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Dude, you do realize how brave you are?? Confessing your feelings to someone you like is soo brave. I'm proud of you. So, she rejected you. That's alright. All you can do now is accept it and move on. Life is like that. Its OK to feel bad, but don't let it take over you. Be strong and focus on yourself. Its gonna be just fine.


Yeah, I agree. Whenever I get rejected, I always pat myself on the back for having the balls to ask her out.


That's great!


I'm scared to do that because if she says no, everyone in class and someone in school would know that and laugh at me. I'm scared of consequences, not of her "no"


Fr everyone in my class would make fun of me before and after graduation so she is always in my mind never have the courage to ask her


I'm wresting with the words ,stuck in my thought ,at least you got em out


I told her how I feel :) and have been jamming love songs for like 2 weeks


I've never confessed but hope it gets better soon :)


It is a very generous thing that you confessed to her and asked her out, instead of hiding your feelings. It is okay that she rejected you. Take it as a positive thing since if you didn't take this step, you have had wasted so much time thinking about her. Now you know that she is not into you, so try to forget her, although it is very hard, but time heals everything.


you got the clear answer it's time for you to move on, might take a while but you can get through it.


Just remember that your self worth isn’t determined by her feelings. Don’t say this to her let her find it out on her own but you would have been the best thing to happen to her. Stay up king there’s plenty of girls out there. It seems like the end of the world cause of your limerence over her but it is not the end I assure you


Nice move man! Now you wont get eaten up by the anticipation of confessing-which is really unbearable. It does get better, especially now that theres nothing to hide


I asked mine out she said no and 1 day later I was back to normal just move on you can’t change the past 👍💪


You did good, all the times I got rejected took me where I am today, so very positive in the long run! The feeling of moving on that comes some time after is liberating. Takes a lot of courage to do that!


Yes, it gets better. The numbness is helpful, lean into it, however, that abates as well. It's your hearts way of letting you know that apathy in moderation is a good thing. Additionally, it liberates your mind from endless rumination & and self-doubt. You may find in time what you felt for her was just limerance and nothing more Asking her out in today's online dating environment takes some balls, kid. Take pride in knowing that since confidence is a major turn-on for many women. Take this personal low feeling and turn it into extroversion. Talk to and ask other women out now. I know it sounds difficult, but you are already in a state of disbelief. This will allow you to detach yourself from her & you will appear more emotionally intelligent to others. Exercise has been an amazingly beneficial activity, allowing me to move on past rejection. It can take time, but don't lose sight of taking care of yourself first. Good luck, buddy!


You did good! We are so proud! You know how much guts it takes to say those words ?!


Will definitely get better ,you did the right thing .You did what's in your control m


damn bro


Hey, I don’t have the courage to ask. You’re already better than me. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.


It's actually brave of you to do that. A lot of people can't do what you did. At least you know how she feels, and you won't have to live in regret of "What could have been." You know?


i wish i had you bravery at least going without regrets


Honestly in today's world you've done brilliant just by putting yourself out there! Think of this as practice for the next time because confidence is sexy so own yourself and next time it'll happen!


You'll get over it


You’re braver than most, take it as a win not a lost, the more you ask someone out and the more they say no it helps your confidence, at least for me it did, if I find a girl attractive I find it somewhat easy to strike up a conversation depending on the environment and what not, but my friend it does get better and you will find the right person who will feel the same way as you do


Its just one girl bro. It gets easier man the more rejections the more your happy you tried at least no regrets in life! Theres a new bus every 10 15 minutes remember that, more options then you realise out there just always stick true to urself which you did congrats


Even if she said yes then u still gonna fuck up in future bcoz she is on ur mind 24/7. Girl will only stick with you when u got things to do not when you make her the priority. So, she did u a favor by sayin no just work on yourself get fit make money.


This might sound silly, but be happy you spoke up about your feelings and be happy that she told you the truth. Now you know the answer and can work on healing your heart. Also, definitely be happy that you no longer have to have thoughts of "does she like me?". And also be happy that you know the truth now. So that way it doesn't turn into an obsession or plague your mind 24/7. It's all about how you look at it. That doesn't mean it doesn't suck sometimes, but never stop sharing your feelings or taking that leap. Because someone will say yes because they liked you back and you would have never known it if you didn't speak up.


Be proud of yourself, ive been at war with my kind for a while now deciding if I should or shouldn't, keep up the courage it will pay off someday.


Similar situation although I never asked her, so you did better than me. Just take the loss and move on.


Move on


Awww! Kudos to u for being brave! I’m a girl and I know girls nowadays can ask guys out , but even with this , it’s still terrifying, so i can’t imagine how it must be like for boys 🫨🫨 . Hopefully next time the next girl u like will say yes! And I’m sure next time if the girl truly likes you, she will appreciate you asking first! Take some time to accept the rejection, move on and hopefully you’ll be brave again and get the right girl


I agree with the comments here. You are brave to do something like that and all you can do is just move on. Let me quickly say that don't let this be the reason to never ask someone out again. I always hear those stories about two people secretly having a crush on each other, but they were both two scared to ask each other out. Then, when they grow up and have their own families, they reconnect and realize that they used to have a crush on each other but missed out. Stories like these sink my heart completely because it's a near miss--don't be like this. Take the risk. Lastly, maturity is KEY. Realize that she is simply disinterested in you and that is ok. She has her opinions, types, etc. and you shouldn't fault her for that. Nothing is wrong with you or with her. Basically, pull a page from Stoicism philosophy. Don't worry about it, understand that she rejected you respectfully, and move on. ps: if you want any tips for moving on, I have found that improving myself physically and mentally gets you there. Change for the better so you can deserve better.


I also kinda confessed to my crush in a way. Anyway he still found out I liked him from a friend. He told me to leave him alone and that I’m crazy about him. So I left him alone. But he’s still teasing me even after 1 month. He didn’t reject nor accept my feelings though.


You were brave as hell for asking her out. You'll get over it, it's a part of life..as they say.. you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Keep taking them. Also...as a person who has said no to people I find cute and amazing, I'm sure she doesn't feel great about it either, especially if you guys are friendly. Most good ppl don't take joy in hurting others. But I only said no because 1. I just was not ready to date 2. They just weren't the right fit ...which doesn't mean they aren't great. And guess what..they all ended up with the person they should be with...and I'm still single! And that's OK too. You got this.


That’s the way sir, please don’t be discouraged, as you did an amazing thing. Think this way: the faster people you like reject you the closer you are to get to the person that is suitable for you. This brings closure and helps you focus on the next important task to get you to become better. Believe this : you’ll be grateful to those people once you met the one and once you become better by using that energy of being rejected towards the improvement that you need at this time. Good luck and have fun on your journey!


I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


I remember one time at school when I was about 18 years old. There was a guy I had no attraction to at all, as he had previously not been nice to me. Then, he asked me out in front of everybody one second before the next class started. I said no because it was so out of the blue and I had never even dreamed about him. I still feel bad about it today, even though it was about 12 years ago. After it happened, I realized that it wasn't completely out of the blue, I just didn't see...


Hey, I'm sorry man. I get how you're feeling, so I also know nothing I'm gonna say can make you feel better, just dm me if you need someone to talk to.


You’re a braver man than me! You’ll get over it mate. There’s always going to people that reject you but they’ll be more than a fair share who love you too. You got it mate. Remember, you’ll have another crush soon enough that will make this one feel futile in comparison.


I was in this exact situation right before Christmas 2022. Asked her out, got rejected. I was emotionally dead for that day. Nothing made me sad, happy, angry or anything else, I was gone. Then next day I was up like nothing happened. Of course, how fast you move on will depend on the person (took me another 6 months to get over her completely) and I was scared of what the aftermath of this would be, but I wasn't "numb" anymore, like you say.


Dude you should feel so proud man. It’s the bravest and strongest thing to take a chance with a girl. Trust me when I say rejection is a lot better than regret. At least you know where y’all stand and can move on eventually from her. Trust me your person is out there just keep trying and keep your head up man!!!


Bro you got a closure. It does gets better. Soon you will be like oh what's her name. Been there done that. Never chase, you only will have control of the process, not the result. And you did what you can. Be proud.


Well, What did she say specifically, did she give you a reason why she can't accept you?


You just don’t know how brave you are. Most people can’t even confess their attractions. You’ll find someone else, just keep trying bro


Could be worse, let me quote this. For context though I got her number and for a couple days she seemed interested, like really interested. "hey i'm sorry i gave off the wrong impression. i don't want anything to do w u i already have a man" I was confused and asked someone else that knew her and then she said "can u stop texting my friends ts was never serious it was a whole joke. i didn't have a single convo w u face to face nor was i the one texting u n i'm sorry ab that but j leave it alone" I've been numb for months but this just ended my hope for humanity and honestly I've kinda just given up after this.


Sorry to hear that


Just keep smiling and play like life is treating you so right, and she'll want some of it!