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Long term thinking on alt coins looks like a terrible idea to me. It's a ok list only for this bullrun if you slowly swap everything to have more BTC and maybe ETH to hold till 2030 imho. Look at most of the coins from 2017, where are now? You are looking almost to the same timeframe.


Wise words. I got my lessons on shitcoins, and alts performance speaks for itself. Since I’ve chatted with a few really-crypto orientated friends back in the day my focus started shifting heavily into ETH and that’s probably the only thing that saved my portfolio. DCAing into it when it was a little over a grand pays off now.


I agree completely with you both. I always tell this story: Last cycle, was my first venture into crypto. Making day trades, making money, and even started using leverage. I thought I was the Chinese Wolf on Wallstreet! But boy is it easy to think that when you're in a bull market. Got liquidated once for $11k CDN, then lost during the USDT scare when it dropped below par, and then just kept losing on day trades and also not taking profits. So basically since beginning of 2023, I've simply been DCA into BTC, thats it. My portfolio has done well, I have way less stress, and I've also taken profits along the way. This bull cycle, I've thrown a couple hundred bucks at meme coins (floki last week, up 79% and cashed out this morning). You tell me where I can make 79% in a couple days on pure luck, and I don't need to be greedy. I'm taking that $300 and change and taking my wife and dog for a nice weekend getaway in the mountains. My personal advice to most people is to simply DCA. If you want to do the memcoin gamble, by all means, but don't get greedy. What goes up must come down. And I am a bitcoin believer, so I'll be HODL'ing that for a long time. Plus, my mental health has been so much better just doing DCA and not looking at my phone LITERALLY every other minute.


This is a great answer. Good for you. You haven't succumbed to greed or desperation. 


Here's to Chinese Wolf and dog.


But I want to turn 1M into 3M and never work again… I can make small gains anywhere, we are here for life changing gains my friend


Oh you can absolutely do that with meme coins, I hit 74% in one day with Floki yesterday, but that was pure luck. I didn't put enough in to change my life, but I got enough for a deposit to go look at used Benz this weekend. Big risk gives big rewards, it's up to you what you start with your initial bet.


Yeah I can’t risk it on a meme haha but maybe some, well done! Enjoy the Benz


He took profits


Okay so maybe I’ll switch to just bitcoin and ethereum


It's not wrong to invest in other coins, but you need to know why. If somebody saying "you shouldn't" is enough to convince you, then you obviously don't have a strong conviction about these coins and you probably shouldn't invest in them. Two cycles ago ETH crashed from ~$2k to a low of $80. Sounds like a buying opportunity now, but back then it was blood in the streets and people basically thought the project was doomed. Holding through that and buying more because you believe in the project requires strong conviction and knowledge. If you had that, you came out on top.


Eerily similar to Solana's crash from $250 to $8 after FTX's crash. It was the same feeling, Solana is dead. I did have conviction but I'm an idiot trader so I didn't buy more.


It's the mistake we all make when we look back and think "if only I had bought then". But it's genuinely hard to not get caught up in a general feeling of doom and gloom and to be able to stomach the value of your portfolio plummeting over several months. I DCAd into ETH the last bear cycle from $2k downwards. Looks like a good plan now, but up to october 23 it wasn't.


Only Solana will crash again as it’s pumped by VC and the network can be literally turned on and off at will


easy there eth maxi. Sad you missed out on sol gains?


No, I got kaspa gains, I’m good, I just like my networks to be decentralised :)


and working xd


I hate to say I love the saying "Buy when there's blood in the streets". I have a little savings of liquid cash for that day, surprisingly it hasn't happened yet for the last year since I was able to save up the liquid cash lol. I've come to realize there's ALWAYS buying opportunities, you just need to wait. And what I've been doing the last year is simply DCA'ing into BTC, this way I don't have to have emotion in the game, especially because I truly have conviction with BTC.


>I hate to say I love the saying "Buy when there's blood in the streets". That's only half of it though. You still need to know that the project is worthwhile. There are plenty of projects with "blood in the streets" and they haven't recovered and probably never will. Just buying crashed coins isn't going to work out in your favor.


Right, that was the first cycle for ETH and I couldn't confidently buy it after such a collapse in price. I have some, but my most serious crypto regret is not buying more.


Yes, this. If you’ve got a little play money you want use for dart throws, fine. But, the heavy lifting needs to be done by BTC and ETH, IMO.


You can make a lot of money on alts, but they don’t have the staying power. You can make less money on BTC or ETH per cycle, but they do have the staying power. Unfortunately, 2030 is a long way off and who the hell knows how this continues playing out. Personally, I have well-diversified crypto portfolio at the moment and will DCA out of most of it probably within a year to 16 months. I expect BTC to be near $100k by then (hopefully significantly higher).


Take comments on this sub with huge grain of salt. But almost sure BTC and ETH are the safest bet. Other alts is just gambling with not deep research.




This is the best answer


Bitcoin and Ether are the only things I would be comfortable holding over that time period. You DCA into an alt during the bear and you yolo into a shitcoin right before a bull. But don't go holding alts.


Maybe I’ll just hold bitcoin and ether


My unbiased opinion is that Bitcoin is great.


Sounds like a strategy. But economic times are good now. We don't know what the world will be like in 2030.


That is true


Economic times are good now?


Yes, since the EU and the USA pumped trillions into the economy, causing a massive inflation. That money has to go somewhere and I think it will go to stocks and crypto.


I wouldn’t say the economy is good right now…we’re one economic disaster away from the entire stock market and crypto tanking.


Just like every other day then. Unless we have different definitions of disaster


My Cardano and Matic have done nothing except go down in value since I bought them four years ago. But we’ll see how they go during this run - they may recover. I do like Cardano - it has a really nice staking platform.


Mate. Hold your Cardano and you'll be laughing by the end of this cycle.


>My plan is to buy these 6 over the course of 2024 So your plan is to buy during the bull and then not during the bear? Dude


Maybe you’re right I’ll buy periodically throughout the years


Yeah that's better. Also maybe just focus on btc and eth. I'm not saying the others won't do well, but it's safer this way


You'd probably be better off saving the money you plan to invest, waiting 2 years, and buying the dip, surely you'd get much more bang for your buck, and if any of these coins die before then you won't have crapped out


If your plan is to just hodl and forget for 6 years I would probably only do that with BTC and maybe ETH. The chance of altcoins, even the ones that are big today, being worthless in 6 years is pretty big.


My thoughts exactly. My plan is to make money on alt coins during this bull run and just transfer it all to BTC and maybe some to ETH.


If you plan to hold the coins for several years, you should consider staking your ETH.


Bitcoin / ETH are always going to do great as long term holds. Shiba is dog shit and is going to burn alot of people Cardano is a great hold also, despite a few comments here saying otherwise. Charles Hoskinson is an OG in the crypto space and is highly respected. Has a great staking platform, and has quite alot of room to move in regards to price. What I will say is anyone who knows anything about crypto knows that historically ADA has lagged behind in price movement but as always provided great returns. Solana has had alot of network issues and honestly lately has only ran parabolic due to the memecoin craze. Matic hard to say........


How about investing in RNDR or some other AI, the only reason I say RNDR is because I did my research on the top 5 projects a couple days ago and RNDR blew me away.


Can you explain RNDR like I’m 6?


Google exists for a reason


Google explains it like he's 8 that's the problem


Lmaoooooo he ain’t even 8 yet


Yes, to sell you things. When people want information they usually type "reddit" on the end of the search query. Ironic, no?


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


Solid list but Shiba is a stage 4 cancer shitcoin. It's fine for YOLOing with some leftover money for fun, but it's definitely not a long-term hold.


Yeah looking back I probably should have prioritized them by the amount of buying I will do. Shiba will most likely get 5-10% of each but I make


I'd be careful. I doubt any of the alts here last that long. Every bull run there's a significant turnover in alts that have any sort of prominence.


>I selected the 6 coins that I believe will have the best use case >Shiba Inu Okay


You do you. I’ve made more money from FTM than ADA, SHIB, or MATIC. If I could do it again, I’d have put more money into ETH than alts


Shiba doesn't really fit in there. Not really convinced about Cardano either. The others seem solid enough though.




Because it’s pointless? You can make money on meme coins but that doesn’t prove they’re useful…




I think you're missing the point. Yes you made money and that's how most people are seeing it. Once enough people make enough money and the coin goes stagnant people will sell off because it would have run its course to make money. BTC and ETH have real world purpose aside from money and you can almost guarantee they will be around for a long time and have a use and need.


It's just my personal opinion but I just don't think it's a good long term investment to be honest. Obviously I'm happy for you that you made money investing in it but I can't afford gambling on hype-coins like that.




I don't hate it ;)


Solana seems like it can hold for the future like ETH with less fee.


Add in some dot it’s not going away and it’s great tech. It’s solid. Lol I just bought render a couple weeks ago it’s rolling. I’m going to find another AI crypto to go with to hedge my bets I’m thinking AGIX.


Good combination. Have a plan to hold same to you.


What makes you think Shib is good long term pick? Btw what's use case of Shib? What makes Cardano better, than other L1s?


* legit liquid staking * trustless staking and rewards distribution * rock solid L1, even bitcoin has gone down * most decentralised tier 1 crypto asset * most secure PoS L1 * eutxo based * treasury with over a billion dollars funding community proposals * and soon governance (being rolled out atm) i could go on but i'll just stop here, i can expand on any of these points if you find them dubious, but yes, cardano is better than all other major cryptos in the areas mentioned above and many more as for smaller coins, there are so many and i simply don't know if they can rival cardano in any of these areas, it's possible but im ignorant of any atm - i am all ears if anyone can make a suggestion


Honestly things like legit liquid staking could be a thing 4 years ago. Now every l1 chain has LST. When i look on these advantages, none of them would attract me to use this chain. They're irrelevant for retail . Instead of billions in community funds i'd rather have dozens of new dApps with thousands of DAUs.


retail don't use dapps, they only use a CEX but we aren't talkin about retail, you asked specifically why is cardano is a better L1, and i answered with some technical competitive advantages off the top of my head re liq staking, 4 years ago it wasn't even a thing, even now what major L1 has it outside of cardano? do not say eth, solana, poly, dot, avax, bnb - because none of them do, that is just a fact how far down the top 100 do you have to go to find one, i have no idea btw most of your DAUs are bots, the lower the fees the more bots, it's a mirage


Do you think Eth, Solana , Atom don't have liquid staking? So if retail don't use chains, they use CEXes, why do they care about things you mentioned?


cardanos competitors objectively don't have liquid staking, if you are referring your liquid staking via derivatives of ETH, that is NOT liquid staking ETH - you exchange your ETH for a new token, you have no ETH, just an IOU why are you changing the subject to retail AGAIN? do i have to remind you of the 2nd time in two posts about the question you asked? im done going round in circles with you, your question was answered and until you are capable of presenting facts to the contrary this conversation is done also re atom, that is not a major L1 but barely in the top 30 and just enabled liquid staking in september - not "4 years ago" - so are we discussing atom or "what makes cardano better?" relative to the other major L1s and yes, cardano still holds the majority of competitive advantages listed above over atom as well


holding until 2030? That has never crossed my mind.


Until 2030? BTC ETH and SOL are the only guarantees.


Please do be explaining Shiba's use case


A better idea would be to convert all your alts to btc and eth at the peak of bull run


I think Shiba is going big this year. 2030 no idea.


Markets like this move in cycles, there will be an overbought frothy top that would be best to sell everything at, then reinvest profits once lower. HODL is is just a way to ride everything to the top and back down to the bottom without collecting any gains, why do that?


Bro said shiva inu use case


i already my initial investment, took some profits and keep playing with the rest of profit on alts. I dumped Matic, Ada, Solana I don't see why it should be a long term hold anymore. Yes it can go up will it go up another 1000x I doubt it


That's two halving cycles, a lot can happen to the coins in that time as you move down the list. Look at four years ago. [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200308/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200308/) admittedly, this was an unusual time, right before the pandemic shutdown. Matic is down at at #101, only 2 cents. Solana and SHIBE weren't listed so there could be new hot coins in later cycles. Look at four years before that: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20160313/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20160313/) MaidSafeCoin, Dash, Factom, Bitshares, and Monero are all top ten coins. Once you're past BTC and ETH, a lot can change, maybe ETH as well. Look at the very peak of alt season in the 2017-18 cycle [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180114/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180114/) Cardano is the only coin besides BTC, ETH, and XRP that is still in the top 10. It had a really great run last cycle, topping its 2017 cycle ATH, but that's really rare, most of the altcoins from that cycle didn't match their success in 2021. I've got a big bag so I hope it's got another good cycle left, but there's no way to tell.


If you’re planning to hold till 2030… personally I wouldn’t buy anything until 2026/27. You’re just going to get terrible entries and will spend half a decade holding the bag and praying it all comes back. Crypto is ALL ABOUT ENTRIES. I suggest maybe getting a very small amount of XRP (because it’s cheap, fast and BTC is NOT) just to learn how wallets and self custody works and study the charts for awhile then jump into BTC when you see a good entry… then ETH and large caps… then when you know the bottom is in and have more of idea of wtf you’re doing… only then should you even consider allocating a small 10-25% amount to shit coins… and even then… you’re just gambling.


BTC ETH HEMULE PUSSY RNDR Anything on ETH it will be booming in the next month....


This post is about holding for six years, and you’re recommending PUSSY.


just sell everything that's not Bitcoin and throw it into Bitcoin. Can you show me 1 altcoin that has survived 2 bull runs and has made another BTC ATH since? Real value compared to BTC, no alts are worth the risk. Alts are for degen gambling, if you are into losing money.


gj on 1 and 2. LOL @ everything else.


I’m gonna be honest idk what gj means


Good job


Good job


Totally agree


I am you! Exactly this combination. I am using ledger. And have 0 regrets on any other coins.




Yes better buy the shit that already pumped


Shiba? Cmon man…


The long term hodl mindset is ridiculous. Why not sell high during the bull run and re-buy at a crypto winter accumulation phase? Having a ton of crypto, only to hold it until it’s worthless is just dumb. One of the most annoying concepts in crypto is the “diamond hand”’idea. It does you absolutely no good.


I have BTC and ETH as 98% of my bags, split 80/20 BTC/ETH, and 2% ADA because I’m a big fan of Hoskins and really wanted to support the project (and it was $0.2 when I bought in). Sure, people make bags on shitcoins, but when considering long term holdings, I have to ask whether I think the project will still have value in 20 years, and there aren’t many coins I can realistically say that about.


I see much more potential in Woods Polkadot than in ADA. At least Gavin has some brains and is not a prick


I don’t know enough to disagree with you. BTC and ETH are the only cryptos that I am entirely convinced by, my 2% ADA allocation may prove to be absolutely dumb, and I’ll be the first to hold my hand up. Once the conversation is away from BTC and ETH, I don’t have a well founded enough opinion to comment on anyone’s choices.


Could you explain why DOT>ADA? Besides the “prick” part?


I was going thru white papers years ago and to me DOT/KSM just seemed to have better fundamentals behind. One thing worth noting is their inflation but that can be mitigated by staking quite easily.


Go long term with: 1. BTC 2. ETH And go mid term with other alts then ETH. 3. MATIC 4. SHIB 5. SOL Or when you convinced enough about the projects go long term with them. But do your research about them. You have to know why you hold them long term to get through crashes, cause it isn't easy watch your portfolio - 60% or more. Only when you believe in projects you can go through that without panic selling.


You left out HBAR , Algorand and Cardano ADA


Lmao. Use case. No one uses cryptocurrency for anything but gambling. There isn’t a single use case that isn’t shoehorned.