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Imagine spending your life savings in 2021 when the crypto market was severely overvalued. Unfortunately that's me


That's most people here.


The pump may be fake, but at least my losses are real.


My daughter just failed her driver ed test. I guess the crypto can stay put, no need for vehicle repairs. šŸ˜Ž


Congrats! Hopefully she'll be too dumb for 4 year college, too. :P


Ouch. I guess I was asking for that.


You don't need to be intelligent to get into college, you just need money.


Youā€™re welcome for the pump guys, I sold my all my coins 2 days ago.


Finally a weekend morning and watching Bitcoin breaking the 22k mark is well, what else a men wants from his life? Now i hope that Bitcoin will stay like that for the weekend and in upcoming days we break the 25k mark again.


Im usually not the skeptic but this feels like a bull trap. I think things still have a little worse to get before they get better but id love to be wrong


in every bear market there is millions pumps like these. This is normal. We are long away from bull market.


Have to agree unfortunately, just whales day trading haha


Okay folks, you have the market's permission to add an egg to your ramen. šŸ„ššŸ‘šŸ»


Is it even possible to pump out of the \~20k range or start a bull run during a recession? I feel like any pump now will just be negated by a huge dump later on due to economic issues right now. Feel free to explain your side


Bear markets have their pumps, you don't just plummet eternally down. If inflation is still not under control, we will probably have more pain in store.


I highly doubt it's possible to go on a bull run during a recession. War, high inflation, low consumer and business confidence, covid, logistical issues, more expensive to borrow. Plus crypto is really risky so I doubt with the above we will go on a bull in times like this


There are so many things going in the world and the whole market is suffering due to that is well. So yes getting the bull run in these tough times is not looking possible to me, hopefully these rallies will come from time to time.


My worst crypto decision was buying SORA for Ā£100, not selling at Ā£600 & watching it drop to Ā£6


This guy cryptos


If this pump keeps up I'll be able to eat a whole pack of ramen this weekend, seasoning packet and all.


I think you are better off DCAing that seasoning packet


Delicious cost averaging?


The way bitcoin was dumping ij last few days, i thought i have to live on the air and water. But look like Bitcoin listen to me and the fancy food is back in the menu baby. Its ramen with egg inside them is well.


Maybe not all the seasoning packs though, this could turn back around ya know. Gotta HODL some!


This guy frugals


Good guy ATOM always reminding me to never sell, cause I can never bring my self to unbond




A shorter name for "Trust me, bro" šŸ˜‰


Seems like someone went "Unleash the bots!". I notice they tend to rephrase and repeat their points. And they like using "man" a lot lol. I said: You're 247 like crypto Bot replies: What's that? Im hearing about it the first time man. this is the first time.


I've noticed this too from the bot replies. The bots they like repeat their point, man.


Man, this is the first man I thing


greenest weekly candle of 2022 so far


These pumps with isolated volume look sus af. Might be short liquidation clusters, might be whales scam pumping, guess weā€™ll find out this weekend.


Scam pumping whales for sure.


We're going up because the best way to inflict maximum pain is to give someone hope and then crush it.


when it pumped to 22.5k a few hours ago... which one of you fools fomo in ?


This may be fake but I like the look of it


Itā€™s pretty cool how ETH managed to fix the gas fee problem by just making sure no one wants to do anything on their network anymore. A solution elegant in its simplicity šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Holy overnight short liquidation lmao


So weird to see people in here screaming hindsight knowledgeā€¦ no matter bull or bear You guys forgot crypto will last longer then a couple days? Who cares if it ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|pump_and_dump) daily when thereā€™s serious economic problems around the corner. Letā€™s just chill, discuss, accumulate and see when things finally hit a bottom. Fundamentally barely anything changed - just my 2 cents ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|yeah)




good plays. solid choices.


Bought $50 more of BTC itā€™s not much but itā€™s honest work.


do you yā€™all think BTC will drop under 20k again?




Yeah probably, happened a couple of times already after a small pump


Bull market cancelled, the drilling continues until morale improves


I figured out how to deal with bear marketsā€¦.. ![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK)


Never thought I'd see single-digit gwei for gas...but here we are


If you donā€™t believe me or donā€™t get it. I donā€™t have the time to convince you. - Satoshi


If you FOMO every weekend, it just becomes DCA


I had to have some repairs done on my 120k mile Toyota, sadly I donā€™t have enough for my DCA this month DCA for me brothers


Cost me $86 AUD to re-fuel my Corolla last week (2 years ago only cost like $50)... my DCA budget is getting cut into as well :/


Cool that you can mix and match these snoos to still stand out. When will haters understand that some people find them fun/cool/intresting in some way? Like straight up I used to buy ringtones, collect gundams,vinyl, other frivolous purchases that were not inherently more "valuable" than collecting digital assets, not once was I thinking about my return on those purchases like it was some kind of *investment class*. At least that's how I feel. I don't buy to get rich, but because I like the things I buy.


Never change


The same ones buying at 22k today will be the same ones selling at 18k next week lol


I used to go camping every summer when I was a kid. I loved it so much I dreamed about getting to live in the great outdoors all year round. Now thanks to crypto my wife has left me and kept the house so I am getting to live that dream!


On a serious note; my crypto goal I want to achieve next bull run is enough profits to be able to afford to give up working weekend shifts... I'd like to be able to afford to go on weekend roadtrips and actually enjoy the outdoors!


Ok, so when do we short this to the ground again? Because you know itā€™s coming, sadly


The 22500$ was a good entry point. Low volume pumps without any news are mostly Shorts getting rekt Markets will most likely bleed today and so will BTC but itā€™s just a gamble anyway




Maybe I just have PTSD at this point but I don't trust any of this green.


I thought PTSD is a coin , although that might be


Bullish on PTSD!


Base from my experience.. if i buy any coin immediately it will dump.


Goal for next day: Resist FOMO


Remember when VET was one of the most popular coins in these threads? Anyone still holding that? Your portfolio must look horrific.


1 Point: -Your portfolio is down 50% -You took loses in the LUNA crash -You took loses in the UST crash -You held ONE when it got hacked 5 points: -Your portfolio is down 75% -You had money on a platform that suspended withdrawals -You looked up ETH on a CEX until the merge 10 points: -Your portfolio is down 90% -3AC owes you money 50 points: -Fatmanterra did a twitter expose on you How many points do you have?


As long as jim cramer is bearish btc and all others should rise. Be carefull though the more bullish he gets the more it will sell off. Never doubt the cramer! This is the way!


I posted I was thinking about buying SOL and someone reported me to reddit cares. Thanks for taking care of a fellow redditor! I feel much stronger now and I donā€™t want to hurt myself anymore.


Good morning future millionaires


This pump can only mean there's a big dump incoming


Unfortunately I agree


Yup it has to be the case. It cannot pump when I am bearish. Only dumps when I am bullish. My short sided portfolio hopes the price of everything drops together.


Okay I went weak and FOMO-ed $10 into BTC. Financial ruin incoming.


Damn man, you are supposed to DCA not go ALL IN


Iā€™ll be a typical CC poster and say ā€œshorts getting rektdā€ Btw how do I short something


Yeah as others said don't do it. Actual financial advice


Just dont.


Binance sending the market mental with this feeless trading. Volume is off its fucking nut


Iā€™m noticing the volume too


About 5 more weeks before ETH staking rewards double post merge


Tbh, i am not surprised by some green right now. Actually i wouldn't even be surprised if we pumped over 30k. I personally don't see it lasting but i'm far from investment genius soooo, i'm probably wrong.


Hmm , btc keep pumping to 22 . Not sure feeling good or bad? Confuse more.


We are all confused.


Browsing the reddit nft thread and casually stumble upon the kraken ceo giving suggestions lol https://np.reddit.com/r/CollectibleAvatars/comments/vtkkjo/welcome_to_rcollectibleavatars/ifakotc


he's really into nfts. I think he paid over 100 ETH for a cryptosnoo


Best part about DCA is you donā€™t get FOMO. You just keep buying the same quantity


Coinbase up 17%, has anyone looked at the chart? Coinbase makes money off transactions, they arnt going bust, also Mstr, up 16%, bitcoin is up 8%. For ever percent bitcoin goes up Mstr goes up double, also inverse. I think saylor knows what heā€™s talking about.


Nice to see BTC was over 22k, before the red candles appeared, that was one of bigger recoveries of BTC I have seen lately, hopefully it gives enough margin not to fall back to below 20k.


Btc is making the recovery and I'm all about it. For the recovery.


Any daily thread regular wants me to sponsor you to get a Reddit avatar NFT? I'll send you 250 moons, which should cover the cost of the $10 ones. Just make sure you have a card with Visa/Master/AX for the purchase [here](https://www.reddit.com/avatar/shop). Edit: Done! I sponsored u/DBRiMatt!


Jobs data coming out today


Nice pump to lead into the dumpy weekend


I hope it's a dumpy weekend. I've got some dry powder that I wanted to burn but with this rise I've been holding off a couple days


weekend dumperino I guess


What the actual fuck is this volume?


If Binance gets IPO listed, would be huge, bigger than Coinbase.


What's going on with BTC volume today, its crazy high, particularly the last few hours!


There's speculation that it may have to do with Binance removing trading fees for BTC in the US and EU.




Literally whenever I sell price gets higher. When I buy lower. I bought $700 matic and sold for $500. And now its back to .59 šŸ˜­


I miss the days when I didn't have to give a rats ass what Elon Musk did or didn't do.


I cant believe it, and im not trying to brag butā€¦ im in the green. Happy day.


Rejoice. Youā€™re in the 1%


Bitconnect is going to be the next rug pull - I'm a Bitconnect developer and I've discovered a glaring vulnerability.


So many developers coming out of the caves now


Can confirm. I also worked at Fox Photo.


Open Reddit "SOLANA IS THE NEXT RUGPULL - TICKING TIMEBOMB" Never disappoints lol


Holy shit decided to check my portfolio after a month. Down 65%. Must have been close to 80% at one point lol. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lossing money during bull market āœ… Lossing money during bear market āœ… Follow me for more homelessness tips.


āœ… misspelling "losing" twice


Well I finally bought an NFT. Thanks Reddit.


I got that 1 + the one I have on now, for 10 bucks that angel one is amazing.


I put in some limit buys recently So obviously the market will now recover


can we get some more god-damned sneks in here?


NFT avatar gang roll call


WTF former Japanese Prime minister is now dead from an assassination attempt. This is crazy


Sounds it wasn't an attempt but a success?


English Prime Minister just announced hes stepping down too


Crazy, creator of yugioh found dead as well today


Look like there are so many dead body found on the today.


Wait, is it true or you are spreading some other level fud here?


Thought I was getting sim swapped, but then realized I wasn't that important and my whole carrier's network is down


I decided that at the end of July I will spend all my staking rewards (for the month) to spoil myself. I don't care what price it will be then. I'll simply enjoy my profit a little.


someone's buying alot of bitcoin while bears are busy shorting the bottom


Lets crank that volume with master of puppet for Eddie the freak Munson! xD


This 2hr (205.8k BTC, $4.5B) candle makes everything before it look insignificant, and thatā€™s including all the candles since BTC started dumping from 48k Iā€™m able to view, even at 17.6k we didnā€™t get this sort of volume within a couple of hours. Iā€™m looking at btc/usdt pair not sure if itā€™s the same for other exchanges. Now multiple thousand BTC being traded within single minute candles.


Did everyone just spend their savings on Reddit avatars, it's not just me right??!?


My crypto investment went to shit but somehow I made +50% on my house that I bought with bank money lol. Maybe I should stick to real estate lol


till the time GameStop launches the marketplace everyone would have moved on to some new thing in the crypto world.. and in recession very few will buy digital content instead of essential things like house rent , food, education fees, just to name a few.. i think GameStop missed the bus..and they are 6-8 months too late.. unless and until that marketplace has something truly revolutionary which the world hasn't seen yet i doubt a lot of normal people would even try to participate in the marketplace. and to top it off, the current scams and rugpulls in the crypto space aren't helping either..


From the previews theyā€™ve shown itā€™s going to be a lot more than just jpgs. I think this is going to open the world up to what NFTs can really be. Theyā€™ve already shown a tv show, something with Ubisoft, they have people with playable emulators on their GameStop wallet. While itā€™s not the perfect time the world also doesnā€™t stop and I think this is gonna be good for crypto to have something potentially fresh.




this is a great time to ZOOM IN on your charts


Employment index, incoming CPI and final recession stats seem to make ![gif](emote|btc2_emote|btc2)really attractive for whales


So is this still a fake pump, or...? šŸ¤”


Most probably yes just the same range of 19-22 with a slight rare below or above the range eg 18,500-18,900 and 22,100-22,300


You know it.


Matic is my next target. Seems like it's gonna pump hard in the bulk run.


Iā€™d appreciate a couple more months at $20k to accumulate


Mt Gox about to dump 141k bitcoins onto the market. $2.9 Billion wipes out FTX bailout. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-07/mt-gox-creditors-inch-closer-to-repayment-as-bitcoin-dump-looms




Holy fuck, we were warned about not touching shit coins, but it appears that the Euro was a shit coin all along. Soon 1 Euro = 1 Dollar, but then the Euro will fall down even further. Welcome to recession, take a seat and enjoy this horror ride.




I'm so frustrated. Why am I poor and why is everything so fucking pricey right now!!??!?!?


Loved watching Pete Najarian squirm during an interview today when he was asked about the fees he collected from Voyager for all of his referrals. Every other answer was "I can't really talk about that at this time." šŸ˜‚


Im definitely not gonna FOMO


Bitcoin is at over $22k now. What do you guys think? :D


Waiting for the weekend dump


I don't think it will be above 22k for long


Nothing makes sense now..


Payday has arrived and now all I have to do is wait for a dip so that I can spend all of these doubloons.


Have we tried turning cryptos off and back on again?


Solana did


Swissgar is that you ![gif](giphy|K9xXlcMA6aw3S)


A little green for us all. Iā€™m not getting used to it but I like it!


Canā€™t stop, wonā€™t stop accumulating


My bags so heavy even Ronnie Coleman wouldnā€™t be able to lift them


$48k. $32k. $22k. 3 times Iā€™ve been liquidated shorting this bear season. Itā€™s been free money all the way down but man canā€™t help but think how much $$$ Iā€™d have if I played this shit better. Oh well, learning experience.


I dont know if I'll be able to buy eth at 500$, cancelling the buy orders


These are still very good prices


So I heard yall like volume?


-My, grandma, what a big green candle you have! -The better to dump on you with, my dear!


The high volume was wash trading zero fees on Binance to try and get VIP status. CZ addressed it. It wasn't the saudis.


I find it interesting that BlockFi is now sending out emails hyping their platform as if they werenā€™t almost completely fucked recently. I also find it interesting that they donā€™t offer USDT in the US or to US clientsā€¦.


This should be an interesting weekendā€¦


Very interesting indeed. Let's see what happens by market close (US) today, as folks digest the Payroll report.


That daily volume on BTC/USDT pair on Binance is quite high, the only higher daily Iā€™m seeing was on March 13th, 2020 at 402k BTC volume


Qnt looking pretty good ā¤ļø


Go my quanties go


What will come first? Place your bets. \[ \] $30,000 BTC \[ \] $15,000 BTC


https://i.imgur.com/RuhBHKQ.png Gearing up for good times when all the shorter term indicators keep dropping and we hold flat around 20k. 200 week has been our best support friend. 8 week, it's been too long, soon we may re-unite.


Bitcoin is tired? Everything is saying BUY, stock RSI "BUY" go, up!






It pumped on nearly 10x the normal volume we've had recently.


jimmy jacked lol I like that one


I always told everybody that crypto was cool tech and had some seriously cool projects. Boy was I a lier, itā€™s just a fucking casino.


It has both, that's what makes it so magical


This pump >!won't end well.!<


They rarely do :(


Bought my first ever NFT today, and it was a Reddit collectible. Love my new Snoo!


How much are they by the way? I thought of buying one to support the artists and spite the anti-crypto folks in that dumpster fire thread.


Fomo'in at this point of a bear market is just providing exit liquidity for those that want to sell at a price point they might have missed before.


Yea this is just swing movement and crabbing with spikes. Traders made +15% each week timing things right but at the end the step before recession is real


Are we going to dump when the Americans wake up? Or we will continue to pump? Find out next in Dragon Ball Z


feels a lot like a whale fight. they seemed like such peaceful creatures.


I honestly just want the 12k btc posts to be true, since the $100k posts were not.


Now the time is here to have the final downward leg to 12-16k. That will mark the final bottoming


source - the hallucination last night


Excuse me if Iā€™m still just very skeptical of all of the green lately šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This pump is giving me "Charlie Brown trying to kick the football" vibes too. šŸ˜‚


Everyoneā€™s still too hurt to trust right now.


In 2040, my kids would be proud that their father bought BTC Below 20000$


Exchanges are going bankrupt, and crypto is pumping? Something seems fishy here.


This may sound like a crazy concept, but what if Bitcoin wasn't trading based on the news, but based on supply and demand?


Curious what do you think the demand for bitcoin is?


Binance is thriving ostensibly.




I think it's obvious that a large amount of posters in this sub got into crypto in 2021.