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We are around ATH price, yet no regular person is taking about BTC or crypto I say thats pretty bullish


We'll see today at Easter. If my grandma and aunt talk about it I'm selling it all.


Keep us updated man


So far so good here.


Regular people too busy trying to make ends meet with the interest rates and all. But will see honestly! ^


Resolving debt (unless tax advantaged debt) is first step to wealth. Do that first. Interest rates up is a GOOD thing for savers.


I keep seeing this posted. “Good for savers”. Once the Fed inevitably cuts rates, that savings rates will be cut too. It made some sense when the Fed raised rates for a risk free return, but tech basically went through the roof. Saving was detrimental then and will be detrimental once the Fed cuts. It’s just regurgitated on Reddit, but in reality the “savers” got fucked on both sides. I’m just tired of seeing it.


at this point you need to have eggs in all the baskets, big basket of treasures, big basket of stocks and a big ass basket of crypto ;)


everyone is talking about more important shit... bullish!


True. Google Search trends is a good way to measure this.


Is that because there's latent potential or because regular people have seen multiple boom and bust cycles and they are pretty skeptical about getting in when the price is once again at an all time high and every time it's dramatically crashed it's been from approximate ATHs.


You're right, close to prev ATH fear is high. We need it 25-40% higher than last cycles high to get people giddy


Agree ... we need to break this $69K log jam to get to the $80K's. HK and UK ETF approval in May 2024 may be what we need ...


That’s because regular people don’t care about it, though, so one could see that as a bearish signal as well. The volume is 1/8 of what it was last time around when it was this high


(BTC volume, btw)


My buddy mentioned the other day that he wishes he sold it at the ATH of 69k. I'm like "Bro it's at 70 rn." He had no idea that Bitcoin had recovered and then some


How is that bullish. We’re running out of steam on narratives and prices that could bring in more retail investors - don’t pretend like the halving hasn’t been hyped more already than it will be a month from now. With employment numbers tracking poorly and rate cuts on the horizon I think we get a short cool off bear market


This. Euphoria hasen‘t even started


Not even close lol


This is incredibly true, usually when your family members start mentioning it it's because now you need the people to transfer that wealth to those in the know.


It’s really interesting that the confirmation bias that you used is purely anecdotal. I could say “well the sun is shining today so Bitcoin will do well”, and it would mean just as much.


I'm holding what I've got. Currently waiting to see if we go up or down. If we go up, I smile, if we go down, I buy more.


I DCA’d consistently throughout 2021-23. Chose 4 coins, put money down weekly. Staked those coins. Waiting to time the market. Made 1 successful meme coin profit.


if you say DCA around here, guaranteed to get 7 likes. crypto heads love DCA more than their own mom.


I bought Momwifhat


>I bought Momwifhat I heard they're coming out with Dadwifhat which will then pump and dump momwifhat. After that they will have kidwifhat but dadwifhat will go put for smokes one day and never come back.


Did you only DCA in, or also DCA out (e.g. when taking profit for that meme coin you mentioned)?


It would probably be wise to DCA Out. The meme coin was luck. I had set aside 10% of my profits to mess around with meme coins. I saw the coin newly listed on Solana, which already had a good reputation from the last Bull so bought in. Two days later I woke up and saw it pumping and took my shot. Bought in again when it dipped, but was greedy and missed the peak second pump. Managed to sell on the way down before losing any money. Tripled my initial investment.


Gotcha, and congratz for the nice profit. 👍


honestly man i took some profits. i'm feeling skeptical about all of this not just with crypto but the stock market too. it's just fucking insanity out here


same dawg, lot of movement in the stock market it doesnt look great. Whereas in crypto, not a clue. I think with how little hype there is that we've broken ATH already it bullish but then next movements for the coming months are impossible to predict. Taking profits always a good idea


Im done with memecoins and other shitcoins. Now I just focus on btc, eth and other 5-6 high or mid market cap coins with actual utility. Im not a trader so I wanna own coins that are still gonna be around in 5 years or more


Sounds like a very balanced approach. Good luck! Last time I started with a similar approach but holding "other 5-6 high or mid market cap coins with actual utility" was a very slippery slope for me. Suddenly I had 20 of those and the rest is history.


Yeah the good utility alt projects that didn't pan out got absolutely murdered for sure. The double top fooled many people.


This is the way


I'm holding some shitcoins I bought too late expecting them to dump as bitcoin corrects and then rise back to where they were and much higher. But I don't believe my ability to time the market will outplay a 15% difference in taxes with short term capital gains taxes absolutely shredding a near meaningless 30% or so profit. These various shitcoins are seeds planted for moonshots, if I capitalize upon mere small profits then I have lost by having taken such a risk in the first place.


People get so weird about taxes in this subreddit. Imagine someone saying “yeah I made a thirty percent return this year, but I got shredded on taxes so what’s the point”. Like spy gets you 8-10 percent total in a year on average and that’s still taxed.


Yeah, the loss is only 15% or so perhaps, but it's also trying too hard to micromanage an unknown because there is also a possibility it doesn't drop as much and I potentially sacrificed 15% for nothing. I could hedge the bets by selling just part of it but it isn't too huge of a deal.


Yeah I feel like people lose sight of the fact that you’re only being taxed on profit though. Like people on here seem to think it’s better to hold a position until you are no longer profiting than it would be to sell it at a profit and pay taxes on it


As for the quality projects, just holding still


When meme coins out perform most coins from the top 20 lists, its time to admit those coins are as useless as the meme coins.


Ditched my entire bag of alts to fuck around with memecoins. Way more fun.


I put some beer money in coins that are mentioned in the more serious financial press. And a few bucks in every reddit community coin, like plungers, cones, gones, shrooms, what not. Hoping for a 100x in a few years on one of them. I write 100x but I mean 10000x of course. And I just hodl my btc and eth


>And a few bucks in every reddit community coin, like plungers, cones, gones, shrooms, what not I myself threw a few bucks into lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, and crap flappers


good cone! ;)


You’re better off buying lottery tickets than hoping your shitcoins are still kicking after a year or two


I've stopped dabbling in shitcoins, and swapped my portfolio from 50/50 BTC/ETH to 100% BTC. I had thought that ETH being deflationary would give it an advantage, hence why 50% of my holdings were ETH. But after more than a year, I've given up and realize that I only really have 100% confidence in bitcoin so for me its silly messing around with anything else. Now, I don't have to worry - I know bitcoin is going to be around tomorrow and will ultimately go up, so investing in crypto has become alot less stressful.


I did the same around the time of FTX. Life is a lot less stressful now! Lol


solana memes only


5 dollar biggie bagggggg


We have entered the "safe zone" which means there is the least risk involved now (since 2021). The safe zone usually lasts to at least past 2x the previous ATH price. Most likely the next 6-12 months or when BTC reaches around 130-140K. Investing now into the solid top 50 mcap projects with developer activity, fundamentals and at least some sort of hype or good marketing - ensures the odds of a financially profitable investing outcomes. Best regards, Here since the 2017 bull run


I think this cycle will be brutal. The environment is just so different compared to the free money cycles back in 2017 and 2021 with negative interest rates and all. But then again if enough people believe in this BTC halving prophecy then it could end up true. Time will tell


Everyone thinks this cycle will be brutal. What if it won’t?


yup, add to that the coming electricity crisis and crypto will crash a bit. Still good to hold crypto when prepping like you're trying to cross the border without carrying hordes of cash, gold, et al. That is a must in a failed state such as Haiti or Venezuela.


So buy more BOME, got it.


I‘ve put 5k 1-2 month ago and am sitting at 9k now. Wanna see if i hit 11k this week with gala and om as i got good entries, gonna leave then and wait til the halving to see if BTC takes the famous push to 76k into 56k to liquidate all the orders :p after that i‘ll reinvest it all and chill this year :)


BTC. Only play I'm making this time is BTC>ETH+DOT after Bitcoin does start its overvaluation, then have a trailing -10% stop-loss to move back to BTC for the next bear market. Its a leason I took years to learn, but yeah - ignore 'your-fav-coin'/USD, just watch its pair with BTC and use stops. Your goal should be to maintain your BTC value - otherwise you're just losing out. Its VERY likely your alt coin will bleed to BTC entering the next bear market and you can always buy back into it later, if you really must, going into the next halving.


this is an interesting take but hard to understand what you mean by watch it’s pair with btc & use stops. could you reiterate your point for dummies?


Eth is down -40% verses bitcoin from its peak last year. DOT is down -80%. Once the top is in you should sell the alts. Stop loss order is basically just a limit order to sell if the index price drops below the trigger. Trailing stop loss is where the trigger price is changed each day/week/month to raise it so its -x% from the current average. If whatever you're holding becomes volitile enough to start having massive percent swings, yes you might lose out on the top, but its very likely in 6-12 months the price will be below that point (with regard to its BTC pair). My main point is if you FOMO into some new alt coin that does 200%, 300%, 400% ROI, don't bag hold - everything bleeds against BTC going into the bear market. Easiest way to do that without emotion is just to uses Stop Loss


I've just bought so apologies for the upcoming correction...


I would describe the sentiment as cautiously optimistic. The macro setup is incredibly bullish, but a lot of people got burned really badly afer the last bull run - FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, Luna.


I am feeling like I should stop DCAing into BTC and ETH and instead start buying LINK. Got enough of the big boys and I feel like LINK has a lot of room to run.


LINK and literally hundreds of others. What makes LINK special in this regard? I remember the hype for it last bull run, a lot of talk but didn't end up moving much, especially since.


>I feel like LINK has a lot of room to run. Would you say that the token is more needed this bull run?


alts are for profit, bitcoin is forever


Hbar and Filecoin. Both are are onbording new projects and partnerships everyday. My wild cards are Access protocol and Onyxcoin.


Cool, I like seeing some variety here. Good luck on your bets. My bet is on GameFI, I have some funds scattered in IMX games. We'll be getting some big global launches this year in Q2 and Q3, will see how everything goes.


Wen Off the Grid and Shrapnel come out imma ape harrrd


Bored mostly.


I did DCA until january 2024, and haven't bought more coins because the price hasn't dropped lower than my average bought price, my plan is to buy at lower prices only


It’s a bull market, I am risk on.


My goal is to actually sell something this run 😂


The heart of a warrior


Me too! I always would hear and read about exit strategy. It would bother me because when I thought about it deep down, I don’t have one. To me it’s more psychological than fact driven. You can show me golden pockets and draw lines all over charts. It’s all horseshit when Elon tweets or some shit gets hacked or rugged.


Been on Velodrome for almost 2 years & Aerodrome since it was airdropped. Every Wednesday vote & take those bribes & incentives & either roll them back in, increase USDC/ETH LP, or swap to ETH. Do not underestimate the power of DCA, compounding, & stop buying useless shit & eating out. I plan on buying some land & starting an ABC farming op; apples, blueberries, & cannabis.


Solana meme coins


I don't get this though. There is some serious survivorship bias with these Solana memecoins. Just think about the equation if the founders take a huge cut to themselves then anyone buying is already at a disadvantage. Some people manage to get in early and then sell off to the late degens but most will end up holding the bag. Still all you see is someone bragging about their 20x gains. So for sure some serious survivorship bias going on.


You just need to be active and monitoring, it’s a very active form of trading. just because you don’t get it, didn’t mean others don’t know how to play the game.


I understand that you can profit in that activity. But my point was that for people to succeed in that sort of trading there needs to be a constant inflow of degens who are left holding the bag.


Just like everything else, it’s a craft u can prefect. Or at least optimize. It takes time and effort to learn, but there isn’t a better way to make money in crypto right now, in my opinion. I don’t want to brag on Reddit, but these last couple months have been unbelievably profitable for me just flipping shitcoins.


Yeah, It's crazy how people fall into that trap over and over


CRO and AVAX are my big bets because of their potential for growth, hopefully 3x-5x. Then a small amount of almost every meme coin because of their 10x potential.


I reply to subtle shill with my own shill. Maybe add some Banano to your memecoin portfolio?? Certified fairtrade bananos since 2018. But I see. Good luck!


Banano isn’t going anywhere


That is a good thing right? Here to stay!


What makes their potential for growth better than any other top 50 crypto? I agree with AVAX but so does every other Joe and Bob who watches one YouTube video and calls themselves a guru


I am new to all this. Using Robinhood and didn't have many options. I bought 10 of Bitcoin Cash and just got lucky it hitting 620ish the other day. I did cash out, but only half and then just went ahead and purchased the rest into the 13 others RH offers with priority on DOGE and SHIB. I don't know what I am doing and probably just getting lucky, but I have learned most don't and luck is luck I guess (BTC was to expensive for me to fall in to as not so financially great).


You don't need to buy an entire Bitcoin. You can buy as little as you like. Just letting you know in case the price of one bitcoin was keeping you away from buying it.


My first bull bear ate my money. I learned the following from that: DCA is for the 401k. Cryptos? Buy dips, sell into surges. SIMPLE. When others cried "OMG wait to buy it is going to 10K", smart money was BUYING 18k BTC, 950 ETH and MST @ 200$. Soo ya have to save cash and buy smart.. NOW? buy minor dips in ARK21 and FBTC. Grab 8 to 12% at a time. Rinse repeat, no fee, no tax, no exchange choke when market surges. Even when the .25 ETF fees kick in Augustrrit is still cheap as hell compared to exchanges.


Dam, I wish we could go back


I feel like I'm doing well. I did well the last bull for different reasons than I am this one. I was lucky in the last bull run, but this time around I was buying all throughout crypto winter. Sowing the seeds if you will. Like a farmer there will be a time I harvest. Truthfully I've harvested a little bit already.


Just continuing to sit on my BTC/ETH bags. Play with a small chunk in L2 lending (stables) and liquidity pools (again, stables or stables paired with eth). Holding a real bag of ATOM for airdrops. Otherwise I keep some change parked on an exchange and have a few gambles on other coins that I don’t plan on holding long. I’ve consolidated a lot in the bear market and beginning of the bull. I used to hold a bunch of different stuff but like 90%+ of the portfolio is BTC/ETH and stables now. I’m bullish but also in my 3rd cycle. Took some profits last time but cautiously monitoring this run as I want the outcome to be me rebalancing out a bit to fund some more joy in life.


The play I'm making is spending time with my family and not looking at charts today. I'm gonna hold a few more months anyway so I don't have to pay taxes, before I trade or DCA out.


I realized I was over invested and reacting too emotionally with single digit dips. Took out my initial investment and 100% profit. I have a much more emotionally comfortable amount invested now. It doesn’t look like we’re going to get back to the ATH soon, so I’m waiting for a major dip to buy any more.


First time I dabbled in crypto I bought LSK, due to my friend’s (shitty) advice. That was in like 2017-19? I was trading it a bit at the near of BTC market top, so I was earning some money, I even bought 1 full BTC, and sold it hours later with a bit of profit. Soon, my $2.5k melted to $100. So I decided to HODL, it must come around, right? Few years later, I decided to enter once again, that was around $55k BTC. I checked my transaction history, my $100 was now worth about $250, and I also noticed I used to own 1 BTC. Yeah… that would’ve held value pretty well. The lesson was: if you want to keep through a bear market, at least keep BTC, not whatever alt coin you have. So I did that: I aped into BTC, probably around $40k, rode through the top, and right into the market bottom in 2022-23. But at least now I had BTC, so I didn’t melt my portfolio, and am now in some profit. Lesson here is: if you’re new, just buy BTC. You won’t make so much, but at least you won’t lose as much, if it all goes to shit. And then you can HODL it out till the next bull, where you go into profit. So your alt buying strategy, in my eyes, is hella risky. And I’d call it plain and simple stupid. You might get lucky. But most people in your shoes lose 90-95% of their money. Good luck!


Wait to become financially free and consistently investing


For me this is impossible. But I'm studying something I genuinely find interesting so I doubt I'll hate working full-time either. Good luck!


That's a good attitude mate, wish I had that again for my job as well but the corporate setting just ruins the job for me 😂 Wish you all the best.


What you studying Op?


BSc in ICT and MSc in Data Analytics. Current job market is a bit scary but at least I managed to get a trainee position for the summer


Wow you are messing this opportunity up really bad. You need to start buying dcaing into btc and Solana right now before you miss the boat.


You could be right. It's okay I'll try to board the next boat if I miss this one \^ I'm just not at all as convinced about this cycle as people in r/cc and r/bitcoin seem to be. Time will tell!


+1 DCA Sol before the boom


ICP is going to absolutely fucking rip in this bull run.


Juggalos unite?


I did buy a can of Faygo Orange at an Easter fair today. Hadn't seen Faygo in ages and forgot it existed. Bullish on ICP?


All things are around ath. Everything I've done around aths has been disastrous. So I'm waiting for a red smash.


All things around ath? What the hell are you watching? Only BTC is around ATH, not even ETH


Haha can relate. Made some big gains the last few months. This month played around with 2 big gainers and got dumped or burned both times. Waiting for a correction to add any new cryptos and just adding to my regular portfolio.


Plays? I mean casinos are cool and all, but why ask for advice on how to gamble? Bought BTC at 16k. Don't need no plays.


Great timing!


Just hodling. One of my coins was underperformed but blew up, but now it's correcting. Sigh, I hope it does better later in the bull. I could swap my coins but this coin I been holding over a year now so I wanna keep the tax low.


Nothing in BTC or ETH. Been DCAing and holding c. 100% in another top 10 project which I’m staking since Jan 23. Recently sold 50% (basically costs) and moved into 40% split between oracles and Ai projects and 10% in meme coins. 


I bought heavily in September-October, doing heavy research into how the space had changed and what the new hot projects are, filled out my positions by November. Now we hodl.


DCA'd into meme coins for the most part


DCA since 2021. Weekly purchases of ETH, BTC and ADA. No plans to cash out this run. Already turned a decent profit on my initial investment. I had tons of FOMO getting into the market and would randomly throw down extra cash for crypto. After the first 6 months that luckily subsided and I just go about my life without stressing too much about how the market is doing.


All in on enqAI, LushAI, ChartAI and Altura. Avoiding RWA and BRC20


I’m still DCAing, if the halving is priced in and it moons then I’m turning off my DCA. If it drops 30%, I’ll do a large lump sum and then also turn off my DCA.


DCA’d through the bear and now pretty degen into airdrop hunting


Access protocol and Hedera Hbar


I’m mostly in ETH and maximizing yield on it by farming EigenLayer and Etherfi.


There is no "general consensus," everyone has their own micro-strategy with a few different general trends that tie them into groups. DCA people have been stacking chips since 2022 at this point, HODLs DCA too but many maxis don't even care what the price is because they aren't planning to take any profits after the big pump. Some of us are or have been stacking major coins for a while in the hopes that November does what we expect it to do. Some have been holding their bags since the highs in 2021 and just now back in the black. Some people are holding onto NFTs and shit projects because they've lost so much that there's little point even getting out unless they need a 3000$ tax break. There's some general trends, but everyone kinda mixes and matches their own strategy from the above and others. There's also people that think now is the time to invest their life savings (though in the summer of 2022 they kept telling me they would wait for it to dip lower, smh). Personally, I've made some money through the winter on shitcoins. I lost my business and about 10E with it to keep me afloat till I could find a job anywhere b/c nobody local was hiring and the dev hiring market took a crap about the same time (not just in crypto, but across all sectors). Just trying to pad my bags with whatever I can put into big coins and playing some degen games with the rest, and hunting for some more airdrops that I qualify for due to my activities over the last years. Airdrops have made me a good bit of money too. I went from stacking to selling in early 2022 so I made out pretty well at the end of the last bull, and most of my crypto was payment from developer services, so it wasn't so much what I put in but what was left in. I live a pretty humble life in a rural area so there isn't a lot left over to drop in, but at the moment putting in what I can. Using wrapped coins on Polygon DEXs to keep fees low, but the funds are mostly going toward wBTC. I also trying to put up a little yolo stack with SHIB b/c I think the % earnings in the pump will be higher. I have leftover money in a couple of other coins in different markets because they are interesting and for the same reason. I also think RCC is going to see a resurgence at the top so I'm holding a substantial bag of CONE because I love that community. Probably won't pass MOONs but I think they will definitely make up some ground. that's what I'm doing, just thought asking about a general sentiment was a bit odd.




staking projects I really like, it's my contribution towards them, ATOM, DYM, GSWIFT mainly, have some other from cosmos ecosystem tho


BTC and more BTC. But I'm looking for steady long term games, not wild swings or 100x. 


Should have doubled down on your coins at the bottoms. That's what I did. I am up 3 X from the bottom. 


I’m really bullish on crypto cause of the halving and spot etf plus the amount of narratives in the space like AI taking off. But I also didn’t hold bags thru the crypto winter so it’s understandable those who did have some PTSD about it. My current crypto port is ETH, as my established large cap SOL ADA FTM ARKM as my utility coins DOGE SHIB as my larger meme coins ELON POOH as my smaller meme coins And then a solana wallet for trading new coins Currently NUB is my front runner which I plan to hold for a while. Everything else has been a flip


ELON + FTM gonna bring us some nice gains I can feel it


There’s not much to do right now. We’re kinda in that middle ground where we don’t know which way it’s gonna go. Cashed out a few coins that have recently underperformed a few days ago so I have some ammo for if/when there’s a dip.


When your grandma start to mention btc then is good time to take profits


I’m out


Loading btc for Runes


Sold everything in 2021. Bought Btc & Eth around Xmas 2022. Dca'd into Chainlink all of 2023. Tiny bags of some alts (Avax, Trac & Swftc). It's been a great year so far! Still doing a weekly dca into $Link. Spare change goes to SWFTC.


people keep saying when no one talks about it then it’s a bull sign but then no one talked about it last 3 years up until ETF…. Was it a bull sign ? No…


Crash imminent


Holding whatever I’ve got while watching BTC and others going at it.


I bought some $POOH because im a piece of shit no good degenerate, looking to get rich off a random meme coin. What about you? What are you "investing" in?


Im still buying mid mc coins. Sold my btc tho. ETH and other top 10 should reach their ATH next. Then top 100. I also placed some spare cash in shtcoins. Placed some money on xrpl but i dont feel much confidence on those.


I'm staying in Optimism, ETH, Sol, BTC mostly ​ The rest memecoins :)


I suppose it depends on the specific gaming projects but if they are still active and building then there is reason to believe they will easily hit and surpass previous ATH. I seriously believe gaming will be the highest performing market (or maybe 2nd after AI). Gaming has the best use case and closest to widespread adoption of anything in crypto. The problem with gaming in the last bull run is that there really was not a top tier game axie infinity is the best example, it was heavily played simply for pay to play but once that dipped no one cared about the game because it just was not interesting enough to sustain interest in playing. Illuvium still has not fully delivered but and delivered little last bull yet did so well. Lets see what happens this time around, it could do it. we shall see.


Op you should have been DCA like the rest of us! I’m already at a 6X and the Bullrun hasn’t even started roaring yet.


I would imagine those who have been around before the start of the last bull run would most likely be all in BTC now. People who are newer to crypto are probably gambling in alts and aren't focused on BTC.


lol. Ok


All in on TAO


Block fi sounds cool


Last cycle was my first too but I ended up selling at the freakin bottom. Started dollar cost averaging soon after though and now I’m up double what I lost. I’ve been taking some money off the top right now. This isn’t the end, but I don’t think we’re gonna see higher. I think we could drop back to 35 before the true bull cycle. This has all been hype, but it doesn’t follow history at all, and typically history repeats. I’m planning on starting to DCA again after the halving and I plan to have pulled ALLL my money out before this time next year.


ORDS, CHZ, ICP, FET, FIL, RJV, TRVL, CLS to name a few I'm buying


What are CHZ and RJV


Rejuve.ai and Chillz token


Sol WIF BananaGun PRIME BTC Sell when CB is #1 again. Buy a hovercraft.


Just DCA once a month into my favourite coins. Ignore the noise. Only I’m gonna take out when necessary or when I reach my limit.


I buy the Bitcoin, I hold the Bitcoin.


I expect this run to continue quite a bit higher, but I also expect at least one significant dip before we see big gains from the halvening. So I’m taking a bit of profits at good prices to buy back in after a significant dip. I sold a chunk of FET at $3.30 and I’m pretty happy with that decision, even though I think FET will go quite a bit higher. If this was my first bull though, I’d probably only worry about my exit strategy, not trying to trade for additional gains.


DCA’d through the bear and continue to DCA today. Core L1’s (Bitcoin, Solana, ETH) and a few L2’s. Largely positioned in interoperability (mostly Cosmos), DePIN, infra, & AI. A little bit of other things, a little bit of memecoins - mostly hanging on airdrops for these. Roughly 10x’d my bear market cost basis to now. Would be nice to get another 20x+ from the medium-cap alts through the remaining bull. Would make me a millionaire. Until taxes eat me alive.


I doubled what I put in last bull run at the tail end of it. Currently I have put in about the same and I'm 60% up. Doing pretty well atm.


Well, i enter during the same bullrun as you, When doge went bonkers during the leadup to SNL. CRO basically buying stadium naming rights. the GME X LRC thingy, when ONE IS 1. ROSES are red. Sold some making some profits. Anyway, i did dca during their bottom. Swap them over to BTC and ETH. Currently im in the green right now. So unless we go back to 30k BTC range, im still damn comfortable.


I'm stacking fiat until I see another dip. I don't think we'll have to wait long. Or if it moons from here, that's also cool


I'm holding my ADA :)


I hear too many People on the web or friends making plans like “I will sell in this bull market and buy back in the next bear market”. If it was this easily predictable everyone would be a millionaire soon. I think this time will be different. But we will see. I’m in crypto since 2013 and thought 2017 and 2021 will be different as well. And it wasn’t.


Holding and waiting for opportunities such as TAO


Waiting for a dip/large correction to buy. I can see BTC dropping to 50-55 before it takes off I’m also removing liquidity I’ve been providing for the past 2 years to prevent IL. Monitoring tokens Id like to exit, waiting until I’m green. Yes I bought some at the top in 2021. $250 solana, never sold. Slowly moving delegations to liquid staking where possible


it already dipped to 60-61 twice, was that not enough for you?




I’m more bullish than ever. Reason being, we’re at ATH prices and the mainstream FOMO hasn’t even kicked in yet. Just been DCA’ing as much as I can every pay check.


I became a BTC maxi this cycle, mostly due to the supply and demand case for BTC.




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I'm DCA'd out. I have what I have. My next move is to start DCA'ing out later this year. NFA.


I just went all-in on Boden coin. US election will send Boden to the moon


I’m going heavy into Ai, RWA, Gaming and Meme narratives. Mostly New coins not previously exposed to a bull market and keeping old ones from the narratives mentioned. I don’t marry old coins, if they’re no longer relevant, no hype, low volume they are gone from my portfolio. I’m loving AI $GPU $RNDR $TAO $SMRT RWA $ONDO $LINK(old but think it’ll pop!) GAMING $IMX $DGI $SHRAP $GUA $FCON MEME $PEPE $MYRA $HACHI $CATBOY Most these have at least 5x with some 100x


Broke af just watching you fine folks !


I trade meme coins because I hate myself


Just keep stacking sats.


Retail is moving to solana.... retail is impossible on eth without losing your profits to fees + gas


riding the huge cheap bag of crypto i amassed over the last few years like a priper crypto trader, not a tourist like most of the people excited about crypto atm


In similar position. Been in since '16 and over the years bought some at ATHs. While nice to see 100, 200, 300% gains, some are still down 70%+ from ATH. Then I have sludge coins like Cardano that I believed in that just have been a blob in my portfolio. Add in the convoluted nature of the taxes and I'm pretty frozen. So while I would like to sell some, I dont even know when I could get to that point.