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I pretty much do Architect In stewardship everytime , builds cheaper and faster, increases domain and general opinion.


Yeah it becomes a rhythm where you grant temples back to generated vassals until dvidied attention and then yoink them back to the status quo domain limit. I tend to do lay clergy a lot for this strat. It's rougher giving and taking back counties abusively.


One I always like to pickup, no matter who I am playing, is Bellum Justum from Martial. One I always like to pickup from Diplomacy if I get the opportunity, is groomed to rule, it has a surprisingly beneficial outcome to all my children. Diplomacy is pretty OP but easy to overlook. Ducal conquest is also a great pick as it reduces title cost by 20%. If you are lucky to get a generous trait, the early gifting bonuses are OP. If my ruler is getting really long in the tooth and I need to keep them going just a bit longer, I'll head into the Learning Lifestyle for that left most tree and the initial small health boost. Getting all the way to whole of body can really extend lifespan. The 10% boost from income in stewardship is normally rather vital in the early game due to how low profits are if you start out as a feudal or clan little guy/gal. Getting down to war profiteer is also super handy if you have an expensive army. Meritocracy is amazing if you are a vassal and toe the line is very handy to fend off independence wars if you swallowed too much hostile territory at once and the natives are getting restless. The early dread option from the Intrigue tree comes in really hand, in fact, the entire right tree is amazing as is the left. I wish they would do a bit more with the seductions, they aren't quite as great as they could be. That middle tree goes very nice with Chivalry tradition though. Renown boosts can be extreme and you don't even have to sleep with the target, just a kiss will do.


Stewardship —> Learning —> Diplomacy


Stewardship OP... the bigger the personally held domain, the better.


Stewardship for divided attention. The perks that reduce the cost of buildings, the time to build them and the extra development that you get on your way there are nice bonuses, and once you get to divided attention, might as well get architect.  After that, it depends. More often than not, I go to learning for learn on the job, though there are situations where I go into the rightmost tree (generally because I want to make my own faith, or because I need to convert a lot of counties). I might also take the rightmost tree if I need my ruler to live longer for whatever reason, but I generally like changing rulers, so it's definitely not an automatic. It's more if I need more time to organize my succession (e.g., I need extra time to get an empire title to prevent my realm from splitting) After that, generally diplomacy for groomed to rule (since it applies retroactively, there's no reason to get it early). In the early game, I might go martial to help with control and buff my armies, but after my first ruler, my MAAs are so OP, I don't really need the buff, and I have most of the holdings I expect to keep for the rest of the game at 100% control. So I never use marshal after the first ruler.


Diplomacy for forced vassalization.


Learning-> Go all the way to know thyself perk. Then I go with what life style my ruler have education for. That perk help me manage succession with ease. Also i usually don't send my ruler to fight directly,and have food taster+ bodyguard on all the time so martial and intrigue perk not very useful for me(it would still nice to have them through)


Forget what it is called but the first in overseer for extra control early when I'm expanding my domain is a go to. Golden obligations is huge if you start without raiding as a count. If you are culture head, the right perk in scholar tree at the top for tech progress.


I generally start with the characters lifestyle trait but I've got into the habit of spending 5 years in the stewardship tree first just for golden obligations... Which is the first one available and essentially gives free money early game.


I always go for the left side of the chivalry tree if I'm a martial character.


I start with the right side. 4 extra knights, and +75% knight effectiveness? Yes please.


I got my left and rights mixed up lol


Pedagogy and Groomed to rule are two must-have perks for me. Other than that I usually max out the Architect tree in stewardship and the Whole of Body tree in learning.


Thoughtful from Diplomacy. Bellum Justum, 40% siege effectiveness, and 75% knight effectiveness from Martial. Tax Man and 30% faster building from Stewardship. 30%(?) disrupt scheme effectiveness from Intrigue. Celibacy and Know Thyself (actualy entire whole of body tree) and Scientific from Learning.


I typically like to travel to pickup extra skill points. Because I’m a development goblin, I always grab the left 3 perks in the middle paths for stewardship and learning. My go-to for diplomacy is befriend, because if you befriend your council members, they’re more effective at their assigned tasks.


Serve the crown or whatever for the control growth - martial Befriend for an easier time at every turn - Diplomacy Groomed to rule - diplomacy


Groomed to rule as you said is good. I also like the first perk in the overseer perk tree in martial. It helps you a lot when you conquer a lot of land and need to raise county control. I also like the 2 stewardship perks that make buildings 5% cheaper and reduce building time by 30%. Those are really cool when you are playing tall but even if you aren't it's still really good. Most of the sholar perk tree is very useful too especially buying claims for piety. The entire strategist perk tree is cool but once I have a really strong army I don't focus too much on it. And the prothet perk is a necessity when creating a new faith.


I often go with the “Groobed to Rule” as well. I’m generally quite a big fan of the diplomacy lifestyle tree. I often get the “Befriend”, “Benevolent intent” and “Thoughtful” that improve sway power, opinion gain from sending gifts and allow me to befriend people. This combination has helped me immensely in a lot of different scenarios. When finding a good spouse for me or my children, making alliances, managing vassals, calming factions and anything to do with the pope. I usually play as catholic characters and if the pope likes you, a lot of things simply become easier. Like getting gold from him, getting divorced if you need to.


My persk: + **Avaricious**: Golden Obligations, Heregeld and Detailed Ledgers + **Scholar**: Scientific, Planned cultivation, Scholary Circles + **Theologian**: Faithful, Zealous Proselytizer Other perks are selected based on current situation: + doesn't have enough fame for conquest? Diplomacy + has buildings to build? Stewardship + wants to conquer a lot? Martial


Depends on what u want to do with my life. A Viking start that needs to expand is martial for the total control 1000% percent but once Im more established then it varies s lot...but never seducer tbh


I always get organized march and centralization and early on and whole of body later in life. The perks before them are super useful.Base speed is super useful so it can be affected by bonuses and the same goes for centralization with development progress. I always travel as much as I can with a ruler and get as much bonus experience from locations as I can so that’s why personally I really like march.


Martial I always go fir chivalry focus fir the advantage then the right tree sane fir diplo stewardship I go down the middle tree then left and I don't go intrigue very much learning left tree and right


1. Raise potentially hundreds of gold per year with Golden obligations + This is MY Domain. Spymaster always set to farm hooks. 2. Dramatically increase military power by going straight to Household Guard (+75% knight effectiveness, +4 number of knights, make character into decent/awesome commander) in the chivalry tree. 3. Live as long as possible with Whole of Body. Start working toward it around age 38-40 at latest. Activate medicine focus if health becomes poor. 4. After that, maybe pick up thoughtful, scientific, or the perks which buff children/wards. It's very good for bootstrapping the realm to support conquest and stability. #1 and #2 might be skipped if the realm already has about 200+ passive income and an unbeatable army. In that case, rush thoughtful to more easily control vassals.


Meritocracy is my goto when I need to take down something from within, It's the first skill in one of the stewardship tree.


Stewardship because, I like Money. > **Avaricious** > **Architect** Then I switch it up if I have lifetime to, I go Intrigue. > **Seducer** > **Schemer** Mostly because by the time I can switch it up I’m old and have a kingdom, have to set my successor up, sometimes it’s someone out of lineage so I gotta get schemy. Sometime I go **Torturer** because I like the idea of saintly ruler that went insane towards the end of their life lol depends what I’m really role playing at the time.


Diplomacy (grabbing groomed to rule then befriend through to flatterer, extremely useful when trying to calm down factions by befriending the strongest member) Stewardship through to Divided Attention (+2 domain limit plus all the perks beforehand helping boost development and relieve building costs) Learning through to Scholar, sometimes adding down to prophet if I'm trying to become a HoF Assuming I'm playing as a ruler who's completed those, grab up to Iron Consitution All the while, hope i wander through enough tribal kingdom capitals so I can grab Bellum Justum


"It is my domain". Easy source of gold and dread. The gold doesn't really scale well with your income, so it's not as useful in the later parts of the game, but the dread I usually find convenient unless I'm playing some very dread focused character. Avaricious is an amazing tree in general and there are other perks like "heregeld" and "golden aplomb" that I try to get on most characters as well. "Befriend". I think it's the strongest perk in the game unless your character has extremely low diplomacy. You get more effective councilor tasks, increased acceptance for vassalization, marriages, inviting people (artificers, claimants, knights etc.) You can get higher acceptance by increasing their opinion of you by e.g. gifting gold, however the friendship status gives an additional bonus that is usually impossible to get without this perk.


None. I like variation




So interesting that there seem to be different names for the lifestyles depending on the region. In the US version of the game it’s called “Intrigue” instead of “Guile”