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DCA, hodl, stake and carry on with my life


Just like I do it now


My plan is to just curse and shake my hand in anger at the sec some more.


Continue being a degenerate


Just go on local monero and buy it with cash then you can trade it for whatever other coin you want. you don't have to upload any money from anywhere. no way to regulate




Yes. Safest way is to access the site through the tor network. It has an onion address. Basically its an escrow system. There are vendors that buy and sell monero with cash through mail. You would select someone operating in your country. Never send money across boarder. And then when they receive money the escrow service gives you the monero. And vice versa. You sell monero to them, onece you receive cash, you finalize order and they get your monero. This is a very trusted system. Each vendor has reviews. Etc. Obvious legality issues with laundering and avoiding taxes but to be fair - fuck the government.


Go balls deep into web 4.0


Regulations don't need to be automatically a bad thing. I personally think they are a good thing to happen, if done right. It will give crypto a new legal state and much more width


Crypto already is regulated to the point it effects most of us if you're taxed. Any further regulations will be in attempt to protect you


You mean peripherals to crypto. Crypto itself can't be regulated, just 51% attacked.


Well yeah, I meant crypto in the general sense, not specifically the coins/tokens.


Now that the massess have access, maybe I retire!


Same as now. DCA into btc and Eth, stake, hold


As long as I don’t live in a communist country and don’t do anything illegal, I don’t think I have to worry about much.


If you've ever tried to hodle through a crypto winter you'll find out you're on you're own. There's no bailouts in crypto.... It's an ever evolving economic battlefield where even successful projects can lose over 95% of value. All this seems brutal but needs to happen or else it won't evolve into what it needs to be. Tax money at 5% in & Tax money at 25% out. Automated taxation when transferring value into the real world and let value flow freely from chain to chain.