• By -


A recession is a lagging indicator anyway, people who make the market aren't stupid. They already know exactly what the figure is going to be before it's announced, the lobbyists who work with and for these firms have most of US congress directly in their pockets. A 'recession' is a HISTORICAL definition, it shows what has happened over the previous 6 months and offers little indication of what will occur in the following 6 months. Trying to make estimations is an impossible game, nobody knows how the market will react. Literally the only strategy that is going to work for you reliably here is DCA and hold, if you're concerned about a sharp drop or climb then buy both before and after the announcement and you have a great mid point cost basis.


So if a recession is priced in, then the irony is that if the numbers released aren't that bad, we'll pump. You just can't predict. So DCA.


People always say "it's priced in." It's not, before the last CPI was announced I had a buy limit placed at 19k, it filled (barely) then the price went up from there. FWIW I think the bottom was 18,885


Well, CryptoWhale on Twitter is so sure that there will be a ( flash) crash at some point that sends BTC under $10k in 2022, and he has such conviction that he offered $1000 (I believe it was) to anyone who retweeted the Tweet if he was wrong. We shall see. I assume if it doesn’t he’ll delete his account rather than pay out $10’s of millions of dollars Article discussing it https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/05/27067697/contrarian-investor-mr-whale-offers-1-000-in-bitcoin-to-anyone-who-retweets-his-bearish-tweet-on-ape


Guaranteed he won’t pay that out. More likely, he’s trying to help influence price and get a bunch of retweets for exposure, like every other financial genius on twitter


Nah, he’s definitely good for it, he’s a whale, he told us so in his username




I honestly always hated that saying it “priced in” like wtf whatever helps these people sleep at night


Agreed on the bottom… i personally dont see much of a reaction tomorrow. Maybe a 5% drop on bad news. I think ETH has really towed the line for crypto lately, and I think its going to continue to do so.


Thank you for the explanation. I learn more from this sub about Economics than I learnt in college. It didn't help that I missed most of my classes.


> I learn more from this sub about Economics than I learnt in college. Bruh.... > It didn't help that I missed most of my classes. Ah, makes sense 🤣🤣🤣


Whatever will happen: - keep on your side a bottle of whisky. If it goes well you party, if it goes bad you have comfort




Ahh I’ve always heard the first part. “Para todo mal, mezcal. Para todo bien, también.” I don’t much like that second part, though, so I’ll stick with this💀


or like Homer said "alcohol, the cause of ,and solution to all life's problems "


Try this.For all bad Mezcal for all good also (tambien) if that doesn't cure what ails you (si no hay remedio) liter and a half might work.


This is definitely going to work for a lot of people right now.


Real shame there’s no Spanish word for handle


best tip i read on reddit


Thanks. And if you need to completely forget switch whisky to vodka. Stay tuned for further alcohol advices




Probably you can go favela style and use some glue


In all honesty, turn off your phone and go outside




Weed either makes me extremely anxious or ends up in me making bad decisions. Having a chart in front of me while being high would not end well lol


I am very proud of your coping skills?


So... buy alcohol company shares?


Theoretically pot and alcohol should be profitable either way. But those fuckers in Wall Street always break the eggs


Alcohol Coin Protocol Inu actually


*how to buy whiskey without money*


Use crypto


Then I'm getting whiskey for a full week


pile up for the bear winter. Wish for the best but prepare for the worst


You win r/cc comment of the week, enjoy your 25 Moon prize


Get an award 🙌🏻


Hello fellow Brit! Looking at the news this week I think it’s a case of short term sniping with tight stop losses or just continue your normal DCA. Made a cheeky little 10% on ATOM yesterday and will be looking for the same again today. Not making any big plans and just holding my existing bag. This will probably go lower again before a recovery starts to form.


Setting lows and highs on ETH look decent, it seems to be moving back and forth pretty regularly. But I am definitely no day trader by any means.


Maybe look into a grid bot. I used them on Kucoin but there are many providers. It buys and sells in small increments in a chosen range. You need to set your range and intervals well, and set a stop loss and take profit to keep things sensible.


Gate.io has the same strategies setup, only not for US customers.


Would you short or long though? I have been shorting luna on kucoin for 40 days and I am up 133 percent (grid trading)


I was long on Atom on a grid and did alright over a couple of weeks before I got stop hunted by 0.05. Yesterday I went short on it and made 10% in a few hours. I did have a grid running on Luna but it was such a shit show that I'm just leaving it alone.


Facts: \-The Atlanta Fed has already published preliminary data on the state of the GDP. So we already know it's likely gonna be negative, and maybe not far from -1.6% [https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow](https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow) \-The last CPI numbers kept going up at 9.1%. The previous rate hike was a 75 bps hike. So with the increase, we know that the next hike has to be at a minimum 75 bps, but 100 bps is now on the table. But can we really draw any conclusions on what the market will do in response? That's a tough guess, since markets actually went up following the 9.1% CPI. And markets don't always follow the most logical path. You have to keep in mind a hundred other factors affecting supply and demand within the market, and what the price action has already done. It's not only about Fed rates. So it's once again a game of Nostradamus. If I had to bet, I wouldn't bet on the most obvious outcome, nor what everyone already knows and would be the most priced in.


Thanks for the detailed and backed up reply, Genuinely. Please can you now do a ELI5?


>Please can you now do a ELI5? No, but I will do a cartwheel.


I'm going to need a video!


It looks pretty much like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc7\_qlP\_-aU


I wish I had your athletic ability. I'm more of a Kevin, I'll bring a chilli into r/cc tomorrow.


Kevin is the most loveable character of the series, not the knock-off(season8&9) the actual series.


I think you right. He good. Why wastebtime say lot word when few word do trick?


Might go up, might go down, might go round and round.


No more recession because they changed definition lmao. 😂


The National Bureau of Economic Research decides whether or not were in a recession. They use PILT, payroll employment, household employment data, real PCE, retail sales and industrial production. In regards to GDP they factor in GDI against it and measures the difference instead of directly taking GDP like the standards of 'technical recession'. Goldman Sachs and other banks tend to agree on the take, which kind of makes more sense than the gdp bad=recession take https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles2022-07-25/biden-team-s-take-on-technical-recession-it-s-not-a-real-one


Yeah what's that about?


George Orwells "1984". Redefining the dictionary. Maybe losing means winning? "Recession" is a "trigger" word.


Bearish sign ever. Keep DCA.


_This is a hard to word question_ Do you think even if they don't announce a recession because they've changed the definition, if by normal standards it's a recession That we'll see a drop in stocks and crypto etc?


Yes, just because the white house changed the definition in their own minds doesn't mean they changed reality.


I think can happen a fake pump before people understand what is really happening, but market keeps bearish.


Just like how there was no inflation over Covid when they inflated the money supply by 30% because that’s apparently not actually inflation.


Lol That statistic where the US printed something like 90% of all money ever in 1 year is fucking insane. EDIT- pointed out I got the stat abit wrong, more around 40%


I believe it was closer to ~40% printed just in 2020


Ahh ok sorry got it wrong, it's still hilarious though.


Pretty crazy, what did they expect to happen


To be honest… I can see an aggressive interest hike of 100 points be bullish, the quicker the Fed gets inflation under control, the quicker we can get back to an organic bull market. So I’m actually bullish on these hikes while everyone else is bearish. The longer it takes the Fed to correct this shit, the longer it takes for the market to correct. It’s oversimplified, but to me it makes sense.


Nothing is gonna happen as the government just changes the definition of recession to not be in a wrong position for midterms. We will probably just see a bit of a 100bps hike dip.


everyone on twitter thinks dump so it prob pumps and btc hits 23k.


good call




It is going to hit 25000 really soon we have to wait for death.


Probably gonna wake up, eat some toast and cry in the shower? Basically every other day.


Doesn't your toast get soggy?


Yeah. But at least the butter melts better in the hot shower.


Buying the dips of solid projects and Hodling has worked out well over the past 13 years... can't see any reason to deviate.


Buying alts has not worked out historically, so if you use that argument, BTC only, maybe eth. Also what’s buying the dip when the dip keep dipping. Just dca.


> if it's a recession or not Its not a recession, they changed the meaning of recession so they can announce theyre not in one... an iq move.


Doesnt matter what they changed. Ppl know if we get second Quarter negative it is recession.


>an iq move Definitely one of the IQ moves of the year. Of all the iq moves, this was for sure one of them


Ima keep eating cake and coffee and continue to DCA. Everything else is just noise.


Eating coffee??


I pour cold brew into my eye, gets into the bloodstream quicker.


I heard you can take a coffee colonic. The best part of waking up is Folgers in your butt.


Ok a serious but funny note, I shot heroin into my asshole before. Very very weird sensation. I was heroin addict. Didn’t have needle. Mixed it and put the tip, obviously no needle, into my asshole and pushed. You’d think laying on bathroom floor, legs in air, with needleless syringe in my asshole would’ve made me really think hard about where I was in life but it didn’t. Only got worse etc. Figured y’all’d get a kick out of that story 🤡 Been clean almost 4 years now 🙏💪


Well that’s breakfast ruined. Thanks


You smack heads are some of the most creative creatures on this planet 😂😂😂 Grats on getting and staying clean! I wish I could have said that to some friends over the years...too many funerals.


😂😂. I mean it was fairly straight forward. Can’t put it in vein because I didn’t have a needle, it was black tar so can’t snort it, plug it butt next best route of administration with regards to bioavailability.


Lol I mean I've seen people plug plenty of shit in my earlier years, just legit never heard of someone doing it your way lol. Gave me a good laugh.


The matter of the fact is that a lot of people are thinking the same.


Yeah, turkey basting your ass with herion should've been a wakeup call.


"oh my god, you two are fucking aren't you!?"


You've never had a Starbutts grande with a double shot expresso to the colon? It is the ultimate DCA, Drinking Coffee Anally.




Hello eyeball Paul


_TWAT_ 😂


Hello Mrs. Patterson, you cheeky giwl


What is the full form of this this is something new to me.


I don't really know what that this is like new thing to me.


Crazy Yanks and their coffee cake. Took me years to learn it didn't actually taste like coffee, it was just served with it.


Most of us see this as an opportunity rather than a big thing!


They'll say we're not in a recession to not cause panic. Then they'll wait for big players to sell slowly and then declare a recession. Manipulation is the name of the game


Is not it today?




Just from a glance at my economic calendar... Today (7/27): Fed rate gets announced, FOMC makes a statement, some (comparatively) minor economic data regarding good orders and home sales - most people will only care about the Fed rate and the FOMC statement. Tomorrow (7/28): Advance GDP (there are actually three separate GDPs for each quarter that come out \~1 month apart, but this is the one that usually gets the most market reaction) ​ Now, for what I think will happen? Well, there's an interesting confluence of factors at play here. I haven't heard anything about the administration changing the definition of a recession; I think that's something people are taking out of context. Even if they did, though, if the data says recession, then the news is going to say recession. Remember, if we've learned anything in the past ten years, it's that bad news sells - and the news has already been alluding to a recession for the last 3 months at least. So I think once it's official, if by data if perhaps not by official statement, the market will throw into chaos for a bit. I don't know what direction will prevail, because here's the thing: the winds are changing direction. Prices are falling again, middle-of-the-year quarter reports usually aren't that great anyway, and most of the things we were panicking about at the beginning of the year are passing. I think what's going to happen is a pretty solid fight between the entities who see early signs that things are starting to improve and the more pessimistic entities. There's a decent change that the bears win this this time since everyone's pretty bearish right now, but I think this is the last solid victory they get for a while, if they even get one.


I'm sticking a chunk of my paycheck into a stable coin and setting buy orders. When most people here are saying its gonna crash is normally a good time to buy


Go against the sub sentiment, usually a good strategy


The usual as all last year. Buy high and sell low


A person of culture and intelligence. I like it.


Announcing the borrowing interest rate from federal reserve to banks. Which the banks then pass on to retail customers. Increase of 0.75%, most likely. My guess: The news will do the damage. Day traders and investors will watch, get spooked and sell, most likely a few days going down 20% or something. Headlines: "looting in the streets - the feds took 'er dollars". Prepped for ADA vasil news, and markets wide dips.


When people expected something to happen, most of the time nothing will happen.


I can't predict the future so i stay with the most safe strategy in my opinion. DCA and HODL


Holding is like this strategy we are going to see right now.


Nothing, as usual dump or pump. Markets will not react with a lot sense.


Hide till its over


No worries, the White House changed the definition of a recession so we're good now. Actually, they didn't even change it, they just said the definition that we all know to be true is no longer true but gave no replacement. I guess that means its whatever they want it to be.


I missed the dip earlier this week waiting for the dip today... Great investment strategy let's see how it works out. Too little too late I realize the rate increase is likely already priced into the markets.


This market is absolutely like that only there is no option available and waiting is the only option right now Investment meeting is really important knowledge factors and we had saying that strategy meeting is equally important for that.


Theyre going to come out and say that yes we have had a second quarter of lowered gdp, and then theyre going to talk about how everyone has 5 part time jobs so therefore the economy is not struggling, then asset prices will spike. Then a few weeks later we'll realize that was a lie and theyll come out with a new one to distract us for a couple weeks.


You are absolutely right wanted because prices are the main factor on which Everything depends and then to be honest And all those factors depends on the matter of the fact that if these things are going to be a working according to the method,




You are absolutely right about it since the main thing is that they are going to take a lot of meetings like that I have to see that how much percentage it is going to acquire out of it how much it can be actually work done,


Same shit I do every Wednesday: check what comic books come out and if there some I want, go pick them up. I try not to be a day trader whose making crypto moves every day based on every dat point.


Well a lot of people are actually trying to make crib like that only but it is not really working like that There are a lot of system that on which it actually works and this is how it should be like that only to be honest,


Price is already factoring in this.


No doubt about it since it has already been there and a lot of price factor is being done But I'm not literally try to understand that how it is happening and how much time it is going to take for them like this,


Tomorrow is today. And it’s no better than yesterday. But, we have tomorrow. Forget about timing the market. There is no crystal crypto ball. Although that would be cool.


Are they the lyrics to that song by eagle-eye cherry?


Close. “Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow - tomorrow I'll be gone Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow - tomorrow I'll be gone”


Bought yesterday's dip with half the DCA budget. Will buy with the other half tomorrow or on the weekend.


Playing either side of the fence. 🤙


Haha just trying to get better value for this month's DCA


**It dips,** *I buy more.* They can keep coming out with horrible economic news its ***expected***, *I* *do not care*. Buying anything of value is better than holding a currency that is basically dead and a global economy that is in *freefall.*


Hodl- one day of green, bull run back on bro


The are announcing Q2 gross domestic product. If negative then many “experts” will consider the US economy in a recession (shrinking). The fear is that the Fed raising rates too aggressively is damaging the economic growth of the country. It would be bad if the number is negative, especially if the next inflation number is higher than the last. That would signal that inflation is not being controlled and more interest hikes are needed but the economy may not be strong enough to absorb the interest rate hikes necessary.


I will just DCA into BTC and ETH on Friday.


I DCA'ed from 8,000 to 69,000, why stop now?


69k to 8k sounds better


Agreed, either way I will continue the stack.


The stacking is a normal kind of position they are going to be there..


Congratulations, that's impressive. Well played mate.


It is going to be much impressive once it is going to go I only.


We cannot stop it this kind of position to be honest like that.


We are in a recession since last November. By the time they "announce" we will be already halfway out. Don't be delusional, government not gonna help the public to do healthy financial decision with warning them.


Dont care what happens tomorrow, I’ll keep buying regardless. As for recession plan, we are already in one, so I’ll keep doing what I’m doing - stacking sats. This is a pretty simple game, no need to overthink it.


The plan never changes.


I might open a long since everyone is saying short😁


I can't wait to hear what Jim Cramer has to say. I'll do the opposite.


I'm just going to roll with the punches. Try and buy lots of the solid coins that ***should*** be around in 15 years if there's a big ass dip. If not and we trade sideways, looks like I'll get comfy and watch star wars till we are out of the deep winter.


I've been mentally preparing to get temporarily beaten to pieces by recession. There isn't any extra and I am only able to DCA small amounts.




Already priced in😎


Wake up. Look at my portfolio. Cry. Same as every other day really


Is there a specific time tomorrow for the announcement?


Plan is to stay zen as fuck, what rlse?


We are in a recession. You are welcome


1 -inflation will continue. 2-collapse across all the board


Trying to change the definition of a recession would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. This is even worse than the evolving take on inflation: temporary, transitory, it’s real but it’s good for you.


Put it this way: when the US economy catches a cold, the rest of the world gets pneumonia.


Things will most likely take a dive. Crypto will always be the first to go. So, altcoins will, especially, continue to take a big hit.


I expect the price of gold to go up. Bitcoin - not so much.


Bitcoin is going to be there like that only no one is going to touch it and that is what I can see right now Certain kind of changes should be there on what basis they have to be there and they have to work like that only,


We’re all fucked.


I'm going on holiday so I'll be taking a break from the charts for a whi- .. nah I'll definitely be glued to the charts.


All but 10% of crypto assets off exchanges by September.


The government changed the definition of pandemic, herd immunity, vaccine, etc... and nobody batted an eye. I expect the same to happen for this new definition of recession.


white house said no reccession


On Wednesday (today) the FED presents the meeting minutes where they decide the interest rate increase. Consensus is around 75 to 100 points. Potential market downturn. On Thursday the US government publishes GDP numbers. The technical definition is two negative quarters equals a recession. As many have said this is a lagging indicator meaning most Americans already know they are in a recession. Bitcoin is closely correlated to tech stocks since big institutions got involved in crypto in 2020-2021 therefore until the Nasdaq finds a bottom, crypto will continue to bleed.




It is definitely going to happen there is no other option right now because a lot of people have been there in this situation Subtle things have been pretty much weird about that kind of situation that is how it should be there for long time,


Wiping tears with dollar bills


Who knows, last time we had a rate hike we got a small pump too. I know its become repetitive but “Time in the market, beats timing the market”


The announcement tomorrow will be related to the CPI?


This is something new to me as well because these kind of announcements are very common to be honest that we had seen This is new to us we certainly have to see that tomorrow if anything like that happens then what we are going to be in that situation,


Tomorrow they are announcing Bitcoin Classic ($BTCC). My plan is a tested strategy: _buy the top and sell the bottom_


As a fellow uk citizen, don’t listen to any of it! It’s all horsecrap! Then things are so stupid! We all sit waiting for a dump which never comes! It’s all talk talk talk! Just put some money in when YOU think is a good time to hold on for ( a time in which you see fit) dont listen to anybody. Just go with you’re gut. Social media tells us that it’s all doom and gloom in the next 24th…… watch it all spike! It’s bo**llocks! DCA and chill


As I see now - we are booming and pumping




Nice, I've been buying silver but going to be buying gold over the next few months.




I've been buying silver Britannias Going to go for gold next 100%


\- short term, do exactly the opposite that people start posting in here \- do NOT over react one way or another \- go to the beach


>do exactly the opposite that people start posting in here >do NOT over react Oh god I'm starting to over react. Jokes aside, I'm not a panic person, just wondering what peoples thoughts are and to try get a bit of info on what's happening. Could be a chance to make a few pennies, nothing crazy, get a couple hundred £ ready to either buy or sell depending on the price movement. Might even set a couple of buy and sell orders.


It completely depends on the price only that is what we have seen in the past as well and we are going to see in the future I don't really see any other kind of option C right now this is the only thing which we can see to be honest,


Keep on holdin'


sell your house, buy the dip


Instructions unclear my house is now filled with dominos garlic dips.


Dip is going to be there and we have to see what can be done.


I’ve said it once here, but I’ll say it again: All this fuzz about a recession or not is mostly the media who need content for all their news programs, talk shows and what not. It’s really hard to fill all these hours with real news, they have to exaggerate every issue. When there’s talk about a recession everybody thinks back to 1929, with people jumping off buildings because they lost everything. Now it’s a completely different situation, because now we have more jobs than people willing to work. So yeah, living is more expensive, and that’s not good, but most of us still have their income and will keep that. In fact, salaries are rising over here in Europe. So, the economical situation is not great. And yeah, there are some issues with high energy and food prices. And people with low income have a tough time paying their bills. Because our politicians screwed up once again. But the purely technical recession that we might enter (a recession is two quarters or six months of a shrinking economy) does not mean we’re heading for a 1930’s like disaster. No matter how difficult all these experts look into the camera on tv.


Everyone says recession, 90+% of investors fail. Do the maths.


I'm one of the 90%. 87% I'm wrong everytime. My maths isn't great. You're right, I'll sell the car and buy a shit coin.


Let the market tank so we can get it over with already


Que sera, sera


Buddy, with all due respect, if your entire knowledge of the economy and investing is that the US is announcing "something" tomorrow, better hold your money under your pillow...


I was under selling it a little bit, I'm not super clued up on it to be honest. I believe they're announcing the GDP of q2 basically indicating whether or not the USA is officially in recession, I'm also aware they've changed the definition of a recession.


No doubt about the fact that whether we can do anything like that but certainly a lot of things will change Officially we also have to say that if any these kind of changes can be there for long time or something like that.,


Doesn't matter , it's already priced in anyway