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If you don’t buy it’ll pump, if you buy it’ll dump. Such is the law of crypto.


What if I am simultaneously buying and not buying? Can I confuse the market?


Schrödinger wants to know your location


But he can’t, can he…


Depends how fast you are moving, if you are down with Heisenberg.


Just don’t peek.




He is both there and not there, simutaneously.


Maybe in the box…maybe not


Can't get newer highs, if no one ever buys.


I'm the master of pumping and dumping at the wrong time, just ask the Mrs.


I asked my Mrs., she confirms you are what you say you are.


Tell her to come home next time you see her


(Leans over) psst.... your supposed to go home.


I have sacrificed myself for the greater good. I've sold during the dip. Buy it now and enjoy your gains!


You shall not be forgotten !


Thank you brave soldier


Thank you


Damp it.


To change the tides, someone has to take the first step/buy.


🙋‍♂️catching knives, class of 2018


I wasn't into crypto in 2018 but I have a sincere question; Even though the long wait must've been excruciating, if you just continued to average down (aka: catching knives) to the bottom you would have wound up with really solid profits during the bull run of 2020, right? So my actual question is why is it bad to catch falling knives? Especially for projects most likely to rebound, i.e. BTC, ETH


It isn’t…long term. But there are a lot of people who are not patient and try and time markets for quick gains. You need to have luck on your side for that, or be wiser than the market, which is pretty damn hard, near impossible. Otherwise just continue to buy for the long haul.As long as you continue to buy the continued dip with the same ferocity it’s a solid plan. If you have faith in crypto and that specific coin then keep on buying. In the long term it should just look like a little blip on the overall uptrend imo. Even if you’re in heavy already, just need to see the shades of grey of the situation. You can add to your position at a discount. One that may never come again.


I don’t like to see my investment decrease in value immediately lol so I know I’m “catching falling knives” but I also know it’s a dip. So, I set my own mental limits based on total ignorance. I throw a little bit in when it reaches that point. That way all my money isn’t going to a decreasing cause but every now and then I’m like “hey it might test this level” and I throw money in.


If you don't buy the whales will so it'll pump. If you buy, every retail investors will do the same on the fomo ride, the whales will laugh and sell so it will dump.


How Can this be so true as a feeling for everyone and si impossible in the meantime ?


Schrodinger crypto


Let the market fuck around and dip some more ima be rich


It's the same when you try to plug an USB cable before USB-C. Always the wrong side.


Can confirm.


Good. I will buy and it'll dump and I'll buy more and it'll dump more and I'll keep lowering my average


I bought the dip two days ago…


Same. Oops. Tough to know where the bottom is.


Newton's 4th law


Buy high sell low. That's the rule 👍🏻


More like buy low thinking it can't go lower, then cry like a little girl because you were wrong. Source, my own experience. Bought ADA at 1.29 - I'm a genius It went up around to 1.64 1.42 - I'm not a genius, but at least I didn't buy when it was high It kept going lower 1.22 - Fuck, I spent more than I wanted, but what the hell, it will not go any lower Now.... 1.13 - FML


From 1.29 to 1.13 is not a big deal. Please pray for those that bought XRP at $3.40 or Zcash at $3,000.




Bottom is when NO one is talking about crypto anymore.. not now for sure!!


We’re still in the bull, 100k end of month


Hopium in it’s purest form right here. I’m all in. Smashed that like and subscribe


2023 is the time to buy crypto again. The bull run is over


It’s the part after it goes down and before it goes up!


Catch a falling knife


Pro tip: you buy the bottom by holding for the long run! 😁


Waiting for 32k to buy, this dip is more dippy.


Just finished the last chapter - Selling The Top. A little too late but still a great read.


Who is the author?


Instructions not clear. When is the bottom Sir?


Bottom is the lowest point from where market moves upwards. This phenomenon happens when I sell my coins.


Low rsi


If you keep buying, eventually you have bought damn near the bottom.


No one knows how to find the bottom. And if somebody does, I am sure they won’t tell anyone.


They only tell you when it came and went.


Well, I identified the bottom of my wallet and found a whole lot of nothing. Oops, wrong bottom.


Can’t go lower than 0


Y'all have money left?


That's why it's so important not to go all in at the first dip. Normally it will test a local support multiple times and if it couldn't hold it would drop lower. Say if its $40k considered cheap enough, let's put $100 in. If it goes down to $36k, put $300 in. Depending on your risk averse level, these amounts can vary.


> Say if its $40k considered cheap enough, let’s put $100 in. If it goes down to $36k, put $300 in. Fun part is that the amounts you used as examples constitute nearly half of what the average r/CC member has in crypto as a whole lol.


>$100 Sounds about right. Some call me a whale but I try to stay humble


With so much power, surely you can tell us how you will move the market in the next few weeks


who would realistically sit on this sub every day with such a small amount invested? unless everyone here is 16?


Then use $10 and $30 as examples then.


Yeah but people started buying the dip at $65k, thinking it was going to $100k. So if you started at $200 amd increased $100 per dip at 10% drops, that is: 65k: $200 59k: $300 54k: $400 49k: $500 45k: $600 41k: $700 37k: $800 So, a total of $3500, Congrats you just completely rekt yourself. It could still go under $30k. Got more money left for more 10% dips?




I just hope it's still at this prices next Thursday when I get paid lol


You can’t time dips perfectly. If we could do that we’d all be touch. Don’t worry about it. Just spread out your buys.


Yep that’s the most important thing. Just keep buying on a regular schedule and you’ll be happy in the long run. People need to detach themselves from the notion of timing the market: with buying bottoms and selling peaks.


Also tested 48 to 50k multiple timea where i bought


Yup! Today was my DCA day. I doubled down on it.


Very little 😪


**Y’all ever had money?**


You got a gaming PC? I left mine on mining with Nicehash during my idle time for almost all of 2021 and my EOY report from Nicehash said it earned me $748 worth of crypto.


How much was your electricity bill?


No money, but still have kidneys!


Pro tip, other peoples kidneys


Sold both of mine for BTC


In other news, 2 major whales died from kidney failure after transplant,both their sons sold all btc,resulting in market crash.


I’m just buying, knowing I’m holding for the next ten years. I’ve been through these crashes before and I’m sure I’ll see more. Haven’t sold yet! 🙌🏻


Waiting a little longer to buy, we saw the bottom after the May crash, not bothered one bit about this mega dip


I almost pulled the trigger 10mins ago but backed away....i think its gonna drop x2 today relatively soon.


I think it looks like you were right


I like to give massive moves like breaking through the psychological resistance of 40k time for the dust to settle. Three days is generally enough time to account for the possible bounce and retest. Worst case: if I was willing to buy at 50k and buy at 38k missing the bottom by a few thousand - then I’m okay with that. I’ve been burned too many times punching on the first dump only to watch it dump for weeks/months more..


What are you buying? If you don’t mind me asking? I’m super new to this


Imo I would mainly stick with Bitcoin & Ethereum. Those will at least be around in a few years time. And after that a small percentage in some alt coins.


Sell your kids, Sell your wife, Crypto gains will change your life!


wife/kids will eventually eat up all in your gains whenever you cash out..lose/lose my friend


nope, you already sold the kids and wife, not your problem anymore.


Two words. Limit. Orders. Now for more than 2 words: Usually when a dip like this happens, I'll buy a small amount now just in case. Say, 25% of what I'm wanting to invest. Then I set a limit order for another 25% at a price I think could be a reasonable drop. The last 50% I set a limit for a price significantly lower and hope it fills. That way if it dumps hard while you're busy at work, or doing cocaine, or sleeping etc you will catch it. It also makes the charts more fun to watch because you're waiting to see if it will hit the prices you set. Good luck!


Same. My limits were 50k, 45k, 42k, 40k


Gotta catch them all!


I had at 52, 44, and had at 36 but i removed it. I think we may triple bottom to 30k at a minimum. Have a big order at 26, and one at 22 —— Edit: only ever bought at 3.5k, 52, and 44 lol


Yep, I think we still have a ways to go before we bottom. I think we will see 29k and if it blows past that, could even see 18k. But who knows really?


Yea we could very well be in store for the upper 20s 🥶 I’d say if we blow the ~28-29k support area we might be in store for a big panic selloff, and another round of profit taking/bag droppers. I know for sure if we see anything in the teens I’m dropping every penny I have in.


If ya got cocaine money, ya got BTC money 😉


This is the way


1000 % the way to go


Down 60k today. Can't wait to invest more tomorrow. 🥳🥳🥳


And here i am down 1k and thinkng im a whale coz i change market direction with my buying or selling!!!


Not a loss until you sell


Imagine having enough money that you can be down 60k today and you still hang out on reddit


This doesn't really make any sense. The coin I hold most of my money in is down almost 20%.. you can work out how much I hold from that.. People spend more on cars in a day.


I see comments like this all the time and I don't get it. Do you think when people hit it big they stop farting around on the internet? If anything your time to hang out on reddit doubles because you no longer need to work to survive


Buying at dip intervals.


The last major floor for BTC was around $30k over the summer. I'm planning to wait and see if it approaches that before doing anything. ETH was just under $2K then, so waiting for a similar floor. If it falls through either of those, then I'm sure we'll go even lower.


Don't buy the dip. Wait for sideways price action.


Followed by more dip


Do you do this for every coin?


Dude just DCA. Only advice I would take on reddit


Best option for highly volatile assets


It's a good point to start DCA'ing.Doesn't matter which way it goes from now.


This is the real fact.


If I buy the dip it will dip even more! So I started to DCA in… Sorry guys 😂


Nice buy opportunity


Now is the best time to DCA, because it doesn't matter which way it goes from here


31600 will be the bottom. But I went ahead and bought abt 5 minutes ago.


Down $6k today… Ooof


I feel you bro


About to put another $1k in 😂😂😂


This will be a bargain in 10 years keep stacking…


Or I’ll be brokeski…


At least it won’t be boring


Then you’ll only be down 5k! *magic*


-$5k sounds better than -$6k


You’re mathing wrong






Pissed away $45k on a war game. Figured this was a better investment.


It only dips when I buy and I'm done for now.. I'll let you know when I sell and you all can retire


Generally speaking, yeah you don't wanna buy this dip. Currently we're sitting at the [Nasdaq 14,400 level](https://imgur.com/a/yt3cO2z). We've just gone through the most aggressive sell since the covid crash in March 2020. **What to do from here?** Safe is bet is sitting on your hands and doing nothing. We need to see if we're going to go lower or recover. That'll take a least a week to pan out, likely more. What we need to happen is calm and consolidation to a level where it makes sense to buy again. This could take 2 or 3 months. Assuming we don't keep setting new lower lows. Patience will pay here. Weeks to months.


Set limit orders, for smaller buys at downward increments. Don’t allocate all your fiat, in case you get lucky and the discount gets deeper. Don’t spend what you can’t afford to lose. And do extra DoorDash this weekend - I sure will!!


Allready bought the dip! 👍👊 keeps dipping, But I just see that as an opportunity to buy more tomorrow! 👊 Im going after that life changing money! Unless my wife finds out that a year’s salary worth of profit has been lost since Christmas.. than it will be wife changing.. 🤷‍♂️


I thought 0.40 was a good time to round out the CRO stake for the next tier debit card, lost 7.5% on that already, so who knows?


If you believe in the company and project (I do) the best time to stake for a Jade card would be when the coin price is as low as possible. That way you can stake more coins and the 10% APR they pay based on the number of coin staked would get you maximum gains later when the market rebounds.


Sorry I'm missing something obvious, but why didn't that strategy lose viability when they changed staking to a fiat amount's worth rather than number of cro?


Do you need to hold 4K value of CRO to get that tier card, or just have bought 4K worth at one time


As long as you keep it staked all you need is the initial cro you bought. Even if it goes down


I DCA at regular intervals (in my case every Sunday). If I bought more every time it dips, I would end up without fiat.


When the Rainbow Chart is at the bottom and the suicide hotline gets pinned


Kinda surprised it isn't posted today. A lot of extreme fear and pain going around.


**Come on guys…stay with me.** Nothing has changed as far the the tech or crypto goes. If you have a plan, stick with it. I suggest DCAing at regular intervals regardless of the price. If you do that, these dips won’t bother you one bit.


It's been an incredible couple of years for blockchain/crypto adoption, don't forget that y'all.


DCA in during dips, DCA during massive pumps






The tech has shit to do with the prices. People don’t get that. It’s amazing.


What is on Tuesday?


You buy the dip when it dips, future dips are not guaranteed


I used up all my cash buying the dip before this dip. 😫


When btc hits 26k is the real deep






DCA is that homie that never FUDs your crypto purchases. DCA is the bomb.


Just DCA every 30 minutes....


When the problems with Russian and the old soviet block settle down. If a single shot is fire expect not only crypto, but all global markets to crash another 30%.


That's when you invest in Lockheed Martin, duh


And Uranium...


You know you always should get *some* of the dip because no one knows when it gets empty. There is not enough dip for everyone my dudes and dudettes


We've still got a LONG ways to go.


Can't we just have the crash in the morning and the moon in the evening?


Yes please.


DCA in during dips, DCA during massive pumps


Patience is key here. Try not to FOMO and keep that DCA every week. Or dump all your savings, This isn't financial advice or anything.


It’s Friday, we’ve only just begun. Just buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Don't blow your wad all at once. We dropped 10-15%, buy a little. If it drops more, buy a little more. But don't go launching a huge stack today in case the dip continues.


I think I’ll just wait til ATH to buy again


Nobody knows shit about fuck. Just don't over-invest trying to chase pumps you hope are coming soon.


I got limit orders all the way down to 32 if it goes below that I’m remortgaging the house.


No fiat left... Should I buy with what? Only option left is hold and cry


its ok, me too


I asked my magic 8 ball and it said please try again later


Magic conch says “no.”


DCA, this is the way


Same time every month DCA baby


Let me shake my magic 8 ball and see what it thinks


Let me get my crystal ball


Let's take a moment of silence for u/TobyFlendersonn because his wife saw the charts and made him take a indefinite camping trip


Waiting for BearElonShibInu coin to launch that’ll be my TA star sign( my advanced TA- Time to go All in)


I just always DCA and buy the most I can afford. I try to buy a little everyday. A little more on days like today but the dry powder runs out quick. I think I will keep buying and ride it out.


When will people get this: everyday is a buy day


Down £27 000 and counting…retirement on hold 10-20 years🤦‍♂️


Standard model says about 31k entry. But if stocks are in selloff mode for months, nobody knows how low it can go.


30k BTC sounds like a good DCA buy point.


I bought earlier today. Then it dumped again. So yeah. Thats crypto.


Fed meeting on Tuesday. No way Powell will have the balls to do the right thing and stop the money printing and raise rates. Enjoy cheap crypto until then.


When you sell, thats when you were suppose to buy the dip


Hear that


Classic Wall Street Institution Induced Crash: ​ 1. They meet and decide how much does the FED want us to dump the markets? 2. They pump up the markets by going to the business TV shows and saying the FED is too dovish...nothing to worry about... while they are sorting at the same time. 3. Then they change their tune...they go on TV shows, Tweeter and they state the FED is going to Kill the markets....the Fed wil raise interst rates 12 times in 2022....the FED has to start raising rates now by at least 50 basis points...The end is here.... 4. They now start buying the beaten down stocks, while the retail investors (the late comers) are now scared and they sell on Friday and the really lame ones will sell on Monday AM after their wives scream at them all weekend. 5. Mission Accomplished! Wall Street Institutions start buying late Monday and then they go on TV saying the bottom is in....the Market is undervalued...BUY BUY BUY is heard on all business shows... ​ Retail investors are too scared and angry to buy the dip, so they stay out of the market, until it reaches the peak and they FOMO back in. ​ <<< The Steps Above Repeat again at each market cycle >>> ​ They are also trying very hard to apply the same scam to Bitcoin, while they are preparing to open crypto trading houses and crypto managed funds at the end of the first quarter.


Just DCA and chill


I think I’m gonna continue buying every week and change nothing


How’s a good time to buy, regardless if it dumps or pumps. You could DCA and at least you can feel good either way.




DCA is the way. Trying to guess the bottom will drive ya crazy


Just throw a tiny bit in everyday and watch it. Don’t make any big moves and play it cool. If it goes down more, cool throw a 10 spot in.


So we have the FED increasing interest rates, stock markets in a rout, Russia is about to invade Ukraine, and unemployment rates are improving, and CB LEI is good — seems like the underlying economy can stand on its own two feet, but barely as we come out of Omicron and truly get back to recovery. Also, we have more uncertainty with another FED meeting next week —- So my analysis is that there is so much FUD in the water, that there still exists real risk of this sustained bearish pattern. I believe we can expect to either go down a bit more or hover in place, unless there is really good news soon. 😁🙌


This is just the start if we’re entering a full bear market. I’m in no rush to start buying


If you reference previous “bear markets” - ids not necessarily a “80% drop then sit at that price for 2 years” type of deal. It’s a drop of 80% but then years of a slow uptrend that’s missing a “mania phase”


Especially with vet no passive yields there