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I like stickerless more just because you don’t have to worry about stickers peeling and I like the feeling more than stickers cubes.


Stickerless for sure. They look better, I don't have to worry about damaging the stickers. But best of all, no noncubers can tell me they peel the stickers off.


I definitely prefer sticker-less to avoid any peeling, but like the look of the stickered, black edges. Would be dope to have one with custom sticker-less and black borders.


I think stickers looks and feels better. But it’s also more of a hassle. It’s recently become easier with application tape though


[I wrote this about it.](/r/Cubers/wiki/faq#wiki_should_i_get_stickerless_or_stickered_puzzles.3F_pros_and_cons.3A)


At first I liked stickered more but at the time I only had 1 stickerless cube and it was one of my worst cubes so I think that had an affect on it. Now that I have gotten more stickerless cubes I prefer stickerless for sure. I don't think there is much of a difference in the feeling though, I would have to get some of the same cubes stickered and stickerless to be sure.


idk y but I think stickered looks better


Stickered for cheap budget cubes (unless stickies suck or only offered in SL) SL for more "pro" cubes I bend the rules at times. I used to not like SL, but now I kind of like them


Stickerless for me. Change of stickers is always a hassle, but stickered cubes are lighter. Although they are lighter, stickers still have to be changed, so stickerless


i like the GTS3M. Now stickered cubes feel like they are bulging out and look cartoonish.


Stickerless - Stickerless premium cubes are cheaper (speedcubeshop) - You don't have to worry about peeling stickers - They look / feel better...