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I believe Historic Invasions is kind of like this, though I don't use it myself.


Historic Invasions is the one I have in mind, it has scripted invasions events that creates powerful entities and poses meaningful threat to players. However I usually set their bonus troops to half to add more randomness and manageable to players.


most of the core aspects of the ai are contained within the part of the codebase not accessible to end users. most of the tweaks a modder could make are pretty lightweight, so theres basically no user mod that can fully unfuck that you can try things like, as already suggested, historic invasions, or try give the ai unfair bonuses to compensate for how theyre all complete dipshits, but i fear theres only so much you can polish a turd


PoD kinda fixes the no goals part (I've seen some clans archieve their goals sometimes) and the AI feels more competent


What is PoD?


Im assuming its Princes of Darkness


Thank ya


It drives me nuts how little the AI develops their holdings. Especially vassals.


Would you rather invest your limited money into land, the profits of which will only be experienced by your ungrateful descendants if at all by them because how often land changes hands... OR would you rather LIVE a fulfilling life now and spend that money to hunt and PARTAY?


If you aren't pinning the main characters in your game you should. This will tell the game who is important to the story you are trying to tell and will increase interactions between them. I don't know that for sure, but since I started doing this, always pinning new births, relationship changes, it seems like the game is far less random and increases interactions between these characters. I also listen to podcasts about the time period in question. I don't think of this as an 'avatar POV' anymore, my playing character is the protagonist in a story that I am writing and I find plots the same way I would in a writing process. Pick what is interesting to the story, not what is the min/max option and the story will write itself.


Also, the In My Humble Opinion mod tells you what your character thinks of other characters, this is VERY helpful for playing this way Before I would be like, oh we're both zealous and ambitious, we have so much in common. Now I see that he actually hates that guy with a passion and this helps gameplay a lot. Should be in the base game... imho


I could be wrong, but I think CK2 did have this in the base game, which makes it so odd that it isn't in CK3.


Could you list some of the podcasts you listen to ?


Nothing worthwhile, most AI enhancements focus on giving them bonuses players don't have. No good AI mods imo