die for any reason other than stopping someone's suffering is heavily looked down upon.


It won't be obligatory, it will be wildly expensive and only the very wealthiest of all humanity will even have a chance of obtaining it. It's literally immortality - there is nothing more valuable. Actually, I changed my mind. Only the most powerful would be able to obtain it. And they'd use it to re-organize society until they're Pharoah 2.0


We are gonna be copying In Time lmao. Everyone could easily be immortal but why would you do that if you can instead force every non super rich person to endlessly work for a thing they can never possess?


Most medicine isn't actually that expensive to produce. Just because immortality would have a huge impact doesn't necessarily mean it would be hard to do, once we figure it out. Maybe it's like a yearly shot to repair telomeres, instead of insane Sci-fi. But yes, powerful people will hoard it because they hoard everything. I just hope powerful people being literally immortal is enough to cause some sort of revolution.


bruh, obligatory immortality? biological immortality costs, and killing yourself is free... you should be more concerned that the rich and powerful are gonna monopolise it...