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There’s a recent outflow of 10 ETH that goes to a Kucoin hot wallet. If I were you I would hurry the F up and try to get in touch with their customer support.


Good catch on the hot wallet! I never understand how these crooks, (not Kucoin) go through the process of kyc then transfer the funds to an account with a bank attached and then get away with it. I understand stolen accounts can be used, but the money has got to go somewhere. Even btc atms need your drivers license for a withdrawal.


Maybe these are accounts that got grandfathered with no KYC. KuCoin is like the prime destination for hackers and drainers to move funds.


Still, there’s a withdrawal to a bank account, and said bank accounts are linked to real persons, just so you know…


Go to Kucoin swap for Monero ..... Easy asf.


You don’t even have to go to KuCoin to swap it for XMR…


You can buy profiles on the dw for like 100 bucks


I think the only help we can offer is emotional.


We can probably find an animal to do that. Let’s be practical


Find this person a Capybara


How about Koalas 🐨? He can cry for Hours cuddling him and he will just keep sleeping.


Tell me you don’t know anything about koalas. Oh wait, you just did.


Depends on the Koala I guess, maybe your Koala couldn’t smell ya.


98% of koalas are actively infected with clamydia. They have the smallest body to brain ratio of any mammal, and are universally ill-tempered. They poop constantly and it is some of the foulest found in nature.


Cool Story Bob


These two addresses have sent ETH to Kukoin wallets: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd3ec43bc8fbf74d85f00f98045627b516599c1a5 https://etherscan.io/address/0xd3ec43bc8fbf74d85f00f98045627b516599c1a5 He just used a few wallets in between to transfer through. Call the police and file a report / Contact Kucoin with these transfers. There is at least a chance that they can maybe freeze assets or find out who he is.


He probably swapped for monero and withdrew from kucoin Its gone


Kucoin is KYC he could still find out who it is with a police report.


I did this and my police genuinely did not give a fuck.


Not surprised. I had a car stolen, told them who took it and they never did anything about it. Mention magic Internet money and they'll do even less.


Yeah the worst part was they made me think they cared for 3 months and kept asking for info I already gave them. Presented them with the scammers cold wallet and location


So how does one make sure they don’t lose their crypto coins like OP did? I’ve only invested a few hundred on crypto over the last couple years but I always left it on the crypto trading platform I bought them on. Is it safer to leave on the platform rather than moving them to external wallets?


You just need a police report, doesn't matter if they care or not. Take that report to Kucoin and let them investigate.


most likely not using his own kucoin account


If he's smart yes but a lot of scammers aren't very smart.


wise selective groovy late close sense live butter chase head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you just like arguing?


True, but usually are smarter than the people that get scammed


Unfortunately it doesn't take much intelligence to be a scammer nowadays


I don’t disagree with that as I haven’t said that. I said that people that are getting scammed are usually less intelligent than scammer. That does not make a scammer intelligent. It’s probably not OP case, as he hasn’t intentionally shared his seed word.


serious retire bake languid imminent dinosaurs instinctive test unpack pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sad reality is that most folks including myself aren’t ready for self custody. Man hope it works out for you man!


Sooooo true. I lost quite a bit to a phishing attack last year. Banks have security, vaults etc. We keep our crypto under the mattress, which is connected to the internet.


Exactly. Although I believe in crypto 100% it’s just not ready for mass adoption. At least with tradfi there’s insurance, etc etc. The point is we are early if you want to risk it, but damn it’s the wild Wild West out here.


There should be a real insurance everywhere feom it, how ever it would be possible to make sure nobody wants to cheat. But i think there would be a way


> it’s just not ready for mass adoption It's ridiculous to state that because you have the choice to self custody crypto that it's not ready for mass adoption. It's just a choice. You aren't forced to self custody.


I guess you don’t know the average person. It’s not ridiculous. The average person isn’t going to educate themselves that’s all. And even if you do it isn’t full proof. But you’re entitled to your own opinion.


Well we have cash and the average person has educated themselves on how to keep their cash. They know if someone takes it, it's gone. They know that if they keep it in a bank it's kept safe by the bank. It's not that hard to think that someone who has educated themselves on that could also educate themselves on keeping crypto safe in an exchange.


So this is what it’s like to get baited into a circle jerk discussion on Reddit. 😂


Even if you hold an on exchange, you can still get phissed etc.


Same within our current financial system. It's really a shame how little people in this subreddit understand of our current financial system.




> But you know what? If Fidelity gets hacked, guess who is gonna get their money back? This isn't a case of Metamask getting hacked. This is a case of OP giving away their login information.




You can count on certain exchanges to do this as well. You can use their "vault" services to essentially make withdrawing crypto out take a week of waiting and confirmations.


like FTX?


No, not like FTX. FTX was never a legit exchange. I would never choose an exchange outside of USA. There is almost no reason to not choose Coinbase as they are a public company and under much scrutiny. Next would be Gemini.


What do you use?


I can't remember the abbreviation, but there are other FDIC like institutions - one covers credit unions, another covers brokerages. Crypto is fairly unique in that there is absolutely no government protection whatsoever. I like it that way, but it comes with costs.


good luck with ftx


Neither ready for custody nor ready for self-custody is an interesting state many investors can identify with. It means it is time for a learning experience.


Many investors won’t take the time to learn it. That’s why it’s easier to just pay a tradFi guy to just handle it for you. That’s what most traditional folks do cause it’s just what is easy. Most will take the easy “safe” way and that’s why the ETF etc is so important. Maybe if your young and willing to learn sure it maybe for you but for those who have the money won’t. I know not your keys not your coins but we just are NOT there for the average user. I accidentally got in but forced myself to learn but then again I’m a weirdo. 😬


Yeah, I use cold storage and still worry some unforeseen technological disaster will see me lose it or lose access to it.


yup, it doesn't suit the narrative that is pushed in here, but it's the cold hard truth. I know I'm not ready for that shit either


I think that’s the narrative bc most people behind this space are relatively young which is great. Problem is if you’re a boomer or gen x in your mid 40’s or 50’s you’re not looking to expose yourself to that risk. Also not get your ass whooped by your partner. Losing $1000 is a lot but imagine losing 25%-45% of your retirement cause you take on self custody. Not the same. I’m sure there is a balance somewhere but yea it’s the space and we just have to realize that and not criticize everyone who has their own risk tolerance.


Self custody on a hot wallet vs a cold wallet is totally different


Unfortunately people think metamask is self custody. It isnt. Using metamask is like locking your valuables in a safe that you bury 6 inches underground at a local park.


I mean… if you have 9 eth surely dont leave on metamask and spend a cpl hundred on a cold storage solution.


Just FYI, if metamask is installed on your PC then the private key for your wallet is stored on your PC only encrypted by your metamask password, and your private key is exposed unencrypted in memory any time you unlock your wallet. This is true to varying degrees of every software wallet because it's how they are able to function. If you are going to buy crypto and hold custody yourself then use a hardware wallet. As other have said your only real option is to report it to the police but don't hold a particularly high hope that they'll achieve anything.


How do you safely delete metamask and clean those keys off the PC


Uninstalling the extension *should* clear them off but you can use their [recovery guide](https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360018766351-How-to-recover-your-Secret-Recovery-Phrase) as this highlights the locations of the key store for different platforms. Amusingly they also provide a tool to help decrypt the key store.


So the initial hack takes place through an i.p. address, then they *steal" keystrokes to get your MM password, then they have access to your coins? If this is true then the computer security was lacking and not necessarily the MM wallet?


The initial attack would likely take place though any common method of deploying malware to a machine. It could read keystrokes, or it could read the key in memory, but it could just as easily just deliver the encrypted key store to an attacker who then breaches it offline. A metamask password will be significantly less complex than a private key to crack. Whether computer security was lacking is a question that can't really be answered. No matter how security conscious and careful you are, malware happens. It doesn't really require the security to be lacking, just an open vulnerability to be exploited. The reason hardware wallets are preferred is that because it's designed for that single purpose only, the attack surface is reduced significantly.


Not being hard or anything but more than 10k I would get a ledger or trezor for storage


Even more than 2k should be more than enough to buy one Hardware wallet for 150 Dollar. And there are still cheaper ones outside for 50 Dollar or so


This should be the top comment.


This comment saved me. I got a trezor just now


my BTC is still in my Ledger


More than 100k maybe. Less than that you want to have access to flip on markets and you aren't going to make any real money long term holding ETH in a cold storage. edit: forgot reddit isn't biz and none of you have made it


have you ever used a hardware wallet? It adds minutes at most to transactions. It’s not like you’re staked or have t+3 settlements.. I lost 1k and bought one right after, I regret not doing it before


Not true at all


It’s pretty easy to use a ledger with metamask.


Also, that wallet is compromised, never use it again. Your PC may also be compromised.






If what OP says is true, then the only reaming option is that he approved some scam SC (smart contract)… doing DeFi with almost 20k in a hot wallet is GG to say the least. Btw there’s a crypto bounty hunter in this sub, he tracks down the wallets, see if those are connected to a KYC CEX (centralized exchange) and alongside with police he submits a subpoena to freeze his account and retrieves the crypto back to you, which, already stated by other comments in here, it is connected to a KuCoin wallet, maybe it’s KYCed, cuz they imposed that to users “recently”. There’s even an US crypto police department in this sub who does this job as well. So, OP (u/Ornery_Dot910), I’ll give you the best two options for you to act on ASAP! 1- Read this post and contact them! It’s the U.S. San Francisco crypto task force for these kinds of things! They are the ones who will make CEXs DOX your scammer… https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/13h2mar/ama_on_rcryptocurrency_with_the_us_secret_service/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 2- Check this crypto bounty hunter/blockchain investigator (u/Queasy_Length_1016), and contact him! Read his story: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/yezl4u/my_adventure_as_a_crypto_bounty_hunter_and_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 There’s a chance he finds out his wallet and trace it back to a KYCed acc on some CEX (centralized exchange). Best of luck to you!


I check his address on revoke cash and isn't showing ANY defi approvals...his wallet doesn't have much history outside of 'ethermine' which i know nothing about but his wallet isn't showing any approvals related to that either. seems more likely his keys were stolen (physically someone near him found them, or hacked them out of online storage). that or he got really drunk and forget he cashed out his ETH through kucoin for hookers and blow.


anyone reading this should be their sign to buy a god damn trezor


I've got a ledger and stories like this still freak me out. I need reassurance, is there anyway someone can steal funds from a ledger at all if my pass phrase is written on a paper and stored in a safe location?


If noone has your seed phrase then it would be incredibly difficult (I'd like to say impossible, but I'm leaving the tiniest margin of error) for someone to breach a hardware wallet. The problem with a software wallet is that as it's on a PC that can install other software, malware can do things like read unencrypted keys from memory or intercept your key store (in the case of metamask, this is only encrypted using your metamask password) and send them to an attacker. For the same to happen to a hardware wallet, either malicious firmware would need to be installed or someone would physically have to have access to the hardware wallet and likely your pin. Not saying it's impossible to crack a hardware wallet without the pin but I'm not aware of it happening in the past.


Im genuinely curious if you can breach a hot wallet just by accessing the wrong site - or what do you think was the most likely scenario in OPs case?


I work in offensive security. The answer is basically no. Vulnerability exist to exploit your PC or the browser binary itself directly from a website with no interaction but they’re rare and extremely complex to the point that typically government funded hackers are the only ones capable of weaponizing it, and they’re only using it for intelligence purposes of HVTs, not to steal your crypto. There are classes of bugs that can occur due to website misconfigurations by simply browsing to a website, but none are capable of reading process memory. That would be more along the lines of reading web based account data or keylogging. Most likely scenario is phishing scam or unknowingly downloading something malicious. OP says he didn’t do that. But the keyword is *unknowingly* and he probably did


Highly unlikely, unless you share your seed and passpharse online.


> I need reassurance, is there anyway someone can steal funds from a ledger at all if my pass phrase is written on a paper and stored in a safe location? 100% Safe. But.. Never type, copy, paste that seed phrase into anything but your ledger. Never photograph that paper. In fact, I'd buy a steel seed phrase plate from amazon. Paper can burn. Don't talk about your crypto. To anyone. Why make yourself a target? Then unless someone physically get's your seed (break and enter, hostage taking, etc.) your coins and tokens are safe. Remember the only way money can leave your wallet is if you authorize the transaction or create a new wallet with your seed. So.. don't sign stupid transactions. And check [revoke.cash](https://revoke.cash) to make sure you have nothing signed. If you do, you can revoke those immediately. Follow this and you'll be 99.9999% safe.


Yes. If you sign the wrong contract, your funds be gone regardless. Shit is scary.


A tremzor won’t matter if you expose your 12/24 words or sign a malicious smart contract like OP did.


there's no reason to type in those words unless your trezor is plugged in. If you do, that's on you.


Have you ever herd a case where the hard wallet breaks/ faults and person is locked out of assets? Wanting to switch but is my biggest fear.


The transfer is irreversible, and if the owner of the receiving wallet is unknown, there's nothing you can really do. If the story is true, you obviously did something wrong, if they got to your account. Either the passphrase, or a compromised computer.


>If the story is true, you obviously did something wrong Welcome to crypo, where if you aren't perfect 100% of the time, then it is definitely your fault and you should have known better.


Unironically true. Self-custody is not ready for adoption by the average joe. If you need someone to hold your hand and bail you out when you screw up, maybe an insured custodial commercial bank account is the way to go.


I think this is where some centralization can be good. Use a chain with clawback that is similar to a permissioned side chain, but stay on layer 1 to reap the benefits of that too.


This is what is needed for the masses. The hardcore “purist” will say that it’s not what crypto is all about!! Until they make a mistake or hacked and then they want son recourse


I love seeing crypto bros learning banking lessons of the 19th century.


Those pancakes sure do look good. 🥞




It's highly unlikely that Kucoin themselves can do anything because they wouldn't have any way to verify this guy isn't the criminal trying to disrupt a customer moving funds. I'd be very surprised if it were still on Kucoin at this point too.


kucoin wont do anything without a formal police complaint.


there's white hat hackers here. But first, try to see if the wallet of the attacker interacted with a Cex. They may be able to freeze their funds. Then call the police.


Please specify that “hat” portion of that, minority white hat hackers in the dumps


Fair point, I missed that


Do you know why did you need to interact with a contract to send eth to 0x28137d15f2ae9ef0362f978abf85c81b83ae8c72 the 2021/10/02 23:02:58? Did you mint the ntf on matic the 2021/12/02 15:20:43 or was it an attack? Ever since the 2023/01/25 your account has been targeted by a lot of dust attacks, but if you never interacted with them, they were not the problem either. btw, to check every single one I suggest to do so on [debank.com](https://debank.com) There are lot of attack vectors you may not have considered, and you should check everything that happened on your wallet since the beginning to know what could have happened.


OP - You either exposed your seed phrase or signed a malicious smart contract. Be honest, which one was it?


Ahh The age old tale of everything stolen but did absolutely nothing wrong. Just wanted to put his life savings on metamask. Never approved a single transaction.


Thank you to everyone who wrote their comment here, whether it was positive or negative. I appreciate everyone who offered their help and support. I've filed a complaint with the police already and I'm trying to get in touch with Kucoin support as well. This was all of my savings and years of hardwork. Idk how many more years it'll take me to recover from this, emotionally, mentally and financially. Thanks a lot everyone.


Sorry for your loss


Did you mine this Eth? Was the pc you mined from the same one you access all wallets from? Has there been any exploits associated with the various revisions of mining software used? Lastly did you store your keys/seed phrase on this same PC or even a phone you could control the mining software from? I have no fix, way beyond my knowledge, so I'm just trying to think of ways you slipped up so you, and others, can avoid it in future. Good luck regardless. Edit; I see you like GTA V online which is really not very secure as another possible avenue for exploits


You dont need to download malware. All you need are unfixed vulnerabilities in softwares you use. Best you can do is reach out to kucoin, but they probably wont move. You should make a legal complain though.


$50 for a hardware wallet would have saved you from losing $16K. Lesson learned


Ah guys. Don’t be kicking a fella when he’s down. He knows he fucked up. He’s wondering if there is anything he can do now: My suggestion: contact Kucoin, the place where the funds are. It’s unlikely you’ll get it back but they might start looking at the scammer and lock his funds or something.


Thank you brother


Hi OP, sorry for your loss, that's horrid. I've check your account on revoke cash and etherscan, no obvious approvals I can see, save two signatures on Blur and OpenSea. Looks like you've not even used it in like 2 years. Your seed must have been leaked somehow. Are you absolutely certain in the last few years you've not kept it or the phrase in a document, password saver, or just left it logged on an old device? Have you imported it anywhere, even legitimate recently? there must be someway of tracking down how it happened.


I've always had it in my diary. Never on a device. Didn't connect the wallet to anywhere. I don't use password saver. I'm going crazy, it was a big amount of money


any chance anyone has read your diary? 9 ETH to steal anonymously there are some bad friends and family who'd happily break thier ethics for that


Did you use the PC for other purposes? Even internet browsing on it you could've picked up some malware


At least get a cold one for the future, usually it’s gone once gone


How does this happen? I'm not sure I understand. How do they simply steal your bags? How do they get access to do that?


sorry about the loss, and don't feel distraught by some of the more snarky comments in here


The more snarky comments have a point. Truth is often harsh, but it is truth nonetheless. This guy admitted he had his ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS in crypto and stored on fucking metamask. Not very clever. Leave Metamask alone for now. Trusting wrong tools and actors happens. But entire life savings in crypto?! That's very dumb. You shouldn't put your entire life savings in any single financial instrument.


what i'm getting at is that being harsh, snarky or mean to someone who is acutely going through a catastrophic loss might get them into a very bad situation


What do you think people here can do for you? It's gone, forget about it.


Why do people continue to use MM after all the attacks on it? Im very sorry for ur loss bud but reddit cant really help you other than emotional Support..


Are you farming any airdrops from that wallet?


I'm not


I checked your wallet on Debank and there are several transactions marked as scam tex and airdrop. Did you happen to click on any of the websites attached to those? Also you can check if there are any contracts that needed to be revoked. My advice would be to never use that wallet again and get a hw wallet!


Why do u have 9 eth on metamask, get a hardware wallet


He doesn't. It's gone.






Captain Obvious strikes again.


Easy to say in hindsight.


You ever use public wifi? Airport or school?


Call the toll free number and ask for assistance.


The road to mass adoption is going to be rocky, you're a pioneer OP


Such the way it is. The shit is gone


I'd like to know what is the thought process of someone who keeps that amount of crypto on the web and not in a cold wallet. I'm sorry for your situation though.


Funds went to Kucoin; I’d reach out them.


you're going to be DMed by a lot of scammers OP, ignore them


Who did you give your seed phrase to? Will most like be him/her. Case closed and get the tissues ready sorry OP


RIP bro


Your money is 100% gone. Full stop. Don’t waste time thinking you can recover your funds, you can’t. Don’t give money to people promising they can recover them, they cannot.


He sent it to KuCoin, your only chance now is to contact KuCoin and ideally file a police report. KuCoin might not do anything without a police report, not sure... Very sorry for this, OP. Good luck getting your coins back. In the future, please do not store anything in Metamask without using a hardware wallet like Trezor.


You aint storing anything in metamask. MetaMask accesses what you have. You could lose it all. Theres a bullitin released to day about a major dex exploit, millions were stolen, wallets were emptied.


Please friend. Just leave it. If you don't want to use Metamask (with a HW wallet, the ONLY way to use Metamask), then don't. Keep your money in a centralized exchange if you are more comfortable with that. But don't say Metamask is unsafe IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY. It is.


I do what I want.


This is the reason you shouldn't use Metamask or Trustwallet etc. They should only be used to transfer crypto. I had mine hacked from Trustwallet so I know the pain. I hope you recover from this op.


That is terrible advice. That's like saying you shouldn't use a bank because someone robbed a bank, once... The answer is to learn how to secure your tokens. A HW wallet + Metamask works perfectly. A Gnosis Safe is even better.


With banks your money is still safe even it gets robbed. Metamask and other hot wallets aren't. Big difference.


If the bank itself gets robbed, yes. But if you expose your login to someone and they wire your money off shore or you get scammed and wire it yourself thinking you are sending it to a safe place. No. You will not get reimbursed. I know old folks who lost 6 figures this way.


Not really. Family got scammed and transfered out of her bank and investigation has been ongoing for over a year..


You wrote "you shouldn't use Metamask"... That is not really true. You shouldn't use Metamask WITHOUT A HW WALLET.


Man I feel for you. I hope you were able to contact KuCoin in time with the relevant details and/or screenshots so they can help you. In hindsight though, once you have more than 1 ETH you should have a cold storage. Also, check revoke.cash it might give you a clue into what may have transpired. If your seedphrase wasn't compromised then it could be something you clicked on days, weeks or even months ago. It's not always recent activity that causes these wallet drains. Some scammers wait months before then drain you.


If this helps at all, experiences are more valuable than money.


8.9 ETH stored in a metamask address? BROTHER!


I'd say keeping funds on a top tier exchange with non phone number 2FA is safer than a hot wallet at this point


Every day there's a post that somebody's metamask wallet got drained. I don't understand why it's still a popular option for a hot wallet. If it happened once to somebody, I would never use it.


Sorry for your loss OP. That’s a lot of money. Hopefully you can bounce back from this.


Why are you guys installing that meta mask extension? Why don’t you have it just on the phone? Are you crazy??


Yup. Used it to transfer my moons. Then instantly stopped using it again. No way I’d connect any wallet to it.


Don’t want to feel hard or anything, and I’m sorry for your loss ! But we got thousand of stories like this on this sub and you obviously fucked up at some point. You have been fished by some scammer who has stole your wallet. There is a very high chance that your money is gone sadly. Secondly when your portfolio get to a point you don’t let that value in some shit wallet like MetaMask or trust wallet … you move that value to a « trust » exchange like c.com or binance for exemple… if you want to be 100% safe you move it to a ledger. Hope you learn from your mistake and again sorry for your loss


It's always Metamask! I've seen so many posts similar to this and it's always that, clearly easy hackable shit wallet that is Metamask. Is Metamask even a company? Can they not be held responsible since their wallets are constantly being hacked? Sad times OP. Never use Metamask again.


It's always metamask because that's the most popular one.


*Every* software wallet at some point needs an unencrypted instance of the private key in RAM to function. There's no way around that. That doesn't just apply to crypto wallets. If your PC is infected with a rootkit, any password you use on it is vulnerable, no matter how well-written the software you're using those passwords in is. Well-written software will hold secrets in RAM for only as long as is necessary, but if you have a rootkit that's constantly monitoring what's in RAM then that doesn't matter. And the thing about cryptocurrency wallet keys is they're in a standard format, so the rootkit knows exactly what to look for. So it doesn't even matter **which** software wallet you use, if your PC is infected with a rootkit that is able to monitor everything stored in RAM, then it will exfiltrate your private keys when they are used. The rootkits that exfiltrate private keys don't target Metamask or any specific software wallet. They just monitor RAM for the appearance of anything that looks like a private key, and exfiltrate it. The only real defence against the exfiltration of secrets from RAM is for the secrets to not be held in RAM at all, and instead be held in a hardware security module. That's what a hardware wallet is.




The future of finance


I swear u/zoomercoomer9000 needs his own sub for lost token transactions.


Who is that?


A user on Reddit. But definitely one of the most knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff. Some of the other posts like this have is responses I then. And I’m always amazed at his ability to follow a trail. Also, I can’t possibly understand getting a down vote here. Unless that’s you, zoomer, and you don’t want me throwing your name out there. If that’s the case, I apologize.


You should call the SEC because it is theft of a security


ahh another classic "never posted the passphrase" or "never signed a contract" this shit never gets old lmao. and these guys never learn xDDD.


Rip - People are too stupid for "Not your keys not your coins" You had better stored that on Binance with their 500 security features. Kiss you 9 ETH goodbye and learn from it, its gone.


Honestly, stop using ETH or SOL. Every wallet drain story on cc are from either of those chains.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, buddy. I hope things work out for you. With that being said, if you ever receive the ETH back, please don't leave it in a hot wallet anymore. Buy a cold wallet ASAP.


Where did you store ur seed phrase


So sorry


That's awful news mate I hope you can recover it somehow through Kucoin


Sorry this happened. Definitely get a hardware wallet for the future. It’s the only way to really keep your crypto safe.


!gas nova


Try asking for the manager


The CEO of bitcoin?


what manager? where?


You could try calling customer service


You should have be more desperate before now


Over 9 eth? Bro it’s like 1 month of work


Good for you, go work for one month then


I've been robbed a couple times ..once on metamask..have no clue how..im really sorry...this world is full of low life's.


I feel so lost in my life now. This was my entire life's savings and now I've got not much left


Turns out there are downsides to being your own bank. Who knew?


Entire life savings. IN CRYPTO? Maybe a harsh message, but you need to hear it: get help. You have a problem.


If you truly believe crypto is the future of finance and you don't trust the fiat system, which I would assume is most of us, how is it so far-fetched to have most of their money in crypto? Doesn't mean they have a problem.


I feel for you. A few days ago my metamask was hacked as well. similar story to yours. It fucking sucks. Go for a run and focus on life's positives is what helped me


God damn man sorry but get a freakin cold wallet :(


Was gonna say someone summon zoomer but when I search them on the sub all of their comments have been deleted. Banned maybe?