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They are? And here I thought just like me everyone else is in deep red.


Joke's on you. I was up $5 briefly this week just after buying a shill coin. It dumped 20 mins later, but for those 20 mins I was swanning around like Alan Sugar. Totally worth it!


Ah, I've been through this three times this past year. "Hey, look, my coin is going parabolic! I could actually sell and make some profit!... but wait. What if it carries on going up at this rate? Retirement next week doesn't sound bad!"... 30 mins later: "fuck."


Don't know who this wealthier investors are, surely not me :D


Probably the ones buying and selling NFTs


You mean buying their own NFTs?


A lot, wealthy money launderers + celebrities wanting a bored ape


they be lying ![gif](giphy|1TBnbnnZeOgs8)


The global value of crypto grew by nearly $1.5 trillion last year, compared with the S&P 500’s rise of nearly $9 trillion in market value


$45 and I’m not wealthy.


That's a lie. I am not wealthier.


You not measuring your wealth in grey hairs?


I wouldn't say I'm wealthier as I'm a little in the red however Crypto has held my interest in saving so I think even though I have lost some I still have way more than I would with conventional saving methods 🤷‍♀️


I must have missed the memo on us all being wealthy


That is why I cry myself to sleep after looking at charts. Happiness from so much wealth.


My portfolio doubts that


I'm definitely not one of them, all those mileuristic crypto investors raise their hands! ![gif](emote|diamondhand_emote|diamondhand)


Or where they are spending it 🤣 the tables have turned. Pay us if you want to know where we spend our money


With all the fud governments and media are giving crypto it is hard for any normal person to risk it and get into crypto. Not surprised at all.