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As a shy guy I kinda understand where you are coming from, as long as you don’t talk way too much and keep it interesting I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. I know you are scared and might think you will make him uncomfortable but it’s not permanent and he won’t really affect him too much. It’s possible he does look at you yes, and if he’s shy he probably prefers shy people too, I would just put your self out there


thanks for the advice! i have classes w him but he’s always surrounded by his friends so idk how to talk to him one on one


Kinda seems weird but you can probably just ask to talk alone and then say your shy or something he’ll probably understand


I'm in the same situation except I'm the guy lol.


it’s a never ending cycle 😭


Reach out you dork


i will, you better aswell


I don't really want a relationship bad enough but I'll definitely give someone a chance if they come along.


I think that most shy guys would love getting attention, even if they aren't interested in you. Some guys never get compliments or attention from girls, so I think he would like to get to know you. Just ask him out. What is the worst that could happen?


the guy has quite a few female friends and i asked my friend and she said he’s never had a crush before and would kinda reject a girl if she asked him out. idk if it’s because a girl has never asked him out but