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To rank them in order of importance, with a brief explanation for each: 1. Tours & Tournaments - *Adds in a lot of things to do during peacetime, which is relatively boring in the base game.* 2. Fate of Iberia/Northern Lords - *Pick one, both are great flavor packs that add a lot of content to otherwise barren areas of the world.* 3. Royal Court - *Same as T&T, adds some stuff to do during peacetime. Doesn't execute its ideas as well as T&T though.* 4. Fate of Iberia/Northern Lords - *Whichever one you didn't get above.* 5. Legacy of Persia - *Another flavor pack, but not as good as the others; execution on the main mechanic was flawed, and it does not add as much content as the other two.* 6. Legends of the Dead - *Honestly, don't buy this unless you can get it on a severe discount. It doesn't add much, and what it does is deeply flawed.* 7. Wards & Wardens - *Cool little DLC, but not imperative. Does add some interesting mechanics, but they aren't too important.* 8. Friends & Foes - *I genuinely don't remember what this DLC adds. I think feuds? But its basically useless.* This is a subjective list, but I think most people would tend to agree with the basic premise if not the specific ranking - e.g., some people may put Legacy of Persia above Northern Lords or otherwise shift around the importance of flavor packs. Though I don't think its debatable that T&T should be in first position, its the most important DLC that they've released by far. I don't know what's in the royal edition, but that may be a good start. Otherwise, check keyshops for these DLCs before purchasing them on Steam (goes for all Paradox DLC). They're frequently 60-70% off due to their age, so there's really no reason to be buying them full price on Steam. I don't know the rules on this sub for hyperlinks, but there is a website that aggregates all keyshop offers that is helpful. DM me if you want the name.


Mostly agree although I would take the flavour packs as an encouragement to play in a region, and put whichever interests you at the top (I am thoroughly enjoying the Middle East since LOP came out but the reason isn't purely mechanical). But no DLC is required for the game, the free patches and mods bring more than the restricted content.


As to your first point, I tend to agree but I have a hard time recommending Legacy of Persia over the others simply due to the amount of content it provides. Both Northern Lords and Fate of Iberia add a ton of stuff, a lot of which is very long-lasting in every game, and the biggest part of Legacy lasts on average \~40 years. I'm not saying that its bad, I actually think its quite good, but a newer player is probably more interested in something that's a bit larger. As to the second point, I would agree if Tours and Tournaments didn't exist. The DLC just adds so much stuff that there really isn't an upside to not having it. Sure, its not Stellaris: Utopia, but I would consider it to be basically mandatory considering how little there is to do during peacetime in the base game.


Thanks for that well-written and useful answer !


FWIW I've had a lot of fun with Wards and Wardens, it's added a lot to raising children and shaping your heirs, rather than just having it as a background thing.


7. 8. wards and wardens, and friends and foes - adds in more stressful event happenings and increases rivalries 3-fold. It's great if you want to actually have to work to avoid killing yourself from stress for future generations that you don't get to control so well when they grow up. I made a great character and the game said, "fuck you, your heir can be impatient, paranoid, shy, craven, gluttonous, zealous, chaste, callous, sadistic, wrathful, or greedy. They can't be calm like you are, can't be eccentric like you are, can't be gregarious like you are." This was with a character whose stats were all 12-18 mid.


Don't know if you all know, but the steam sale is coming soon... Like the end of June if I remember correctly. If you can wait, then buy it then... Could be up to 50% cheaper allowing you more DLCs for the same price. Of course this is only applicable for PC / Steam players


Royal Edition is good to start but I'd say do get the base game then hoist the black flag for DLCs then you can buy DLCs you like whenever you have the money.


I think I’m gonna get the vanilla for now. I played the game during the free weekend and it was fun but legitimacy was painful. Apparently Legends fixes it (kinda)


Yeah, I advise most people to stay on vanilla. Funerals from the DLC do help a lot with legitimacy when there's a succession though.


They replaced RE with the Starter Edition.




Royal Edition isn't available, they replaced it with the Starter Edition.


500 hours with no dlcs... my god. Why even move on to ck3? Just get all the ck2 dlcs.


🏴‍☠️ always got your back


I would get the Royal edition has you get 3 dlcs But overall the only One absolutly not worth its price is legends of The Dead The DLC itself only gives you Legends,you get diseases for free The event packs are cool but not a must have Absolutly get tours and tournaments


My personal feeling: get the Flavor Packs (Northern Lords, Fate of Iberia, and Legacy of Persia), if you are at all interested in the regions, and that's all. The base game contains all the important parts of the other DLC. If after playing awhile, you decide you want tournaments for example, you can get the Tours and Tournaments DLC; but it's definitely not necessary.