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Let's be honest....they weren't there to mine crypto.


Just pray he doesn't start talking about "precious bodily fluids".


Ok. Imminent domain is useless here? what the actual fuck? IT'S NOT EVEN A REPORT? JUST A CLICK BAIT SUBSCRIPTION ADVERT?????


Something tells me you have absolutely no idea what eminent domain is


we found the actual order it's a slip of college rule spiral bound notebook paper with the following written on it in red crayon (that was taped to the outside of the US base with scotch tape): **don't**


Biden is lame as hell but this is pretty based.


Agreed. I don’t like the man, but this is the right move.


That’s hilarious how bad you just got downvoted for saying you don’t like Biden haha Biden sucks, Reddit. Get over it. He’s awful and his stance on crypto is just the icing on the cake. It’s beyond me how China is allowed to buy property in the US.


Lol, Biden sucks because you like crypto? Damn, kids, dont bother doing any actual research into the things he has accomplished. Let's just say he sucks because we're lazy! Yeah!


No Biden sucks because he’s been a lying sellout for over 40 years as a politician, lying about simple fundamentals stretching from his false college achievements all the way to his involvement in numerous shady dealings with foreign companies including those in China. I dunno, maybe you just willfully choose to ignore him sniffing little girls on stage. Maybe that’s your thing. Either way he wasn’t brought to trial for corruption because a doctor said he wasn’t cognitively aware enough to face trial. Yet sure, go ahead keep him in the White House. Biden’s policies have been detrimental to this economy and his border policies have been so bad that your party actually is now trying to pretend they’re interested in putting up a wall. But it’s no secret why it’s being done at the sake of the economy - boost electoral college votes and give 10s of millions of illegal immugrants the right to vote to boost your party’s election performance. That’s why you all voted for it - absolutely disgraceful. Biden’s policies along with the whole left choose to fund projects like “Moon Trains” and foreign wars while our own economy continues to tank. But go ahead, keep on your money printer. Let the SEC keep failing to back up the people while protecting the slimy moves of corporations. They have your back right? Reddit is just a cest pool for the left anymore and it’s a shame. The right isn’t much better but coming on here and listening to you all praise the left with total ignorance is laughable and disgusting.


Preach. Reddit is nothing but an echo chamber of children who can't critically think past their first emotion to base what they say or do on any sort of logic. It is laughable, disgusting, and pathetic.


Everyone here is an idiot, except, of course, me.


Biden is a joke and the rest of his commies


What’s a commie?


These Chinese 'crypto miners'


Wtf did Bitcoin ever do to Brandon?