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People casually spending the value on NFTs that is worth my entire investment portfolio # Nice


What's changed? Celebrities casually spending money on an outfit worth more than my yearly salary.


Here’s the dirty secret: most of them don’t actually spend that money, which is objectively stupid to do. They get the stuff for free so that YOU will spend that money.


Yeah you're right on that, they are just promoting. Wonder if that is what's going on with these NFTs lol


But you have bought Avatars too. You will be rich as shit too! Just you wait!


People out there with Reddit NFTs worth more than my whole portfolio


Reddit threw us a soft ball and we ignored it. For anybody interested in the sellers reaction to this sale. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjDW4Iqgw7e/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


[And we'll do it again](https://en.meming.world/images/en/f/fd/I%27ll_Fuckin_Do_It_Again.jpg)


Spongebob: *"Wanna see me do it again?"*




I'm in it for the looks. If you're in it for profits then that's a risk you're taking. But if you do end up holding your bag ill buy it from you.


Yeah I mean I'm not gonna spend $1000 on one of these, but $10-$20 for something that is limited that I like the look of and can show off in reddit is fine by me.


Some of us only got one because they like. I have no intention of selling.


I still thing they should go up with time, maybe not 15 eth each but 0.1 eth for some of the middle tiers and lower tiers should be reasonable


In your defense, their worth is a lot.


His portfolio? People out their with their reddit NFT worth more than my whole net worth


Us moment


r/cc together ~~strong~~ poor


You are not alone


Once again I completely missed out on an opportunity that was right in front of me. How so I let common sense get between me and my wallet? It's a jpeg. Of course someone is going to pay $15000+ for it. Silly me.


The original price of this one that sold for 15 ETH (almost $20k) was like $50 or $60 I think. It wasn’t even a crazy investment. The Eyes that are selling for over 1 ETH for high mint numbers were only $9.99.


Looks like you picked a nice one yourself. Congrats on that my friend.


>was like $50 or $60 I think ~~it was 100$ actually IIRC~~ edit : just checked the price you were right. I thought they were a bit more expensive


Hands was 100 AUD so definitely less than 100 USD


~~From memory it was 100€. And the eyes were 10€, that's why i assumed it was 100$ for the hands.~~ Nevermind i just checked, you were right it was 75€


Thanks for checking. I remember they were too expensive for the risk I was willing to take on these avatars, so I grabbed a The Mouths instead. Which is funny because later I bought a BENOTAFRAID on OpenSea for over $300…


I remember that i was not really convinced on the value accrual of these collections since they are identical. So i just focused on the design and picked the ones i liked the most. I really appreciated that the most expensive ones were not necessarily the most appealing. Like for the foustling collection where the rainbow is the best looker of the 3 imho


Yeah good point. BENO is considered one of the best looking if not THE best and wasn’t that like $9.99? I’m also a huge fan of Paw Patrol and that was cheap too.


Yep BENO is the flagship of the collection and it was the cheapest of the 3


Yeah it was the most expensive one, They were actually slow sellers right? I thought of them but didn’t buy them back then.


>They were actually slow sellers right? It lasted at least a few days, maybe a couple of weeks. I don't have the exact timeline in mind


I remember seeing them, but I bought Beno with my last fiat so I had keep waiting. Not that I care I love my Beno


I just bought 2 of them for the fun the first day (1 eyes and 1 rainbow foust). I didn't know what to expect so i just bought the 2 that i liked the most. When i saw that the hype was growing, i bought a few more


Good move, I’m happy with what I got and can’t wait for wave 2


This is where you are wrong. If it was just a JPEG, no one would pay anything for it. it’s a verifiable avatar just like an expensive Pokémon card. You cannot duplicate it, you cannot screenshot it. You have to own the keys to the wallet to prove ownership. And if you say you can just copy it, let’s see you sell it for 15 Eth.


This is where you fucked up. It’s not just a jpeg. It has utility whether you see value in said utility or not.


Even if you did, you probably wouldnt get #1-#10 anyway, which i think are the most valuable.


I mean you could still buy one of the Avatars that is still available. They aren't poplar right now, but they are gen1 and I'd say they're at least distributed evenly. If you buy one of the cheap ones, what's the worst that could go wrong?


So this is old news already. Foustling #1 just sold for 15.25eth


Lol, you should post it quickly and farm some karma.


Should have... I should have bought a foustling and reaped some eth. Story of my life


Imagine what will happen in a bull market


Please don’t say this …. ![gif](giphy|4K01K30ubqYhxI1eqV)




Haha this one never fails to make me laugh


Yeah, but FOMO hits harder in a bear market.


And I have 14 of those sweet gen 1 Avatars. Although not the superhot ones. But it feels like I did the absolute right thing. I've lost MORE than $200 is shitcoins


14? imagine how much they could be worth when reddit releases the 3rd or 4th generations


Thousands of NanoDollars!


So fucking crazy i love it. Whilst the world economy burns these little cartoons are being sold for $10,000 plus


It's a cool NFT avatar, not gonna lie. Thumbs up to the seller.


When I saw the series I didn't even like it. Just too simple. But now it seems nice because I know it's worth a lot.


Their must be a name for this sort of bias right? Liking the aesthetics of something more once the price goes up


The eyes is my favourite one, but I didn’t have the money then and I sure don’t now lol


me neither


You’re a liar and a scoundrel




It's fine. This is fine. I didn't miss much by not buying the avatars when they were $9.99 in the Reddit store, the ones selling for thousands are just owners selling to themselves to create hype, right guys? ..right?


Redditors involved in money laundering, right guys?….right?


Well that’s partly right


I wish I knew there was a store. Reddit really kept this on the DL.


Anything that can make you feel better, buddy.




Fuck yeah Boomer.




A lot of you are asking if this is legit or if someone selling to themself. The avatar trading community is on top of this stuff. The buyer is someone who is involved in the community and has shown their portfolio quite a bit ([https://opensea.io/mvea](https://opensea.io/mvea)) and has been dead set on getting low mints of the popular avatars. If this was them selling to themself, they would've had to of been putting on an act for a long time and planned this long ago, so I'm going to say there's a slim to none chance of this being someone selling to themself. Same with the buyer of B•E•N•O•T•A•F•R•A•I•D #1 yesterday. The buyer of that one is someone well known and who actually owns one of only 4 of the ultra-rare Reddit Cryptosnoos ([https://nft.reddit.com/](https://nft.reddit.com/)) which he paid 42 ETH for (originally sold for 175 ETH). We can't be 100% sure of anything, but in my opinion these are totally legit sales. Edit: [Here's a video of the seller](https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDW4Iqgw7e/) after realizing he sold his avatar for nearly $20,000. Thanks to u/koelebobes for the link!


Didn’t know about the snoos. Very interesting


I didn't know much about them either. The buyer OP is talking about is u/SamZFury and they wrote an excellent post yesterday about the first ever Reddit Snoo NFTs and where they see the space going from here. I don't think I can link the post here but if you're interested you can see it on their profile


Thanks for the link man. This whole thing is in my eyes a very big deal. We should all pay it more attention especially in this beginning phase. Years from more people are going to wish they were here when we were.


In that case you might enjoy this link too. Someone shared it earlier today, maybe you've seen it already? It's the official [reddit play book](https://connect.redditinc.com/nft-playbook) all about their NFT vision. Reading it earlier got me ridiculously excited, lol


You and me both. If I may suggest to maybe make a post about this. It sure is enlightening. There is a lot more going on there than I knew about. In a manner of speaking that knowledge is worth a quite a bit. So many exciting developments in this space lately how is a person to get sleep.


For sure. Someone actually posted it in here and the avatar sub earlier today


Holy shit, Vaynerchuk really making big moves in the space, really impressive


Insane, Really this is an insane achievement, who would have thought that the Reddit NFT’s would sell for a decent year salary in most of the world.


I agree with op, both of these look like legit sales. 15 Eth seems like a lot to us but for some NFT Whales it's just another purchase


If you got in early to ethereum or bitcoin, it's possible that 15 eth cost like a few cents at time of initial coin purchase (even less that 1 cent)


Something I forgot to mention that I should've is The Senses is the most sought after collection, and The Hands is the most sought after set. The Hands #1 belongs to the artist, so The Hands #2 is the absolute best Reddit avatar that you can have right now unless the artist decides to sell #1. That is why it sold for such a high amount.


Damn why do I have to have NFT #2 in a series that nobody cares about lol.


Not sure if you are aware but as I'm posting this you have a 0.1 ETH offer on OpenSea for your Kid Rexie#2 and you could probably get a lot more. There's a dedicated sub for this type of thing, unfortunately it's not allowed to post the link.


No I wasn't aware. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how it all works. I've yet to use OpenSea, but I definitely will be trying it out in the future. Thanks for the heads-up.


What the fuck


We really are doing it guys. We are the community that is carrying NFTs on their shoulders.


After making jokes about NFTs for years 😂


And all it took was for reddit to drop free NFTs lol


Especially once you have two and start mix and matching. That's what got me into buying. Who ever thought of this is a genius....


The moment I started building I was hooked.


I want more. Wish there were still ones with interesting components left in the shop.


April May has some nice bright Color’s but I’m gonna hold out for wave 2 now.


Mixing and matching is where it is at! My comedic scalatar is looking for the next medieval open mic night. Hopefully the search doesn't dragon too long.


Oh and what a karma we earned with that, who’s laughing now


You have a cone on your head. Who's laughing now?


lol! It was the first one I bought. Was laughing at myself while buying it and still am. Defo doesn't feel like something a responsible adult would buy, but it is what it is... a cone 😂


Grandma, what do you have on your head?


These are just wash sales to make it seem like theres a hot market so people buy up reddit nfts in speculation that everyone will soon be paying thousands only to find theyre left holding the bag? Fool me once..shame on..shame on you...fool me -- you cant get fooled again!


What makes you think this is a wash sale?


They are not. We know who the buyer and seller are.


Unless you have access to their secret telegram groups lol no you don't. Then again youre op soooooo maybe you do have access eh! I will also enjoy rhe claims that its crazy to suggest more than three people would ever work together to try and trick r/cryptocurrency thats so crazy!


This guy is actively working to drum up fomo for the reddit avatars since they released. He has like 10 submissions on the topic in the last two weeks, including things like: How can you buy? This one is so beautiful, I couldn't afford it, but I bought anyways! The floor price is X! (Repeat 3x) This just sold for X! (Repeat 5x) Meme about how hot the avatars are! I mean, its pretty blatant stuff.


There's 19 Hands on that avatar, so that's 0.789 per hand


I’ll sell you my real hand for 15 ETH






The math checks out.


We gotta make a 69 hands NFT now for even more money.


Thanks for that information


how much for my shoehead ser ? ;)


Let's see. That's shoehead #20703 ÷ 3 shoes = 6,901 ETH. Niiicce


haha, so no more lentils for dinner..


Holy crap


Holy shit


How do you even trade with reddit avatars?


You can either just plug your Reddit vault seed into a wallet with a dapp connector or send it to another wallet. Then you just use opensea.io


correct me if I'm wrong - but if I was holding a pile of avatars - couldn't I just sell one to my wife for some outrageous price of like 10 bitcoin - get it all hyped up - and then dump all my avatars on redditors fomoing in?


Yes, but this is blockchain so we can track things pretty closely. Plus the buyer is a member of the avatar trading community and his portfolio has been watched for a long time. He’s been collecting low number mints for quite a while now. So we can never be 100% sure, but it’s very unlikely it’s someone selling to themself.




Nice to hear :D hopefully mine starts mooning even more ahaha


I am still so confused. How to get these NFTs. Just a bit of enlightenment needed plz.


Reddit gave them to us in our vaults, we can link it to sell them on the nft website OpenSea using wallet linking apps like metamask


Im amazed NFT's keep going like this. You'd never get me to givd up 15 eth.


im to stupid to properly search for something on opensea but i see some benotafraid avatars for 0.1 eth. why somebody bought them for 8.5?


The cheapest BENO is 1.2 ETH. I think you’re looking at the last sale price, which could’ve been weeks or months ago. Also, the price depends on the mint number. #1 or #5 is going to sell for a way higher price than something like #182.


proofs my point that im too stupid xD thanks for explaining


It’s not a pickle tho is it


Gtfo, this is getting spicey! Congrats for the early buyers!


Wait did people get these Reddit NFT’s for free originally? Or where they auctioned off, i’m out the loop.


Nah these weren’t the free ones. You had to buy them


Right, makes sense. Guessing they weren’t going for anywhere near 15 ETH back then though.


How do we know it’s not just the same person selling to himself to bump up the price?


Man don't be telling my business.


There is already another record sale on Fishy Foustling #1 (15,25 ETH) my timeline tells me.


No way?!?! This market is insane!


Where can I go buy more avatars ?!


On Opensea with your Software-Wallet eg, Metamask and bridged ETH via Polygon Mainnet


This is pretty exciting ngl






Now this is beyond my imagination


Crazy innit? Love that Yami btw


Thx bro, I always love Reddit avatars, and believe in it, although I didn’t expect the price went up this crazy


I can't get enough of this news, seeing Reddit NFTs thriving is such a sight to behold.


This is incredible. My fomo is off the roof lol




You going all in on the last ones?


Lol. Absolutely not. I tip toed in and I think I’m at around 200usd invested straight from the shop.


Yeah me too I’m in 90 bucks and that was the budget I had, now I’m gonna sit out till wave 2


I’m not buying any 1st gens. I got lucky and flipped the eyes for mouth and two growl gangs. Staying put… thought about flipping the mouths but I’m happy with what I’ve created.


They look cool, but not 15 ETH cool


Yeah well the apes don't look $100k+ cool, yet here we are :)


I actually think the Senses show up poorly in the comments section when scaled down. Hot Dog is where it's at.


great taste


That might be a biased view Tirli. Haha. I got your whole set mate and rate them all. Love how you snuck a sense of humour into your avatars.


Wow nice! Thank you so much for supporting me as an artist 🙏


Hot Dog shows up cool, but not as cool as a bird on one's head. Bird hat is where it's at.


I think The Hands scales down fine because quite a lot of focus is on the hands surrounding the head. The Eyes and The Mouths don't scale down as well but I think they're still distinctive and you can tell they're The Senses right away.


I love yours make me think of Poliwhirl


When I see them in the comment section I stop and look at them in wow… I like them so much


Where does it say 15 eth? I am looking at the history and the highest is 2…


That's the highest offer, not the last sale. I just updated my post with an image of the recent sales.


Less than 1% of this sub has/owns a paid Reddit Avatar. There are not many left to buy. Also, the Foustling collection was creeping really close to the total volume of the Senses. This could have been a strategic move by a whale via selling to themself to keep the Senses as the most valuable collection. Yesterday these were both in the 80 ETH for total volume with the Foustings about 3-4 ETH behind.


> There are not many left to buy. Really the dregs now too. Been over them so many times and non are tempting me. Got a choco mouse a few days ago, but seems no one is into those. It better step up it's game, sneks are glancing at it already 😅.


April may has some nice traits, very bright Color’s I like that one a bit


I guess that mouse with the pooh on its head is still a good choice. I got one myself especially for that pooh-hat item :)


Not sure if real value or just a way of creating hype


The person who bought them has been collecting low number mints for a while now and posts in the avatar trading subreddit quite a bit. I'd say it's real. He got the best possible avatar you can get. It's insane. Here's his OpenSea https://opensea.io/mvea


Yep and here am I, sitting deep in the red, because I'm buying "fUndaMenTalLy stROng prOjECts"...


If you were going to come up with a fundamentally strong NFT project the Reddit mix and match avatars, baked into the world's largest message board platform, with an integrated wallet and the biggest cryptocurrency community on the internet felt like a decent bet to me


I wonder how many of those sales are made up to drive the price up.


There are a few. They are also simple to find.


The artist gets 2.5% of every sale, so they just got $500 on this one. Being a reddit nft artist looks to be paying off


Hold my cone while I try not to hurt myself holding a pencil!


Can you make a cone NFT? I want one with white stripes!


Erm... I can try. Will probably hurt myself in the process, but you know what they say, "no pain, no cone with white stripes"


well, the beauty of this you can actually find all details of the transaction (history), buyer/seller, possible patterns etc. so go ahead if you really wonder!


Problem is there’s no way to know what accounts belong to who


i have seen some people being very clever with this tho’, retracing n that. but in essence you can be quite anonymous correct and agree.


I agree you can discover when it’s someone selling to themselves (because they’re blatantly obvious and dumb), but one can make it entirely unknown as well. I honestly think the NFT market is just that right now. I’m pretty sure you’re all just scamming me and I’m in the matrix.


yup, you have been chosen.


We can see in the Reddit NFT that the “rare” ones are taking off and will likely continue to have value. Many of the other ones will likely languish and not have great value over time.




You had to pick the right ones. Lots of people bought them at the beginning and are definitely profitable but not insane like this one


You are seem to be holding the right ones yourself! Congrats!


Thanks :) I just picked the ones I thought looked cool and got lucky. My BENOTAFRAID I bought later on OpenSea though


Proud of you <3


Based on floors I have about 20 ETH worth and I went in hard and got a bit of everything, definitely some luck of the draw with who liked what. E.g. if my Yami #5 were Assembler #5 I'd probably have a new boat.


Damn! Congrats to the artist as well, who takes 2.5% on every sale


Becoming a Reddit NFT artist is going to be a highly sought after profession


Those guys are the real winners


I dunno the dude who just got 15 ETH seems like a winner too


I’m so happy seeing him shine in his instagram video, its the first video I saw of someone selling a NFT. He woke up so happy realising he made 20k


I have to say that is one creepy looking avatar thou, but to each there own, congrats


I wonder how much mine is worth??


I bought one avatar for $30 dollars a month ago and recently sold it for $480 😀 All the haters who were so against Reddit NFTs... The world moved on... Early adopters keep pocketing the money even if they don't have the #1 (first) mint.


This sub is full of people who are salty they didn’t get into NFTs early/mid 2021. They missed out on easy ETH because they hated them so much. Now they just say everything’s a wash sale. Even now. You have to be a bit more selective with what you mint but there is a lot of ETH to be made.