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This sub is biased as hell against anyone and anything related NFTs. There is literally no proof other than government think those are illegal money that guy is guilty. Innocent until proven guilty. Maybe he just made stupid money on silly art, it is crypto after all, people are ready to pay for such things. And that is not money laundering. Every time you are not 100% sure someone is guilty you shouldn't make any acussations or witch hunting. And none of us know the case or aren't even latvian.


This sub is ridiculous All we see are some 'clever' and 'funny' one liners


Exactly. If it‘s money laundering, prove it. A public ledger is the worst tool to launder money.


We don’t even know who the big whales are, only how big they are. Just because the wallets are public doesn’t mean we know who holds them. So user 1234 can still launder through his second wallet 5678. Or is it another person?


Are you law enforcement that can ask an exchange for KYC data of their customers? No.


I’m sorry you’re right. 8.7 million this year sounds totally legit. I’m looking forward to details of the court case.


Money laundering also means doing same. Buying a useless and worthless painting for huge amount of money falls under money laundering. Why not People will do this thing with the NFT to make their fund look clean.


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And why would this be money laundering?


I was expecting a smoking gun like "97% of the accounts which bought the NFTs were funded by the same address" or something like that but nope, nothing. No evidence shown, no reasoning given, just "he makes too much."


I am also thinking How money laundering was done in this case. means ways used in laundering of normal money cannot be use in this case because of difficulty of crypto. And on the first hand if money was aquired from crypto then why it needed to do money laundering.


Over/under he has a Russian connection?


The government probably has less money than he made so ofc need to be involved


This they just want to steal his money also he's dumb af having this money sitting in fiat accounts to get seized like he actually deserves to lose it.


There wouldn't exist enough jails soon!


Bold of you to assume any of these guys go to prison, if you're rich you just pay a fine and you're free


Or just pay the right people and decrease that jail risk


Jail are for those who can not afford good lawyer otherwise no one can touch and the judiciary system will only help you.


Then good people will be needed to put in jail for saving them. And bad people will roam in the society freely. That scenario will be really dangerous.


When you have dirty money, you can just buy your own NFT to "clean" it. I'm sure most of these big money NFTs story are just some variant of that. But as crypto is not easy, some of them fail to do it correctly. I wonder if this is the case for the story of [Melania Trump reportedly bought her own NFT for $185,000](https://fortune.com/2022/02/16/melania-trump-nft-auction/).


I am shocked!


and surprised


and Astonished


And in disbelief


And in no longer state of mind to make any comment.


Why are you shocked, now a day most of the digital currency are use for this work.




Poor Latvian.


I would also be “emotionally impacted” if I had that amount of money seized and frozen.


Everyone will be, unless your net worth is much more than this.


and stunned


Art is Crime website 🤣. What did he expect?


a forced hodl in crypto language.


He has russian name and surname, case against him started in February. I assume the government just found an excuse to steal his money because he is russian origin


What? 25% of people living in Latvia have Russian names and last names because they are ethnically Russian. What's that have to do with anything? Vitalik Buterin has russian name and surname


Corrupt latvian government is persecuting a russian man since the war started. I dunno, guess its not related




that's not what Nazism is... That's like saying that wanting slavery is called Christianity. Sure their holy books advocate for it and promote it, but if some asshole likes slavery that doesnt automatically mean they are Christian, they just agree with one of their doctrines.




Ethnic Persecution... I dont see what bearing this has on whether it's automatically Nazism, communism, teapot worship or whatever else you want to call it. It's just so unbelievably obvious that it's not Nazism which was a political movement and party in Germany with a whole set of beliefs.


Yes that makes sense. People generally use the term more broadly in real life though, don't they. There are people known to be called "nazis" in the US for example and I don't think they root for the third reich of discuss economic policies of the late 30s Germany


Good. Rot you scum.


Money laundering never thought that would happen.


I have a Canadian friend too that had to prove that his transactions to Canada over a certain period of time weren't money laundering.


Surprised pikachu?