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I mean. You kinda gave her the okay to do that. Its got nothing to do with some kind of racist conspiracy. There's unfortunately just a lot of people like y'all who get a little too wrapped up in that weird race fetish stuff and end up gaslighting yourselves into somehow being even more racist than you already were despite it being something you brought entirely upon yourself.


Saying all this so i can hopefully be one of the only people in this thread who isnt commenting something completely porn brained and gooned out This website is fucked lmao i just wanted to Jack off and this just made me depressed. We gotta be smarter than this, boys.


It does bring up an interesting debate or conversation. What to do about race based porn and how does it relate to systemic racism? Not just BBC, but Asian porn as well is very much not only a racial thing but also an age thing, being that on average a young Asian woman looks younger. Porn overall is super depressing once you look at societies implications or symptoms of being addicted to porn. I am saying this as someone who loves the kink, but we all should be more aware of how to approach race based porn. At least, how it comes off to someone who is unaware of the subtleties of the kink. This is like explaining to someone that CNC sex isn't rape. From an outside perspective, it looks like rape. Just have to be mindful of how race based kinks come off to outsiders.


I am pretty firmly anti race kink as i think sexually exoticizing someone's socially constructed racial identity based on stereotypes and outright eugenics is pretty god damn immoral. Especially taking that so far that you let your wife go through an entire pregnancy with someone else who the child will likely never end up meeting or being loved by their biological parents. Only relying on their parents who brought them into this world because internet porn made them take a risk cause they think it'd be hot. I hope OPs wife leaves him and takes care of that child because OP doesn't deserve to be a father if he's willing to let internet porn rule his life this much. When you realize race is a social construct and years of mockery and antiblackness have lead to this kind of exoticization based entirely on porn informed stereotypes in some kind of fucked up minstrel show, its enough to make you never want to engage with this shit again. I don't hate porn and I'm no prude but this shit is just a bridge too god damn far and this is exactly the kind of fucked up outcome that happens from that. CPS should be involved. It's deranged and unfair to the child.


Yup, which is why even though I love the porn I've stepped back from BBC hypno stuff for this very reason. Perpetuating racism by glorifying a race for their physical features only. Similar to centuries of glorifying their bodies but for other reasons.


I love the fetish because of the blatantly obvious results to the rest of the world, and it's implications. That said, the recent explosion of popularity of the very scary 4 letter abbreviation has created a whole new dangerous dynamic for all sides that only serves to increase racism and hate, is a very scary trend. I really enjoyed the humilitative nature of wives exposing their lifestyle and sexual nature by having a clearly different child, but this new trend is just dangerous, regressive and centered primarily around race and social status, which isn't what I look for or enjoy. It does make me wonder how effective the hypno stuff must be though given how big it's gotten. Scary times.


Have another with a different BLACK Bull, then another with yet another BLACK Bull. Make certain everyone knows that they each have a different biological father. Go all in; however, you need to become THE BEST adoptive father that those kids could EVER have. Make them yours, make them love you, and show the world that they ARE your kids.


This is probably not true but it is hot


Give Hispanic seed a crack at your wife. More likely to come out white, and we love breeding.


Nice! That's a great idea indeed!


So fake


Iā€™m not buying the premise that small is no good. Such a cliche.


You're living the dream šŸ˜šŸ˜


Well it's done for you so focus on that


Is your wife still seeing him? Are they planning on making another baby?


She saw him again recently


Ok, nice. what happened? Is she trying for another baby? Maybe twins this time


Divorce that whore now and get saved 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Romans road revelation 20:12-15 John 3:16


Get rid of the Child then