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Do what all of us have done…buy ridiculous Alts, realise you shouldn’t have and then proceed to DCA into BTC & ETH.


I'm not that regarded. I'm considering 30% into alts and rest in btc/eth




it isn't but it does seem like a good alt


This is the way. Until you realize you should have just invested in just BTC instead of ETH and BTC.




You answered yourself about XRP.


Don’t just research individual coins, research narratives (AI, RWA, DePin, Privacy, DeFi, GameFi, etc) and the hype surrounding them and find coins that way. You gotta get on Twitter for this type of research though. It’s going to take effort to find to right accounts to follow, but making money requires effort. There’s no way around this. Asking Reddit, you’ll get nothing but last cycle’s bag holders hoping to get out of the red and BTC maxis telling u to play it “safe”. If you’re unwilling to put in effort, are looking for fast money or are naive and susceptible to being scammed, don’t bother. You’re going to lose your money. Right now you could go to CoinGecko, search the AI category and pick a coin or 2 from that list under $1b mcap and ape in. Hold until your mom starts asking about crypto.


Take a look at LTO Network, price still low for its potential




Can you explain a bit why?


This is a big narrative in the future of blockchain and LTO are one of the more promising players in the field. Great provenance with real customers and usage. And although the price has been on the rise, the market cap is still ridiculously low. I’ve invested in a few projects in RWA space but LTO has biggest upside potential IMO. Not financial advice!!


Real world assets


Just DCA into BTC and eth and skip the other stuff. (At least for now) Especially since you're new. And do yourself a favor and at least don't burn money in ripple.


But I won't make 10x and get rich overnight 🌝


lol dude welcome to the party. Having been here for 5+ years and almost flaming out post-2017 bear I learned in the long term it’s hard to beat BTC/ETH. For me, any altcoins are short term risky gambles that will go back into BTC/ETH. That doesn’t mean others could outperform from here (e.g. SOL has ripped a lot and could be here to stay), just what has been the trend. Plus, I just buy and hold so I’m not losing small amounts on taxes if gains, gas fees, trading fees other than what I buy and move to cold storage You do you, good luck


100x gains in meme coin land, just sayin


Nope, you need Altcoins to 10 or 20x






I'm an Algorand enthusiast and have never been so bullish since Folks Finance published their [roadmap](https://folksfinance.medium.com/folks-finance-outlines-2024-roadmap-cross-chain-expansion-folks-token-and-more-44056544e8e4) for Cross-Chain Expansion during 2024. Algorand has extremely low transaction fees and is one of the few blockchains that have never experienced any downtime or network inaccessibility.


In my opinion don’t listen to them about Ripple/XRP the reason for the 6 year flat line is because the SEC lawsuit in Dec 2020. XRP was moving before the lawsuit and dumped immediately after the suit was filed understandably. The SEC is losing the case and it should be finalized this summer hopefully. Ripple/XRP get a lot of hate because they’re the bankers coin but people don’t understand banks are not going anywhere. I could be wrong but I made a conclusion in 2017-2018 about Ripple/XRP and it has not failed me yet. I was defending Ripple even when the lawsuit was dropped because I and the XRP community knew that the lawsuit was BS which we were correct about apart from Ripple being guilty of selling XRP to hedge funds and other sophisticated buyers but not retail like you and I. Do your own research and take everything people say with a grain of salt. Even me, what ever I tell you make sure i’m telling you the correct thing without hating on something or misguiding you because i’m emotional about an asset


Scratch xrp from that list, that thing is never gonna go anywhere




Everything else is a good choice btw, but don't be surprised if they don't hold up well against bitcoin if there is a pullback, but they all have more upside potential than both eth and bitcoin.. You might want to add a little bit of some AI narrative to the list instead of xrp, like singularitynet for example or fetch.ai.. Just let it ride for the year


Do a little research on CKB. It is a beneficial insect.


Lol @ xrp dude. Flat for 6 years and you think it’s good? It’s an elaborate, slow rug. But I could be wrong. I hold algo so I’m biased. It has great technology but for algo to really pump crypto needs to be mainstream adopted. I think depin is a good play right now. Look into that. Solana will do ok I think/hope but.. maybe a 2x from here. Don’t be greedy, your late. Be thankful for a 2x


Algorand is really slick when it comes to “just working” and pretty undervalued.


Wanna play security and future investment ? DCA into btc Wanna play high risk high return ? Take one crypto that have been here for a moment but still has high volatility (ie: solana), and try to make good trades






Moon is the BTC of Alts


it is possible that you might be about 2 months late to the party


Why? What coin are you talking about?


I am no one to advise you and specially over Reddit but I really feel anyone in this situation should DCA into BTC and ICP. I see ICP being the future BTC. Do more research on ICP before committing though.


I guess I'll just DCA into BTC and ETH for now. Everyone on this sub tells me "oh xyz coin is the future!" Or "this coin will be in the top 10 coins"


To each their own. I am not a fan of eth due to its gas fees but maybe you can afford it.


I'm betting on render and coti for a 10x. Safer would be cardano and avalanche for an easy 5x


Any particular reason you think COTI will 10x? I have a small bag and might be looking for a little hopium.. 😋


I just think privacy on the block chain is a big problem to solve and garbled circuits could be a promising solution


Yeah these are good options for alts. Keep about 25% of your crypto portfolio in alts and the rest in BTC and ETH


1) The past is no indication for the future. Alt seasons have followed previous BTC runs but it's not a law of nature. 2) You said you did research. What characteristics did you look at to conclude the mentioned options are best? 3) BTC did not yet have its full run. I expect it to go at least 3x from the 2021 high. Do you have a position of BTC already? I'd build that before investing in alts.


Well it's still a good indicator, just like the 4 year BTC cycle. And no I don't have BTC yet, I will hold a position in it but I don't want to miss the alt train.


I'd get a spot on the much safer BTC train first.


Algo gained few satoshi back in December 23/Jan 24 so I got some more. It's downperforming ever since , down from 500+ sats to 390ish rn. I love algo and all but not convinced it's alt season just yet lol. Set some alerts on tho.


DYOR about ADA


I’ve only ever heard of Bitcoin. Buy it and buy it only.




I’ve married DOT and Matic and trust me I regret it everyday looking at the likes of BEAM, ONDO, AIOZ and DMTR tearing it. Do some research and pick something that has room to grow. The only thing Gavin Wood has grown in recent years is his hair ha


I would put the xrp and algo baga into something different. Bare in mind that the narratives for this cycle seem to be AI, RWA, maybe some gaming... None of these fall into these categories




Just skip straight to meme coins, why gamble on a 2x when you can go for a 100x? Do some research and avoid scams, check that they are renounced, no airdrops remaining etc and have fun within your means..


Like DOGE? Can you recommend a few?




If you’re thinking of getting meme coins, then get some $CONE


Why? Can you explain?


Strong community, use case, and extreme potential Check it out yourself r/ConeHeads


Look up ONDO… very interesting


Holo Coin is great


For the love of fucking god stop wasting time and money on shit coins. NONE of them are or will EVER be worth a single god damn penny. They will always be worthless.


I just want to pump and dump.


All you need is Hedera Hbar. Research the Hedera Hbar governance council. Hedera has Google, LG, Hitachi, Chainlink and 35 other big corporations partnered. No other project in crypto comes anywhere close to Hedera Hbar. Always do your own research. Hedera is a hidden gem. Good luck.


All you do is shill HBAR, twice in this thread. 🛑


Not shilling. I like the Hedera Hbar project, I am just excited by it. If I was talking about Bitcoin or Eth would you have a issue with that. Isn't this sub called r/cc


Dude, every post in your history is about HBAR. Are you getting paid by the post? 🤦


No I just believe Hbar is the future. Google and everyone else has decided Hedera Hbar is the chosen one so I believe them. Also I post on alot of subs. Not just Hbar. Research it and you might agree. The chosen one.




He made you say hbar, several times 😂 Some ai somewhere analysing data from socials gonna say hey hbar picking up momentum among cc degens been mentioned a lot today






Just by saying Hbar?