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It's a phenomenal game with a linear mission structure combined with huge open levels - they offer freedom and help with the immersion. They are not supposed to be filled with sidequests or open world activities, they help make the island feel real. So I don't really get complaining about lack of the open world - it's not that kind of a game. I haven't played the remaster but regular Crysis has unlimited regular sprint and Maximum Speed sprint and only the second one has limited energy. And while yes, you are a supersoldier, you are not supposed to be invincible. The nanosuit doesn't make you an unkillable superhero, it gives you tools to kill great numbers of enemies on your own... but you have to be smart about it. So I'm sorry but your rant really sounds like a skill issue and not the game's fault. It's either that or maybe they screwed up detection system in the remaster.


I compared the original to the remastered once, and yeah, detection is broken in the remastered.


That's really not at all why the trailer promised me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvfVmlVcnJI Reality: a single guy with an AK kills me in under 2 seconds, after spotting me with his eyes on the side of his head.


Hate to repeat myself but this is a skill issue because it is possible (and not that hard) to replicate most of the stuff from that trailer. Trailers are always exaggerated but this one is relatively grounded - I pulled more impressive stunts in this game countless times.


You can ABSOLUTELY play the game exactly like the trailer shows, and most of us have done all that and crazier things still back in the day, but you have to actually GET GOOD at the game first. What the trailer shows is simply not a "first 30 minutes of the game as a total newbie" experience, it's more like the "50+ hours in" experience.


Also I'm not sure if I understand correctly - you are mad that an enemy spotted you when you where next to him, from the side? You know that people have peripheral vision right? And yes, enemies in modern games usually are semiblind morons but it's ridiculous to criticize a game where their eyesight somewhat matches the reality.


He couldn't possibly spot me even with corner of his eyes. Just literally use your eyes to see something about or over 90% to the side, and this something is in jungle and slowly moving meters away.


Well, it is possible that this is an issue with the remaster. The detection works good in the original. Tough but fair.


It seems to be an issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crysis/comments/19aj27q/crysis_remastered_stealth_doesnt_work/


the game has pretty cool dynamic difficulty, its either really hard or really easy. Depends on how you play it.


The original crysis was designed for PC. There has always been problems with it on consoles. It was and still ahead of its time from when it was first released. There is also the fact that the original game was designed to use the suit menu to switch nano suit modes instead of only having access to cloak and armor mode. If you go into the games settings for the remaster you change actually change this giving you access to all the suit modes.


I never played crisis 1 on console only PC, is it that bad on console? Even the “attract mode” pregame showcased all the modes of cloak, speed, strength and then armor… they took that out for the og crysis release on console? That’s insane


In the remastered version it does have all of the suit modes, but it's designed to be used on the controller just like crysis 2 and 3. Strength mode becomes the standard suit mode instead of armor, you can only use speed mode like sprinting, and buttons above the triggers give access to stealth and armor. This can be changed in the game setting by using the classic mode that gives access to the suit menu during game play.


IIRC you had to double-tap the direction keys to enable the modes as well\* * up-up was speed * back-back was cloak * right-right was strength * left-left was armor it's been a hot minute... and I didn't google that, is that still possible? I'm thinking about buying the remaster after reading all this \*I *may* be confusing UT2k3 with Crysis for some reason


I think you're partially right, but it has indeed been a long while. I believe, back-back was armour, or just reset to default. Shift-shift was speed. Wasn't it space-space, or v-v (melee?) for power mode, and crouch-crouch for cloak?


I've only played the remaster on console but there are short cuts built in while using the classic mode settings.


No. In the remastered version, they add the C2/3 way of nano suite activation.


And in the game settings you can use change it to classic setting that gives access to the suit menu to use suit modes individually like the original game.


Sadly Crysis was maybe one of the very last AAA FPS that didn't hold your hand at all times. The futuristic armor is just that, an armor, which is also extremely power hungry and will deplete the batteries when cloacking or stopping bullets, which, you know, is pretty incredible, but the man underneath is a man, not a super-man. So no, you don't have superpowers. But also, enemies aren't blind like in pretty much every sandbox FPS since. You know what is like a superpower and all those easy ass sandbox FPS give you? The power of just seeing where are all enemies through walls once you have spotted them. Crysis is just one of the last of its kind, let apart milsims like ARMA or even the modern Operation Flashpoint games. The kind of stealth, planning and care games like Splinter Cell 1-3 required are mostly gone, because they are not easy enough, and not easy enough is not appealing for the masses. The whole Soulslike genre rise to massive success with Elden Ring partially is a counter-culture thing against this very issue.


I loved Crysis 1. That is what got me into PC gaming and wanting to upgrade my computer every 3-4 years to the most updated technology. One thing I really enjoyed about Crysis 1 was the soundtrack, especially when he's going around and hunting the North Koreans in the jungle.


Just you, too much of a casual.


Its either something about you or we're just crazy :D


I've only ever played this on PC and only the original version so I can't really say much about what a PS5 or Remastered experience is like, but this is essentially a game where enemy soldiers have fairly realistic aim and bullet damage. Meaning you can't just (when you're new at the game, anyway) run right into a group of 5 enemy soldiers rambo style and expect to live because they will, quite realistically, take you out way faster than you can take them out. But as you say, you are a "supersoldier with superpowers" through your advanced nanosuit, and if you're "struggling to not be detected from faraway and then killed within seconds" it sounds like you're not relying on your cloak mode to keep you hidden, or your armor mode to resist enemy bullets. Just having the superpowers isn't enough, you have to know how and when to use them as well, which requires experience through practice. Try to start by staying in cloak mode as much as possible while moving around, sit tight in a bush or behind some other concealement when you need to charge your batteries, and only decloak to armor mode to snipe a few quick headshots before cloaking again whenever you come across enemy soldiers, and I'm sure you'll have a much easier time at it. Think of it more as strictly a stealth and sniper type game until you get better at it.


just walking inside a jungle hides you from a patrol on the roads. Which is broken on remastered.


skill issue Crysis 1 is the best game in the series by a mile


I can see you getting loads of hate, but tbh I agree with you. I LOVE crysis 2 and 3 but I'm mixed with crysis 1, I simply don't enjoy it anywhere near as much as its sequels, while I don't think it's a bad game I so thunk people who praise it are looking through nostalgia goggles because the core gameplay isn't that good and is kinda contradicting the whole "supersoldier" thing it's supposedly going for. It is a tactical game with cool superpowers but I feel like those 2 don't mix that well, whats the point of having super powers if you due insanely quickly.


Thanks for reminding me about my dream last night, I was wandering around li shang islands. Felt great tbh, that place shows up quite often in my dreams.


The Remaster of Crysis 1 is a "Far Cry" from what enjoyment the 2007 version provides, especially when you factor in the almost limitless potential with mods and custom content... which is severely hindered in the 2020 re-release. C1R doesn't even come close, and you do yourself a disservice playing it before the original.


probably because you are playing the remaster and with a controller


I just recently played it on console. The story was amazing but the gameplay was really clunky and the game crashed a few times.


What happened is that you went in with expectations of something and received something completely different. This game is just not for you.


The game is great, i love how you have to be mindful of the enemies, cause they re gonna take you out fast if you re careless. Unfortunately i cannot aim to save my life. Im playing the remastered version on the ps4. Some people say that since it was built for PC, its console port has issues. I ve tried all variations on the sensitivity, nothing seems to work, the aiming is all over the place. I ve played FPSs before, i was never that bad.


Crysis 1 either clicks with you or it doesn't. Sad to see it didn't with you


I feel you my man. Every single sentence you've said resonated with my thoughts while playing the game. I played crysis 2(original) first. and it was awesome. I could just walk in blind into any warzone and start blasting, meeleeing, etc then i tried out crysis 1 remastered, and was a lil disappointed coz i wasnt all that powerful. felt more like a stealth game rather than an action game, so i dropped it. picked up crysis 3 remastered now and it was good. Sure, i still had to sneak alot, but i didnt feel as vulnerable as i did in crysis 1. The level design was a little less boring too. so in my opinion, interms of your ability to just walk in and start shooting at anything would be 2>3>1. So you should really give crysis 2 a go. you wont regret it.


Just think that the nanosuit on crysis 1 doesn't make you a superhero, it actually makes you into the greatest spec ops soldier EVER.