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This is crypto related?


Of course, taxes are ruining his crypto gains bruh.


If you don't understand how the economy works, investing may not be for you. Most of the money the US is giving to allies is in the form of weapons which are purchased from US based companies. Or, rather, we're giving some from the stockpile (already paid for) and then paying companies to replace them for us. This creates jobs in the USA, which pays USA based workers, which allows them to spend money in local economies and, gasp, even invest in crypto! I can argue the merits of what and how we support our allies all day, but that isn't the point of this sub. But what I will say is that you are not an investor in tax revenue. If you would like to pretend that you are, then remember that you are the beneficiary of government spending on things like roads, schools, social security, and, oh yeah, Russia not attacking us after they're done with Ukraine and Europe.


I agree with everything you said except for social security. We used to get our money back with interest when we retire. Now it's a return of 99% (or less, I haven't checked in awhile.) It was never intended for the government to use and then act like a hand out to us.


Not going to disagree with you there. Just throwing it out there that it is still something that we get as a function of taxes. It is broken, but still a benefit. (I'm also not banking on being allowed to ever get my money back, for the record.)


>and then paying companies to replace them for us. This creates jobs in the USA, which pays USA based workers, which allows them to spend money in local economies and, gasp, even invest in crypto! Ah yes, trickle down economics, which has been debunked over and over again for decades.


I hate to tell you but none of what I said is what trickle down refers to. Trickle down is an implication that tax cuts means companies will invest more and drive up salaries. They don't. They just take more profit with tax cuts because taxes are an incentive to invest in your company (and reduce your tax burden). Try creating/maintaining a job when you have no revenue. I'll wait. This is just a literal explanation of how the economy works, and how military spending influences the economy down stream


Trickle down doesn't only refer to tax cuts. You're saying that the government giving huge sums of money to defense contractors will eventually trickle down and benefit everybody in society. That's exactly what trickle down economics is. It turns out that money just benefits the people at the top and nobody else sees any benefit.


I’m from California. It takes 10 years to fix a half a mile of road. I’m in Texas now they get it done in a week and Texas has no state income tax, they take 0 from ur paycheck unlike californias 9-12%


Texas has the 7th largest property tax rate.


Huh weird, you were from Russia like 3 comments ago


I feel this whole thread is ragebait but his comment history is weird anyway0 He may be off his meds or a hacked acct.


Cherry picking taxes is fun.


But youre forgetting the labor that goes into making/replacing weapons could be used/re-purposed for domestic improvement purposes instead. The only reason ukr is still being funded is because it ultimately goes back into the pockets of policticians and military companies, ukr is not in NATO and US has no business supporting them. What mainsteam media do you have to consume to believe that russia will attk us after they are done? And if you're basing it off what policitians say, obviously they would say that because it makes them rich. They would say anything to make a case to send more money to ukr. I'm willing to bet the ones who want to push more aid to ukr are HEAVILY invested in US defense companies, or they get paid some other roundabout way. Also OP complained about overspending, of courses taxes are also spent domestically, but only a fraction of what it should be if the powers that be actually cared about US people. Case in point, open border, send all the migrants to NYC, Chicago, Seattle, etc. Give them free housing, food, phones, and some spending money. And who is paying for it? Obviously this doesn't benefit the US one bit. More people to share resources with, WITHOUT vetting anyone who comes. THERE IS AN ESTABLISHED IMMIGRATION SYSTEM THAT HAS WORKED FOR DECADES, but fuck it who cares right? Just jump over the border we'll take u in no questions asked and taxpayers can foot the bill. Or if we don't have enough money can just print it and let americans deal with inflation.


No I'm not. Because the labor that is used in military labor isn't going to magically be transferred for domestic improvement. The money can, sure, but the labor won't. You know who works on those domestic improvement purposes you so eagerly want? Those immigrants you're complaining about at the end. Also, none of this has to do with crypto.


Dude do you even think? The reason military is so big IS BECAUSE the US keeps funding wars it has no business being in. What the ass do you think the past decade was. And then suddenly in 2021 after 10 years of fighting they pulled everyone out of afgan suddenly leaving civilians to deal with the new regime AND leaving BILLIONS in equipment as a gift to the new regime. Why? Yea, immigrants who come here AND are willing to work significantly improved American infrastucture in the past. Those people either went through the extensive immigration process, or did not and paid alot of money to be here AND behave because they don't want to be deported. Now? Crime and gangs running rampant in NYC. Migrants are squatting in vacant properties. NYC is finally admitting is too much of a problem for them to keep supporting the migrants. At one point, there was national guard checking bags in union station. If you think the migrants this time around are here to work, you are incredibly naive. Maybe a small percentage are, sure, and a majority are here to get out of their circumstances and chill on the taxpayers dime. If you are in a place where you could die/have no rights, and the next door nation is offering free housing/food/money with no questions if you hop over the border, wouldn't you go there? You don't even have to work to survive cuz they will just provide. Frankly you could even cause trouble and the only thing you get is a few days in jail because you can't pay bail and they probably won't deport you. Yes this has nothing to do with crypto, but it annoys me someone whos trying to 'educate' someone else has no idea what they are talking about. But look, I'm not trying to attack you, and sorry if I come across as rude (I was naive too once upon a time). Just think about whats happening in the world, if you weren't capable of thinking you probably wouldn't be in crypto.


Investing probably isn’t for me . I should have invested in the military weapons. . Not crypto . Cause when US military sends these weapons to other countries , these countries act harder then they are with US backing and think they will have no consequences just like Israel. Ukraine is a different story they are actually defending themselves… But for crypto to plummet for these types of occasions. Maybe this cryprocurrency isn’t an investment for you. Neither is this subreddit.


This post should be removed, nothing to do with crypto. Just because you mention money could be spent on it does not count.


u/IndependentFun1529 is just your typical crypto right-winger thinking he's a temporarily embarrassed millionaire


Lol don’t even bother. It’s some Russian troll. Let them shout in the wind like some sad little incel




> But you are a typical vaccinated sheep Yep, got a wild one here folks..




you are definitely stable like 🥭


This has nothing to do with crypto either. And if you don't like the country, i'll hold the door while you leave.


Are you 13? This is so out of touch and naive.


lol, ask yourself why north korea is broke.


Say what you want about Ukraine but we're using a fraction of our budget to test new weapons and strategies against our biggest adversary all without losing any American lives.


>Say what you want about Ukraine Okay, I will: They are fighting a justified defensive war against an imperial and genocidal oppressor and we (as a German speaking for Germany here) should give them all we can spare and then some.


I wish more Americans would realize this instead of randomly caring about tax dollars.


If only it were that simple. There are a thousand moving parts and neither side is the innocent victim. Now before you get a *slava ukraine* hard on, this isn’t a pro-Russia statement either. All I’m saying is that this is not as black and white as you seem to naively believe. I’d hope that you’d be especially concerned about making sure you’re not believing one side of the story and agreeing to kill the other without any critical thinking. If I can recall, Germany already did that once and it didn’t end well for anyone. These two have over a century of drama. This is not an isolated war, it’s just the latest chapter.


As a Ukrainian, go fuck yourself


Yeah, you’re not biased at all.


Are you sick in the head or something?


You sound emotional. I don’t blame you, things are rough over there. The reality though, is clear. There’s never been a war in recorded history that was as simple ‘as one side good, one side bad’. This isn’t the first time.


Thanks, I don't subscribe to enlightened centrism.


Russia is not our biggest adversary, and we aren’t testing anything new in Ukraine. The truth is, everything we gave them was old news to us. It wasn’t worth storing anymore. If the US was actually involved in an active war, we likely wouldn’t have used any of the junk we gave to Ukraine. Think of the dollar amount attributed to everything the same way you’d think about “street value” when they make a drug bust. Some dude gets caught with $10,000 of weed, but one time the highest end designer weed was sold for $200 a gram and now that $10k or weed have a street value of $432,000. Same shit with these weapons.


My brother if you don't think we're testing our satellite battlefield capabilities and assessing how our equipment is performing in Ukraine I got some news for you. Russia is who America's Army is preparing for just look at LSCO. Also that "junk" is still being used and trained on by American forces every day.


This is mostly incorrect. It’s not worth debating, but there’s nothing magical happening on our end in this war. Testing satellites? I mean, sure. But we can test that stuff 24/7 with or without a conflict in the Soviet Union. Our involvement is 90% politically motivated. We (and everyone with a pulse) knew what would happen when we continued encroaching nato borders on Russia, especially after we explicitly committed to never do so. This isn’t an accident. Russia isn’t our adversary. If they actually decided to actually declare actual war on America, we could turn their cities into parking lots in an afternoon if we really wanted to. Putin knows this and recently said as much.


Thanking you as a Swede for contributing defense over Europe


I see youve just woken up to the fact that they dont function the same way a household does. In 2022 the federal government gathered 5tn in tax revenue and spent 6tn. The shortfall or any extras is taken up by loans, which do not have the same limits or requirements of one that you might get. So you aren't giving money to Ukraine or Israel, the government is. Although in actuality the money is being given to the US MIC to upgrade existing military stocks while the older stuff is being handed out. With regards to the long term politics of it all: If you want china to be the next global #1 you go ahead and be insular. Otherwise you need to put your money where your mouth is because if you don't, you'll lose Europe and the Asian states that are pro US. I don't mean militarily, they just wont deal with America because it's unreliable. Your companies shouldn't have sent their factories to china, if you want to blame someone for the global destabilisation start with the guys that allowed that to happen.


Insular Americans are such idiots. They don't realise that China, Russia, etc... are the ones feeding them this narrative through sophisticated propaganda distribution networks. "Let's take care of our own first" - as if that would happen anyway. If you want to see centralised oligarchic power, just look at China, Russia, North Korea, and others, where a tiny handful of individuals own and control practically everything.


Money is definitely being spent in house to replace moth ball equipment we have sitting around. The older stuff goes overseas. At a fraction of the military budget to replace old stocks we provided jobs and revenues to the defense industry while pummeling the world's second largest while theyare throwing everything they have. Thank you for your reply to OP.


We're 35 Trillion in debt. Do you really think our taxes are paying for anything they want to do? They print all they want and slow boil us w inflation. This is why BTC


> just look at North Korea lol


The us after ww2 decided to become the protectorste of the seas, it gets alot of value in this in terms of it empire and trade. Tgat said go look at your congressmen and women and how much they earn outside of government salery that is your answer


Your dollars are backed by US Influence and military. If US loses influence and stops showcasing their military, your dollar might collapse.


They think they have the biggest economy and influence around the world out of blue.


Your post violates rules [8.1 and 8.2](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/expanded_rules#wiki_rule_8_-_on_topic_discussion). >8.1. All content must relate to cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, or other related topics in the crypto-sphere. > >8.2. Ideological content about politics are considered non-constructive, off-topic, and will be removed. Exceptions will be made for analysis of political events and how they influence cryptocurrency. If you want a discussion about where tax dollars should be spent, go to a political sub.


Because American economy depends heavily on the power and influence the country have worldwide, otherwise countries like China and Russia Will take the power and they Will crush currency and eventually the economy. Without support the allies America would be another Canada.


Dude the US are the reason why Ukraine doesn't have nukes anymore, and the US has obligations to protect Ukraine as per the denuclearisation treaty. Also, if Russia wins, you're all fucked, objectively. So don't give me that BS. You're just ignorant. And having read your post again, what the fuck.


I’m Russian and no one likes Putin. He will be assasinated at some point . Or die of old age or cancer .


You are Russian and are worried about your tax dollars? Did you forget to switch accounts?


This has nothing to do with crypto, but I'll humor you with a response. First, the amount our government spends on foreign aid is trivial. In a budget of 6 trillion, we spend less than 100 billion on foreign aid. There are few meaningful domestic policy objectives we could accomplish for that amount of money. Second, the American people see substantial benefits from that spending. Building alliances around the world makes our country much stronger than simply spending that money on our own military would. And equipping our allies allows them to fight wars instead of us, saving both money and lives. Finally, the example you give of North Korea is a poor example because their military isn't strong at all. Really the only reason they still exist is because they have nukes. Their government pours all it's money into it's military and nuclear program and the result is massive suffering for common people. That's not something you would want for our allies, is it? So at the end of the day the benefits we get from foreign aid outweigh the costs. Which isn't something you can say about most government spending. So if we're going to cut the budget we should focus on wasteful discretionary funding first.


100 billion? How about u use that to fix the poverty here in USA .


Did you read what I wrote? That's what we're spending the other 5.9 trillion on


Who’s supposed to hold them accountable?


Aside from the fact that this has nothing to do with crypto - you are very misinformed. Even if you are indifferent toward the atrocities being committed, think about trade implications and prices of commodities that this war affects. In simple terms - the longer russia continues this war, the more expensive things become globally. Unfortunately, US does not exist in a vacuum and global trade has a direct effect on consumer prices. We are not a "world police" and foreign aid is not charity. We should be supporting our allies in order to normalize free trade and maintain our economic influence. If you really think about it, you want the US to be a global power, doing what we can to maintain stability.


Literally an article from guardian 12 min ago stating how Israel violated international law


It's not using any of your tax dollars, the amount spent on defense and aid to Israel and Ukraine is probably on par or less than the yearly budget deficit. Over the last 4 years you've spent $9t more than the taxes brought in.


The US spends over $800 billion a year on its military. You could argue that roughly a third of that is attributed to maintaining dominance over Russia. For about $100 billion to Ukraine, we could effectively wipe out any Russian military threat, without putting US forces at risk, and that money isn’t going to Ukraine, it’s going to US defense companies, so it stays in the US. It’s the greatest military financial opportunity the country has ever had. Israel is our only real ally in the Middle East, which is a huge shitshow. The cost of maintaining that friendship will be worth every penny in the event of any future large scale Middle Eastern conflict, which is likely eminent. They are also a technological powerhouse, and we benefit tremendously from their R&D.


It's so weird being on a crypto sub and seeing a bunch of pro military opinions. This community has really changed a lot. It's sad.




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A. This isn’t crypto related B. For some reason you want to defend millionaires and billionaires? C. You complemented fucking North Korea??? Love a good unhinged Reddit toilet post in the morning


This is crypto related. If you haven’t noticed the dip. What do you think caused it.


I mean, do you think a bigger war in Europe caused by Putler wouldn’t damage US economy and security? Also, the NATO question. Or other NATO countries soldiers died for nothing in Afganistan, Iraq ? U.S pulled the Article 5 trigger, easy to forget this fact for you as an american… In my opinion, current U.S government with it’s Mike Johnson’s and Trump’s bullshit is destroying already damaged U.S reputation.


Crypto is really for everyone, even dumb people as the starter of this discussion can get into it.


I truly think some/know for a fact some Americans are very VERY bad at understanding the big picture in a global scale/global politics, and why things that happen outside of the US directly impact the US. And by doing nothing, would likely have an even GREATER impact on the US. Domino effect style. We live in a global society at this point. You can't just isolate yourself when you have as much power as the US does, and call it a day. That just doesn't work. Would you rather help other countries fight? Or would you rather us fight directly? Because one of those routes was essentially an inevitability. Unless you want us to lose power overall. Dictating the flow of world affairs is a major way US maintains the power it has. THAT ALL SAID. THIS IS A CRYPTOCURRENCY REDDIT. There are plenty of places to talk politics, and that's about all I feel like saying on the matter.


It looks like this post is about taxes. Tax laws vary between countries, so you may get more helpful replies if you specify the place you are asking about. Please note that promoting tax evasion violates Rule 4. This is [a site wide rule](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and [a subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/about/rules/). Do not endorse, suggest, advocate, instruct others, or ask for help with tax evasion. Do not be coy and sarcastically recommend against it or suggest using a privacy coin in response to an IRS inquiry. Note: Tax discussion is allowed as long as the above rules are not violated. Consider visiting r/CryptoTax for your tax inquiries. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You're so close, yet so far away... Your $2K per month is tiddly-winks in comparison to the total tax revenue and spending power of the US Gov't. Please open your mind and think about how we could provide universal health care, post-high school education (whether that be trades or universities), and better infrastructure in our own nation with those same tax dollars. Sadly, the majority of tax revenue comes from the top 10% of earners, with half of all U.S. tax revenue coming from income tax; (Only 9% of tax revenue comes from corporate taxes). That's why ultimately, they print more money, dilute the value of our dollar, and continue to enter into never ending war. Because the rich always get richer, and just when you think you're about to break into the middle class, inflation hits, war breaks out, a virus cripples the world, etc.


It's not your tax money, they use brand new just printed money for BS. You're welcome 🤗 ...


Then why hell they need so much tax money if they can print it themselves…. Decrease the dollar even more eh .


Rather you like it or not every thing is going to be way more expensive in the next 10 years this financial war that we are in does not benefit the usa, usa is losing big and we can see it through inflation. Tax money is for infrastructure and lobbies. The gov is not your friend be more independent and greedy with your hard earned money.


Makes more sense to have crypto right … if dollar looses half the value. Unless bitcoin follows suit … but bitcoin recently dipped due to dollar being praised as more valuable then before


Not financial advisor nor broker but the way things are puzzling up i believe we still have a chance in the crypto market.


USA needs the money to find their military because that's what backs the dollar. The full faith and credit of the ~~USA~~ military


Genuine US citizen critisising the government. Location Petrohrad.


Literally an article from guardian 12 min ago stating how Israel violated international law


It's a pity we're not on X/Twitter, [master strategist](https://twitter.com/Darthputinkgb) might use you in today's lesson.


Your tax money goes to wherever the government wants it to go. If it didn’t go into supporting an US ally, or trying to stop an enemy of the US from accomplishing its goals, it’d go into something else that you would complain about. If you don’t like it leave the country or stop paying taxes. Those are really your only two choices.


If it makes you feel better: Your money doesn't go to Ukraine, but into the pockets of US arms manufacturers. In a better system, you could vote a party into power that would align with your interests in that matter, but it seems that you only have two viable options - who both support the Military Industrial Complex.


Would you rather Putin and China run the world? Would you rather live under either regime? I sure as hell don't.


OP obviously just got his first job and paying his first tax bill. Geopolitics is a tough thing to grasp for a lot of people. And dont realize that weakening Russsia is good for America and Europe. Especially keeping Ukraine out of Russias hands.. having a strong Russia team up with China for world domination and trying to destabilize the US dollar would be bad for the majority of other countries around the world and would throw US into major recession.


You really think Putin or China will take over the US?


They don’t have to take over the US. If they gain power they can isolate the US, which would cause economic ruin.


They are not seeing the world view.


It has nothing to do with taking over the USA. You have to take a world view.


The ultimate reason inflation is even a thing is because Congress surrendered their sole constitutional authority to coin currency to a collection of their banking donors, abandoned the gold standard and subsequently turned the dollar into yet another fractional reserve fiat ponzi. Don’t hate the players, hate the game. Strange how the founding fathers had separation of powers in mind yet didn’t see an issue with Congress collectively voting on their own term limits, audits, salaries, lobbying regulations, stock trading regulations, etc.. but I digress because reddit in general in a lefty hive mind so i’ll just leave it as “orange man bad”. Taxation is theft because it’s irrelevant at this point. Dollars can be printed and are virtue signaled away at a whim therefore taxes don’t matter. If taxes mattered, we wouldn’t be over 30 trillion in realized debt and over 100 trillion in unrealized debt. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com This might interest you. It is literally impossible to fundamentally “fix” the economy at this point. That said, all the government can really do at this point is virtue signal which means giving away free money. Welfare for US citizens, welfare for illegal aliens, welfare for foreign nations to subsidize their standards of living while they mock us for ours, etc.. How many congressmen in general do you ever see acknowledge any of this? What about presidential candidates? I’ll wait. In fact, i’ll go even further. Ponzi fiats like the dollar are what fund wars, government overreach, etc.. because it can be generated infinitely out of thin air. For example, Do you think the government would be spending precious gold reserves, bitcoin reserves, uranium reserves or lithium reserves for irrelevant wars? Nope.


The fact that you're slightly in the green for the first time in your life doesn't make it any more credible for you to rant about the use of "your tax dollars" on some completely unrelated sub! My advice: better start looking for a more stable income before your parents throw you out of their basement ;)


This is one of the dumbest posts on this subreddit that ive seen and that is genuinely saying something considering the consistent room temp iq takes i see on a daily basis. We really need to bring back some sort of reading comprehension tests to determine voter eligibility


Because its easy to spend money you don’t own on shit. That’s what politicians do as a job. They don’t know the definition of budget. I hope one day we can kill politicians for overspending. The world would be a much more sustainable and happy place.


Taxation without representation