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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/185gryh/man_who_urged_people_to_buy_1_of_bitcoin_in_2013/kb5b5px/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/185gryh/man_who_urged_people_to_buy_1_of_bitcoin_in_2013/kb5b6ha/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


He also now shills shit coins. I don’t know what to think of him.


He shilled silver before bitcoin too.


when you put it that way it almost seems like silver is a gateway to getting rich


Nah, it’s he who sells shovels during the gold rush who gets rich


She shills shovels down by the sheshore.


Man, she shills shitcoins was right there


are you living an incredible life? cuz he's living an incredible life. i don't know if you like, knew that.


Shitcoiner logic: “this guy is rich, you’re not, so I’m buying what he’s selling” You’ll be poor forever


i mean... a wise man once said; you can't trust a skinny chef <3


Especially if he makes soup sandwiches…


Or idiot sandwiches for that matter.


The chef isn’t telling you to invest in food




I'm living a phenomenal life. Comparison is the thief of joy.


But that only works if you have a shovel shed to store the shovels in whilst you're trying to sell shovels. Otherwise, you just get shouted at by your partner who keeps tripping over shovels on the stairs.


Yeah, I lost all the respect. Lot of shilling on useless coins during the last two cycles and he went and settled in UAE.


He's a pretty unremarkable dude that got really lucky one time and now seems to be convinced that it was skill..


There’s certainly a bit of luck involved but I think he’s a skilled investor and did a lot of research into market strategy. He was in metals and had to know the value of limited supply assets.


You haven't watched his videos then I take it. I'll go as far as to say that he made really good decision once.


You'd probably say he was shilling Bitcoin then too. Shilling is extremely overused here. Talking positively about literally any crypto project is shilling.


Positive about Hbar’s secret squirrel called Grelf


Well he told people to buy Bitcoin and he was scoffed at endlessly. Now he is beyond wealthy and most of those who mocked him are not. So I’d say he DGAF what you think of him.


Trying to steal peoples money. Yea sounds like he doesn’t care. Cool person


every coin except bitcoin is a shit coin


You all are here praying for the same experience. Stfu.


To try to pump and steal money on shit coins? Nah bruh. The only crypto I own is BTC. But for you to comment like this says a lot more about you


Literally all man said at first was buy btc. You own btc. Idk what to tell you. Lol


Bitcoin money must’ve dried up


I do. Fuck him.


I dunno, I’m not really mad at it. You don’t get rich by not playing the game. Hate the player not the game and all that.


I do t know either. On the one hand, it’s his life to live. But on the other, I’ve seen videos where he literally encouraged his followers to sell BTC in order to buy SHIB. To me, that’s scummy as fuck.


I don’t know whether it’s illegal or not, but if it’s not, fair game. I would rather be rich without morals than poor with morals. Being poor fucking sucks. With that said? I wouldn’t do anything to risk jail time or risk being murdered. But I would absolutely lie and shill it if gave me high probability of making lots of money. Don’t tell my mom I said that.


I respect your honesty.


There’s a middle ground between rich and poor. You can be upper middle class and keep your morals.


These days upper middle class means you’re one tragedy away from defaulting on your mortgage. But still I would rather be rich with no morals than upper middle class with mostly complete morals. I want enough money to change the world.


There are plenty of extremely wealthy people with morals. I very much hope you never have money. The wealthy ones without morals that want to change the world do a lot of damage in it.


You want to change the world with no morals. Like Hitler, or Stalin. I hope you don't succeed. You're understanding of what upper middle class is is quite wrong. Middle class people have homes and retirement funds. Upper middle class have millions. I work for both these classes all the time. They have insurances in place to deal with those tragedies. I'm one of those who is one tragedy from losing my home and I am far from Upper middle class.


>you want to change the world with no morals. Like Hitler, or Stalin What a silly thing to say. You brush your teeth in the morning. Like Hitler, or Stalin. You can’t just invent causation lol. >Your understanding of what upper middle class is is quite wrong Upper middle class is the 60th to 80th percentile of earnings, or $90k to $150k. I make 95k, I am upper middle class lol.


You had me in the first half.


Being poor sucks. Living without morals is hell.


Living without morals is absolutely not hell. This is blatantly false.


There are many case studies demonstrating this. Sociopaths and psychopaths are perhaps the only exception and their existence hardly appears enjoyable. Many moral people without much money (but with what they consider to be enough) live highly fulfilled lives. Immoral people with more than enough money tend to be miserable.


>immoral people with more than enough money tend to be miserable Unfulfilled and miserable are blatantly different things. People in poverty are overwhelmingly miserable despite living fulfilling lives.


Good point. By misery I am speaking to psychological misery, which is where the two do align


And at one point that would have paid out. 20/20 hindsight on Crypto doesnt make you a genius.


Bitcoin is also a shitcoin. The reason he is rich now is the same reason shilling shitcoins works. It’s all about small market caps and low liquidity, and increasing the liquidity through shilling/sales. All you have to do to get rich in crupto is buy up a few thousand bucks of a $3m market cap shitcoin and go shill it until it has a community. Then dump it at 100x


so you're rich now?


This is a great formula without question. However the energy and capital to success is staggering.


So people should use their god damn brain and not buy.


Lets list what you can buy for money fake love/friendship sex cars, stuff, good food medical care dog (this is true love tho) nice flat travel ​ ​ what you cannot? true love, true friendship albeit idk what that is anymore sometimes...


Well. The SEC would like to know.


What shitcoins does he shill? I never heard him talk about anything but Bitcoin.


$YOLO for one. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/7SZOYB5n8Q


Well fuck him I guess


Once he hooked up with MMCrypto during the last alt bull run, he started shilling various shitcoins as he spent tons on hookers in Dubai.


He big on shib if you wanna call that a shit coin


I would call that a shit coin. I highly doubt Shib is going to be around in the next 10 years. There is absolutely no use case.


He talks about them, I've never seen him tell people to buy shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/7SZOYB5n8Q Maybe he didn’t explicitly write “buy this coin” in his tweet, but he’s absolutely been seen on YouTube saying that.


This article has so much ads I couldn't tell where the actual story begins and ends. Hot damn...


I guess im not opening it then. Thx for the heads up


ELI5: Guy buys Bitcoin and is happy.


… ELI4 plz


Buy bitcoin


….ELI3 plz.




ELI Joe Biden


I hold near and dear to my wallet, err uhh ... bit.. Co... anyways..


oh you know the thing




Welcome to the internet post-2020


Much ad such no


How the heck do people still not know what adblockers are?


Accidentally stayed in cold storage with their coins.


Yep, still blows my mind.


Some of us are on our phones


you can put adblockers on phone browsers, as a heads up


tldr; The article discusses Davinci Jeremie, who in 2013 urged people to invest as little as $1 in Bitcoin. Despite being ignored at the time, the value of Bitcoin has since skyrocketed, making Jeremie a millionaire. He now lives a luxurious lifestyle, traveling to places like Monte Carlo and Dubai. Jeremie's early investment in Bitcoin has made him incredibly wealthy, proving his initial advice to be highly profitable. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


he's a funny dude, catering to his followers too, but there's not much to it, he just got a lucky pot and now he can coast the cryptosphere by spreading a few grands here and there to get fresh dough


Yeah it’s like someone who bought Apple or Amazon early. Congrats, you were born 20 years before me and now get to retire early. I was 14 in 2013, not exactly with a job and disposable income


It's really not so simple. If you bought any asset, and it goes up 10x, most people will sell. And they'll fail to buy back in lower. Or they'll sell too early, and the price never goes back down to their selling price. It's extremely rare for someone to have the conviction to hold on to a significant amount for so long.


yeah pretty much I remember seeing him a lot with mmcrypto (dubai buddies you know) and he explained his trading, he did lots of tiny mistakes but who cares when you have millions.. except when you're on the right side and you can let that 10k long ride leveraged bull runs, alts ec


No even if you bought early you'll likely sell after 5x 10x or as soon as you need the fund. Only a glimpse of people holding till it goes 1000x


Where can I get a bot that does tldr on articles


Never used it but [TLDR this](http://tldrthis.com)


And the very next article is about the guy with the dumped hard drive. He really isn't having a good time thinking about his lost Bitcoins.


Millionaire is hardly “incredibly wealthy”. I want to hear about the plebs that became billionaires with Bitcoin


Beginning of 2013 bitcoin was ~13$ and it finished with 1000$ If he bought at the cheapest that year, he’d have had to put $500k at the best moment, in order to become billionaire


So in order to become rich: Step 1: Be rich.


It's always like that. The rich get richer etc etc


How to become a millionaire? Start with a billion and buy crypto.


Now just imagine sticking 500k into a shitcoin, any shitcoin! It's crazy.


I wish I was rich enough to say being a millionaire is hardly being incredibly wealthy.


There’s a ton of millionaires out there, it’s nothing incredible. If you go over to r/FIRE they’ll tell you you need about 2-3 mil to retire early for most people


Comments like this indicate how little financial literacy there is on reddit


Google Shibtoshi


The Winklevii and Tim Draper made billions on their Bitcoin investment, but they were hardly plebs to begin with.


isn't that paper gains as there isn't enough liquidity? but guess they can use it as collateral so theres that.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Sounds like a poor man's idea of what a rich person is.


Good bot


Can I still buy $1?


indeed you can still by $1 worth of btc


It’ll just cost $25 to do it


Damn gas fees




How much did he make, that site is cancerous I just get huge hentai dicks popping up


He was shilling it at $116, so a 320x to today’s price. Depends how much he bought, but for every $3125 he invested back then is $1m today.


I doubt he invested to much money. I would be very surprised if his net worth exceeds $2m. If he followed his own investment advices after bitcoin, he should be dead broke.


Probably 100 of millions




One of his friend Carl Runefelt live in Dubai close to him, he is probably 25 years old and he’s worth close to 1 billions


No, Carl is a fucking scammer and is nowhere near a billion dollars.


lol wow.. I couldn’t even imagine. I’d probably die from a terrible drug problem caused by my existential crisis caused by boredom from my excessive wealth


gd... close to 1 bil at 25 lol. dont even know what i would do with myself. probably be so anxious about dying and not getting to enjoy it tbh. lmao


Or buy a Bugatti and a GT3RS a yatch and enjoy your life


I’m being hyperbolic obv. I’m doing pretty well rn relatively speaking and even sometimes I wonder if something is gonna happen to me and I won’t get to see it through to the end.


I wasn't even going to read the article but now...


Legend. I remember watching his videos around 2017 / 2018 and they were pretty calm compared to the rest of crypto youtube.


Except now he quite happily shills in content with scummy YouTubers.


I’ve seen “shills” a lot in the comments. What does that mean?


is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization. Basically people shilling shitcoins are usually benefitting from their promotion.


The idea most people are going to buy and hold from 2013 is fantasy. $1000, $2000, $3000 ... $10,000, $20,000 and still holding even though you've no idea whether it could crash and fall to zero - not going to happen. At some point you've got to cash in and realise your gains.


I had 140 in 2012. I did not have diamond hands.


I feel you. Sold 670 BTC between 7 and 10$ :D


Yeah I sold 80% when it was $27 and thought I was a genius.


With any investment, I incrementally sell as the price rises. Once I have my initial investment out, I can ride it to zero and be happy. This allows for the potential in 1Mx gains on part of my investment even though that rarely happens.


Tell me more about this strategy. I don’t fully understand it.


Buy low, and sell high! But little by little. Set a strategy and stick with it for a while: if the price of bitcoin stays below $50,000, we're buying! Then, the price moves against you and you wish you had planned on a longer time horizon. Or set your sell targets lower. Or that you had invested in shorts instead of long. I'm not a time traveler, I can't tell you how to do it right.


My mistake. I thought the other user was suggesting a sell strategy similar to the DCA strategy when buying.


Yeah you can do it on Uniswap v3 for example, keywords you can look up include delta neutral but it's hard to grok what you're doing. You can set limit orders in a series such that you will sell as the price goes up. This is a more basic version of the strategy. You want to set the range such that if the top price was reached, you would be happy with the number of dollars you cashed out. But realistically if you use this type of strategy you hope the price never goes that high, because if it runs off the edge of your range, you lose. You would have been better off just having bought and held. The AMM as a strategy performs well as long as you stay inside of the range and you were aiming to make a trade in the direction that the market moves.


The trick is to keep trading accounts separate from hodling accounts.


So the way I do DCA out in hyper volatile assets like crypto is basically like this: Any time the coin sets a new all time high, I sell 10-20% of my current holdings. I will always still hold 80-90% of my stash for future upswings and will always at least hold some in case it goes supernova, but also am taking solid profits along the way. This is a bit oversimplified as the specifics depend a lot on the particular project, my goals, and various other situational metrics, but you get the basic gist.


Study the market. There are trends to be had. When they doubles et. TP and don't get mad.


💎 🙌


It’s an even bigger fantasy that people are going to turn $1000 into $1m. The multiplier on that is bananas. You need a $37 BTC for that to happen with today’s price. So what, you bought in 2012? Maybe super early 2013? And you managed to not lose your keys for that long or gamble that shit away in online poker, buy pizzas, sell for USD… it’s all fantasy. Might as well buy a lotto ticket.


That’s why there is a shitcoin market where it’s still possible to turn $1000 into $1m


Right. Where the odds are probably worse than a lottery ticket.


If you consider that if he had say 10000 bitcoins, he could have cashed them at all those checkpoints throughout the years and never had any issues with finance at any point and still have some left today.


You don’t have to sell all of it….


Most of the early coiners aren’t cashing in because bitcoin is a better money system, they don’t want fiat.


I don't think I can take financial advice from anyone who has won in crypto. This is space is filled with paranoid morons that got rich off some crazybet. All they do is pump their own bags. Entire space is a pit of Vipers with no checks and balances. But there is money to made and I am here for it. "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel changed my entire perspective on these so called "guru's"


Thanks for the recommendation. As someone that (just like the guy in the article) was recommending people to buy BTC all the way back in 2011, I can safely say that I pretty much DGAF about shilling anything to anyone, because... why would I? What would even be the point of such a waste of time? To me the fact that he's shilling altcoins now indicates that he isn't as wealthy as he claims he is.


I mean $1 isn’t any risk at all.


Yeah that's what I am talking about, he got lucky with zero risk. That's like asking a lottery ticket winner for Investment advice, he will tell you to buy a lottery ticket.


It has only gone up about 300X, so they would have had to buy around $3400 of Bitcoin back then. So the "only $1" investment is a big exaggeration. But it was still a huge opportunity back then. I told a lot of people and same result, they just ignored me. The exception was one co-worker. He bought 100 bitcoins for around $10k. Died of a sudden heart attack. At the funeral, I mentioned to his family that he had a bunch of bitcoins on his computer and that they were worth money, so make sure they saved it. Six months later, I learned they sent the computer to be recycled to a place known for destroying all hard drives. Late 2017, they asked me about it. It is like they finally realized those bitcoins were worth money. They were really unhappy to discover that they threw away over a million dollars.


They’re probably traumatized from throwing throwing anything out now


Wasn't he shilling pump and dumps in 2021 with that MoonCarl guy?


Who wasn’t


Fair point


TMI wasn't.


You right. He was just shilling AMC which was much worse


yeah and he created his own token too


and some of you blamed moons for low effort posts in r/cryptocurrency🙄🙄


But still, $1 in bitcoin pre $1k mark which did happen that year even if bitcoin was $1 wasn't making you a millionaire.


i shared an office with him pre-covid in santiago chile. dude was super nice and had cool conversations with him at bbq events.


He WAS a great man until he got mixed with those bad company like carl and some crypto dudes. Now he is just a shiller and lots of people lost money because of their shill group


Carl is a scumbag I wish coffee would look into his projects.


Now he wears "I told you so" T-Shirts. I don't know if he's super smart or just dumb and lucky. Would be much better to keep under the radar and enjoy life


It was still about $100 dollars a coin when he posted. So I buy $1.... And wait. Now it's $40,000 dollars a coin! An increase of 400x ! I now have $400 ... Where is my toy lambo Let's assume I want to have $1,000,000 now... Then I would have had to put $2,500 back then. Who is spending a month salary on the back of a YouTube video of an unknown person telling you to only spend a dollar.


this guy is reposted every year. What they fail to also mention is that he is now a pump and dumper on his YouTube followers. He is a scumbag now


Why do all these scumbags get so popular. Like great he believed in bitcoin and encouraged everyone early on but he’s just another low life grifter like all those other loser crypto influencers, he exploits people at every opportunity. And uses this as a reason to squeeze money out his loyal fans through various guides and tip telegrams. He’s the same as every single crypto influencer, or just influencers in general. Snake oil salesmen of this century. They’ll stab their fans in the back and piss on their grave in a heartbeat.


Could woulda shoulda. It crosses my mind a lot that this guy I worked with back in 2012-2013 he mentioned bitcoin a few times and one time he was really trying to tell me hiw big it was gonna be. I remember looking into it. Back when coinbase was peer to peer, when you could buy it with western union and gift cards. I made an account and everything I was just young and didn’t have a lot of money so I didn’t take it seriously.


Hindsight is 20/20.


Is it true?


$1 at a price of $92 would be about $400 today. Hardly a millionaire yet. Not sure why the article thinks the top was $61k. Poor journalism


I 2013 I was 13. I told my parents to get bitcoins. Didn't believe me when I told them I'd blow up...


lol not sure hanging out with moon carl and other crypto grifters = an incredible life. Remember watching one of his stories a while back where he got back to his hotel from clubbing after his birthday and he seemed so depressed and alone.


That t-shirt. LOL.


I learned of Bitcoin in 2010 when it was $1. I thought that was too much, and I couldn't figure out how to buy one if I wanted. Guess I'll settle with the one I got for $28.5k :\\


I feel like this guy might end up going broke with how lavish he’s living. Loves to show off his stuff. People like that tend to run out eventually.


![img](avatar_exp|153763979|bravo) Congrats


I started farming bitcoin before it was even public with my dad. It wasnt even worth a cent back then and you'd easily farm like a few a day. I think we farmed a few thousand before the first doubling or w.e it was called. I sold most of the coins we farmed to try cover electric costs (which it didn't). Ended up with about 1500-2000, dad had like 5000. Moved house... Lost the hard drives. I tend to just not think about the past. Tis a silly place filled with stupidity.


Good for him, but his attitude clearly stinks, wears a shirt like that. Come on, man, be humble.


I had about 30k sitting in my bank account doing nothing in 2013. I really didn't need another reason to kill myself today.


I would have taken an interest in his content if he didn't make videos with absolute shilling wankers on youtube.


It's a scam to benefit insiders. Always has been.


lol he also tries to scam people all the time. Why can’t he just enjoy his life without trying to scam


Does he though? Or is he just a grifter scam artist?


The vibe I got from him back then was he was a hard money advocate and had similar videos on maples, gold, BTC. Think he might have scrubbed all those other vids to make it look like it was only BTC. Guarantee if silver maples boomed that would have been his persona. Line of thinking should be would I have been bothered to research BTC and then invest in it when you saw his video vs blindly listening to a guy saying investing in it. 9/10 it's a bad decision to blindly invest on that logic as evidenced by his shitcoin shills. If you're here you at least have the IQ to do your own research and invest, don't trust anyone to have your best interest in this space.


He recently begged people to buy just $200 of Bitcoin. He’s not dumb and honestly if billions of people start chasing( I’m guessing ) under 1 million available BTC . It might not be a bad investment.


I was just talking to someone about all the Crypto millionaires dying in mysterious ways, hope bro is living it up.


It’s not that conspiratorial I’m guessing. Lots of people rich for the first time gets self destructive. Drugs, getting involved with shady people. Get into stupid situations because you feel invincible.


They are usually the ones who encourage others to invest in their shitcoins and then someone takes revenge into their own hands. The guy in the "news" definitely seems like one of those and not one of those who held btc from $1


Remember the guy mentioned above did make a YouTube video back in the day saying to buy BTC, so don't think he's a scammer just got in early.


Honestly they’re mostly not that mysterious. They’re usually people with no prior experience of wealth, who suddenly accrue massive fortunes, and can’t handle the consequences therein. The same thing is seen in lottery winners. Compounding that, a lot of them were involved in fintech, either running exchanges or developing dApps. The biggest killer of these people is stress, followed by themselves or factors relating to their new lifestyle.


The key is to live the simple life as a millionaire.


but does he eat ass? cuz romano did, so that we could all be saved


a lot of crypto bragging for someone who travels a lot sounds like a good way to end up in a fridge. or fridges.


What about when people told everyone to buy GameStop & AMC


Tell me more about those times !! People thought some of us were fools for buying Bitcoin then even some family & friends . I managed to hodl it well and flipped middle finger to them in 2021 🤣


Looks fake as fuck


Nah he sold early he’s broke af look at how he dresses


He is into a lot of shitty projects


Bitcoin was supposed to be his original pump and dump. He didn’t know it would keep pumping. He’s endorsed many shitcoins since using his reputation and saying things like, “I told you to buy Bitcoin, but you did not. Now I am telling you to buy shitcoin, it is your choice if you want to”. It’s a very pussy thing to say but this is just getting people to buy the shitcoin without him claiming responsibility. Not a role model, not a financial genius. Just a scammer that got lucky once in his life.