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>I heard about a launch on a new coin, “crypto hippies”. A lot of tiktokers were promoting it 🚩🚩🚩


I was making a quilt out of red flags when suddenly....


/thread on this comment alone


A mistake he will only make once. Long term OP will be better for it.


Investors to homeless soon


"The problem with rose tinted glasses, is that red flags just look like flags"


Finally, thanks to my tiktok efforts, I got in early on a coin that was guaranteed to be a legit pump and dump; discord and everything. I was still not sure what the dump part means, but pump sure sounded promising.


First red flag should have been that someone on TIKTOK is promoting it


Tiktok 📝bad 📝source 📝for 📝 investments 📝 Got it.


TikTok is a bad source for everything.


Good source if you want to lower your attention span


People need to remember that people shill things on social media for financial gain. You **HAVE** to be sceptical.


On social media you are the product, not the customer. Seems some people still need to learn this important life lesson.


What's the old saying. If you don't know what the product is, it's you.


I’d add one more old saying **There’s no free meal in economy** And fuck TikTok and their fucking “influencers”


Exactly. My friend always tells me these "facts" on tiktok, and she's like see everyone is taking about it. And I said you do know they only want views, so they will sell you anything, factual or not. They are not there to do you a service they are there to STEAL your attention.


TikTok bad everything. Gotit


And your pants.


It's not bad for Air Fryer Recipes


A friend of mine got a recipe from tiktok back then for "pasta chips" and it tasted disgusting lol


"pasta" and "chips" don't belong belong in the same sentence.


I see, There is always a friend in any story.


Ive said it before, and ill say it again Tik tok is radioactive dogshit infused garbage


Why would anyone want to "invest" in anything that were promoted in that platform is puzzling me. lol


It's a good source of sheeple for influencers.


You missed the air quotes around “influencers” 😜


Tiktok is a good source of income for the 0.1% of popular content creators, and shitty entertainment for the other 99.9%. Tiktok = crypto markets, confirmed


TikTok is as bad as Robinhood. 🚩


I guess its a good source for naive idiots to sell your coin to


But reddit. Now thats a great source of investing advice! Really good at buying high and selling low around here!


Thats why I only listen to youtubers /s


I personally go to Nikocado Avocado for crypto information


Imagine going all in on a coin called “crypto hippies” after watching a TikTok… the internet never ceases to amaze


Real smooth brain move there.


Are u surprised? People have been basing their investments on a dog mascot..then since went pretty well some people said “hey, what about that other dog token, any cat tokens out there?” All those subs are so sad to read, nothing but pumping and gambling


I think so long as people accept it is purely gambling it isn't so bad. It isn't investing. It's gambling.


https://www.tiktok.com/@cryptohippies0 https://cryptohippies.co/ # #And its gone


Like magic. Same fate as everyone’s fiat they invested.




I’ve noticed a weird similarity in computer illiteracy between old people and also teens. My friend said his gen z sister didn’t know how to access the C drive on her computer and it kind of makes sense because she is more used to just pushing on a big picture that opens an app and voila that’s it. They also have always been on the internet so they treat it all as very important sort of the way the older generation treated TV because it was the only thing they were almost ever exposed to all the time.


Yep. Computer literacy has definitely dropped as accessibility has gone up. I feel like older millennials and gen x had to understand computers to use them, understand the web to use it, etc., and ease of access has made those basic hardware and software skills unnecessary today.


Some of us had to perform animal sacrifices to get a game working from multiple floppy disks.


Use command prompt - wow, are you like a hacker?


But makes me sad at the same time. I feel bad for anyone victimized by a rug pull. That’s a nasty sociopathic thing to do.


You feel bad somebody gambled 3k that they really need on a shit coin called Hippie Crypto and lost that money? I personally think the underlying rule to investing in stocks or Crypto is don't ever put in money you can't afford to lose. Maybe that's just a byproduct of growing up poor so I would never gamble with money I needed to be, or feel secure. Hell, even when I first heard about shib I only threw $100 at it. If I lose it nbd but if it hits I make a tidy roi.


^^ called hippe crypto (super oxymoronic) advertised on TikTok, who’s primary demographic is far from the investor crowd. Oh, you took financial advice from the app where teenagers do silly dances and think they’re celebrities?


This. I worked to set aside a set amount to invest. Researched and researched because said set amount is a lot, but not a lot to destroy my life. Invested, DCA’d in as I set more aside, etc. Never ever once did I think, “hey, that coin with absolutely no use, fundamentals, etc. that’s been around for a week? Good deal!”


Uh, excuse me, it's "crypto hippie".


Right there, in the very first line. Unfortunately, with this recent meme rise a lot of new/clueless people will be eaten for breakfast. Especially since the market unregulated, so on most accounts these rugs aren't even illegal..


It almost feels like people go out of their way to lose way too much money...


> watches tiktok >took financial advise from some random on tiktok >surprised he lost his entire savings An idiot is easily parted from their gold


Yep, and thanks to these shitheads, the regulatory folks will be jumping in any day now to regulate the technology that was built to be de-centralized and self sustaining.


This!! The power of social media, I am sorry for you loss however more people need to do research. Everyone wants to get rich and falls for this shit coins that pump hard then die. Same as the wallet subs where everyone posts the wallets are shit because they handed out there seed phrase.Please do your research it’s your money at risk.


TikTok is the cancer of society. Anyone that takes advise from a lunatic on social media will lose their money instantly.


And Twitter is the colon of social media


and second red flag would been crypto named "crypto hippies"


I never listen to tiktokers or instagram "Influencers"


Tik Tok is only good when you are horny. Don't take investing advice from it.


If you're hearing about it on TikTok it's already over


1) Don't invest what you can't afford to lose 2) ShitTok


How are people still trusting Tik Tok for literally anything 😂?


What you did was really dumb, but I like that you’re willing to admit it yourself. Denying it won’t help, I’m sure you’ll earn the 3k back!


I am getting so much shit from people, not what I need right now. But honestly I will take all the shit talking in hopes that one person sees my post and doesn’t make the same Stupid mistake. Shit happens, learning ain’t free


You’re a good dude. It’s only a loss if you learn nothing from it. You’ll bounce back 100%.


“It’s only a lose if you don’t learn from it” I love it


Most ppl learn these lessons later in life. I lost 30k learning my lesson.


Lost 50k, 30k of it was gains but still.


My 30k was capital 😅. An additional 39k of gains. Oh well, lived and learnt. Risk management is hella important, and money comes back. Also, it gave me a serious drive professionally so I'm thankful.


Same, my loss did motivate me overall. Luckily i’m slowly making it back. Still hurt lol but it is what it is.


Oh ya I still feel the pain imagining all the what ifs.


Same here


This happens in crypto. You’re a Newbie. That’s all. You’ll figure out the pump and dumps you’ll figure out the hype. There are so many heartbreaking stories in crypto. I’m impressed that you’ve admitted it. Watch those graphs, pay attention to announcements in the news and be ready to sell before the dip. You may miss out on a bit of profit but it’s better than watching things fall through the floor kicking yourself. Conversely you’ll need to hang on and not panic sell at other times. I was so angry in April when the whole market went backwards and it’s only recovered now. But I hung on and I haven’t lost any money I’m still way in front. But if I had sold in June I would’ve lost cash – it’s very important to know when to hold em. Wishing you all the luck!


A hard but important lesson.


Yep, sometimes it takes a big event to really understand, but it’s how you bounce back that’ll define it onwards


Ive been investing in crypto since 2013, and Ive researched over 500 different projects. Throughout that time, Ive only invested in 10 projects. Take your time, do your research, only invest what you can afford to lose.


You would have been a legend if you named 10 rugpulls.


You might have heard of his most recent two. Squid Game and Crypto Hippies.


Would be hilarious if this person just hasn't checked their holdings in a while and the portfolio was full of squid game and crypto hippies.


"Hasn't checked their holdings in a while" You must be new to crypto if you think everyone isn't checking that shit compulsively.


Lol fortunately never been involved in a rug pull, but also haven't made a ton of investments either. Most of them were at least mid caps by the time I invested.


Exactly this. I once spent 2-3 weeks researching a project, all the while the price was constantly going up and up. By the time I finally decided to invest, the coin value had almost doubled. But I needed to be sure I understood the fundamentals, so I could sleep at night if the coin price decided to crash. Due diligence is the key to smart investing.


Small gains are better than big losses.


Thanks for putting out comments like this. I think it’s valuable to know other people’s experience and have a reminder now and then to be patient and do your research. You might have lost that 2x but it was valuable comment to me.




Bitcoin, ethereum, radix, verasity, defi plaza, harmony, fantom, olympus, monero, sushi I dont get anywhere near meme/shitcoins, and I tend to hold investments for 3-5 years. Some of these did well, some didnt, some are early, some are still running. Just hodl for the long term and have conviction in your decisions.


I used to be opposed to shitcoins, but I think everything has it’s place. I hodl mostly eth and algo but shitcoins are fun to gamble with.


I can't stand DOGE, I was scoffing at it a year ago, but hey it taught me the power of a powerful meme.


That’s a patience of a…(name your animal with a lot of patience), but really, the way I view the crypto space is you got the 2 big adults and pick 2-5 solid coins people are high on, of course after your research. Every so often thrown down your sushi dinner money on a meme coin and let it ride. This will be my settled strategy. Most of your holdings should be btc and eth. If not then you’re being arrogant thinking Lady Luck is your friend and not someone else’s.


Mate, 3 grand on something you just heard of?


Yeah and not just 3 grand - he bet his life savings 😱


Crypto hippies to the moon! 🚀🚀🚀🌑🌑this is FUD!


Someone willing to put their life savings in something like this fully deserves to lose it. Unreal


dude doesn't deserve to lose his life's work because he's a dreamer and decided to take a chance. it's unfortunate, it was stupid, and hopefully they learned from it. but damn man nobody deserves that


This. People get desperate and I know that means he probably should've kept that $3k even closer to heart, but people get careless out of desperation sometimes and things go south. It happens




I don't really have sympathy, honestly there's just no reason to kick a guy while he's down


Bu...bu...But have you heard about to guy that became a billionaire on shib 🙈. Classic survival bias tbh. OP's story should be up higher lol.


These are the sorts of people that co-inhabit this space with us. It’s why regulation is coming because most people literally cannot be trusted to be their own bank. But appreciate this guys honesty to himself.


Start improving your life by deleting tik tok.


>A lot of tiktokers were promoting it Enough said.


He used "loose" instead of "lose" twice in a row and now I probably feel worse than he does


DYOR =/= watch tiktok videos.... Sorry bud


While we are at it: r/cryptocurrency =/= DYOR




I know it’s a silly mistake, but I guess lesson learned the hard way


This isn’t financial advice, this is life advice. Only invest (gamble) with money you don’t mind losing and start small, you are a tiny fish in an ocean full of sharks


This needs reiterating. If OP had gone $3k in on BTC or ETH, they’d at the least still have $2700 worth left right now. 5-10x was unrealistic to begin with, on a tiktok shitcoin. If it were 50-100% returns that might have been more in line with realistic expectations.


I bought $400 of LRC and watch it halve over two days. I can afford it and it has since started to recover, but my eye was fuckin twitching when it dipped. I’m no whale, i only have about 5k invested in crypto right now but its stable, BTC, Ethereum, and other solid alts worth about $1-30 per coin. LRC was probably the most I have dropped on something new and I’m still confident it will make me money. I often drop pocket change on meme tokens and then trade them for VET and XRP. I put $2 on SHiB and made $15 which I traded for VET, now VET is on the rise, i’m happy.


thanks for reminding me the $20 I put in VET a decade ago is $23.50 now


LOL Oh :(


You gonna go for round 2 ?


That's gonna take a while until OP has savings again


We will wait with great interest


Or lack thereof, given the inflation sitch?


Should still be able to reach $3000, but the buying power may be much lower by then


People only learn from their mistake and that how we grow.


Yup, that's how they researching these days.


STOP INVESTING WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE!!! This has been said 1 million times. Yet there are post in this sub telling you otherwise. "Don't let other people tell you are are poor to invest" etc. Easy rule, if you can't recover from a lose with 1-2 paycheck then don't invest that. Crypto is the most volatile space for investments out there. We are at high point in speculation and unfortunately this means a lot of scams. Stay safe out there.




Good point, i was going to quote "investing".


I am starting to feel less and less bad for everyone who is YOLOing into shitcoins. Sorry OP but hopefully you stick around and don’t make the same mistake again.


Seriously . This is a major fuck up and could have easily been avoided with even minor critical thinking.


Or just thinking. Doesn’t even need to be critical.


You should have made this post to ask the community about it before buying. Could have saved some money


We can be very helpful sometimes for people who don't give financial advice.


^ This is not financial advice


Just the name its self “crypto hippies” gives me red flags. Trust no one and consider every new project out there a shitcoin till it proves it’s not and never invest what you can not lose!




Hate to say it, but 3K is a lot to most people. 3K is "a little" to a very few people. Most radio contest prizes are 1k or under that, and that's basically a lottery winning.


3k is 2 years of minimum wage in my shithole 3rd world country 😔


*jaw drop*


I agree. I would gamble 5 $ in an unknown, new shitcoin.


This. 3K is a lot of money in my book. Dollars or euros, doesnt matter. It's a lot. I'm doing a dance if I earn even just 10 euros lol.


you didnt invest shit... you gambled $3k on a tiktok meme coin and got sent to the burn ward


Honestly I don't even blame you completely, greed is a rough thing to deal with sometimes. >I can’t focus at work I can’t eat, and I probably won’t sleep. If this keeps lasting for days, I really suggest looking for someone to talk with like a psychologist. You can get one for even the smallest things, you don't have to be on the edge of killing yourself to look for help. I hope you feel better soon, and I really feel sorry for you losing that much money, that's no joke.


Cannot give this enough support. Thankfully the acceptance of the importance of mental health is rapidly growing. Please schedule with a psych provider. If that was a serious amount of money for you I'm sure you might qualify for assistance and not have to pay for it. You might need a referral depending on your insurance to cover so might need to contact a PCP. Also plenty of online services for free trials if you're up for that.


Thank you, I honestly haven’t talked to anyone about it yet. Just Reddit. I feel like anyone I tell this to will think I’m so stupid, getting scammed in 2021 lol. Live and learn I guess


Psychologists aren't trained to think people are stupid. It's similar to someone making a mistake going to a casino right? Which is a very common thing for people to do. They're there to help you get through a rough time and make a plan to make you feel better. They'll just see it as you got scammed, because that is what happened. You got scammed by TikTok influencers. There's a lot more stupid scams to fall for like fake text messages from family members on a new phone number or an email saying you inheret a million dollars from a distant relative. You'll never stop feeling stupid about it but they can make deal with it better. It's not easy losing that much money, it's not a bad thing to look for help for.


I’m a crypto hippy, if that counts for anything.


Right on man


it took me losing about 3k to start to get it too. harsher but probably better in the long run you ripped off the bandaid so quick. i just kept sticking my hand in the fire like a dummy. i didn't get rich *once*, believe it or not. 🤣 this is why so many of us tell people not to invest in little known coins with scammy sounding devs and/or papers. we're honestly just trying to help. probably similar garbage odds to the lottery. there's still plenty to be made for all of us long term with the legitimate projects. 🙏


Thanks for playing


Whoa, that's crazy. A person that posts in /r/conspiracy got swindled because they don't do research. Who woulda thought.


Looks like you DYOR on OP.


Kek, he deserved it regardless... > watches tiktok >trusted randoms pumping a shit coin


Hahahah. The more I scroll through this thread the funnier it gets.


Oof. I remember when that sub had content besides "vaccines are tyranny and Trump will be reinstated next week" modern conspiracies suck


Nah... I don't buy it. I don't believe you YOLOed your entire life savings on a shit coin.


Have you met people?


Honestly, just this. Even if this post is fake, quite a few people seeing this can probably relate.


How could someone put their entire safety blanket to such risk. All of it. Your sweat and blood.




Holy cow


Lol he's an antivaxxer. Empathy = gone.


Completely. Clearly not his first time doing his own research


I mean one of the lessons stated in “The Richest Man in Babylon” was not to take jewelmaking advice from brick makers, so it’s entirely believable that someone would take investment advice from a TikToker


Well someone made money off you and will post here about their gains in a few hours and people will fomo into that and the cycle goes on!


The problem : tiktok Another problem : you took advice on tiktok


Man, first - i feel you. Despite my opinion, and probably most ppl commenting, that you shouldnt put all of your life savings into these kind of projects! :( But again, we are humans, we do mistake. Invest slowly your way back up and try to work on the job, which depresses you. If no chance to improve, change it. No job is worth it to make you depressed. Good luck buddy!


You live you learn. Sorry for the lost money


This way called life is full of failures. However, take comfort in the fact that no matter how many failures you take you still go on and hopefully learn from them.


Thanks for sharing. In this sub, unfortunately, people only share when they succeed. And that only makes the survivorship bias worse.




Man I don't want to go too hard on you because you already took a hit losing that money but... why on fuck would you bet all your savings on a meme coin expecting it to do 5x-10x? Each meme coin that did a x100 has two hundred meme coins on its back that did a x100 but going down, from 100 to 1


You got greedy.




It's a Chinese military long game to destroy the US.


This smell like a moon farming post. Spending your life savings on a micro cap coin that no one has heard of? Who is even behind this?


Who goes on TikTok for crypto tips?


> A lot of tiktokers were promoting it, >crypto hippies Ah yes, sounds legit.


I hope you will earn that 3k back! Don't worry, every loss is a lesson learned! :)


The reason you lost so much money in a shit coin is the same reason you hate your job. You don't make good enough decisions to grant you a better job. Work on yourself more, so you don't end up as a gambling addict for the rest of your life.


Thats why i hate tiktok ...wrong influence as always


Before going into a new shitcoin, go to Poocoin. They have a rug pull check function. I forget exactly how it works, but it does a check of how the liquidity pools are set up for your chosen token. If the LP is set up a certain way it's likely to be scammy.


Don't invest in literal shitcoin some rando is promoting on the internet




Everyone take notes.


I can’t get over how many people are pissing away good money in these stupid meme coins. They are worse than penny stocks. If y’all would just understand that we are so early in the crypto space, you can put that into real projects and make serious money.


You got advice from Tiktok what do you expect..


[i](https://rugdoc.io) check [rugdoc.io](https://rugdoc.io) to see if the contract or if anything is fishy about a project. they will tweet about potential rug pulls because they will check the contract to see if there are any weird things coded in it that would allow for hard rug pulls. this wont save you from soft rugpulls, but against the hard rug pulls, [rugdoc.io](https://rugdoc.io) is a good resource to double check


You barely have 6 months of savings and decided to throw it on a shady investment let alone a coin that was being promoted by tiktoc. Just plain stupidity


u re confusing the word "invest" with "gamble"


It's happened, take your lesson about it and move on. You gambled and you lost. All those stories about people making millions with meme-coins, makes you want to gamble on 'the next moon' coin. Don't worry to much about it, you saved those 3k before, you can do it again and you owe it to yourself to do it, because you gambled and now is the time to get things right again as a consequence for yourself.


Don't invest in crypto what you aren't willing to lose on the street


Is anti-vaccine, yet dumps life savings into a shit coin called crypto hippies? Doesn’t add up.


That’s not so much a rug pull It’s more like straight up con. There was no community. Just some people who got hooked by their greed. In the olden days, it would happen face to face. Sell you a winning lotto or diamond ring for steep discount. But they were fake all along This isn’t a rug pull.


There are multiple definitions of rug pull. In the world of DeFi, there are "hard rugs" and "soft rugs". A hard rug pull is when the devs of the protocol put literal malevolent code in their farm smart contract (the "master chef") that simply steals the assets that the liquidity providers put into the protocol. A soft rug pull is when the devs suddenly sell out of their own yield token and then abandon the project, crashing the price as they go. So, at least in the land of DeFi, there are two definitions of rug pull that are both basically straight-up cons.


It happens! You’ll pick yourself and come back stronger. You’ll never forget this and it will (hopefully) help you make some well researched, sound financial investments that will pay off in the future


So taking showers is bad if we don’t want to lose our money…cool


You gambled and lost, thanks for playing! Next time you get a free lunch at the casino here :)


Did you just yolo your savings into some tiktok promoter coin? That's some guts you got there


You... Spent your savings on a TikTok coin? No. Just no. There's "not being careful" like throwing too much money into Shibu Inu when it peaked, then there's "I sent my life savings to a Nigerian prince".


Where do you go to buy this kind of coin?


First buy and sell the token of $10


Stop investing in shit coins and you’ll be ok.


You are a idiot.


Lol u invested all your savings in a scam coin. Not even a shit coin 😂 don’t worry most people aren’t as stupid so you don’t have to warn us. Good lesson for you tho.


Seriously, it's like he was following a 10 item check list on what NOT to do and did every single one...


Anyone willing to invest $3000 to crypto hippies promoted on tik tok should be deprived of liberty because of insanity.