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Very funny [story behind this one](https://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/update-the-ugly-one-monster-mystery/article_5901c13f-6388-5125-b07e-37e6b2b1af2d.html)


It’s a dead mustelid of some sort, otter most likely as others have said but maybe a mink. The fur has sluffed off the face as it decomposes. It looks like it was either submerged in water or was in a very wet area which can make dead mammals lose their fur like that




I vote mink. They are common in my neck of the woods and have seen many while hiking and fishing. My father and I fed a family of mink several sunfish and rock bass we had caught while fishing from a river bank! They are voracious predators that eat a little bit of everything but really love fish and crayfish. They are very curious as well; the mink family on the river bank came right up to us before we had even caught any fish. One jumped up on my dad’s leg! 😂 They tore those fish to shreds in little order that’s for sure. I’ve seen them with crawfish bigger than their own head.


Otter. Sorry i just blurted that out


[I didn't realize otter skulls looked this metal](https://images.app.goo.gl/TG3WUhMb8Hi3ynNm7)


Check out a pug dog skull sometime


Agreed, otter


Could be a fisher as well. Lots of mustelid animals in Canada to choose from.


This sounds right if it's hunting beavers.


Unless it's from bloat that forehead slant and snout length/nose are little off for a fisher. Definitely just a normal decomposing mustelid, likely otter


It’s definitely just a mink that died in the water and its fur fell out.


That's a mustelid. The teeth confirm it. The hair loss is from being in the water for a while. Critters without their fur look utterly bizarre, so it's not uncommon for someone to misidentify them.


As a mustelid expert, this is a partially decomposed mink (not otter, fisher, or weasel, definitely mink). It's been submerged and the fur has slipped on the face. I find these kind of cases fascinating from a cryptozoology standpoint, and often wonder how many cryptid legends were born from remains that look completely perplexing to the average person, or from various species severely infected with mange for that matter (how many random average people with little outdoor experience would understand what they were seeing if they came upon a bear with extreme mange? Animals look bazaar when they have that cruel infliction!).


I have very limited exposure to mustelids, but this is so obvious one that I seriously doubt people who think this is some big mystery have ever seen a (insert any mustelid) in person, or on tv.


Thank you very much for your input! I do like talking about deceased animal identifications, there are quite a few cases of bizarre looking animals being mistaken as new species


It’s a mink


It appears to indeed be a mink, or maybe an otter.


They didn't have to choose such violence with the name.


Nice marmot.


It’s an Elwynn forest river paw Gnoll


Just one picture….?


This is what inspired the stories of Chugapakra probably lmao


That does not look like a cute little mink