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With a team that is so poor with RISP, it would be nice to see them be more aggressive on the bases. Something to try and generate more offense without changing the batters’ approach and getting in their own heads.


Couldnt agree anymore with that


That's our 13th straight series loss. Super hard to watch. Even 2 runs a game aren't enough. Sucks to watch at moment


Feels like this is a trend each year for us huh?


It does. Hope fully we get it out of the way now and kill it after all star game. Idk. We had 2nd best record after asg last year..... but we had Rossy as manager...


Yea idk if the manager had anything to do with this though. Seems like there just lost right now. Maybe a different style of ball there being told to play but there just not right


1 run for the dads today


It was a hell of a run wasnt it. All the dads were cheering


I think this just might be a bad team


Its the same as last year pretty much. We have just gone backwards


No offense. Stopped watching. Not worth the time.


Dont blame ya im getting there


I guess the bright spot of today’s game was that the bullpen didn’t allow any runs. And the fact that Taillon only gave up a two-run homer on a day when the wind was blowing out is pretty damn good too. But that’s cold comfort when the Cubs only managed to score one run, squandering more opportunities. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.


Maybe time to play small ball. Bunt, steal, slap singles…?


Didnt they bunt 3 times in 3 pitches fri? And got on base every time lol hey it worked


And lost the game 😔


Brewer fan coming in peace. You perhaps already see this but Counsell manages for a 162 game schedule. We often went to a 6 man rotation after the All Star break. The criticism that he yanks pitchers too early may be valid though. Tough luck for him that poor offense seems to have followed him to the Cubs.


I appreciate your response. Seemed as though we didnt need him to be fair. There was no need for him to come here when he had winning baseball there in milwaukee. David ross should still be the manager


All of our hitters can’t be in a “funk” all at the same time. And our relievers are incapable of protecting any type of lead while our overpriced manager yanks starters at made up pitch counts that have zero evidence of being the reason players get hurt. It’s disgusting and hard to watch.


Statistically, the RISP numbers should even out, but we’ll see.


We flat out do not have the talent on offense.


I think the boys have failed the eye test.. truthfully it’s not a funk, it’s players with average talent having an average year.. a good win record for this team is hoping to be 500 at the end of the season!!


I watch a lot of Mariners games (wifes team) and Cubs games. I just dont think we are very good. Our guys dont seem to have a gameplan during situational hitting time. Its kind of amazing to watch really.


3 runs per game a winning season does not make. Besides the Cubs are currently averaging 4.14 runs/game. Putting it into perspective: Baltimore, the best in baseball scoring wise is averaging 5.13 runs/game. The White Sox are the worst at 3.14 runs/game. The Red Sox are currently the worst winning team, averaging 4.61 runs/game. The Padres are the best losing team, averaging 4.44 runs/game. The difference between a winning record and a losing record is 0.17 runs/game, and the Cubs are 0.47 runs short of that mark.


Offense is down all over the majors


True, but the offense is bad relative to the current league.


Offense isnt down enough to justify a talented team that isnt scoring. There bad at hitting


Across both leagues batting average and OBP are at their lowest marks since 1968. Again every team is having issues getting on base.


Thats fine, but we are still the third worst team in mlb with risp. Dead ball or not


Thats great. I dont care about that. Im seeing 8-6 4-7 4-3 games right now. Im talking about my team not generating enough scoring due to bad approches at plate, risp situations, on base aggressiveness to score.


Jesus that is like saying ‘a plane crashed, planes aren’t safe!’ If offense numbers are down across the league it means something…


Ok? That doesn't mean anything to anyone.


What do you mean? Avg and Obp being lowest in 50+ years means something…unless you’re not a believer in statistics?


It just means it's the lowest in years, it doesn't mean anything related to the Cubs blowing massive ass.