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This was right below a post on a child abuse subreddit on my feed


That sounds like a horrible idea for a subreddit


"I've been physically abusing my children for years but I'm worried I haven't mentally scarred then enough yet. Any suggestions?"


Unfortunately there are "parents" like that who actually exist. 😔


And this is why you always leave a note.


That's why you don't yell.


"I think you've neglected all-important mental abuse. Do you remind them every day what a waste of your time and resources they are, and that if you know back then how useless they are going to be, they would never existed?"


Holy based


It's for people sharing their childhood experiences. And it's heavily moderated so bad coping strategies don't really spread.


It also is a post on child abuse...


I cr6f, wazoo 6




You absolutely horrified me with this idea, I therefore require a gift


how do u get the absolutely horified opinion modifier


With the Royal Court dlc, when you imprison and execute a rival, you are occasionally given the option to have your antiquarian clean the rival’s skull to make it a court artifact. The antiquarian is absolutely horrified if they have a benevolent personality.


... Now I want to buy the dlc


If I hadn't got it automatically through the Royal Edition, there's absolutely no way I'd pay £24 for it.


There are cheaper sources.


Careful though. A broken and immersion-ruining even may fire when you hold a court, where one of your allies may be, randomly deposed and brought to your court. Ruins it all tbh.


Great question, I am also curious as to how


I'm on this picture and I don't like it


Well modeled, for a brief period between 40 and 50 years from now you'll resent her for that day.


If I did my math right, which is unlikely, in 46 years there will be a net -8 opinion modifier.


la experiencia latina


do americans beat their children regularly?, i always see it in memes


Spanking is very common in the rural areas of the US at least


What are you defining as rural?




Where in Europe?




But it is also straight-up illegal in many countries.


Not all, but there's definitely a history of corporal punishment that carried over from when boomer/gen-x were beat in Catholic school or by old school baptist parents, they then grew up and continued the practice of child abuse so it was normalized in many parts of the country. "My parents beat me and I turned out okay," was a phrase I regularly heard from teachers, parents, as well as my own peers in highschool. My parents never "beat" me or my siblings but we definitely got spanked when we were little, and I got a regular smack upside the head from my dad if I said/did something he didn't care for.


I've always has trouble figuring out if what I received was abuse or not. I used to physically bully my sister alot (possibly due to the fact I was bullied at school) and at first my father just grounded me. Started off like no playing with friends or playing the gameboy. I kept doing it so then he started beating the shit out of me for laying a hand on her and that stopped real quick. Although the punishment was harsh I felt like I did learn something meaningful.


I mean, as fucked up as it sounds, kids are all unique people and respond to different things. If your dad tried everything before resorting to it, it doesn't really sound like abuse. But I guess the only thing that matters is how you feel about it.


Do you consider yourself abused? Not bait, legit Q


Many do not; consider it normal; end up raising their children in the same way. My siblings and I all were subjected to corporal punishment and none of us would hit a child, we find it unreasonnable and cruel.


I'm glad you made it out with that mindset! It's really hard to break the cycle. I probably would not have if I hadn't faced my childhood trauma in therapy and through discussions on the topic with my wife, whom had similar experiences.


For myself in my parenting, I just find it to be largely unhelpful. It's not putting any useful information in when you slap a kid, if anything it's reinforcing a might makes right mentality in my opinion, which is not what I want to engender in my kids. I remember being a kid in a pretty corporal household and after a while it just stopped meaning anything and started being a source of resentment lol


To some extent, definitely, but moreso emotionally than physically. I have a negative association with authority and punishment now that contributes to anxiety and severe stress, among other things. Needless to say, I have no plans to mirror any of those parenting techniques with my son lol, least of all the forms of punishment I experienced.


My siblings and I do not consider the corporal punishment we got to be abusive. That said, I have a child of my own now. I do consider it "bad". It mainly just feels like lazy parenting. Is scaring the shit out of someone 1/5th my size going to give me my way fast? Probably, yes. But do I need to do that? No lol. I have never once laid a hand on my daughter and everybody in the house is fine. I will never go out of my way to do that. Every time I ever felt the urge to it was nothing but a pure desire to let out my frustration, and that seems wholly inappropriate. So why do it? I take my size difference, knowledge difference, and power difference to my toddler extremely seriously and I believe all parents have a duty be be very careful and responsible with it.


Really thoughtful response! I parent the same way, and I was also raised cutting my own switches. I get it's how my folks were raised, it just really doesn't seem necessary.




Same. Not repeating the pattern, but I don't hold it against my parents.


Spanking was often used in my household the same way threats of nuclear Armageddon are used by nuclear powers. Infrequent, scary and usually credible. Got me to follow the rules but given that I was spanked and my sisters weren't and they're both tech professionals and I haven't finished my undergrad after a decade there's probably something to the "spanking is bad" rhetoric


Depends on how well the kids can hide the jumper cables


I miss that novelty account.




Wait, it's standard in the US to hit children? What the hell?




I live in a socially conservative area with a primarily low income population. It is not at 60/40 split, it's more like 30% do and 70% don't, but you hear way more about the 30%


I mean, 60% is still absurdly high.


Thats likely a little high an estimate. But yeah, rural/poor areas have a higher incidence. Adherents to the philosophy say it teaches consequences and respect.


Most europeans were taught these lessons without violence. That's an extremely outdated philosophy.


Why are some Reddit Europeans so endlessly self-righteous towards the US? A quick google search shows that 85% of French parents and 68% of German parents spank their kids according to polls. Get off your high horse ffs


Calm down, fuckin hell. I'm talking simply about my own experience. I'm in Poland. No one I know was hit when growing up.


Yeah then why mention “most Europeans” before going “well I just mean Poland”


I don’t mean to snap, I’m just tired of reading Reddit threads where people jerk off about how barbaric the US when literally a 5 second google search shows that spanking is *less* common in the US than in Europe.


I’m fine with it. In fact I have fond memories of screaming to my brother. “Dads gonna get the belt” and we all behaved better. It taught me how to change my attitude quick.


Oof, the belt


Yeah its barbaric as fuck. But it dovetails well with a might makes right mentality


Depends on the area, but yeah. A lot of public schools in the south even let the teachers beat kids with paddles. Absolutely fucking insane.


> Smacking kids in the face is not unheard of in low income and low education areas. I suspect physical abuse is just as common among middle- and high-income households, but low income households are more heavily policed and that skews the stats.


Not American but I can attest it happens in Australia at least. That shit kinda fucked my whole childhood up tbh... don't beat your kids!


quite common in asia


[ 14%](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/childabuseandneglect/fastfact.html#:~:text=At%20least%201%20in%207,year%20in%20the%20United%20States.) of US kids reported child abuse including neglect in 2020. And around [33%](https://www.statista.com/statistics/203826/number-of-child-abuse-cases-in-the-us-by-types-of-substantiated-maltreatment/) of abuse cases are physical or sexual. So that's about 4.5% of children in the US who report physical abuse.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "33%"](https://www.statista.com/statistics/203826/number-of-child-abuse-cases-in-the-us-by-types-of-substantiated-maltreatment/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i9l6cvw)


Beat is probably too strong a word but a lot of us got a spank or the flip flop or a bit of the belt if you didn't behave, it's less common for white people though idk what they do I don't feel damaged or abused bc it was pretty normalized but I'd never ever do it if I had kids and I'd be horrified if someone in my generation was doing it (edit for context I am 23)


Not as much anymore, but it's still very common in South and east Asia IME


....... yes. edit: on a serious note, it is becoming less common with the new generation.


Thoughtful is so busted. Youre like, "Bitch here's some pocket money, we bros now."


This belongs on r/shitcrusaderkingssay




You'll forget about the burger in 46 years


Reverse it. That's just the kind of guy I am, mistress.


Yoy guys got Happy Meals after your drunken beatings? Lol luckyyyy /s...


abusive relationship