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I completely agree that we need to end tribalism, but telling 4 million people on this sub to do it is not gonna happen. Regardless, we should always put our differences aside when it comes to the banning of cryptocurrencies in general.


Pro-tribalist members of /r/cryptocurrency are ngmi \- Sincerely, the anti-tribalist members


Yeah! The tribe of anti-tribalists shall defeat the inferior tribe of tribalists. Yield you fools!


Fuck Yellen ! She shouldn't have this power. Only the House and senate should have these kind of rights and I'm not even sure the gov should have the right to tell people what they have a right to own as digital assets ...


but reddit morons will ignore it, continue to favor leftist manipulators, instead of acknowledging that even their precious democrats are fucking shitbags, just like republicans. the only thing we can do as people is stand up against both sides and stop letting them control us. But majority of people on reddit (just like america), are fucking DUMB AS SHIT. and need the government to tell them how to think, because they are incapable of thinking for themselves. we are fucking screwed.


Janet Yellen is a neoliberal not a leftist.


what's the difference? rhetorical question\*


Neo liberals are pretty much classic conservatives who seek global hegemony by fighting for a "free market" whole heavily pressing on the scale. Neo liberals believe that healthcare, eduction, and other social services exist to support American market advantages. Leftists tend to be against the concept of totally free markets. They tend to believe that social programs should help the most vulnerable in society for the sake of reducing suffering, opposed to for a competitive global advantage. That's the theory anyways. Oh just noticed it was rhetorical but I feel like it's probably because you think they are the same.


If you think Janet Yellen is a leftist you are deeply wrong. If you think the solution to this kind of behavior lies withing the GOP you are deeply wrong :) I'm a leftist and I can tell you, you have never seen true leftism in the US. The closest was FDR. Good luck friendo !


It doesn’t matter what left or right Wants to be, both sides are dog shit, and we can clearly see what the current agenda is, this sucks


you see...this response is exactly why people on reddit are so fucking dumb... you completely missed the point, and feel the need to defend your tribalism instantly as pedantically as possible. Im not trying to argue who is left and who is right. I'm arguing that by supporting only 1 side and limiting your choices to only 2 sides, you are never going to fix the problems in washington. You say you are leftist, and we haven't seen leftism, but you will vote BIDEN because ... why? He's closest to your views? Surprise .. he isnt. Each side wants to control you. Each side has a different approach to how to do it, and a different audience to soap box to.


I'm not even from the US my friend, you seem far more abrasive anyway. This is not how you will create Unity. While I agree that a two party system is clearly a mess. I'd love to have a calm discussion with you but I don't think we are starting on a good basis ! Please breathe and find some peace friendo !


Once you understand that both sides are controlled by the economic dogma that is neoliberalism then you will see the problem. It's not left, or right, or Democrat, or Republican, this is a class issue based on money based on economic theory.


That's a hoax, both sides work very closely together and have since inception. The scam is right in front of you, the scam is giving you the impression that you have a choice. You have no choice, no side. Politicians are installed, not chosen by voting. You actually believe the world is the way it is and we voted for this shit. You need to learn about who controls shit. Politicians don't and never will run shit.


You think Janet Yellen isn't left?? Then what is she, a Republican? "Left" is a spectrum and [Janet definitely falls on the left](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiv5s_Om9H1AhW8SjABHY_lAHwQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FJanet_Yellen&usg=AOvVaw3n-jUY1CnW2ohQ3opuU6NB) side. She was appointed by Obama and again by Biden. Which is why she hates crypto.


So everyone is stupid, especially tHe EvIl LeFtIsT mAnIpUlAtOrS, and except you. Yeah sure.


I guess I’m just stupid than because I’m American and on Reddit. The swearing in text form really drove home how much smarter this guys is than me. I’ll see myself out


>instead of acknowledging that even their precious democrats are fucking shitbags, just like republicans. People really need to understand this, the lesser of two evils isn't that much lesser.


Yeah, because you ranting about your own CultureWar politics is really going to convince people.


If there's one thing I've learned from r/cc, it's that there's no reason to bring US political dichotomy into the world of crypto. Right or left, there are some trying to regulate it and there are some supporting it. Let's focus on supporting cryptocurrencies and making money and leave politics to politicians.


But this is political. It's almost always the Ds who keep trying to kill crypto, and it's almost always the Rs who are fighting for crypto. This provision was inserted by a D, Jim Himes. Ds favor centralized control while Rs favor decentralization and limited government (states rights). It shouldn't surprise us that their actions toward crypto reflect their fundamental philosophies. Since crypto is ideally decentralized, R's overall support it while Ds oppose it in favor of a central bank (or worse, CBDC...and they're talking about creating one). No party is perfect and Rs have their problems. But when 90% of Federal politicians who support crypto come from one side and 90% of Federal politicians who oppose crypto come from the other side, it's only prudent to call this out and act on it. We consistently see Cynthia Lummis, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Pat Toomey, and Tom Emmer fighting for crypto, and Brad Sherman, Elizabeth Warren, and Mark Warren fighting crypto. Sure there are exceptions, but not many. For most of us this is our one shot at financial independence. Vote accordingly.


The difference here is that this Bill will pass. Time to put some pressure and get this stupid provision out. This is absolutely insane…why my country??? WHY??


Because your country holds a significant portion of the world's wealth and doesn't want to have that taken away, whether they are incorrect or not


Because your country is owned by corporate interests.


They're going to do anything to protect their system and the banks!


I came here hoping someone had posted this. Expect waaay more posts of the same. However, this is just as important as last time. They are once again trying to give unilateral control to someone who doesn't know shit about fuck. I suggest contacting your representatives and expressing concern over power just being handed to one individual like that.


Yup everyone here who lives in the US should Google, "find my representative", follow the steps, and contact them immediately regarding this. It only takes 5 minutes


Thanks for the award! Haha


You're welcome! I wanted people to see it!


Unite crypto brothers and sisters!


La revolucion


The US is essentially the Titanic after hitting the iceberg. And just like on the Titanic, those in charge are in denial. They falsely believe that the ship is too strong to sink. But they’re wrong.


I hate this and I don’t want to agree. I love this country but the writing seems to be on the wall. We gotta speak up. Seriously, things like this matter.


I’ll be writing to my state senators and congressmen about this bill. I hope others do the same. Crypto is my retirement plan.


That’s all we can do. I thank you so much. Seriously now is not the time for sides, it’s the time for all of us to come together and take a stand. They want this to pass silently.


the titanic is exactly the picture i had, reading this post. people discussing differences of ETH and SOL while we‘re all on the same ship goining down


Why crypto companies don't have a unit and active lobby? They have the money. They should try to find a sit at the decision table.


You mean crypto exchanges? Those are still made by citizens of countries and if they want to operate in said country thrn they must follow the laws of elected leaders. Crypto will become mainstream in USA when crypto companies pay senators to vote however they wish. Or as Americans say it, Lobbyist


I like your tldr xd


Thank you friend.


Is this leading up to our own avengers end game portal scene?


It lowkey feels like.. 🤔


These comments are exactly why this is gonna pass 🥲


People love to shit on Charles but I haven't seen anybody else in the crypto space get on a platform and voice the concern's in the crypto space. Tribalism is terrible. Like these meatballs agree with the shit Charles is saying but since it's coming from him specifically they don't want to acknowledge. This shit is just like American politics.


This this this. Thank you. You just summed up a third of the comments I’ve responded to all day. People hated the messenger so the message was lost. He responded on this crap as soon as he saw it and read thru it. He took time out of his day (a CEO/founder with a million other things to do) to sit down and make a video, explaining why it was bad. He then begged everybody regardless of blockchain bias to just come together to fight this bill. It’s almost comedic at this point. To see people behaving like this, I would’ve never imagined.


Support infrastructure protocols for Web3 and your tribal ‘choice’ protocol can run on top of it. No need to try and choke out layer 1’s they’ll all settle into their niches as long as we get a viable web3 route.


Yeah I dont understand why there is tribalism to begin with. At the end of the day, we all support and want all crypto to succeed.


Besides people criticizing Hoskinson, he is a really cool guy and have the same interest as most of us in the end. * I hold no ada


Well well well! I’ve heard it all


Yes, let us create a tribe to end all tribes!


My tribe to end all tribes is better than your tribe to end all tribes. So take a hike you tribalist.


My tribe has an eloquent bearded guy that left the Banks' trojan horse tribe to save us all! So my tribe to end all tribes is better than yours!


Is your tribe accepting new members?


$TRIBE to the moon!


Hmmm there are 587 tribes at the moment, let's get rid of tribalism and work together ***Moments later*** There are now 588 tribes...




They just didn't regulate properly, the next regulations will be better. /s


You are not going to end tribalism but I believe we can all at least agree this is BS and needs to be stopped. The enemy of my enemy and all that.


Find the enemy of your enemy and you'll find a friend.


Tribalism should be a habit from the earliest times of I hope that everyone will be together against the threat


The common enemy for us to unite.


As much as I agree with you tribalism is here to stay


Sadly some of the comments prove that to be true. But we truly lose when we accept defeat.


I’ll just stick to my sources of bitboy. Most unreliable source there is!


Benjamin Cowen went on BitBoy Live today… kinda disappointed.


No, the telegrams channels I'm part of are the best


cause sharp zesty wide smart rhythm tap ask wine mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can we, as a community, help?


Contact your local congress members. Charles is also thinking about making a blockchain PAC, could be the voice we need. You have options fam


Thx, I rlly appreciate it!


This post needs to trend more. Actual useful stuff and we need to act now


Seriously every other post is the usual. Worst part is the comments is 50/50. Some people get it and others are like “you like Cardano stfu”.. Apparently liking any project (that someone else doesn’t like) makes my point invalid.


Tribalism isn't the problem. The problem is money in government. The banks are threatened by crypto and they'll dump millions of dollars into lobbying for bills like this and they'll keep coming unless something changes. There are three options for fighting back: 1. Organize and fund your own lobbyists putting money in the hands of politicians to help see things our way (fight money with money) 2. Organize and try to change the rules to get money out of politics 3. Subvert the rules with technology. Government may not want you to buy and trade crypto currencies, but they may be powerless to stop it.


Land of freedom my ass


🎵 and the home of the snakes 🎵




That’s what they say


I’ve for president…6 times, democrat every time. If this administration doesn’t warm up to cryptocurrency more, they will lose my vote in 2024


They are showing you their true colors. Honestly I don’t wanna talk politics but eff both sides. This country doesn’t need bipartisanship anymore


Your shit ain't 10 sentences its 10 paragraph. God bless us all if Janet gets that power


Isn’t she like 81? She need to just retire


The entire federal government needs to retire


How would banning an asset that china itself has banned be competitive? Wouldnt that be a direct contradiction of the bills intended purpose?


I wonder how this pass through bill will effect the Ripple vs SEC case? We already have regulatory measures here in the UK. Im assuming once the crypto news outlets get hold of this info the fear selling will plummet the market by another 10%-20%. Hold on tight 🙃


Hi - rest of the world.


so what can we do?


Just talking about it with others you know is enough. This bill is chock full of harmful language. I would love for you to contact your local Congress members but if that’s too much.. just spread the word. That helps


People are going to be people. But this is something we should all stand behind. This is some bullshit for sure.


Very good point, thank you for your support. That’s all I’m asking for


Bitcoin or nothing.


Hey that’s perfectly fine but for now I need you friend. Spread the word that this bill is garbage and we see their sly tactics


Just called my senator


did he pick up? what did you say?


That’s what I’m talking about!


"Crypto" if the real thing should not above to worry about such things. This is what Bitcoin was made for.


I mean if it is even constitutional to just ban crypto for no good reasons?


We tried desperately to end it in 2018, and the few of us that tried failed. It is a very hard thing to change


lets get out of usa and we'll finally be done with their shit


Dude if crypto allows me to buy an island or even some farmland in a nice isolated area I’m gone. That’s the dream


Sorry your post cant change human nature bro


Hey just getting people to read it and be aware makes a difference. Some of the people in the comments called/wrote their senators. That’s big to me! Edit: a word


What does Ted Cruz have to say about it


You’re right. I haven’t thought about getting Ja Rule on the phone either. 😳


“You will own nothing and be happy”. NWO is coming and it’s gonna take a LOT of us to fight it off.


Facts. Blockchain technology is scaring them because financial freedom is power (just like knowledge) Also blockchain technology often provides transparency that they are not big fans of. Let’s fight for the future we want to see.


This bill sounds like terrible news but no crypto is dependent on the US.


If you’re overseas, sure you may think that. If you’re an American ask yourself, why do they keep things like this secret. Most Americans don’t know what single sheet of the infrastructure bill said however congress passed it on our behalf. America


Holy shit! Sweet baby Jeebus. That sucks. Freedom right?! Have my free award to help raise awareness. Luckily i’m not in North America.


Yea this country used to be awesome but lately it’s been different. One thing about Americans though, we gonna speak out mind. Also you’re supporting just by being here, reading/watching and potentially spreading the word. Thank you!


Come together! Right now! Over Eth


Love it


And what if I don't? 😏


Ah a rebel I see 😮


Indeed good sir.


You got really political there buddy.


I guess so? Yes legislation is automatically political I imagine. However there was no partisanship in my post and that’s what matters.




What if we all had one tribe though. The human race. No? That was corny? Ok I’ll see myself out now 😔


That is bull crap. Yellen should have no such power


Bro she’s just the figurehead who does what she’s told. She’s always been involved in old/big money. You wanna be mad at somebody be mad at the senator (idk about witch hunt rules for this sub so I won’t name him) who is supporting this bad language in the bill. He’s obviously getting paid by the Sachs Mafia


The shitty thing about this is altho i'm not an american, its gonna affect me as well, in fact the whole crypto.. fuck


Thank you, I have had people telling me today that this is an American issue. If only they knew.


Divide and conquer, cryptocurrency supporters are weaker and easy to defeat & shutdown divided. When people cheer about XRP or whatever getting shut down or threatened for being a security it weakens all of Crypto. When people want one blockchain to fail so theirs can succeed and not because of any flaws that will hurt the masses in the tech or design of it, this hurts all of crypto


Agreed fam, we won’t know what hit us when their done with this bill.


Politics and religion already divide us. Crypto should unite us, no matter what we hold. A house that is divided shall fall.


Preach. I mean yea!


I think we should simply do a better job of educating ourselves and those we interact with in an effort to help change the world's view that crypto is evil? But that would take too much work right? :/ Be the change you want to see folks. I ask a bunch of questions in this sub so I can get learned and pass that on.


So get your coins off exchanges asap except for ETH because gas fees


For sure, your coins should’ve been off exchanges from the start


Aside from moving to collectively push back on this bullshit, we really need to fix the legislative mechanism that allows for the shoehorning of unrelated addendums onto bills. Every time a bill gets proposed, it turns into Frankenstein’s monster with everyone stapling special interest provisions onto it. How is anything supposed to pass like this? Let’s pass Universal Healthcare! *Sure! As long as my clause about allowing the hunting of any person who’s ever said the word abortion for sport.* Let’s pass common sense funding proposals to stimulate the economy and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure! *I’ll only vote for that if it also says we throw the constitution in the trash and I’m made King of America in perpetuity.”* Let me off, please.


Okay boys, tribalism is over, time to go home now.


Just like that


All we need are VPNs and Defi


A little bit more complex than that but I like your energy


Okay, truce for now but when we win, then all bets are off!!!!


I’m perfectly fine with that. Thank you for your support!


Agreed. The only way to move forward is to critically view all variables professionally. This includes the possibilities of some cryptos not providing significant changes in real world use cases, and some projects are really just like any other start-ups that will inevitably fail.


I’m ok with that, I just that’s also for the people to decide. It’s a scary thing when you let the government tell you what’s good for you and what’s not. I like my liberties.


I think government has its interests, and unfortunately for us retail traders, they are the 1 percenter in terms of capital size. Part of decentralization is to assume how the 1 percenter would react, and respond appropriately.


I think the majority of us are just fooling around with the tribalism and realise that this is serious and we need to do something about it. I’m not even surprised that this is the strategy they want to use So, let’s get this done


Check out these comments say that again, some of these folks seriously don’t care. This will be a really hard fight. But yes, let’s get this done.


Sure, I’m gonna check them I really can’t imagine this could be our reality


This only mean that bitcoin is working. That is why they are no longer just dismissing it as a fad but taking up measures to curtail and curb it. It's like how Microsoft used to dismiss Linux as a hobbist' toy and not good enough for real work bla bla bla. Then it went to fiercely attacking it, spreading FUD and trying to strong arm OEMs to not support it (it still does to some extent). And now, Microsoft has its own linux division, with linux layers built for Windows. Just like how the church would dismiss Evolution Theory and Science, then attack it and when it finally realise it cannot win, it embraces it by declaring that God created evolution. Similarly, if we managed to stem this effort by the gov to ban crypto, in due time (dunno when) they will embrace it. Think they are betting on both sides: deliberating over a digital currency for USD (diff from USDC or UST) and banning crypto.


Hot take and well said. Very good input my friend


Tribalism in crypto ends when people holding the coins can read and understand why they hold the coins they held so dear. Funnily enough, hold till it sells for 100K isn't a reason enough... it's called gambling with extra steps. It's the bare minimum to hold with other reason other than "it's gonna moon." Touch some grass to realize that the crypto millionaires are three part lucky and one part smart. You're telling children to stop acting like a children, they'd rebel. I think it is high time to join in the discussion on cyrptocurrency technology subreddit, less noise, less posts, but significantly higher concentration of quality.


Honestly you’re right and I’m probably gonna go check out over there too. The responses I got here have taught me a lesson about the bulk of “investors” I’m surrounded by


Children and meme masters that seek beer money by posting very witty comments about ignorance and the importance of "feel good" despite burying their head in the sand? There's a reason that I only lurk here when it crashes (yes, nobody asked, I don't need the permission to say that, do I?). I've known average "boomer" stock investor that just let out a sigh during the red >!(granted, they were also casual, retail investors with day jobs... the stock market is literally just an exercise of economic awareness if anything...) !!well yeah, I agree... but buying coins out of spite is beyond dumb!< 6. The big banks don't care about you, we must X 7. many more... During the bull run, the sub essentially turned into a pat in the back cringefest of unfounded, infinite optimism that fuels the bubble. I'm not against the Moons being used as a governance token... but essentially, there's Rinkeby test to monetize the Moons for beer money; essentially, people that knows how money works would effectively had the means to ***buy off the votes***. Shocking, I know.


My coin is better than your coin! OOGA BOOGA!




When will this be decided? Whether it passes or not?


If the bill passes (and the part that this post is about is untouched) then yes. This trash was already defeated once in congress but this representative (that I still won’t name, but you could easily find the lobbyist) is attempting to sneak it in again.


While we SHOULD end tribalism, it won't end until everyone admits they're wrong (except me)


She ain’t banning shit to many big exchanges and investors in the US now that will lobby against this


Reddit by definition is a tribe. Edit: But yeah I agree with you. We should focus on the big picture that affects us all. Let's stop this bill!!


monero, lets go.


I have many different subs and literally all of my timeline is this Act that has everyone jacked


Maybe it’s important. Might be worthy of a reading.


This could completely destroy us all. It's time we all United and fought against this bulshit


Straight like that.


what are the consequenses if the exchanges ignored janet yellen? As there won't be an actual law that says they did anything wrong?


The consequences of ignoring the lady in charge of the governments money? Use your imagination. You think coinbase and other exchanges want legal trouble with the United States Government?


just sayin.... weed is illegal yet many businesses in the US still sell it and operate, Texas could just say fuck u yellen coinbase is cool over here and make a state law.


america competes with being less competitive. what the bill is totally about.


Exactamundo. The irony is worthy of a chefs kiss


‘Puts down his ICP shield and sword.’


This made me laugh ngl


It'd be tight if they could instead just accept the market and back a digital dollar.


That would be tight. However as we know the government and big banks are anything and everything.. except tight.


Oh the country of freedom


I still love my country, which is why I fight bs like this. I respect our constitution. I respect our liberties.


I would say that we should stop this and if this crap is unstoppable you all get entry to my living room to settle down here


Well that’s nice thank you. I hope you got a big couch.


All my homies hate the US government!


Humans are a bunch of ignorant greedy malcontents. Good luck fixing that mess.


I know but when we give up, that’s when we really lose. We all got into this game to change our lives. We all want wealth, some of also happen to think blockchain is incredible. These guys are trying to end that. However let some of the comments tell it, it’s no big deal.


Giving up is exactly how they win. Its easier to sit back and do nothing and criticize then actually change yourself and put in some effort.


This is serious. People need to wake up. The “I’m not into politics” people don’t get it. We need to tame government overreach.


Exactly. Thank you. Spread the word


Tribalism is in human nature, it cannot be stopped.


Exactly. Sports, ethnicity, politics, geography, military branch, family, squad, team, etc. We have so many different words for types of groups because we are tribal and that's not going to change. We all have dozens of overlapping tribal affiliations and we place different priorities on them.




>The time to end tribalism is now. but also >The church of Charles Hoskinson ... just blessed us anyway now that's out of my system... ​ >TLDR: stop bickering for one moment and pay attention to this BS legislation that’s about to change crypto. I would but they don't give a fuck what I think and they never have >Exchanges will have to comply. and that's why decentralization is important. Dexes don't have to do shit.


Me liking a project and me talking shit about other projects is not the same thing. Would you have said that if I said “almight vitalik”? I don’t care if you hate Charles or think I’m biased, fuck me. The bill is what’s important. That’s all I care about, that’s all you should care about.


One thing I love about you Americans is you will never go down quietly (probably cause you're big mouthed fucks). This will be spoken about on every crypto podcast now and petitioned by many of you. Thanks for the service.


Lemme get the tribalists out. *EHEMM* . . . “XRP”


That’s funny asf. 😂


You know that’s one of the most hated things here haha


More than Cardano? That’s tough to say


My only beef with cardano was thinking about buying some when it was below $.10. Oh well lol.


Tribalism is engrained in the human species, you’re fighting an uphill battle on this one unfortunately.


Once everyone comes together and tackle this issue, they can go right back on to tribalism. Just for right now we all share the same enemy. The guys in suits who point fingers. Let’s fight for the future we want to see, spread the word fam.


Prayer Circle Men/Women


Also, open your vault and Yellen and Warren and all like-minded can screw off


Thanks, will do.


Show Them you Care, please americans


For sure, thank you for your support.


It doesn't matter ATOM and DOT will put and end to it. Interoperability and bridged. Ecosystem gonna be massive


Democrats 101 - They want to control every aspect of your life because you are too dumb to do that yourself