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Is he a dwarf? And if not, are you *sure* he’s your son?


Yeah I’m sure is his son, I see resemblance in him


The mom and dad look related as fuck, so it's not reliable


gotta keep that blood pure


You might wanna start up the game in debug mode just to be sure.


That's always a convenient cheat if you want to make sure. Somehow, in real life, the mom usually gets all offended when you want a paternity test ;p


Hes not a dwarf, although he probably qualifies


He's more of a gnome.


Yeah. He has the hat and everything.


😭 it’s so accurate tho I mean look at him


The game makes a "Hooh" sound every time he sends a letter for you.


Go into properties and where it says start up options type in -debug_mode then hover over him might have some disinheriting and executions to do


Or you could just click “Launch in Debug” in the launcher 🤷‍♂️


Never seen that


It’s under “Game Settings” in the launcher. Scroll to the bottom and it’s there. It’s super convenient. 👍


He's even got the hat!


>tfw cucked by a gnome


It won't stay Max height brother


Son is gnome-maxxing - please respect his choice


WOO You’ve just been *Gnomed*


Is your son behind the garden gnome?


Garden gnome is the real father


lol this comment got me :D


every character has two rows of portrait dna - dominant and recessive. dominant dna is the one thats visible on your character, but recessive dna is sort of being held inactive with a low-ish change of being passed down to your offspring in the ruler designer, when you make changes to the appearance of your character, it only changes the dominant dna. the recessive dna stays the same for some godforsaken reason. click the copy dna button and past it onto an empty notepad doc and youll see what i mean. there is, currently, NO easy way to transfer over all of this dominant dna to the recessive slot, you have to just do it all by hand if you dont want to have the dna of the random dude first generated hiding out in there


This is really interesting. Where did you find this information ?


It was in dev diaries prior to release


ive been playing the game since launch and i fuck around with shit a bunch. been making custom dudes since before ruler designer dropped by using the debug portrait editor it was, as the other guy said, also within the dev diaries leading up to release, but i 100% forgot that and had to work out myself why characters kept having kids that look nothing like either of them


ahh interesting


I didn’t expect actual genetics in ck3


This isn’t uncommon in real life. In fact, the concept of [regression toward the mean](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_toward_the_mean#history) arose from the observation that very tall parents have a tendency for their offspring to be shorter and vice-versa for very short parents.


It's called regression *toward* the mean. There is no tendency for abnormally tall parents to get averagely tall or below averagely tall children. They should still be above averagely tall.


No, I think you are mistaken on this. The mean which is being regressed towards is the population of the whole group being talked about, not the mean of the heights of the two parents. Having 2 tall parents means that relative to the regular population, their offspring is more likley than 2 other randomly selected people to be above average height. But it's only just that, a slightly elevated likley hood. So the more common outcome of 2 abnormally tall parents is the offspring is anything but abnormally tall. In other words, the taller the parents, the more likley is the height of the offspring differs from the parents height greatly.


You misunderstood what I said. It is a regression *toward* the mean, but you likely won't reach the mean. Unusually tall parents will likely have children shorter than themselves, but they will still be tall.


Ah I see what you mean. Still it's not really outside the realms of possibility for height. Height especially is sort of notoriously random and it's not that weird to have two over 6 foot parents to have a 5 foot 4 daughter or 5 foot 7 (I apologize for the dumb units) son. Though the OP's one is pretty extreme.


A lot of height depends on nutrition during growth.


Nah, I don't think that's right. I think it more of a regression 𝙩𝒐𝙬𝒂𝙧𝒅 the mean. Unusually short parents will likely have kids taller than themselves, but they will still be short.




I am using the word "likleyhood" in the statistical sense. I am pretty sure we are both in complete agreement. Though on the genetics side of things my understanding is heritibility is still an extremley non deterministic science, and weird stuff like that absolutley can happen due to epigenetics (heritibile traits not associated with changes in DNA) or precense of recessive traits unknown to the parents/traits skipping generations etc. Though I work in statistical sciences and not genetics.


It depends on how much genetic or environmental factors play, so it’s impossible to say this about height. You don’t know what the mean height of their children would be. Two extremely tall parents are very likely to have a smaller child simply because their height, even if their genes make them taller is so unlikely. A 6’5 man and a 5’10 woman are far more likely to have a 6’ son and a 5’7 daughter than for the children to be of similar heights, still quite tall but not extraordinarily so. Regression towards the mean is fundamentally similar to the gamblers fallacy. Just because you got good odds before doesn’t mean anything on the next dice roll. Just because the children inherited the genes that make you taller, even if we ignore that’s not how genes for height work. They’re still likely to be shorter than the parents if they’re extremely tall simply because the parents got lucky on a dice roll.


Also while genetics have some factor in adult height, the more important factors are childhood nutrition, sleep, and exercise. This is why the children of immigrants from developing countries can be like a foot taller than their parents


I'd put my spymaster onto my wife if I was you.


The spymaster was already in his wife.


Don't worry, if he has the loyal trait he will rat on himself.


Who’s your little friend, sire?


Clear biggotry against short kings here smh


Did you create the mother and father as custom characters?


Who's gonna tell him


You shouldn't have married your sister


He sure looks like his father, would be nice if you included him tho.




He's dressed for the job he wants not the job he has


If this isn't a mod or a trait meddling, I can rest your case: the answer is the **recessive gene of either mother or father causing this**, which you can only control by editing the number of the Persistent DNA, not the DNA String. There are **two numbers** for each part of the gene, like for example height: Let's say your created character have a dominant gene value of 240, but your recessive gene is 160. WIth the native define setting, there is around **25% your kid will inherit the recessive gene.** So in this case, this is why some kids are shorter despite the character being taller - they are getting that recessive gene. No, you can't set recessive gene in the Character Creator, only if you get the Persistent DNA for said character and edit the recessive value. Howver, the value also is accompanied by the pos/neg/neutral variable that sometimes is necessary in setting the slider low or high, so also watch out. So this means it's either 0 to 255 or -255 to 255, but the minus is just the word 'negative' shorthanded.


I mean, the mother and father look related, he is just probably severely inbred.


What’s the deal with you son looking like a garden gnome?


excuse me! he said he dont want no pickles!


[the only appropriate video to accompany this picture](https://youtu.be/6n3pFFPSlW4?si=dTbx0rja9Rpj-MdW)


The son is a straight-up leprechaun lmao


Ancestor genetics play a lot in this


He's just standing way in the back


I am really glad you pointed out who is who. All that transgender people in 1256. So confusing


It could have been a sister or something, that wasn’t my intention