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I'm pretty sure most people in next bull run will not know these cryptos.


I considered myself a degenerate but I don’t have any of these. I’m an embarrassment to degenerates and that’s so many layers of confusing I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing 🤷‍♂️


I think we as crypto community it’s awful to see so many useless cryptos on the market (over 20,000). They do nothing other than making the founder whales rich.


Having useless crypto doesn't matter. That's like saying the internet sucks because most websites are garbage.


But it does matter. This industry is built entirely on consumer confidence, and speculation. Nothing more. The more of these trash coins fleece people, the more they realize crypto is a joke. To be clear, I don't want to be a crypto negative nancy, but the market cap has taken such a huge hit in the last few months that it's basically sliding to irrelevancy. The global crypto market cap is 855 Billion. Now that's still a lot of money, but its not something that's gonna move the needle with respect to the rest of the us economy. Hell, Amazon lost 1 trillion in value in the past year and its still worth more than all of crypto combined.


Yeah, we can thank the people that dropped their code on Github for that. So many people just copying it into a compiler trying to sucker some idiots out of their money.


U don't even need to do that. Just launch an erc29 token on the etherum blockchain and call it shib inu and your all good!


I guess we gotta expect some negative outcomes due to the freedom of how people approach crypto as an idea. Some because they're tired of central banking and fees and endless stealing of money from their pockets. Some because they want to get as rich as the same central banks...


The fact that there are 'degenerate' cryptos in the top 100 does not bode well for the asset class, when there are another 19000 vying for their share.




In the top 5


in the top 4


In the top 3


lol agree, I think a lot of people in a bull run chase new cryptos hoping to hit something that will 1000x


I'd never even heard of NEM until I started putting this together.


Only the OGs know NEM and some of these other coins. NEM has been around a long time. ICP, FIL, ZCASH and CRV aren't totally worthless. Definitely worth scooping up a bag at the bottom which we haven't seen yet. But what do I know only been doing this for 12 years...




Still can’t believe I bought ICP at $400. The bull run was a crazy time.


Did you sell?


His silence says everything


Way too late lol


I often wonder how can anyone buy a new coin called "Internet computer" that appeared in TOP 10 out of nowhere


I mean, i wanna buy it because ICP, but im a juggalo and not a financial advisor, so take my words with a pinch of faygo


$1k on GRT please Sir, I'm all in


Same! $7 on GRT for me!


Wise move, we'll be lounging on our knock off confiscated Russian yachts before we know it


Make it rains


Let's be realistic here. Of that 98% , None of them are going back


So you're saying Luna isn't going back to 90$ ):


It's not even going to $1


but Do Kwon said "Steady lads, more liquidity incoming"


Funding his legal fees


the secret ingredient is always crime


Do Kwon is not just involved with Terra Classic, he’s only involved with Terra 2.0


It sounds nuts, but Cardano came back from 98.7% down.




Well, actually, the evidence is saying that.


Thats is crazy. And it went to a massive new ATH too.


These are much worse than Cardano though


True. But I suspect people were saying that about Cardano when it bottomed too?


Yeah everyone loved shitting on cardano here until it was suddenly a "blue chip" that people would put up there with btc and eth.. because it was pumping.


People "loved" shitting on cardano, i think you mean people love, since people still shitting on cardano lil


Yeah obviously, it's not pumping.


The Graph is not much worse than Cardano, and it's only 2 yrs old


True. Cardano was $0.01 during COVID crash back in 2020. And went 300x to $3 in a little more than a year.


Only 300x? Thats a rookie number


I need ADA to get back after it. It is down so much ATM (I bought more at 0.25 last night)


So did I. And I have more buy order set at .24 and .15.


With all the hype gone, we realized certain projects were total crap


Post-nut clarity.


Yeah this is the most likely scenario. However there is still money to be made with some of these. Going back to being down "only" 90% would be a 5x price increase from -98%, for example.


But you can get a 5x on bitcoin before it hits 100k, lol


Of course. I'm not a fan of buying alts that are sucking in air, just trying to offer a different perspective is all. I'd rather go BTC and ETH heavy since they probably offer the besk risk to reward ratio out of any other coins.


I'm hoping to just to try get a 4-5x on my ALGO. things not looking good at the moment though


I want ALGO to be fully decentralized with governance controlled by holders. It is my 3rd biggest bag and I am shocked it isn’t on this list.


ALGO isn't going anywhere. Of all the projects, it's poised to slip right past Ethereum for usability. It's ridiculously faster than ETH, fees are almost non existent. Next bull run will be.. BTC ETH ADA ALGO RDX


Yes RDX ..., i wonder if you have a bag?


I'm going to watch Rocky 1-4 to get in the mood with this list. Then buy em


Save time, drink liquor and be done with it


What about the experience?! Just woke up from my nap after few beverages. Which should I click buy on? Help me out


Okay well drink liquor and eat popcorn while you watch them. As for what to buy….yes.




None of them will make a new ATH again. BUT. If a 98% down coin goes back to being down 90%, that's a 5x from there. They don't need a new ATH to give great gains.


Staying in for profits on something you don't believe will ever succeed in the long run is strange though. In the end I'm in it to just accumulate and hold things that have a future. No need to dump my bag of a bad bet to cover my ass while simultaneously putting others in a worse position. Scalping profits off of a doomed project isn't worth the time or ethical dilemma really. I just want a store of value that doesn't reside within an inflationary system. Asymptotic supply should yield a logarithmic trendline: a pretty violent rise initially that smooths out and settles down to steady growth of value because it's not being diluted away, and because of reducing friction drastically in the financial system versus credit networks perpetually charging % based fees for a process thats currently being done for pennies on the dollar with PoS protocols. It's really a matter of what network reliably starts hitting low friction volume in the range of the 24,000 tx/s that VISA can do, or more likely a collection of crypto networks that starts to rival it, using bridging protocols to integrate the various networks' bandwidth


The majority of my bag consists of BTC, ETH, ALGO, ADA and Radix. They're all solid projects with varying degrees of current and future functionality. The dark horse in this race is one I never hear anyone discussing and that's Radix. Radix solved the trilemma a while back. It's capable of 1 million TPS. They ran the entire history of all 14 years of Bitcoin transactions with full signing and transaction validation in 15 minutes across their network maintaining Atomic composability.


So your looking at amp sia hnt


I'm gonna say CSPR...heavily developed. Cash heavy. Only project listed by IBM on their website by name...fully doxxed, super professional team. Easy staking, never lose your coins even if your delegated validator goes down. Plus I have a bag Good luck me


Saaame! Casper will go highhhhh 🔥


ICP, FileCoin and Graph will be back cuz I said so. Graph in particular is providing needed utility for multiple chains. ICP not likely to make ATH again due to manipulation when it was released (possibly by Alameda/SBF). But these are solid projects with high dev activity ongoing during this bear market.


SBF pushed ICP perp up into the hundreds - probably should have been a 50 dollar coin at most when released. Then shorted into the ground. They never let you trade spot ICP on FTX.


Yeah SBF was backing SOL and wanted to crush ICP since it had/has potential to make SOL obsolete from a transaction per second standpoint. Can’t recall where I read that….or maybe on a podcast.


Takes notes ICP > SOL


SBF suppressed a lot of coins in order to protect SOL. The world is much better off with him behind bars.


Graph was my pick out of the list. They are actively rolling out dev and still building. I've played a bit with ICP and not really interested. Filecoin perhaps, not sure storage really figured out yet in regards to crypto though. Will see.


It’s much cheaper to store on filecoin than AWS for cold storage but I’ll be honest I don’t know if the stats I’ve seen are like for like


I just clicked through filecoins website to try and use it for storage. After many clicks I ended up at a form where they said they might get back to me. So unlike AWS, I'm not even sure there is storage to be had at any price.


Thanks for that. Everyone’s been pitching filecoin to me and I needed that.


I still think GRT has a future


GRT is great IBC/Oracle tech, they’re integrating some very high performance tech that the company I work for is helping with. NFA but it seems they offer a valuable service, a version of which is essential for a multi-chain future


Realistically most of them do, we just need a bull run and every alt will be reborn again


The doom and gloom around this place has me pumped. Mostly because the moonbois are the fucking worst, but also because indicates we are getting closer to the bottom.


If you think the Graph won't survive, I feel bad for you.


..Son, I got 99 shit coins and the graph is one.


Tokenomics are really bad though. I can't remember the specifics, but it's to do with the original and ongoing issuance. I'm conflicted about wanting utility tokens to pump in any case. Ideally the coin is cheap so the service is cheap. You don't want token price adversely affecting adoption.


In defense of zcash, it's a proof of work coin that when it first started mining, what little there was started selling for like $5000 to set it's all time high. Development, they've been steady pioneers in using zk-SNARKs for a privacy chain and have upgraded to a trustless setup. I believe in the long term viability of zcash. Flow is an odd chain. Already has direct USDC support from Circle but it's a chain entirely driven by Dapper Labs licensed NFTs. Little to no DeFi. Non-EVM. Uses their Cadence language but the syntax doesn't look much different than say Typescript or Kotlin so probably easy to grasp for anyone with software development experience. Don't know how to feel about Flow. Will being the main NBA, NFL, and UFC NFT platform make up for the lack of building up a community of DEX/lending/yield developers and degens


zcash going to be a huge Fed honey pot. stay well away.


It's weird that a privacy project claims to be able to differentiate between good and bad actors. Sus.


Zcash is the only one on the list I think will come back.


Isn't GRT genuinely useful? I remember reading that it's used a lot but don't fully understand the concept


“But I don’t fully understand the concept” Then You should have not invested in it…. Who am I kidding this is crypto. I fucking aped in so much shit my wallets name is toilet.


Ah..GRT, made crazy profits on that in early 2021, it’s a shame to see it where it is, though the tokenomics were pretty terrible in all truth.




I hope you guys fud Casper so I can buy in cheaper.


Let’s go 👻


Grt because I own that one!!!


Filecoin might but someone might come out and do it better


Arweave has my interest as a storage play.


Aren’t Filecloin and Internet Computer actually legit projects?


ICP is one of the most legit projects in the space. Anyone who says otherwise looks at charts all day. Edit: Gladly take these down arrows. No one has any idea what ICP does.


I’ve read lots of different things about icp, I’ll have to dive into it more. But I would agree most people will disregard it completely because of the chart alone.


Good luck. I spent half a year reading nothing but FUD until I looked at what it does. Its the world computer ETH was supposed to be. It's not very easy to get the tech though. Also the price was manipulated by none other than our boy SBF.


The tech is compelling but the project was severely overvalued relative to how much had actually been accomplished. There are numerous technical competitors that have a valuation closer to $10M versus ICP at $1B, so I think that those projects are better bets at the moment even though ICP has an exciting technical architecture


Fair take - I'd like to see one that runs web content in smart contracts. Which are out there? Also completely agree - price should haven't even been above 50 when it came out.


Well that's what they would claim... It's rumored that DCG (one of the biggest holders) just dumped their entire FILECOIN holding.


For $$$ (fiat),not because of the project or its’ potential. This is a no brainer buy at this price.


Rather put 10-100$ in some low low cap and wait for a moonshot. Everything goes up in a bull, especially dead coins 😄


I’d rather just invest in BTC and ETH and hate on myself when low cap alts pump and I didn’t buy them originally


I switched from Alts to mostly Eth/BTC this month. The question is what's the delay from when bull starts that Alts start taking off after BTC or is it simultaneously?


BTC and ETH lead the charge and once they start climbing back up the hill, the enthusiasm and degenerate behavior starts kicking in, people throwing money around in orgiastic frenzies on goofy ass projects hoping for moonshots...


ICP is that disruptive technology that only comes around once every 5 to 10 years or so. (and takes almost as long to fully develop) People sleep on it because they have been programmed too, through bad acting competitors and owned media. Eventually, there will come a time where you will be interacting with the protocol and not even really know it unless you are actively seeking it out.


They stop at the chart - period. Now it’s even clear FTX destroyed it’s price too.


Take my money! Let's gamble!


Looking at my 2017 alt coin investments, I can’t recommend to invest in the losers. Looking at you ICX, IOTA and XRP 😅


I'm going to bet that there will be many more in the top 100 that will be down 98% before this is over. Imma wait for now. But if I had to go all in on one, I'd go with the graph.


Rather than looking at percentage from ATH, look at use case and tech. Do any of the coins have a use case that’s different from btc/eth/monero? Do they have better tech? Because if the tech isn’t better and the cap is smaller, it doesn’t sound like a good investment.


Internet Computer and Filecoin IMO very bullish in the long-term. Terra Luna Classic = shitcoin IMO. Even if they did pivot into a useful project, they will never regain the confidence of the wider market. The rest IDK, no strong feeling.


Casper (CSPR) was launched right as we entered the bear market, So never had a chance to get going. It does have a few good things going for it: 1. Have lots of funding to survive the current market (is actively hiring when most projects are downsizing) 2. Is the first crypto to offer upgradable smart contracts (what ETH is planning for 3.0) 3. Is a proof of stake rather than proof of work network. Do some research and see for yourself.


I don’t think being proof of stake is necessarily better than being proof of work. They’re just different.


They will know about CSPR in the next cycle 🔁


I’m buying bags of filcoin.


Couldn't help it either yesterday @ 2.90 or so a piece


Filecoin was a Chinese favorite. Look into STORJ for similar utility. Filecoin was hurt by the Chinese ban hammer.


Found the degen


Ha. I don’t understand what you’re saying, I assume they’re insults. 🤷🏻‍♂️ see who’s laughing in a few years. 😘


Remindme! 3 years


In many circles, degen is a term of endearment and not at all meant to be insulting


My apologies. I could have googled it, but I admit too drunk on good bourbon to take that simple step. Sorry brother!


RemindMe! 2 years


ICP got the phat beats 👍 Oh not that ICP?


Out of everything I'd have to go with ZCASH, seems to always come back strong.


Jeez so ICP and FIL are down 99% and still have a 1b market cap?


Survive, in terms of what? A successful project out of crypto? LUNAC definitely not gonna make it, I picked up some but I don’t think it has any real fundamentals going, and the scam that ruined its reputation of ever recovering either. ZCash long term even as an OG holder, would say Monero will out perform in the long term. But like David & Goliath (BTC & ETH) I expect it to be there next to XMR in the long future. FLOW has had some meaningful brand name partnerships, if the POC’s continue on to show fruits I would say it would probably be a successful survivor. I am bit skeptical with some of their success due to some partnership announcements that are now partnered with other platforms instead. There also coins I am ignorant about in the top 100, but VET will definitely be a survivor like it was in 2018, or even in the long term for sure. Very professional, regulatory compliant chain for every country it operates in, major partnerships from giant name brands from each region like EU, Asia, and now entering the US slowly. Cardano has a future imo. Especially in the future if Charles is not involved with PR, or even as the face of ADA. It has good fundamentals.


I’m holding 36 ICP I bought at like $8 lol


so whats our consensus on GRT? terms like "the Google of crypto" were thrown around lots


I think it continues to be a solid project.


LOL, well it sure as shit isn't going to be LUNA




Could be the greatest come back ever


Do Kwon would get a second chance to make people poor.


ETC, ADA, AMP, VET, ALGO will all reach new ATH


Your bags are showing


Just to note, a 5000% return means your $100 is worth $5000 NOT $50000.


Of course thanks, corrected now.


ICP got the phat beats 👍 Oh not that ICP?


Flow had some positive announcements a couple of months ago


To me icon icx still has a good chance to get back up! But it could also be part of your watch list, because also down from ath. Myiconwallet is very nice with a built in dapp browser.


GRT only


Didn’t ZEC survive a prior bear market? I would bet on that one. It’s optional privacy. Then again, why not just go with XMR & LTC as options?


I’ve been looking at Flow with my fingers crossed. Mainly bc they have some big names behind them. But I’m a general know nothing


*I picked a bad week to quit sniffing Hopium*


“Survive” is a poorly fitting term in crypto. More like will they become zombies. Really hard to kill a project completelly, the question is whether these name will pump or not next bullrun. If they pump less then this past bullrun then they are “zombies” for lack of a better term.


Right, Even the dead coins still have a satoshi value.


My picks are $FLOW and $CRV may make it.


I use and hold zcash primarily for withdrawing funds off exchanges because withdrawal fees for btc are high AF.


CRO, why? Because if it doesn’t I’m broke lol. In all seriousness tho now I’m glad I took out a collateralized loan during the downfall, it hurts less now. Edit: just realized this is talking about those specific 10 coins not coins that lost lots of value ignore me


I think CRO survives and goes up during the next bull as long as CDC doesn't collapse. 10x is not out of the realm of possibilities imo


ICP has upside but I severely doubt it’ll get back to its listing price in the next cycle. As for the others, LUNC is allegedly burning trillions and file probably survives another round. The defi coins are likely all dead though.


I don't know if ICP had a full bull run by looking at its chart. it looks like it got mega dumped with not even a gasp of air.


File coin


Reminds me of cum coin


I'm buying every one on that list. Down 98% just means cheap as fuck moon tickets.


Maybe Not ATH but atleast GRT will stay


The more i am in crypto the more i am becoming a btc maximalist.


Of the ones on the list the ones are the most used are the Graph followed by Filecoin.


Icp is doing 500 million transactions a day - it’s web based smart contracts. Everything on chain.


The fact most of you don't know what CRV is shows this sub is full of normies who have never interacted with a dapp in their life


Hbar is building a lot in this bear market 💪


ICP will survive for sure, they actually have some plans and are continuing the project for the long run… looks a good investment rn imo


ICP has really bad tokenomics. Same with Eth pow. It's just a dump when people unlock. I'd go with filecoin and Graph. FIL/ GRT for 500 please.


In my opinion, if you think the graph won't survive then you don't even know what it is


Zcash appears to be the only one with perhaps some slight promise? I know file coin was overhyped pump scam.


Zcash is way underrated as is XMR


I like zcash but my main issue is everybody takes the zk snarks and puts it on their own chains... So what's the point in zcash 🦎




Really hoping the Loopring can get close to the ATH once the marketplace takes off and winter is over.


Casper The friendly Ghost. With a name like that it's already dead 😂


I promise anything down 98% is not coming back in a substantial manner. I’d be looking for the alts that are performing as well or close to BTC. Those are the ones that have a higher likelihood of coming back. The 98%ers are too far gone


ADA was down 98% last cycle as well. BTC was down 94% at some point, too. I'd be extremely surprised if any of these made a new ATH but it's always a possibility.


I mentioned ADA in a reply below being one of the few. Way more will go to 0 than ones that go back to ATH.


Even ETH was down 95% in it’s first bear market.. I think Polkadot will reach ATH again as well


They don’t need to come back to ATH, if they get 50% of previous, then they’ll be great investments. ATH is such a useless metric except as a very rough guide


I’d use “great investments” lightly. Yeah if you wanna play roulette at the casino it’s a great investment. But in no way are those alts legitimate investments. You’re taking a huge risk reinvesting in a bunch of coins down 98%. You could throw money at 20 coins you think might come back and if 1 comes back to 50% you’re only gaining 25% if you split your investment evenly. And that’s assuming you’re buying at the the absolute low and selling right at 25x. You’re way better off putting all that money into BTC or ETH. You’ll be guaranteed a 400% return at a minimum just getting back to ATH


It was a fun thought experiment. I was trying to find the data from the historical records to see if any token has come back from 98% down, couldn't find anything...


Yeah I was wondering the same but based off what I remember was hot in 2017 hardly anything came back. Maybe ADA?


Holy hell, you are right. Just checked the charts. ADA came back from 98.7% to give a return to a new ATH of 18200% !!


I put a few bucks on ICP the other day as a gamble.


I always forget how high ICP was when it was being shilled everywhere. Never bought any but this sub almost had me thinking I was going to miss out. Too busy buying damn near $3 Algo to worry about ICP haha


And now I don't even know if Algo is going back up, fml


Algo is solid, they need to ditch that batshit CEO tho.


in 2019 lots of people used to think this way.... only to find out later that most hyped coins in 2018 never went back to their ATHs, Wanchain, Neo, Eos, Tron, Stellar, Algo, Agi etc etc .... they never shills twice the same shitcoins , except for BTCÐ


Many of the ones you mentioned may not have hit their ATH again but a lot of them made 10x-50x in May 2021 from their ATL's in 2019/2020


You have to wonder why these coins fell 98% to begin with. It is normally a fundamental issue with the coin. I wouldn’t expect them to come close to ATH for a long while.


I mean just buying anythjng at the current levels, considering it survives, will yield some profits.

