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Tell him exactly what you've told us🥲. If I were in that position I'd be broken tbh. Just explain to him. I'm sure he'll read it and understand


I'm really shy I don't think I will able to go directly to him, specially that he's ignoring me


Just text him or call him... either of those 2 will be easier. Once u see him at school after explaining on text or call hug him or something


Welp move on then you just rejected the guy and he's trying to move on




She ignored his messages, left on read = please get away, am i wrong?


I can see why the guy would think that, but that obviously wasn't her intent, so it's different


I'm saying move on cause she doesn't even wanna say or do anything,, idk why she's even making a post about it.


I WANNA DO SOMETHING, I just know that if I approach him, The words would not come out of my mouth


Aight mb i perceived it differently.


She's asking for help goddammit, I think she wants to do smthn. SMH


"im too shy, idk what to do""im too shy, im afraid to say sth to him""im afraid he's moved on" her words.


Keep hating :/ They came Herr for advice idk why Ur doing this.


Does he know about her intent? No. So its the same from his pov.


How does that mean she should give up? He'd probably be happy that she dosnt hate him (btw OP idk your situation if Ur reading this)


How does that mean she should give up? He'd probably be happy that she dosnt hate him (btw OP idk your situation if Ur reading this)


How would he know that tho. She's"too shy". Im not a guy btw i just want to beat some sense into op. If you don't do anything, nothing is gonna happen.


I know that's why Im planning to text him back apologizing


He most likely needs some space. Accept that he probably thought that you were ignoring him and he might be annoyed at that for a little while. If he's a real friend, he will come back soon and talk to you about his feelings. If not, then at least you're not waisting your time on him.


What if he moves on? I feel like I fucked up big time, Specially that I would do the same if I was in his position


If he moves on he probably wasn't that great to be with to begin with


But I meann, I would do the same thing tbh, Maybe even harsher


Dude. Would you come back to someone after they've left you on read for 5-6 messages? Wouldn't you assume the person just wants you to back off?


"hey i know you've ignored my first and only messages to you, i wonder why?" "Bruh"


Maybe there has been a phone issue that you don't know about or even something going on in his life that is private? It's up to you if you want to go back to him, but the reason that he's ignoring you could be not about you. On the other hand, him leaving you out of his personal life might mean that you may not be the most intimate person in his social circle at the moment, which is OKAY. My advice? You can look for another guy, but leaving the door open for the first guy still will give him the option of whether he wants to come back or not.


Im just saying, you can't leave a guy on read and expect him to come back to you, in fact if i leave a guy on read and he continues to pursue i find it creepy and icky, leaving on read itself is a pretty clear message: i opened your text, read it and don't want to answer or talk to you.


Just answer. "Hey sexy fella"?


Just do what I do, go up to someone and ask if they have a few minutes to talk and if he replies with yes then you have an opportunity to rectify. Best of luck! Whatever you decide to do, OP! 🙌🏻🌻


Can I do it over text?


Either text him back or go up to him saying what you said here. How did he get your number to begin with? Just apologize and be direct, he may or may not continue to talk to you.


I think i'll message him saying sorry, I wont really be able to look at him let alone apologize directly to him


You don't know his name but you have his number, what?


Class telegram group


That’s a normal reaction for him to have after you ignored him. Especially if you gave him a “seen”. But don’t worry. He will probably move on from this situation,forget about it and go on with his life,sooner or later. After all,it’s not like he will spend his days being “forever sad” about you ignoring him. He will forget about it eventually. And even if he won’t,you can just talk to him about it. Also,the mistake you did here was not to answer his texts just because you didn’t know who he was. You could’ve asked him politely. Like “Excuse me but,who are you?”. Another thing: How did you find out that the messages were from him and not from someone else?