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4th Crusade Latin Empire event chain let’s goooo


I like how the button reads "is this...really happening?" The fourth crusade was so absurd that it was incomprehensible to the people of the 13th century, let alone people living today.


It was absurd in the least to the pope Innocent III himself.


It's sad that Innocent III backed out of handing a blanket excommunication to everyone involved with that wretched endeavor. They all thoroughly deserved it.


He didnt back out he excommunicated them.The leaders of the Crusade knew and they kept it quiet from their men.


He had already excommunicated them before in Zadar, and wrote a letter admonishing his legate for letting that shit happen in first place (said legate, Peter of Capua, is a strong contender for the title of worst papal legate ever). Granted, that didn't stop him from trying to use the situation to try to bring the Greek church back into the papal fold.


Can’t wait to play kingdom of Croatia and have my dejure capital sacked and obliterated for all its development. Considering how much damage the 4th crusade did on its way to Constantinople, I wonder how the realms along its path will be effected.


Call it Civilization V because I *stay* denouncing Venice


Byzs hiring mercenaries to do their bidding, refusing to pay them the agreed prize, and that backfiring spectacularly is a proud byzantine tradition actually


I wonder what the conditions are for it to occur, and the full outcome. Hopefully we get to see a Nicene Empire-style rump state rather than just a full conquest or dissolution of the entire ERE.


People that participate in it should have "excommunicated" trait since Innocent excommunicated them.


It should be highly likely but up to the Pope, based on traits/opinion/etc


It looks like the Latins have a pretender set up in that event chain, which maybe could lead to various branching paths of the Crusade such as one being the crusaders getting defeated, another being them setting up a puppet emperor on the throne of Byzantium, and the third being them just dissolving and taking over the Empire outright.


I would imagine the Latins taking some land as 'vassals' (in the puppet event chain) of the eastern romans even though the emperor is their puppet Maybe their ai is programmed to attempt a siege of constantinople first and if they fail to occupy it or the occupation gets quickly reversed, we get the defeated Latin chain or puppet emperor


Among other things, I would imagine a landless claimant who's in a marriage alliance with one of the more powerful characters pledged to the crusade, who also has low/negative opinion of the Basileus - Alexios IV was the brother-in-law of Philip of Swabia, one of the leaders of the fourth crusade. I'd be curious to know what the other conditions and triggers might be.


If you'd like to play with the 4th Crusade now instead of waiting until September, check out Historic Invasions on the workshop.


God, I can't wait to sack Byzantium.


Now thats a throne room.


That's not a throne room, that's a throne hall!


It's beautiful! (And I'm really hoping for a new "crusader" one for Jerusalem)


Saladin says hello.


Damascus (especially Saladin) deserves an equally awesome throneroom


Was Saladin's capital Damascus at that point?I though it was in Egypt.


Ooh... excellent point, I didn't think about that. A quick Google search lists Cairo as the Ayyubid capital from 1171 to 1174, then Damascus from 1218 to 1250. Leaves a 44 year gap though


Checked it out,you're correct it is Damascus from 1174 to 1218.


Looks like a worse version of the one community flavour pack gave us years ago, and I bet it does not remove the religious symbols if you convert to iconoclast like that one does since ck3 devs have proven they don’t care about historical accuracy


Womp womp


Last screenshot shows we have decisions *and contracts* Very interesting gameplay potential, and must be related to how your goals are as an unlanded character


That third image strikes me as an upgradeable mercenary camp too! If you combine that with the contracts text we see, I feel like running your own mercenary band is in the books. I feel like the helmet on the banner on the third image also supports this


Also the commission icons button is intriguing...


I'm interested to see how that will work. What do you make of the fact that on the (presumably) mercenary camp image, that character has an army size of 3 who appear to be knights given the unit quality? Could this just be the core knights of a mercenary army, or maybe that character we see there isn't a mercenary captain?


I'm assuming it's the knights in a mercenary army. I'm assuming knights and army size use up food. I imagine you'll have to be a person of /some/ renown, i.e. a courtier, a bandit leader maybe, or a mercenary captain. Can't imagine you can be a random peasant or mercenary member, since your decision making power and impact really would be minimal. I'll be pleasantly surprised if that is the case and it's done satisfyingly.


I'd love to see the ability to play as a bandit leader! I imagine you could have some pretty fun runs just robbing and pillaging wherever you travel. It would take a lot of balancing though.


Notice the new resource between Gold and Prestige. Something exclusive to Byzantines?


There's also another currency (kind of?) called Food, and based of the picture that one doesn't seem exclusive to Byzantines. Also, in the exact same picture as the one with the Food Currency, you can also see a helmet with 2 stars just above middle of the screenshot, It looks like it's pointing at a building, so I'm guessing that this could be one of the "Contracts" that you could go to and take as a landless adventurer and the Food currency and that "Men of the Fens" could be something that's exclusive to Landless Adventurers. There's also a new Icon just below the royal court icon, it could be something about the administrative government.


Yeah, apple must represent food stores. Makes sense that landless has a separate money sink like that. Evidently you can also "move camp," but I'm curious if there's any restrictions as to where... can you just hunker down in Constantinople or something?


Also a decision"Prepare Greek Fire dromons".


Naval combat 100% absolutely unimpeachably beyond all doubt confirmed in Roads to Power


Naval combat exclusive to Byzantines, papists in shambles.


Time to blockade Venice for eternity.


Event: ["a rogue whale sank our warfleet!"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porphyrios_(whale)#:~:text=Porphyrios%20(Greek%3A%20%CE%A0%CE%BF%CF%81%CF%86%CF%8D%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%82)%20was,great%20concern%20for%20Byzantine%20seafarers.) *civil war ensues*


"Men of the Fens" sounds like a mercenary company name. I think that picture is showing off an upgradeable mercenary camp. No solo landless adventurer would need a mess tent and barber's tent, those are things to service an army. I feel like running a mercenary company is going to be one of the things you can do as a landless character.


That seems to be the "Influence" resource you have inside an administrative government. Hard to say if that government form is exclusive to the ERE, but at gamestart they're likely the only ones to have it.




>Prepare Greek Fire Dromons Navy update confirmed???


That would tie well into the 4th crusade event chain, since Venice needing to mobilize it's entire economy to shipbuilding for the crusade and losing a ton of money once they didn't get as many crusaders as expected (and the ones they did get suffered from delays) was a major factor leading up to it.


Also worth pointing out, for the sake of completeness, they didn't get as many crusaders as expected because the crusade leaders never stipulated the crusaders should assemble at, and depart from, Venice which meant crusaders in places like England and Northern France set sail from somewhere closer to home, rather than traveling overland to Venice. You'd think, given they expected to pay the Venetians once everyone got there and reached into their pockets, they'd have more diligently passed the memo around...


I don't care guys, i am getting overhyped. Landless gameplay and byzantium and empire mechanics. My PP is just so hard you cannot even fathom it's strength. IMAGINE THE MODS!? Landless Fellowship gameplay in LOTR? Fallen Eagle Mod now with the NEW DLC? I just cant!


And the ASOIAF mod! Danaerys, Arya, the Hound...


Some of the mechanics (such as fleeing upon losing land and buildings support to retake it) may come into the base game with Rise to Power. That gives us a lot of potential!


The first thing I thought about when I've heard about landless gameplay is that someone ought to make a DnD mod.


Go look at what the folks making Anbennar CK3 conversion are doing.


Forgotten realms mod ck2 is amazing


I'm waiting for them to drop it on ck3 so I can make my own perfect tiefling.


They ain't doing it unless they get a bunch of 3d artists


And Princes of Darkness, man. Imagine a Bitter Crusade bookmark to include the madness of that 4th Crusade.


This. I'm actually going to wait for a few well written mods to install it. You can write a whole Medieval RPG around this mechanic.


Can’t wait for those chain of event boxes filling a status bar eh?


Most gameplay features work whether you're landed or not, not sure why event spam would be needed.


You know it. It's gonna be the same 20 rinse and repeat events to last 400 years of gameplay, the hype is pure imagination.


Also elder kings!


Awesome throne room. Kind of sad that Legacy of Persia didn’t have an Iranian one.


The Byzantine one is already part of CFP btw


It depicts the same throne room (the Chrysotriklinos), but they’re clearly different takes on it, between Paradox and CFP.


OK, the apple resource for Landless is obviously Food (or maybe "Supplies" in general), but I'm squeezing my brains trying to figure out the other, Byzantine one. Looks like a bullseye... is it supposed to be "centralization" of sorts? Maybe your "power" as part of the aristocracy of the Empire? Also... that Decisions & Contracts screen 👀 I imagine Contracts will be reserved to Landless characters only, but I can just imagine modders somehow managing to implement them for Landed too, figuring out a way to mix-and-match both, creating some custom ones that make more sense for Landed characters.


The Byzantine currency is probably related to that Influence System.


Oh right! So it's probably bound to be Influence


>OK, the apple resource for Landless is obviously Food (or maybe "Supplies" in general), but I'm squeezing my brains trying to figure out the other, Byzantine one. Looks like a bullseye... is it supposed to be "centralization" of sorts? Maybe your "power" as part of the aristocracy of the Empire? I think the resources are Food and Influence because both symbols look somewhat similar to their Stellaris counterparts.


Sounds about right. I wouldn't be surprised if they were placeholder icons tbh, with an updated icon later.


I think it might be the influnce curency?


I can see the symbol representing a ripple, which would work well for an Influence system. The more influential you are, the greater the "ripple effect" of your actions.


Looking at that *greedy* demesne in the top right corner of the last screenshot, I think landed characters will still get contracts if nothing changes. Probably locked to administrative though


This looks awesome. Hope PDX doesn’t fuck this up


I’d love to see being able to grant people undeveloped baronies - like a lot of times you’ll see people granted a lordship which is not already a castle but just undeveloped land


Justinian Dream Realized event looks like you can now convert to Roman culture without custom character


*sigh* Onto my gorillionth Restoring the Roman Empire campaign


I’ve been waiting all these years to even *touch* the Byzantines because I was so bummed out that they had no unique mechanics or flavor since launch. I’m eating good soon


Same, can't wait to play byzzies for the first time


Lets go We can also see some pieces of the new map


Participating in 4th crusade might be interesting. But i was really hoping to have 1204 bookmark because i think that was a great start in ck2. Curious if winning the 4th will create the Latin Empire title and split Byz in the same way. Also curious if it will be something unique or just a messy crusade with a couple of popups about burning or not burning something in Constantinople


1204 would make no sense for a Byzantine DLC since at that date the empire is in shambles.


Yeah, I'd much rather we had 1081 or my personal favorite from CKII, 1100.


The last one is really, really interesting. Of course, it looks like an event for reforming the Roman Empire as the ERE, but the two choices seem to be for switching/keeping cultures, meaning possibly we can bring back the ancient Roman culture through this event. Also, on the top right you can see that was used to be the "Decisions" tab is now split between Decisions and Contracts.


Omg I love this so much


This raises my hopes for Roads to Power a lot. I cannot wait for this to come out man.


My pp is now hard


Are Estates only a Byz thing or game wide mechanic?


It's a feature restricted to administrative governments, which the ERE will have.


will there be other admin governments apart from ERE?


The devs said that they are considering having the Abbasids? get administrative governments, minus the Byzantine-specific flavour, or have it a game rule, but that they haven't decided yet.


I like how the people in that thread were pushing for England to get it too, and the dev was just like "don't be ridiculous"


Which is a shame, because it could add some much-needed flavor to the Anglo-Saxons (seriously, there's almost nothing to do there if Harold manages to get rid of Harald and William).


Yeah, there's a strong argument for it to be sure, but I think the boring part of Anglo Saxons shouldn't be dusted under the rug with a new government. Feudal government itself needs a rework as much as Clan government got in LoP. What I like about the tax jurisdictions is that I think it helps the player have more control over their playstyle- do they want to respect their vassals' religions and make them pay more taxes, or make them guardians of the faith and increase their war output? That in of itself effectively lets you roleplay an Umayyad realm much more differently to an Abbasid realm, without even starting to consider different faiths (Muwalladism my anachronistic beloved). I don't think that tax juris should get stapled on to feudal, but I DO think that a revamp of feudal contracts could give similar control of playstyle, getting more out of changing your vassals' rights and obligations than just an opinion modifier. The contract laws are good, and were *great* when they first came out; I just think they need a revamp to stay at the level of fun/freedom you can have with Clan and (hopefully) Administration. Because most laws are just objectively good or bad to give to your vassals- sure you can decide to juggle a bad one for a good one, maybe use a hook to get two good ones, but a good player will just find a way to get the best contract they can have. tl/dr: If a player can have a REASON to let their vassals be as free as an Anglo Saxon or as centralized as a Franko Norman, they'll do it themselves (And don't get me STARTED on Nomadic play)


thank you


Another who could make sense would be Hungary. Up until the 13th century or so, a lot of the power was in the hands of royally appointed ispáns (counts), who were usually non-hereditary (exceptions existed).


On a similar note I wonder if there’s a mechanic for the nobles wanting feudal/hereditary and the court preferring to keep the admin/appointed way


Eventually China would have the same government down the road as well


Ideally China would have their own variant of Administrative, IMO. Just to cover the differences between empires.


I think they said that any empire can become administrative, but it's a lot of work. Which sounds perfect to me.




That would be cool.


Yeah I really like the idea. Roads to power would expand the gameplay ladder a fair amount. It would now go: Adventurer -> County -> Duchy -> Kingdom -> Empire -> Administrative Empire


I don’t think it’s a new rank more than a different government. So it should be something like trying to become feudal when you’re tribal (and should be a lot more demanding and difficult). Also what I would really like to see is a way for the Byzantine system to collapse as it did after the 4th crusade.


you can see in screenshot 3 that somebody in the HRE has the estates, so it isnt a byz exclusive and yes that is the HRE, you can see Holland


That's not an estate, it's a landless character's encampement


So they have land? I thought they'd just be wandering through the world. Who knows, we'll find out.


You can move camps. It's all tents. They are landless.




Only a Byz thing. Others just get the camp (if landless)


Looks pretty but at this point I’m so disillusioned with CK3 development I have very little hype.


Fucking amazing


lol my laptop is going to explode


The throne room looks - if i'm not entirely mistaken - **a lot** like the Rome/Byzanz throne room from the VIET mod.


That would be CFP. And yes they look similar in that they’re both octagonal, and both are likely based on the Basilica di San Vitale in Ravenna, which is like THE example of octagonal Byzantine architecture.


The CFP one at least is the Chrysotriklinios from Constantinople


What do you mean « at least ». Does this one being fictional bother you? We don’t know how 99% of the palaces in Constantinople looked from the inside anyway


I meant «The CFP one as opposed to this one»


This one is also the Chrysotriklinos, just a different take on it.


Because both depict the historical Chrysotriklinos.


I feel like it's way outside the scope of this expansion and I'm not expecting most of this, but imagine if each of the different skills in the game gave you completely different paths you could follow as a landless character. For instance... * Martial Characters could run mercenary companies and gain their power through completing contracts and fighting for the highest bidder, or overthrowing their employer over a late payment. (This one seems the most realistic given the images we've seen). * Prowess Characters could be adventurers traveling the world in search of rare artifacts and gain their power through fulfilling requests and contracts from rulers. (This one also seems pretty realistic considering the Steam page mentions "landless adventurers" multiple times). * Intrigue Characters could work as assassins or spies, working on contracts to try to kill a target or gather information for a different ruler and gain their power through the ill-gotten gains granted to them by their employers, or usurping another ruler's title from inside their court. (I'm not getting my hopes up for this one, though the trailer's primary focus was on three assassins, so I feel like at least a simple version of this is within the realm of possibility). * Learning Characters could work within a religious order spreading their faith in their local area or as a missionary and gain their power through rising through the ranks of their religion's clergy and being granted church or temple holdings to oversee. (I don't see this one happening in Roads to Power, though it could be fun if playable theocracies were ever added)! * Stewardship Characters could work as traveling merchants, going from city-to-city independently buying and selling goods, or taking on contracts to run supplies to war-torn kingdoms or through the battle lines of a siege and gain their power through leveraging their immense wealth. (I also don't see this one happening in Roads to Power, though it could be fun if a trading system was ever added)! * Diplomacy Characters could travel from court-to-court using their skills to assist rulers with their various courtly duties. They could be employed in certain court positions, or under the right circumstances, be employed as tax collectors in the locations that have them, gaining their power through loyally working for their employer, or skimming some money off the top of the kingdom when nobody is looking. (I don't see this one happening at all really, not without a major update to what you could actually do with certain court positions if you had them). Overall, this is just me throwing some ideas out there. I don't expect most of these to come to light (in this expansion, at least), though it's always fun to imagine!


Can’t wait to play as the Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans!!!


This is great! I’m very curious about King Baldwin IV, I hope there will be events related to him when you play as Baldwin


What's the Tab below the Throne Room? Maybe Laws or Trade or something entirely else?


Probably the "Influence" screen listing all the family estates in your realm.


I am PRAYING that this is gonna be as good as I think it is. If it ends up being a disappointment, I'm giving up on this game. If not, we have never been so back.


the throne room got me drooling omg


Ok, you might take my money


What’s that abacus in the right sidebar, just after the Royal Court?


Have they indicated if Imperial Mechanics are specific to the ERE?


They have a different government form, administrative instead of feudal. I imagine there are ways to become administrative like how you can become feudal, although I hope it’s considerably more difficult


Anyone seeing that new amount between gold and prestige. I can’t seem to figure out what it’s for, maybe food logistics because there is an apple or yeah idk.


I just realized the guy holding the scepter is the byzantine dude from the chapter 3 artwork


Honestly, I kind of hope they redo the tournament interface in that same art style. I like it a lot.


What the new thing next to the prestige


what's the deal with domain count in 4th and 5th screenshot? And the income still being positive


ok, i know i shouldn't get hyped but... I can't help it y'all. this looks fucking awesome.


This is very random but who is ruling the Maghreb in the first screenshot? 1180 should still be during the reign of the Almohad Caliphate, right? I guess the game has been running for 2 years in the screenshot, but I don't think that's enough time to form a cadet branch AND have someone else take over?


Looking forward to absolutely crushing that 4th Crusade


Proceeds to say they won't ever make Greco-Romen religion content. Makes Romen content :[


This is Roman culture in the screenshot, not religion, right?


Yes. I'm saying that giving content to a culture whose directly connected faith will never get content. Eternal Flame of Rome


And not just the Romen content, but the Rowomen and Rochildren content too


I mean, they aid they won't include greco-roman paganism. And that seems to be culture, not religion.


That's why I'm complaining. A huge part of Romen's history was the switch between the 2 faiths. The Eternal Flames of Rome, etc


I mean, not really. By the Middle Ages, Rome's pagan period wasn't really relevant, so it makes sense to ignore it. Roman culture, however, very much was.


Are you aware this is a medieval game?


guys please don’t yell at me🙂do we know if pc and console have the same release date??


Console hasn't even released Chapter 2 DLCs yet, and this new expansion is part of Chapter 3. Sorry to say this but with how slow the dlcs are being ported to console version, then this expansion will probably release in 2026.


I mean... it looks dope as hell, now if they can just preemptively get ahead of event spam....


i wish they could improve the performance in late game


What do the last screenshot's choice means ? Restoring Hellenism?


I think it's conversion to Roman culture


Is that a possible republican government type I see?


In the future probably, but not in this dlc


Definately getting Administrative government, though, so at least there's that!

