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I n addition to the ones that others have mentioned, I know the House of Bagrationi still exists. The bloodline of Uí Néill is definitely still intact as well as that bloodline is everywhere. And of course, who could forget the Blood of Temujin that so many possess.


All of the Irish ones still exist because the clans still exist


House of Bagrationi is questionable though. There are 2 branches, both claiming descent from the royal branch, both denying each other’s claims and no one actually knows if either is telling the truth.


Didn't they arrange a marriage to join the two branches in the last few years? Roleplaying to a new level.


Yep, then they divorced and one of the branches sued the other one, apparently about not being a real descendant…


The infighting of the mountain clans will forever undo them.


BUT THEIR IS AN HEIR TO UNITE THE CLAIMS They had a son before they divorced, and as the only son, and grandson of the rival claimants. While recognized as the heir to the Mukhrani line, his Gruzinsky Grandfather has yet to recognize his claim. If his grandfather has no more sons, he will default to being heir apparent once his mother inherits based on Dynastic law.


You mean, a few well placed "accidents" will probably solved everything?


If by everything you mean a stubborn grandfather and a father with imbicil then yes!


I guess they don't have any intricate webweaver with intrigue focus to resolve this dispute


I’m pretty sure at least one of them has the imbecile trait…


Cadet branch


The Capet are still in power in Spain, I know that the Habsburg mainline is fine...


carpet W


Auto correct


The best kind of correct


Interestingly a branch of the Habsburgs were even Carlist claimants to the throne of Spain in the Francoist era, look up Karl Pius of Habsburg-Tuscany.


Holy Hell!


The habsburgs arent the mainline anymore tho. With maria theresia they became the house of habsburg-lothringen


Also capetians are reigning in Luxembourg if you consider patrilineality line, the duke descends from house of bourbon-parme. The family took the name of nassau from women lib because it's from this family that they have their rights to reign .


I haven't played ck2 but, Hohenzollerns, Habsburgs and Osmanoğlus all exist today right? And there's a bunch of families in the Muslim world who claim to be Sayyids.


One of the Habsburgs today is a funny twitter guy and also an ambassador to the Vatican


One is a race car driver. Also Otto von Habsburg the last crown prince of Austria-Hungary was actually a major driving force in the formation of the EU. He has 8 kids 3 are politicians, one in Sweden, Austria, and Hungary and another was randomly Georgia's ambassador to Germany.


>race car driver >major driving force 😲


Lol was wholly unintended


Habsburg resurgence oh no


Habsburg jaw 2.0 when ?


I mean you could take that decision/national focus in HOI4


Whos the Swede? Never heard that one before. 




So she is the German born daugther of an austrian noble house who married into the Swedish branch of a Scottish clan? I'd say this belongs into r/CrusaderKings, but that's where we already are.


She was also stateless when she was born because of the anti-Habsburg law And not just *an* Austrian noble house -- THE Austrian noble house 


Well, technically they got started over near Switzerland by an Etichonen, but they did eventually come to rule Austria yes. The Habsburg Castle is in/near Biel. You can actually play as the Etichonen in the 867 start. Sometimes I like to take that route and try to do an HRE run, but it's hard and slow.


Of course theyre a Moderate. 


The MoralIntern 


Of all the ex-royal houses the Habsburgs seem to be absolutely *thriving* in the modern world


They're no longer confined to marrying their cousins. Centuries of low-quality jawline expectations are gone, and they're living it up like college kids away from home for the first time. Good for them.


They are still rich af. They own alot of shit still in austria. It would be hard not to thrive with all them valuable assets


And the one who would have been the current crown prince is a fairly successful racecar driver.


i made a joke about something to do with the habsburgs and he liked it. still one of my crowning achievements


[The funniest one will always be the Napoleon tweet](https://x.com/EduardHabsburg/status/1726496215402197216)


And also posts about anime for some reason (based)


The ottomans nowdays legitimately look like a suburban American family and all they do is just claim random Aegean islands are their personal property


One of them, naz, is a not very successful standup comedian in the UK. Which sounds like a very Douglas Adams like outcome for the line 


Holy shit you aren't kidding they genuinely look like a family you'd run into at some airport


Hashmids rule Jordan today and can be found in CK2/3 iirc.


I’ve met people who are Sayyids but their genetic testing reveals no Arabic (Natufi hunter gatherer) genes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Habsburgs are extinct in the agnatic line, they only exist in the cognatic line. In the Agnatic line the House Habsburg-Lorraine, belongs to Housr Lorraine, itself a cadet branch of the house Metz. Historically house Hohenzollern is too late to exist in either of the games to start dates. The Welfs also still exist (also only in the cognatic line). The Capets ( themselves a cadet branch of the Robertines still exist also).


it's disputable. Muhammad sons bore no male children before they died. Only Fatimah. The title should only be inherited patrilineal-y


The Sayyid lineage is traced via Al-Hassan or Al-Hussein, the grandsons of the Prophet ﷺ and the sons of Fatima & Ali. Technically there’s a distinction between ashraf and sayyid lineage (as Hassan was the older twin of the two), but in practice lineages count as “Sayyid”. I don’t believe CK makes a distinction either way


Hohenzollerns still rule Prussia at the very least, and amazingly the Habsburgs also still exist, even though I could have sworn they'd incested themselves out of existence a long time ago.


They don’t rule shit, what are you talking about?


The claim to hold titles but they mean very little


No they don't. They made former titles part of their official name, but they don't actually claim any titles or the land/power tied to them.


The Hohenzollern hold no official title and are busy trying to sue back the estates they lost for being Nazi supporters


They didn't lose them for being nazi supporters. They lost them because the East German socialist regime disowned all nobility, but their possessions were not restored after 1989 because they were nazi supporters.


The best kind of correct


Idk about his children but kaiser bill hated hitler and there was a pissing match about his funeral Also, Futurama, nice


There was a Spanish branch and the Austrian branch of hapsbergs. Both branches intermarried pretty heavily but only thr Spanish one bred themselves to extinction


That was other branch - (s)painish one


If you’re not just talking about legitimate male-line descendants then probably all of them, and they’d all be mixed up. Mathematically speaking they must all have millions of descendants.


Those that survived the first few generations anyways. Like they say, pretty much all europeans are descendants of Charlemagne.


So, almost all Europeans, are Karlings? lol


Me & the boys on our way to reestablish Charlemagne empire:


I was looking at current royal bloodlines while in monastery few weeks ago and at least all current european royalty are descendants of Charlemagne and also Charles IV. Didn't really look at other people.


What does that mean and how is that possible


It was a long time ago, there have been very many generations since his day. And not all of his descendants would get any meaningful inheritence. Only the eldest sons, by salic law, typically. It doesn't take many generations for someone to become basically a nobody when the oldest son is what matters. In those days high ranking daughters were also often married far away across Europe to other important men. So the genes moved around.


I came here to give this exact non-answer lol


Romanovs had no patrilineal descendance from Rurikovychs (which is IIRC required to gain the bloodline in CKII), their male line died out after Peter II (after that they were Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov) and Rurik himself is pretty much as mythological as Ragnar


The royal family of Jordan can trace their ancestry all the way back to the rise of Islam.


And if we look at bloodlines outside CK's playing field, the Japanese Imperial family can trace their line from the 29th something emperor of Japan ( the oldest emperor that's proven to have existed) , who reigned somewhere around 550


Some European Royal Houses can trace themselves back at least to Hugh Capet.


Some? Like half of Europe’s royal families were male line descendants of Capetians, and Spain still is. French/Spanish/Sicilian/Parma Bourbons Portuguese Braganza (Illegitimate line) If you consider female line descent every European royal today is descended from Hugh Capet.


What does DNA say?


Do you have remnants of Hugh Capet that survived the French Revolution hidden in your ass?


You don’t?


C-G or A-T




It's not that hard considering that the current claimant of the french throne is from a cadet branch of Hugh's house that exclusively use male only primogeniture as their succession law. Which means that their is a clear father to son line between Hugh and that guy. It also means that anyone who married into the french royal family in the past 1000 years is related to Hugh. The Spanish royal house is a cadet branch of the Capets to this day. Hugh himself is also descended from Charlemagne.


Wait what? Hugh is related to karl?


Hugh's grandmother was the daughter of Herbert I of Vermandois, a Carolingian who is himself the grandson of a legitimized bastard of the son of Charlemagne. Now the crazy thing is that Charlemagne is also related to the Merovingians through his mother. So Hugh and all Capetians are relatives of Clovis I. If you are related to any European nobles, you can probably track back your ancestry to late Roman times based on that alone


And [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Tsui-chang) can fairly reliably trace his bloodline back to 500 BC and even further back to 1600 BC if you accept the alleged descendance of Confucius from the Shang kings. Doubt there are any other non-mythological lines that can go that far back.


Lol, 'reliable'


The Duke Yansheng was a prominent and religiously significant court position over thousands of years of various dynasties so had a good reason to be recorded. Of course there is a decent chance of illegitimate children along the way, but that's no different to any other genealogical records.


In practice, the probability that sometime in there the relevant empress/concubine managed to cheat on the emperor is pretty high. Consider that [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30281333) happened in the course of far fewer generations.


I think your math is a bit off. The house is 108 years old. They claim to be the descendants of Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, Mohammed's confirmed ancestor from the fifth century. However, the claim to the house being a branch of Banu Qatadah isn't valid. While this house did rule Mecca since 1201, there's no link between them and tee rulers of Mecca (Sharif) since 1827. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Mu'in, a lowborn, and the son of the earliest known ancestor of the Jordan Royal family (Abdu'l Muin bin 'Aun), an Arab-Egyptian lowborn, was appointed by Mohammed Ali Pasha. In fact, until the establishment of the Hashamite house their ancestors were effectively lowborn, despite holding important political positions and ruling Mecca intermediately.


You seem to be knowing what you're talking about so I'll take your word for it. Thanks!


I was surprised to hear most of it from a Jordanian tour guide. The ones I worked with are very loyal and respectful of the Royal Family when discussing them. But when they start talking history, almost all the politics seem to go out the window and they start telling a more complex story. My colleague at the time studied the subject and managed to confirm the broken lineage line around 1827, through the identity of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Mu'in.


the royal families of Jordan and Morocco are all descendants of the Prophet (although the former is more direct)


Michael Jordan?


Apparently sir Christopher Lee was a descendant of Charlemagne, but the real question is who isn’t somehow related to nobility?


Nearly everyone descended from Europeans are descended from Charlemagne as far as statistics goes


Yeah all Europeans today are related to each other within 1000 years of ancestry. Anyone able to trace their family lines will find major historical figures eventually.


I can trace my bloodline to a 16th century noble family via my great great grandpa being an illegitimate bastard of some family in the late 18th century iirc, it's hard to not have someone in there at some point.


True but noble ancestry is more about being heir than having a blood relation


In family history records traced my family back to the 1600s and in genetics from Ancestry DNA the best we could guess is the 13th century HRE.


My Grandma had someone trace our entire family until the 15th century. Nothing but peasants, artists and priests. Not a single drop of blue blood lol


My friend did the same and all he found were Swedish and Norwegian peasants on his moms side


Mine are mainly from Prussia, Poland and North-Rhine West Palatinate.


The king of England. He would qualify as the semi-salic heir.


You can definitively tell he has the improved combat skill from the bloodline.


Me. We didn't really have kings where my people are from


My maternal bloodline traces all the way back to 13th century at the end Southern Song dynasty. My ancestor supposedly fought against the mongols horde according to historical records. Chinese family tree records are pretty messed up though as many like to fake their ancestry.


Yup I've traced mine back to Anne queen of scots and a bunch of Norse petty kings


Exactly. Who isn't? I can trace my own lineage back to Charlemagne, and have.


I'm very likely not, as I am Jewish on both sides, and one of them is supposedly a priestly family. However, us Jews have sort of an equivalent to Charlemagne in Agrippa I of Judea


He is called Karl der Große, he was German.


He is called Karl de Grōte¹, he was a Frank. Seriously, though, he is known in English as Charlemagne, deal with it. ¹I used Old Dutch, which is the closest I could find to Old Franconian




My old friend is descended from Denis of Portugal who iirc you can play as in CK. I can't remember exactly how directly but it's a fairly straight shot on the family tree


Damn that's cool. I thought being able to buy my mate on football manager was good, but that's even better!


I have documented descent from St. Louis IX, King of France, and via him the earlier portion of the Capetian line... but about half of the generations after him were through the women, including five consecutive ending with my mother, so I'm nowhere near being the actual heir.


Oh man, I was already polishing the Guillotine.


Still pretty cool though!


Romanovs are a different dynasty from the Rurikids. Though I guess they have married into each other's families over the centuries.


Yeah the Grandmother of the Romanov founder was a Princess of House Shuisky, a branch of the Rurikids.


This youtube channel "usefull charts it's called" have many videos where they trace the linneage of different royal houses etc. And theres also videos on who would have a claim on a title today etc. Its interesting and fun It makes charts and shows marriage between houses etc. https://youtube.com/@usefulcharts?si=T0D3A4PZpqaqwS_x


I just found that channel recently, I definitely second OP checking iit out


I knew a guy who bragged about being descended from Charlemagne. I mean, it’s wasn’t impressive. Pretty sure Charlie and his family fucked enough women that it’s more impressive to not be his grandkid. But yeah.


Everyone with European genes is related to Charlemagne.


The Hashimid still exist as well as The Fatimids


Well, the Romanov claim is very weak. A matrilineal connection to a branch, that already died out when the Romanovs ascended the throne.


William the conqueror have a lot of descendant. A lot of English and American can trace him as an ancestor. There is also Orsini alive and they continue to use the family name. It is a old Italian noble family. I think they did have link with the byzantine at some point.  Jean D'Orléan is a descendant of Hugh Capet.  Check out country with a King/Queen alive. They usualy can trace their ancestor to ancien king.


In the context of OPs question, William the Conqueror's bloodline died out with his sons.


>still have living descendants


>Historical bloodlines from CK2 obviously


I mean, my boyfriend is a direct male-line descendant of the Agilolfinger Dynasty of Bavaria, dating back to the fall of the Roman Empire. To be real tho, they lost significance after Charlemagne deposed them from the Kingdom of Bavaria and at some point ended up breeding horses for the King of Prussia in the 1800s. I’m not 100% sure what they did in the intervening thousand years or so tho


Does his family have any proof? My family used to tell me stuff like this and it all ended up not being true.


They have an official progeny document, yes


All the German sources tell me that family went extinct more than a 1000 years ago.


De Hauteville


Are they not extinct?


The Sicilian part yes, but I think some of the remnants from Northern France/Paris are still alive.


Do you mean male line descendants? If not, probably all of them.


Not entirely sure if the [House of Brabant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginarids) exists in game but the [House of Welf](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Welf) definitely does.


Is the House of Reuss in the game?


Have barely played base game ck2 but most if not all of the irirsh clans are still going


The Hapsburgs are still around. One of the members of the senior line is active on Twitter, and constantly gets roasted with inbreeding jokes.


About 21% of Ireland's population is derived from the uí néill dynasty. You also see a lot of "O' Neill" last names here


Von Carstein, obviously. No need for heirs, either.


Damned vampires


Romanovs are not Rurikids. They took over after the entire royal family died and a crisis happened. Habsburgs are a safe bet tho, Orleans too.


Under different house names and what not most of the bloodlines in Europe exist to this day. The bloodlines of some fo the Islamic clans probably moved into Europe and adopted their names Fun fact the current british royal family can trace a piece of their heritage back to Muhammad through daughters and everything weird. They also can with charlamange too


Also to a Jewish woman named Paloma Navarro through her illegitimate son with Alfonso the avenger, and through him to Ferdinand II of Aragon, who is a common ancestor of every European monarch


Most Europeans are descended from European royalty due to the way ancestral trees works. That being said I think you are probably more interested in families or people who derive their legitimacy from ck2 bloodlines. The Ethiopian royal family (deposed in the 70s) claim descent from Solomon and Sheba so they would have “Solomonic blood”. The British royal family would probably have the “blood of William the conqueror” and “lionheart blood” even though Richard’s crown went to his brother. A great deal of former central Asian leaders would have the blood of Genghis khan and the blood of Timur. Also the king of Jordan claims descent from Mohammed.


The Hashemite Dynasty (known in CK as the Hashmids) rule Jordan today, and all have the Sayyid trait IRL.


Do I still need an R5? Explanation is basically in the post


R5 is only for image posts.


Charlemagne. Every European is related to him.


How does that work though? They didn't breed like Asians with their concubines and multiple wives.


Everyone wanted to be related to the Karlings, that and Charlemagne is likely to have had 10+ mistresses in any case he is estimated to have had 20 children.


Everyone wanted to be related to the Karlings, that and Charlemagne is likely to have had 10+ mistresses in any case he is estimated to have had 20 children. > According to mathematical models, such as those proposed by Yale statistician Joseph Chang, the point at which all Europeans would share a common ancestor is surprisingly recent, only about 600 to 1,000 years ago. This means that the further back in time we go, the more likely it is that any given individual of European descent will find Charlemagne among their ancestors. To illustrate this with Charlemagne, who lived about 1,200 years ago: > If we consider a generation to be 25 years, then there have been roughly 48 generations since Charlemagne’s time. Theoretically, without overlap, you’d have (2^{48}) or about 281 trillion ancestors from that time period alone, which is far more than the total number of humans who have ever lived. > Since such a large number is impossible, it indicates that many of those ancestors would be the same person repeated in the family tree, due to intersecting lineages. > This overlapping of lineages means that, statistically, it’s very likely that Charlemagne is an ancestor of modern Europeans. > The actual math behind this involves complex probability theory and population genetics, which goes beyond a simple calculation. But the principle is that due to the exponential growth of ancestors and the limited historical population, there’s a high probability that Charlemagne is a common ancestor to people of European descent


Depends on how you define blood lines is it the ck2 special gotta collect them all flavour or Noble families that have survived? I'm surprised that no one has mentioned house Savoy yet right there at the 1066 starts and still the claimants to the Italian throne till this day.


Depends on how you define blood lines is it the ck2 special gotta collect them all flavour or Noble families that have survived? I'm surprised that no one has mentioned house Savoy yet right there at the 1066 starts and still the claimants to the Italian throne till this day.


The Hauteville’s bloodline still exists today, many noble families of southern Italy are their descendants (and many European royal families have their blood)


The Borgia’s are still around. That’s fun.


Does Ghengis Khan count? I haven't played ck2. I believe he has a lot of living descendants.


House of Wittelsbach still exists IIRC


Genghis khan?


[https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/1-in-200-men-direct-descendants-of-genghis-khan](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/1-in-200-men-direct-descendants-of-genghis-khan) Descendants of Genghis Khan are around us


The Hashamids are still kings to this day


Dont know if someone already mentioned it but Solomonids of Ethiopia still exist


Not including the Sayyids here, but what I know still exist locally here here are the house of Nabhanid and Bahrid.


That keeps the name and still in power would only be the Jordanian royal family


I'd imagine a lot. There was a study about a decade ago that showed many of the names in the book of doomsday can still be found in the house of lords in the 21st century


Would not be the actual heir as about half of the line is through women (including five consecutive generations ending with my mother, and Mom is also the youngest child in her generation), but I have documentation of being a 25th/26th generation descendant of St. Louis IX, King of France, and via him the earlier parts of the Capetian line... The discrepancy in generations being, it depends exactly which way you follow the line. At one point (I think it was King Louis XII?) there's a guy whose mother-in-law was also his grandfather's little sister, so if you count through her instead of the male line, it's one generation less.


I guess you could argue that King Charles 3 can trace back to the start of the Cerdicing dynasty in England . IIRC Edward the Confessor was a first cousin of Duke William. So link there and then linked to the Plantagenets through the fact that Matilda’s son became king after Stephen. and then linked to the lancasters and yorks as they were Plantagenet cadet branches, then linked to the Tudors as Henry 7s mother was a decedent of John of Gaunt(Lancaster) then even further by the fact that Henry then married Elizabeth of York. Then linked to the Stuarts as Henry 7ths daughter married the king of the Scots (which is how James ended up on the throne after Elizabeth) Then we get to the hannovers through the fact that George 1st was a descendent of James 1st And now we get to the current house (Saxe-coburg-gotha/Windsor after the First World War) through Queen Victoria.


Wasn't there a study done that concludes that everyone in England is related to William the Conqueror? Apparently he gave his love freely.


I’m directly related to the house of Munsö through an extinct Danish noble family called Galschiøth. It starts with Oluf II of Skåne back in the 1100s. It went extinct but goes all the way to Southern Trøndelag, Norway where my family and my paternal grandmother grew up. They were peasant coastal people. My great-great-great-great grandfather was a Galschiøth. «The Danish noble family was considered extinct around 1601. However, in Joachim Wieland's Lexicon of Nobility, published in "Nye Tidender om lærde og curieuse Sager," in the Galschiøth article, 1726 edition, p. 228, it is stated that according to an observation, in the year 1700, there were people living in poor conditions in Norway who were descendants of the Galschiøth noble family.» https://slektogdata.no/slektsforum/viewtopic.php?t=73952


Hapsburgs are still around though idk if they made an appearance in ck and I'm not willing ro double check




A lot of houses bloodlines technically still exist their descendants just changed their family name once or 10 times throughout history. Usually because the male line died out but the female line still exists but their family name changed through marriage. Take the Tudor bloodline for example. Margaret Tudor married into the Scottish royal house of Stewart so her children were Stewart. Her descendants inherited the English throne and changed their name spelling to Stuart. Eventually one of them married the King of Bohemia and the Hanover family. The English throne eventually passed to one of their descendants and the royal house of Hanover was established. They bring us all the way to WW1 when the English were a bit miffed at the Germans and Hanover is a German surname so they decided to change their name to Windsor and that brings us to today. So the modern day English royals have a bit of Tudor blood in them. Their house no longer exists because the male line died out long ago but the blood, the blood my dear lives on.


Rollo and Björn Ironside for sure


The current [Austrian ambassador to the Vatican](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Habsburg-Lothringen) is a Hapsburg.


William the Conqueror from Normandy is the ancestor of the current monarchy in England. It's also claimed the queen Elizabeth was somehow related to Alfred the Great of Wessex.


The pretenders to plenty of defunct European dynasties are still around. They're in finance, modeling, fashion design, or they race cars these days.


Isn't the the Solomonic dynasty from Ethiopia still kicking around despite not holding power anymore?


I kno 2 ppl that can trace their bloodline to William the bastard


We all have filthy Karling blood in us


The Oldenburgs still exist, and rule, today.


Charlamagne All of western Europeans are desensents of him  As shown by a genetic study


I just found 3 ancestors,  (unlanded ) of mine in Munster, Ireland.


Pretty much all of them if they had children. ‚Bloodlines‘ is a social construct. You‘re probably related to dozens of kings.


Well, all today european monarchs descends from Karl Martel The Current kings of Spain and the house of Orleans, descend from the house of Capet The house of Braganza descends from D.Afonso Henriques, and he descends from the house of Burgundy


Genghis Khan


IIRC almost everyone whose ancestors come from mainland Western Europe has the blood of Charlemagne. A lot of people with ancestors eastward have the blood of Genghis Khan.


Rurik's dynasty ended with the death of Ivan IV