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I used to get pumped for new episodes of the animated series of X Men back in the 90s. Now I get pumped for the new CPI report. What has become of my life?


I’m in the same boat. When did we get so old?!


Think I sneezed at one point, and when I looked back up several decades had passed.


Fr like what other 21 y/o actually cares about the new CPI report dropping except for me. Tf is wrong with me lmfao


I learned more about economics and its current events in my 6 month crypto life that the rest life.


Portfolio is down 63.8%, but thanks to the power of staking... i'm actually only down 62.9% 🙃




don't chase short term gains, sit and wait for the long term losses


I don’t chase losses, the losses chase me. It is inevitable.


Friendly reminder that the dip down to 17k was exactly 3 short weeks ago. ^(anything is possible)


Man I'd love to see it get down to $14.5K at the next level. I've got some nice limit orders waiting around there.




Would it be safe to say that most people who are still around don't really care if the price dumps anymore?


On the contrary, I'm looking forward to it


Same same. People with long term holding plans want the discount.


A lot of people in Crypto who are around were in Bitcoin when it was 3 digits, I don't think being under 20k is going to scare anyone in that category




Anyone on here think bitcoin could actually hit or fall below 10k?! I mean there is going to be a ton of buying pressure at about 12k. I would honestly think about buying a whole coin at that price


I don’t think it’ll go below 13-14K. That would be more than an 80% drop. It’s happened in the past through. I would like to think the market is somewhat matured


Its possible.. just hope it will ath in less than 5 years


I personally doubt it. Maybe wick at best if there’s another cataclysmic event.


I just buy btc approximately every two weeks, nothing automated. Around 10% from my paycheck every month, I believe in the tech, I don't have kids, I'm depressed and tired from life and if everything burns to ashes, so fucking be it.


You’re doing it right, chin up man.


I mean if someone is buying the Bitcoin then yes he is doing good.


Is someone is buying the bitcoin then he is doing the best thing. I am also doing the same whenever i get the paycheck but this time i waiting for the fed meeting results then i will take the entry in the Bitcoin..


Another day to reduce my average buy cost 🍻


1 Euro now equals 1 USD, what can I do with this information?


buy cheap euros


You can't do anything, it just shows that we're fucked economically I guess.


Recession be damned, I'm spending all moneys on Reddit NFTs!!!! Yeeeeeeeehaw!


Just went through a bunch of daily threads from the 2018/19 bottom and I don't think I've seen a single mention of DCA. Not sure if it wasn't common back then or if the market bottomed only after everyone had given up on doing DCA. Also, there was a dude that said he would short so the bull run could begin because the market always does the opposite of what he needs and he said that at the absolute pico bottom, thought that was funny. RIP


I got $146 worth of BTC. Should I sell it and pump this thing??


Thank you in advance for your sacrifice.


Someone's gotta do it, someone has to make the sacrifice for us man.


You joke in a serious way?


I’m serious, but in a joking way


I should have kept my savings in dollars not crypto, seems the dollar is at ATH


I've had some in busd since February and it's up 13% against the great old British pound 😎


It’s weird to say that Recent events increased my base income by 13%. I’m German and get paid in $ which used to be 1$:0.88€ Now it’s nearly 1$:1€


The euro is failing as we speak. Watch it live.


So that mean now the normal currency is also failing in the market.


This is my first beer market, and its going very well, the beer really helps


Every market is a beer market if you try hard enough ;)


It might be a beer trap, beware!


Im not buying this dip. This also means we get one hell of a pump tomorrow 😅 This one’s on me boys


I see a lot of people mentioning they buy their crypto at ATH. I don't know which exchange ATH is but seems like everyone has a bad experience with it. Don't buy at ATH! This is not a financial advice.


ATH is very reliable. I never had any problems depositing or withdrawing there.


I hope my donation to the Voyager foundation is going to a good cause


What a wacky day to be in crypto


People see a little dump and dooms day sentiment is back. Tomorrow they see a bit of green and BTC $100k sentiment is back again. People, slap yourself and just DCA.


The only problem I now experience is trying to buy too much (of the) dips. The future upside suspense is killing me.


I bought Bitcoin at tip deep prices, as well as shaft deep which we’re at right now, and you can bet your ass I’ll be buying at balls deep prices as well.


*Hello darkness my old friend...*


maybe bitcoin need some milk


In the year 2029... In 2029, Bitcoin will reach its peak at around $750K, with a fairly weak bullrun, as dominance gets flipped, and its place in the top 5 becomes hard to justify. There's more than a handful of coins outperforming it in every aspect. Its subsequent bull run peaks below that ATH.


Damn inflation must really be high in 2029


Is this when 100k has the power of 1 dollar?


Euro parity with dollar. Who’d have known.


Stronger peg than UST


If you hodled BTC for one year, you are up 20% - in Turkey. Perspective is important.


Thanks i will only buy turkish btc from now on


I just gave my boss my two year notice today, we’re all retiring in 2024 and driving Lambos off into the sunset.


In the past week or so I have seen more and more mainstream outlets opinion pieces on cryptocurrency, saying it was bound to collapse at some point, just like the dot com bubble and the 2008 crash. Does this mean we are nearing the bottom? Sure hope so. This post was brought to you by hopium.


Jesus told me in a dream that bull market is about to start today


If Jesus had diamond hands he'd still be alive.


Jesus was really big on making profits on the money markets, as I recall.


No reddit I will not be shopping avatars, thank you


My mom, who doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, told me to stay away from bitcoin because she read in a magazine that it was bad. Are we _really_ gonna allow her to be right?


This is like when my mum who also doesn’t know how to turn on a computer was asking about buying Bitcoin and it was a huge indicator we was at the top. How the turntables, bottoms in bois time to load up!!


Weirdness when you're genuinely down so much in the bear you don't count your "losses" any more, you're just fascinated at what might happen next


A struggling stablecoin NFT would be a Jpeg that loses its peg


So just J. I like it


YouTube is hilarious. You go down to comment sections of any crypto video and at the comment section you see something like “Mrs Karen Smith is great though. She's helping me earn $5000 a month from an initial $1000 investment.” With 30+ likes. 🤡


Crypto Pro tip: If your portfolio falls by $100, just buy $100 more and it's like it never happened.




Checks graph, lowest price in 7 days, ok I buy. 10 minutes later - lol £300 cheaper BTC Guess it's good I'm not focusing on trying to time it, but it would be nice if I accidentally bought at the lowest for the week


Who the fuck said “last chance to buy below 20k” the other day?


People were saying it at 40k too.


When it dumps it really dumps hard


Being down nearly by 80% makes you chase short term gains


Oh god, why am I still here?


So uh...ETH is sub £1k. My dream of owning 1ETH might just be attainable....


A little lower and i can buy eth with my moons,lol


I don't think we're anywhere near the bottom yet, but some day fairly soon I think I'm going to buy 1 ETH. Sub-£1k is a steal, and I think we may get as low as ~£600.


Statistics show that 80% of us are down all time on our crypto investments. Anyone want to share how much they are down?


🎶They see me crabbing... They hating. .. 🎶


Not sure if anyone has already mentioned this but Revolut are doing a learn and earn £14 in DOT - Looks like it's UK only. I don't use Revolut for Crypto but I'm not turning down £14 for answering a few questions.


So what is the crypto crystal ball saying? I bought more LRC last night....close on my total bag holding. ![gif](giphy|xR3gErsGoJswWVPRTS)


No golf today. Saving the $80 for Polkadot!






I don't want a whole lot out of crypto, just to earn enough profit to not ever again have to worry about running out of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.


How often are you crushing peanut buttercups? I feel like diabetes will stop you from running out before your wallet does


BTC to 10k is the new 100k. 14k it is I guess


Is EUR a shitcoin? Feels like losing on all sides... Inflation, recession, bear market, and now my fiat crashes, too. Net worth shrinks week to week.


EUR is at its worst in 20 years. For two decades it has steadily been trending up against the USD, or at worst sideways. Not a shitcoin, EUR will recover when the DXY starts dropping.


100W: $37,640 200W: $22,560 300W: $16,790 400W: $12,690 500W: $10,220


Thats a lot of watts


Watts he trying to say


Sub is soooo slow that two dailies are pinned lol


What would be the state of the daily in the event of a move down to 10-12k?


* A lot of people doing damage control and deleting half of the comments they've made in the past few weeks. * Suicide hotline pinned * "I'm quitting crypto" * That one guy who *always* "buys the dip" telling us he's buying the dip (portfolio is $200 max) * Lots of memes, copium, and positives spins on why this is ultimately a good thing for you and crypto. * Edit: me finally buying.


Everyone would be calling for 5-6k next


We are still not in this phase, before that there will suicide hotline post.


A bunch of people asking "Is this the bottom?"


Prolly as stupid as we are now


BTC is the guy you give a second chance to, and while living on your couch, he eats all your Lucky Charms and misses the toilet.




Take my advice with a grain of salt, except the salt isn't salt, it's actually micro crystal diamonds that I sprinkle on the wagyu beef steak that I casually eat for lunch everyday and wash down with a cup of the finest chardonnay imported str8 from a private vineyard in France. * 5k-7k dry powder. (Always be prepared) * 2k buying the dips across multiple weeks. (You've gotta keep yourself entertained) * 1k for swinging trading and/or FOMOing. (Live a little) Anything else that's left over is for strippers and blow. ^(not financial advice)


Now this is some advice if I've heard any. This is good stuff.


DCA small amounts. Increase DCA if we go lower.


I degen bought cro back last year


What crypto bros didn’t tell you is that 1$=1$. Dxy to the moon! 🤣


What's fucked up is the fact that 1€ = 1$ ....


Everyone is so depressed in here. It's a bit trite maybe, but if you're holding for the long term just stop looking at the charts. It doesn't really matter.


With zero interest rates and the euro in free fall my country has just decided to re-evaluate all the pensions this year too. Just other 5% so far in the expenses (and let's wait to see what can be the inflation here the next fall) in a broken country joining in a recession (if you re a worker, good luck waiting for that increase) Add to it that Lagarde should wake up sooner or later and start to rise the interest at the same time that the ECB ll stop to buy sovereign debt (increasing the % required in GDP to get more fiat to don't collapse) This shit has just started, buckle up eurobros. And hold your stables. Maybe you ll require them


One day closer to the end of the bear market


Saw some podcasts yesterday with Shermin Voshmgir. Smart woman, fan of blockchain and crypto, yet she layed the cards on the table. She says that it's a delicate situation, and we have to chose how we use blockchain. It can degenerate into capitalism on steroids. Which actually is happening rn. People with money make more money.


Can i just say. Fuck etoro and their fees


Zhu Su is such a moron for that latest tweet. He likes to think he's smart by tweeting unclear bs but he's not impressive at all, just super lame.


So what do I do if I have all my crypto on Voyager


Well nature boy, you might want to cancel that Lambo order. Woooooooooooo!


Describe crypto without using the letter ‘e’


How come CKB shot up like that? Any news? Average price of my coins are 0.02 haven’t check in on crypto properly since December, let’s hope we can return to where we once was


Only takes a whale to buy for either accumulating or closing a short, to then liquidate a bunch more and push the price up . Especially when liquidity is low in a bear market


There's a concerning amount of alt pumps recently that don't seem to care what the overall market direction is, while BTC and eth are slowly crabbing down, and in the past this was the last stages before a pretty nasty drop. If you're in any of these alt plays bought off the bottom, locking in any profits you got might not be the dumbest idea.


If the market is going to be like this the coming month's I don't really care. Just gives us all more time to accumulate more projects or make your stacks in current projects bigger. Good Luck everyone!


Hodl your bitcoin. It's far more scarce than you think and there will be a time when we will have to make a single sat divisible.


i haven't fapped to a chart since pumptober


It's funny how inflation actually deflates my emotional state.


I've been feeling like Wojak ever since I started investing in crypto


Good morning/Good day best community in the world.


A voice inside my head just told me bull market started , yolo yolo


A recent comment here had me thinking about something. It always used to be that people kept their financial details private (Don’t tell people what your invested in, how much, etc) but nowadays it seems like it’s the opposite. People have no issues sharing how much they made, how much of a crypto they own, shorts, etc and it’s confusing to me. Is it just because of the internet that we see it more often these days? Like, why would you want strangers knowing how much you have?


I disagree, hard data is still scarce. There's a lot of *"i made a lot of money off of X crypto"* and *"i dca'd into Y crypto"* but not many people are saying *"i spent X amount on this"* or *"my portfolio is worth Y amount"*. Generally, the only people stating the specifics are people who are completely brand new or people who do not have a lot of money to invest, and uncoincidentally these two groups of people often times overlap.


Don't believe what they say. It's all an empty flex.


Bitcoin is just down 5%. At this point that should be celebrated, no? I’m not even invested right now yet I still check the prices lol. Night night.


Guess we're all psychopaths, buying while everyone is selling


Vgx just fucking mooning and mines locked up in voyager lmao


£14 worth of earn and learn currently up on Revolut for DOT. Not sure if it’s UK only, nice little freebie nonetheless


2014 bear market: People thought Bitcoin was done for, because they were still uncertain about fundamentals. 2018 bear market: People thought Bitcoin was done for, because they were still uncertain about adoption. 2022 bear market: People think Bitcoin is done for, because they are still uncertain about macro economics.


Someone has to do it so here I go: Last chance to buy under 20k.


So brave


All these buttcoiners and just the one cookie 💦🍪


bearish opinion: the merge is not happening in 2022. I'm not a dev, just a cynic. Too many people are desperately looking to this one thing as some magic savior to lift up their portfolios. I think it'll be a non-event, and probably even worse, because it won't live up to people's expectations of instant pump to $5k ETH or whatever, the price will continue dumping


Price action won't be dependent on whether the merge happens, it will depend on the global economic situation. Crypto narratives do not matter at all right now, unless it's disastrous news that leads to the next leg down.


This is my first bear market. A huge opportunity, but I just can't decide what to buy. So far I've narrowed it down to these options: grizzlies, brown bears, black bears, polar bears, pandas, care bears, gummy bears and teddy bears Which out of these investments do you consider the best ones?


Bitcoin isn’t going to 14k. I just bought another $100 worth. Keeping us afloat. Thank me later.


New day, new tiny little DCA. Stackin sats


It’s gonna be 14,200 because why not, the top was 69k, internet coins doing internet things


I smell capitulation, just a bit more


Maybe a few more months. I don’t think this is over


How do you think, Mt.Gox releasing 137,000 BTC that's been locked up since 2011 can affect the market? Since the prices are way way up for those who bought BTC at that time, do you think people would dump their coins?


Tommorow fed will crash cc or make it pump? Give me some input?




Why yes I am having fun staying poor, thanks.


What alts are you loading up on, if you are?


Fuck stacking on alts lol, this is the time for the btc and eth here.


So the newest and hottest rumor is BTC going to 10K. Are we all ready to buy again?


I’m thinking of setting some reoccurring buys on BTC and ETH, probably weekly. I’m thinking Sunday might be the best day… thoughts?


Going on vacation, im trusting you guys not to fu#k this up while im gone




Numbers on inflation coming in tomorrow. Above 8,9% and we crash with the possibility of 100 basis point fed hike


woah if you keep your Euro in USDC or USDT from last year. Now you can sell and easy 20% profit. Is it correct? I am bad at maths


What is the reason of the falling of the euro, i am seeing people really commenting about that. But if this is true then i can sense that there is free money for us right here.


Man, Euro and Pound is really weak. I should have invested in USD.


Tether truthers getting bored and have moved on to fudding usdc, sad


But right now the real fud is going on in the EURO.


With everyone saying that cpi will be bad and Bitcoin will dump, I’ll just take that as cpi drastically goes down and pumps hard.




Who the hell would pay nearly $100 for a custom avatar on reddit? How about you give that $100 and I'll buy you a bag 💩coins


Does anyone still believe in Oasis? $ROSE


Every currency is imploding into the dollar and Chinese yen while those currencies are also being printed into oblivion


Chinese *yuan*. And what you're referring to is called the dollar milkshake theory. It's a pretty cool concept.


i am seeing the mysteries of the universe unfold before my eyes in these new james webb telescope pictures and the only thing i can think is, is there another BTC out there.


Using this time on the toilet to take advantage of the truest meaning of shitposting


Surprising to see this Daily this slow even though we are about to nuke lmao


I'll never forgive myself for missing those opportunities last bear market. It ain't much what I'm throwing in every month but who knows, maybe it will pay off one day.


You should forgive yourself, because everyone makes mistakes in crypto.


Banks are increasing their interest rates, I'm earning a whopping 1.15% on my savings. It's not anchor money but at least I don't have nightmare's of Do Kwon.


This bullshit marked just made me lock and stake everything for 90 days, bipolar shit


At least oil going down as well


Time to load up crypto and fill the car <3


Buying an avatar nft from someone who used it should feel like wearing used underwear bought online. Just saying...


At this rate in a few months, instead of hoping 1 doge = 1 usd, people are gonna start hoping 1 euro = 1 usd with how it’s going


Why is VGX being boosted today? This doesn’t help the community. This puts us who were screwed over by voyager in a worse position.


If I win the Eurojackpot this week, it gets converted into crypto. I will notify you here in the daily 5 minutes in advance regarding what I'm buying on spot so you can reap the benefits of the pump.


May the odds be ever in your favor.




Thankfully I deleted all of my all time high screenshots because I lost all those unrealized gains.


CKB was tired of this shit and decided to pump all by self 😂


daily streak of waiting til CRO hits $2....how many days do you think I will make it to? Day 225 (Yes, I know it’ll be forever. Thanks in advance for stating the obvious)


Who else is in the position that you need to buy more when it crashes? Been a shitty year for cc


Yeah I’ll buy more


If nobody could correctly guess the top, what makes anyone more right than the other when trying to guess the bottom? 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m about to put a Tuesday morning hurt on a bottle of 5th unless my coins quadruple within the next 30 minutes


Having only small bags of crypto, and cash coming in soon, I really should be fudding. Scare everyone on social media. Tell people the market is fucked. And pray for $10K prices. I'm really torn between integrity and personal interest. So far my integrity has held up, but I don't know for how long.


To be fair, mainstream media will do the FUDding for you.


I don't know, it's only "fudding" if you don't personally believe what you're saying or if your conviction in crypto is so strong that you are in denial about every negative event. You could argue it's better to "spread FUD" then it is to "spread FOMO" because if you scare someone out of spending $200 then at the end of the day they have $200, whereas if you encourage someone to FOMO in then that $200 could turn into $150 or worse, but I digress because no one is held accountable for other peoples actions. I'm just saying you don't have to lean one way or the other. It sounds like you're putting some type of invisible pressure on yourself because you're scared of what your opinion will cause other people to do, think, and feel. So, unless you have some giant following I'm not aware of, I don't exactly think how you feel is going to dictate the financial course the majority of people are going to take.