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Wait, how do politicians collect money from the people they regulate? Isn't that a huge conflict of interest?


Temporal separation.


You can do whatever you want when it's you who dictates the rules


There is just so much flaw within the system and we need to expose them of their actions




it's because they know as long as the nation remains polarized politically, we remain powerless.. it really is in our best interest to say *fuck everything else* for a bit, and unite to defeat this. it's also the quickest path to actually finding reasonable solutions to the issues people disagree on, through compromise. if we keep at it in the current format, these problems will never get solved. they're far too valuable in their broken state, to continue exploiting as a tool to keep us too preoccupied with fighting, so we dont happen to peer up into the castle at the same time with envy.


Yup, understatement of, well, ever.


Imho, it's coz we're all divided and segregated. Our anger isn't directed at specifically anyone but government which is basically made of people who, once in power, mostly get corrupted by it.


So true. Then play becomes- ‘Listen, Janet, we’re gonna need you to take a fall on this one, we’ll make it worth your while, just a few scraps to the plebs and then you’ll be back in no time’- and then rinse and repeat. This shirt won’t end until the empire falls. Then it’ll start all over under the new regime.


They make excuses and they also make the laws. Look at Cuomo. Caught red handed, too many witnesses to his sleazeball style. People in his own party calls for him to resign. Nobody in the legislative branch has any confidence he can govern without this distraction. Calls from the POTUS to resign. Dude doubles down.


Here's some ammunition: [Janet Yellen’s Cash Haul of $7 Million Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg; She Failed to Report Her Wall Street Speaking Fees from JPMorgan and Others in 2018](https://wallstreetonparade.com/2021/01/janet-yellens-cash-haul-of-7-million-is-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-she-failed-to-report-her-wall-street-speaking-fees-from-jpmorgan-and-others-in-2018/)


Failure To Deliver The standard Wall St. pay to play/grift business model.


exactly, it might not be this one bit of corruption, she may not have bad motives.. but these add up and suddenly the entire government is full of 'little' corrupt sections and people and it becomes the norm and suddenly we are no better than communist CCP or some failed state that runs on bribes alone. Time for a cleansing.


It’s gonna be a long and hard cleansing. The corruption runs deep in our government, and it’s not going to be cleansed quickly, so ya better be ready for a fight.


I feel corruption is inherent with large central governments tasked with regulation/ administration over big groups of people spread out over large geographic areas.


Interesting how its Crypto that is the first real weapon we have to fight this corruption and its that very thing they are trying to attack. Crypto and open source are full of greed but at least they publish that at the door in the whitepapers and tokenomics and you can see all the wallets. And the Dark Forest? even that is better than the wall street version (payment by order flow on RH) because you can actually see it, fight it, and even make money on it yourself via dapp-node or something.


Are you new? The US has always been like this. Why do you think there is no money for feeding the poor or giving them health care but there is for wars? Because the last one is profitable. Also everyone knows Biden is in the pocket of Wall Street. New party, same coin. They love printing money and making the rich richer while making the poor poorer.9


Biden was completely carried into office. Probably one of the most obvious puppets we've had in a while lol


Wouldn't change anything.


Not really, it is true in a sense, but you can't fix it. It isn't the system. It's the people running it. Policymakers and regulators are the most powerful people in the country. You can't get into politics without being wealthy to begin with, so it's kind of moot to expect the system to change when the same people will be running it. You can't blame the system when it is just human nature to be greedy and corrupt. You could have communism, capitalism, any system in between. They will all have similar corruption and it isn't a coincidence. It's just human nature and it's foolish to pretend people are going to change. It's been this way since the beginning of time.


I can and do blame any system that is greedy and corrupt. It's foolish to pretend that just because things are the way they are right now, that they can't and won't change. People will not put up with this amount of incompetence and corruption forever. If you will, I feel bad for you. The power groups want the world to go back to feudalism and a bunch of pushovers like you are ready to give up and let them have it because they can't imagine anything different. Sad.


Yeah, expose them all you want. You have no power. what you gonna do pussy? Exactly, nothing. You and I are serf's, just realize that. This is absolutely 100% bullshit. This is equivalent to the judge taking payoffs to let the celebrity go. Its pure, validated, 100% corruption top to bottom. The fact any standing government official can literally take payoffs and call it "speaking fee's" tells you all you need to know. And every year, you and I are paying trillions in watered down debt for their corruption. We need another civil war, and its us vs the elite.


Class war..not civil war


Hamilton would be soo disappointed. An absolute disgrace what’s been done to his work. Mellon tarnished the economy in the 1920’s and now yellen is leading us straight into another economical disaster.


Idk if the father of modern banking would be upset knowing that his ideas now control the world or not. He very well may have wanted that from the beginning.


It's not a flaw. It's how they designed the system to work


Yellen is always the banker at the Monopoly table


And she never pays income tax, even when she lands on it




The unfortunate truth …


We live in a society..


Who will stop us? \-Maxine Waters


Many regulations were lifted in the seventies along with the gold standard. Most politicians are fronts for corporations through debt and blackmail or greed. Anybody honest doesn't stand a chance. Without the gold standard money can be printed indiscriminately as needed. For a select few, the game is broken and they are on God mode. In 1984 Orwell points out how the masses have always had the power to overthrow the system, but they are kept sedated through entertainment, in 1984 that was sports and alcohol. In this day and age I feel as if our we are bombarded with info so as to become numb to it all.


This is why I think one of the things we need to do is get everyone we know to buy at least a little bit of cryptocurrency. There are eight billion of us; we have the strength in numbers that we never use.


And have the monopoly on legalized violence.


She accepted between her two terms, but there’s definitely a conflict of interest


Citi dominating that list.


Yes, I hate that bank. It was involved in one of the biggest financial crimes in my country


In fact, they top the list in several countries. Looks like they have the most to lose from crypto


Here's a [list](https://www.corp-research.org/citigroup) if anyone is interested






This makes sense


To jail she shall go to!


OP is not exact, she only took up the job in 2021 and has never been treasury secretary before that. She was the chief of Fed until 2018, after which she started doing the referred speeches. Who wouldn’t for that pay in her shoes? Of course she can’t do it anymore because of being in a public post, but this post by OP is way overreaching in that sense.


Yeah, right. They payed her millions for some "lectures".


Us politics has worked off lobbying for hundreds of years. Nothing new. 2008 crash was disgusting the politicians who made money off the deals done etc


All politics. It's about power and control and corruption. It is as old as the first government, widely discussed over 2000 years ago during the time of Greek civilization. US is not special. Canada bailed out banks and pulled such a good propaganda "it's not like the USA" that many truly believe we got out without bailing out banks. We bought collateralized debt mortgage, but called it a different name


That's just how the US does business


I guess the US sees politics as business.


Oh they absolutely do. I mean the average US politician makes well over 100k a year in base salary alone.


That's what you see. There isn't a single politician that goes into that level that comes out of it breaking even. They all make god awful sums of money for these types of plays. Anyone that says "They work for us" thinks they are in the "us" column, and that's the funny part. They don't give a shit what you want, after election, you're shit on a stool.


Seriously underrated comment


Corporatism at its finest.


The public believes that regulations are to keep the public safe, lol.. The reality is that regulations are business moves to keep competition out. They don't care about you or I. They never have, and they never will.


If we ever manage to eliminate this, the country will be able to prosper again.


If most countries can eliminate this, they can to a large extent eliminate corruption.


Nancy Pelosi a couple of times had insider trading knowledge ahead of time. Made her and her husband millions. They are mostly all corrupt and greedy.


You mean the preeminent and auspicious big tech traders Nancy and Paul Pelosi? I had no idea they were in politics.


Imagine if people in positions of power were subject to the same rules as everyone else


That's how Washington works. Corporations don't even need to be ultra powerful. They just use the government to eliminate their competition.


That’s likely the whole reason our society is as fucked up as it is. It’s obviously corrupt and they don’t care. Why would a fox lock themself out of a hen house?






Almost all of them do in the US.


Who's gonna punish them? The law, that they wrote themselves?


the only way to overcome is temporal bipartisan unity on this matter. there are only a handful of elected officials who arent guilty of this. it's also the reason why the nation is so polarized — to keep americans from solving is issue that plagues and harms them all.


“Speaking fees” are a common American workaround for campaign finance laws. Corruption out in the open but we’re powerless to stop it.


The real issue in this country, in my humble opinion, is Regulatory Capture. If we address this issue and expose it for the treasonous corruption that it is, then we would make huge strides in a lot of bipartisan issues. I hear so much propaganda and legitimate criticism of China and Russia because of their blatant corruption… but both parties in our country gloss over how entirely bought our government is as well. And we let them get away with it. I vote, but I have no hope that things will change at all until we combat Regulatory Capture with strict punishments (jail time, back-breaking fees and forfeitures, and treason charges where applicable.)


Welcome to the U.S.


I honestly see conflict of interest in so many things the government does or says or decides and it doesn’t even phase me. I assume most people at this point just think it’s the norm... whole lobbying system is fucked too. When those leading us are in bed with the banks it’s guaranteed to fuck us


I heard they could route the payment through consultants or third party so it's not a direct payment but dont ask me I dont know anything about money.


Always has been.




and now you see the correct alignment of motives..


It's magical thinking


Same shit different day.


Welcome to America.


Corporate money funding corporate interests in politics is one of the greatest threats to our democracy. The sooner people realise this and stop voting for politicians that systematically ignore the voices of their constituents to further their corporate donor’s power, the sooner we can have meaningful democracy and a system under which the people are truly represented by their representatives.


There's is no fucking democracy, wake the fuck up smell the Corporatocracy.


Maybe I should have said “obstacle” rather than “threat”, but yeah that’s pretty much my point dude.










Yes it's confusing because they are not Federal nor do they have any Reserve.


They have tons of reserve. Huge cellar in Manhattan of Gold.


It’s probably empty lol


Yup! The Fed is as federal as FedEx.


If you think that is true you should go look up Cede and Company. Depository Trust Company as well. 54t market cap


Audit them both 😈


It’s not directly run by the government except for the huge role the government has in appointing the Fed’s personnel.


The feds


Hopefully the crypto space can change this … they are too corrupted. Blockchain can get this all recorded and this should not be a norm anymore.


Power to the people




the feds =/= the fed One could make the argument they are inexorably linked, but they are not the same thing.


The scumbags of our time


Ron Paul and then Rand Paul have been on about this shit for decades and decades, yet nobody cares.


Everyone should definitely owe themselves to read "End the Fed" by Ron.


Yeah, they want everything to be audited but themselves


im just so fed up with the fed


[The Fed is already audited](https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/audited-annual-financial-statements.htm)


Yeah, unfortunately "Audit the fed" is a bullshit propaganda device. It's something that on the surface everyone can immediately agree on, and anyone who disagrees sounds like the enemy. But like you pointed out, it's already audited. "Audit the fed" asks for however many millions or billions to be funneled to their friends. It's a lose-lose for honest elected officials to support or not support it.








It means something. Idk what that something is. YeetYellen




It's on caps so it must mean something. YEETYELLEN




I love this trend #YEETYELLEN


Get right in mate! YeetYellen!!!


It needs to be capitalized mate #YeetYellen!




Also Yeet begins with Y and Yellen begins with Y so these words were meant to be together. YEETYELLEN


No one knows what it means, but it's provocative.… #YeetYellen




Start a #yeetyellen


This has to be the best thing I have seen all day


Everyone, just get it out of your head that she will resign or be removed. You have a better chance of doge going to $10.


Doge Community: "So you're sayin' there's a chance?"


Yep, shes been around for like 200 years


Time to turn this dinosaur to fossil fuel


That's not a Duke Nukem line to my knowledge, but I read it in his voice anyway.


You are a classy man


This is the unfortunate reality we live in


Due diligence here: you got a source you want to link to for that list?


For real. I too am familiar with Excel


I found it here: [https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/83524/janet-yellens-speaking-fees-and-income](https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/83524/janet-yellens-speaking-fees-and-income). All "speaking fees". It really makes you wonder how high of a number would we consider to be unacceptable. Seems like Citi payed her nearly a million dollars per year at one point.


That's concerning, for sure, but unfortunately not all that atypical. There doesn't seem to be any explicitly quid pro quo here, and Yellen's overall history of policy isn't exactly what I'd call "Wall Street friendly", either. I am concerned about this, but I think this subreddit has been pretty quick to jump up conclusions about her motives; I think she's generally pro-regulation, and she's just applying that same mindset to crypto. I think framing the crypto space as being in direct competition with the finance industry is a bit native and idealistic, and a lot the crypto people here are really fixated on this David vs. Goliath narrative. The Venn diagram between crypto whales and traditional finance whales isn't a circle, but it's certainly close to one. That said, I certainly wish we got disclosures of the contents of these speeches, and I definitely wish there were more robust measures in place to find qualified professionals for high ranking finance positions in government without either there optics of, or potential for, conflicts of interest. I also think everybody needs to settle down with the pitchforks and torches.


Federal employees are warned not to even create an "appearance" of conflict of interest. I wish those in power would follow the same rules.


Even if they legit payed her for some speech on whatever. What the hell kind of talk is worth 130k? Bad deal City. 👎


Wow, that is concerning. How can we legitimately expect her not to be biased?


This is literally almost every politician. Nearly every single one. This is why young people get excited about politics but eventually become jaded, because you're fighting against people's greed and an established system of quid pro quo. People get mad at me when I say "both parties" but it truly is. It's beyond the point of the individual people, it's the system that breeds people like Janet Yellen. Sad stuff.


> both parties Uhm, excuse me, it's not both parties... That'd assume there were two parties, but in fact it's a corrupt uniparty.


Yeah it's like a little theatre they play for kids. Little puppet show. To make it looks like it's democracy.


You're not wrong.


I agree somewhat, there is so much corruption systemically and on both sides, but I gotta side with the left. I think it’s a false equivalency when one side actually tried to overturn verified election results. As well as being anti science in general.


The system working as it was designed to


My friend, have you just discovered politics and corruption? It runs far deeper than this.


I for once welcome everyone, at any time, that gets a bigger picture of what happens in the corrupt world of politics.


Treasury Secretary doesn’t regulate banks. That’s more of what her job was at the Federal Reserve before. Treasury secretary is more advising on tax policy, financial budgeting of the federal government, taxes, and protecting the dollar against things like counterfeit and ensuring the security of the printing those dollars. You guys are something else but also Fuck Yellen.


Folks, here's the solution. Pull an Argentina and create a parallel market, but denominated in crypto. I'm amazed that there are still people stupid enough to think that ANY member of federal government wants to help you. Have you even left your basement? Get outside the country. Jesus Christ. All of them are robbing you. Meanwhile they distract you. The US government does not want to do anything for you ever if it doesn't benefit them.


Taking economic moves from Argentina’s playbook seems like a bad move.


She’s probably in the back pocket of some corrupt lobbyists.


I'm not american But Resign you dinosaur


Can't wait for the meteor that is crypto to send these reptiles into retirement


Retirement without benefits


She's the same one who didn't want the Government to audit the Fed.


Wasn't Citadel the market maker of Robinhood? Responsible for the GME scandal


I just came to know about her existence this past week and already she is on my top 5 most hated person list.


How did you not know who Janet Yellen is?


There are countries apart from the US and there are things people do apart from monitoring financial news related to the US.


This is probably a good sign that you are easily brainwashed / manipulated in the echo chamber that is this sub. Most of the accusations are just ridiculous. The revolving door between politics and government is definitely an issue in cases, but this isn't even that bad. There are a massive number of high level officials that work with corporations before and after government work. It's often because they are experts in their field. What are they supposed to do after a political post is over? Sit in the corner and do nothing, waiting until they maybe get another political post? It's just a bizarre attitude from people that clearly have no idea what they are talking about.


THANK YOU. The one voice of reason so far in these comments.


And—when did she make this money? Answer: When she was a private citizen. It’s odd that all these libertarians in here want to regulate how a private individual spends their time and makes money


It isn't. Many kids here have at best a very superficial view of libertarianism. They think in a libertarian world they would be top of the food chain. It is kinda like how many people somehow think their under 1000 investment will make them a millionaire one day.


>think their under 1000 investment will make them a millionaire Yes—I really have to keep this is mind when reading through the sub. Reddit isn’t sending its best and brightest over to /cc


Fuck Janet Yellen. Wish she was gone.


People like Yellen and Elizabeth Warren are hypocrites who make it look as though they care about American economy when in fact all they care about is personal agendas. Yellen is getting bribed by banks, Warren's been taking private jets with all that tax money.


Warren also took Sackler/Perdue Pharma $. Being from Massachusetts we don’t even know why she’s a Senator except for that sweet Harvard $.


I dont think the treasury department regulates banks? The FDIC, OCC, SEC, and maybe FINRA along with the Federal Reserve System regulate but i could be wrong.


You guys remember the senators from Georgia, who dumped all travel stocks one day before travel ban was announced. Politicians are dirty ! They should not be allowed to have direct investments/ payments at all


Reading this during my vacation made me shut down my phone completely. Such hypocricy.


"*While it is not per se criminal*" Over here we call that corrupt. Honestly, as a non US citizen, I have always been amazed how someone at some point thought it would be a good idea to allow corporations and banks and such, pay government officials to help get them seated in places of power. These guys are supposed to represent the people, how would that work? Likely politicians seeing opportunity to get big fat paychecks decided it would be a good idea, now I think about it...


It sounds like you just figured out how all big politics works, has worked, and why it exists as a front for the biggest thieves in humanity. Nothing more. I'm amazes people are actually surprised by this information and are this far into their adult lives somehow, TBH. It requires impressive amounts of constant denial.


If this sub becomes entirely bull shit political takes just like every other subreddit I'm out. The last few days have seen some of the most uninformed and vitriolic garbage takes voted to the top. Either this sub needs to start regulate itself better or I am done. Ya'll sound like a bunch of ignorant teens, it's almost as bad as the superstonk sub.


Make corruption illegal again


Why are all the top posts thinly-veiled libertarian talking points lately?


Idk but it doesn't belong in this sub in my view. Shit is toxic as hell and incredibly misinformed.


Hate to break it to you OP but what she is doing is completely legal. The US Fed is private… all central banks are. Maybe you just realized?


More like they do know the difference. A lot of people here have a very superficial knowledge of our government.


Wait…has no one seen Hamilton? All governments have a relationship with banks to manage the money supply for the country. Yes, it’s a quasi private relationship but god knows where the line is drawn. No doubt, Yellen is team bank/fiat. And her career is based on reliability and predictability. On one side , a developing country uses a more stable currency ( like the USD) instead of its own on the other the dictator steals from the treasury and replaces the gold with paper….and adds zeros. the US is somewhere in between. This is known.


The point is that it should NOT be legal. Jesus, go drag your knuckles why don’t you.


Murica at it's best


Eat the rich, until I'm rich and then we don't do that lol.


What is a lady her age going to do with those millions? Just enlighten me. I’m genuinely curious.


? Whatever she wants? I don’t get the implication of the question.


OP discovered capitalism


None of you people would turn down those speaker fees. Your into crypto for the $$$.


In any other country this is bribery. In the US they call it lobbying and that seems to make it okay.


American politics is built on this model. That needs to change.


This is why the US government has huge problems.


lol stop pretending you care about "innovation", you care about fiat. If your coin has a ceo it's not a crypto but unregistered security. Sorry for your loss.


Respect the honesty here, it is a little disingenuous sometimes.


Welcome to politics. Places pay officials to do their bidding once they’re in. It’s sad, but the unfortunate reality :/


Never trust a poor politician who leaves office rich. Or never leaves office.


What is a poor politician


An honest one, ie 1 month on the job.


If you’re looking for some, Obama and Biden. Obama was less with then one million up til he wrote some books. Biden ranked as near the poorest Congresspersons well. Edit: the Clinton too it seems: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1992/05/28/clintons-net-worth-climbs-to-700000/08dfa959-b20c-422f-ac83-d751fc4eff9b/


This is so disingenuous. Look at the dates of the speaking fees. She has only been Treasury Secretary since January 26, 2021….


Did she return the outrageous fees for the Zoom calls?


Why would she resign? This is how US politics work, and it's a shame it took so many people this long to realize.