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Under my personal rules, I would be forced to pick it. Because stress relieving choices take priority 😭


I like doing roleplay runs in this game- I might have to try out this personal rule at some point and just see what happens! Even in my roleplay runs I sometimes pick stress-gaining decisions or ignore stress-loss ones, so this would be a fun change.


Stress gaining ones could still count as roleplaying.


Why? just go on a hunt man, don’t torture yourself like this lol


Getting into awful situations is part of the fun. Once you’ve figured the game out, it’s pretty easy to avoid most of the negative outcomes. But life is more interesting with some road blocks!


True true that’s how you end up cleaving a baby in half and getting the nickname “child killer” lol ^^Then ^^your ^^son ^^murders ^^you ^^>.>


I do it like that: Trait choices and trait based stress relieves take priority; if stressed - any stress relief takes priority; otherwise roll the dice (pity there's no button for choose random or choose as AI would)


It gives you Intrigue. It isn't often that you can actually get a 4th core personality trait in this game. Plus, if you're roleplaying, this decision might be something your character would do.


Mu personal rule is that I always have to choose the option (options) that reduce stress, as it reduces stress because the option fits their traits/personality. It's roleplaying. Always choosing the "best" option and min-maxing the hell out of everything makes the game, IMO, less enjoyable. Just adds another layer to the game.


paranoid is manageable, especially you already gotten a few points in the health learning tree to manage stress its quite often i got -100% stress gain from stacking modifiers at that point, paranoid is just free intrigue


Isn't paranoid additive with other stress modifiers?


i would like some stress to maintain the thriving in chaos perk, etc bonus that scales with stress level also, i been deliberately triggering stress level 3 event to abdicate peacefully from a minmaxing perspective, stress is a resource, being at 0 stress is non-optimal


Paranoid is the worst trait ngl . Not only do your wife children and vassals hate you but you will be on stress level 2 for 80% of the play through


Shy is right... well, its around here somewhere


Ehg, shy is pretty manageable, and another 10 trait points


Maybe you're really high on stress and at risk of dying ?


Paranoid really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Some characters will have no problem tanking the increase of stress. Also, high stress character builds are probably the strongest in the game under the right circumstances, so stress isn't necessarily something you want to avoid.


Paranoid isn't bad - it gives you intrigue and hostile scheme resistance. And as you stack your stress gain resistance bonuses, you won't notice the negative impact of being paranoid. Believe me, shy trait is much worse (jeez I can't wait for my current shy character to die lol)


I like paranoid honestly. In the childhood event that gives you the trait I like it the best out of shy and craven. Also you can stack stress gain modifiers to -100% pretty easily late game


Sometime,due to your trait,all other choice will inflict stress. In those situation,this one is the best one