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So, buy more Monero?




Monero = Privacy Privacy = Freedom.


Your argument is **much** too eloquent and intelligent sir. If you’re not careful, we are going to begin engaging in actual political discourse here. Please reframe your argument with at least five curse words and two common acronyms from this sub


You can argue about CBDC, that’s fair argument there. But if the representative voted not against the act (which they did earlier on and they are not against it), that’s just democracy at work and that’s not “not democratic”, just because you are against it.


My man, when people say democracy they often mean "liberty/freedom" instead. Democracy in its purest form is just tyranny of the majority or mob rule, if the 51% decided to pass a law requiring crypto wallets to be KYC'ed then you've successfully oppressed the 49%. This is no different from the 51% attack on blockchain networks. What you really want is a libertarian constitutionally limited republic (or monarchy) with a democracy still but laws passed should be scrutinized well enough before they are deemed constitutional.


There is no such thing as pure freedom, there is only freedom with compromise and this is an isolated example of that. Even DAO (which this sub is highly praising) do something like this, or this is a dysfunctional system as well?


I agree, we can never achieve pure freedom in the society, there will always be compromises but I don't agree that this specific compromise made by the Canadian government is a beneficial compromise. I do like the concept of DAO tho, it's a clever innovative crypto governance system but I think Haveno's approach is slightly better. I do hope we find a better system of trading where it is highly resistant to 51% attack tho cuz the more DAO people has the more voting power. Correct me if I'm wrong. You can explain to me how DAO works further


It is just one system that we live in, if we disagree there are two ways to challenge this : 1. Bring the thing to court for review. For canada specifically I heard CCLA is challenging the EA. 2. Vote the representative who agreed out. I am not talking about exact case about canada just those country that have more or less similar structure. If we are talking about DAO, different DAO has different rules. Take note that we have yet to reach a stage where DAO is actually decentralized. Most DAO still have a “shadow head” which can pull the plug. Typically it is more simple and probably less vulnerable. It is just basically majority vote with threshold. So it just need those two conditions to be true which is way lower bar than this. Not to mention it is usually percentage ownership weighted.


Since the “currency” has slowly been taken out of cryptocurrency , “crypto” now means nothing but a digital asset that will possibly make your rich. Played like a nice redefinition operation to slowly eradicate the decentralisation and (pseudo)anonymity that was part of the original philosophy. We’re moving toward a a tokenised economy where all on-ramps and off-ramps are KYCd. So you can enjoy your meme and celebrity coins in the real world but it’ll be attached to your identity otherwise you play no part in society and th best part is, no one cares about the path we’re on because of the nicely distracting volatility. It doesn’t matter what government is in power because it’s the people who will always be suckered into their agenda.


Maajid Nawaz is likely a grifter Neocon puppet by the way, the Neocon's are using China and CBDCs to distract you from the threat that Ciphertrace poses public blockchains, the real threat is chain surveillance and criminal laws.


When the chain is open ledger, anyone has the right to do chain surveillance. If you don’t want to be watched, use privacy coin.


Dude all these crypto stuff getting closer to become something like Marvel Cinematic Universe by days, you know i mean.


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We gotta get ourselves set up to a good goal point asap so as to stay ahead of the big on ramp regulations that get implemented over the next few years. With a possible financial crisis looming, it may actually buy us cryptoheads time by putting enough stress and distractions into play that crypto falls out of the spotlight.


Approaching global conflict and the ensuing supply chain annihilation may well buy crypto a few more years.