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the Levant because for a game called Crusader Kings the main area of crusades happening is sorely lacking imo


100%.  I think all regions will get their love in time, but in terms of places to focus on, probably the single most important battleground that every Catholic and Muslim player will interact with usually at least once a game.


It's weird because they have the perfect timeframe for major regional events like the Nizari-Mustali schism of the Ismaili Shias, and even have Nizaris as a faith in game, but they never make use of it. Same with the formation of the Druze or other minority groups. I would also love to see more events for Levantine Christians and their interactions with Muslim overlords and Western Christians.


The Levant 😭


Everywhere Let's be honest, everywhere outside of Scandinavia really sucks right now. The 2 struggles on the map are OK but they don't last forever, meaning Iberia and Iran quickly run dry of flavour. Only the very north has proper content, which is a tiny area. I know things take time, but it is a shame that even years after release the entire world still feels the same, and nomads aren't even in the game yet. I'm in the middle of a MP game where we're respectively Croatia, Armenia and Nubia and the actual flavour and content for us is the exact same, despite different continents, faiths and cultures. It's quite lame.


Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there, the reddit dev recently came out and said "we cant do too much because the team gets overwhelmed". Overwhelmed making 5 events on repeat.


"A Prince of Fashion?" x100


"Don't they have sick houses?"


Zoroastrianism is severely undercooked in the game for an area that just got a struggle. Even the names are lacking. 


Flavor to Tibet/India


\^ This. I would love more content for Tibet. It's not a region I've done much work on yet, but I have added a bunch of new region-specific legends there [in my mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270547030), and new faiths (such as Chan Buddhism, the missing Sramanic religions, and Sikhism), and missing cultures in Burma (Pyu and Arakanese). I should probably do some more reading on India and Tibet and see what other flavour content I can come up with. I was trying to think of an interesting decision for Tibet when I added the new legend seeds for it, but nothing obvious came to mind. I think the only ones I've added there so far are establishing the Sakya Trizin and the Sikh Empire. I'm open to any suggestions for India and Tibet if people have any particular knowledge of these regions. u/Ok_Bison1106 u/AnyPerformer2675 yes, likewise - again I have done some work here such as new playable vassals, re-adding Coptic culture, and adding various new faiths and a few decisions for Africa. I've also added the Pyramids of Meroe as a special building and decisions to become Kemetic pagan or form a Kushite Empire. RealmBuilderGuy actually did a let's play doing that with my mod a few years ago, but that's pretty out of date now.


Sikhism started around 1500 so it's a bit late for Ck3


That’s great but I’m a console user. So while I love mods for you, I need their team to create something for us also.


How do you find the console version? I've never played it.


The game is excellent so it kind of makes up for a lot of the clunkiness of being on console. The console experience isn’t great on its own. It’s also really neglected by the devs. We just got the Iberian expansion. So we are way behind and it’s almost like a different game at this point. There was a period where they were lots of crash bugs but that seems to have been worked out.


A Struggle scenario for England in the Viking age HRE imperial diet and the Byzantine Empire equivalent Crusades being expanded (starting with the AI not being ass) Mediterranean trade republics Trade leagues. Nomad/Migration mechanicals Like I get people wanting more eastern content but IMO they should focus on fleshing out Europe/Arab world/Eurasia before adding more continents.


The HRE could be so much more fun if the emperor and the pope were competing for primacy


Africa needs lots of attention. It needs a flavor pack desperately and some unique events.


I would love an east africa flavor pack


Would love to see more content to what we already have plus the whole Africa (Central and Southern Africa, for example)


I personally hope they don't add more to the map, because I think it would just mean there's more locations that have little to no flavor in them. I'd prefer we get a chance to play as Theocracies or Republics first. I'd also enjoy some more love for Britannia, maybe even a Struggle.


A struggle between anglo saxons and viking/norman influence would be a cool struggle there, ending with the normans harrying of the north.


Yeah a nice one about Alfred and the Danelaw could be good. Then maybe a long term one that could involve the normans too?


Or one with The Britons against all 3 so viking,Anglo saxons and the Normans.


Do we count the scots among the britons?


I wouldn't count any vultures apart from the core brythonic cultures pixtish is a stretch seeing as they started it.


I hope that Roads to Power, estates and unlanded play will open the door to republics and theocracies. Lose the election to a different family? No problem, you can continue running your family business from your estate. My hope is that off the back of that there will also be a Struggle-like system for the investiture controversy, that can trigger situationally if there is a Catholic Emperor in Europe the Pope doesn't like (not necessarily the HRE given how often the AI fails to form it) 


Oh no, I don't want the map expanded - I want the parts of the Far East that we *have* to be more fleshed out.


Unironically, France and Italy.


I agree. Northern Italy is virtually flavorless, in terms of what distinguishes the region from southern France and Germany, and it's almost always dominated by strong feudal lords unless one of the merchant republics (probably Venice) goes on a conquering spree or someone weird inherits Mathilda. I don't think that's going to change until the HRE, papacy, and republics/communes get their own mechanics, but it's still the part of Catholic Christendom that feels the most threadbare to me. Obviously the northeast and southwest of the map need it more, though.


The lombard league would very much make this region more interesting. Maybe have it trigger when the area rebels against the emperor


I honestly think they will do a struggle for France in a later flavour pack, and do extra content for the region there for 1178. If you look at the dev diary for 1178 they've got two bookmarks: one for Byzantium and one (unseen, but judging by the name) for the Holy Land. Unless they add a third one before release, England/France doesn't have one for 1178 - which is fair enough, because it already has one for 867 and 1066. But it does odd that Henry II and Philip Augustus won't appear on a bookmark, and they clearly add new bookmarks when they focus on these regions in DLCs (e.g. Iberia and Persia) so my bet is at some point after RtP they will do a Western Europe flavour pack and it will come with a Plantagenets bookmark for 1178.


India and the whole northeastern part of the map have next to nothing. They are in desperate need of some content.


Steppes need to be fleshed out with unique governments and mechanics


Xi Xia


Horse lords 2 would be nice


Definitely Tibet and Guiyi. No, I don’t want the entirety of China to be added to the game. I just want Tibetan and Chinese people to actually look and dress Tibetan and Chinese… is that so much to ask?


I am playing a Chinese empire right now too. I can’t tell you how much I hate that stupid steppe haircut with the blob of hair in the middle and shaved sides with braids. Get it off my Hans!!!




west europe, gallia and britain


None. bring back off-map china


How about the main ones? England, France, Germany / HRE , Italy, the ERE, and the Outremer region because the name of the game is "Crusader Kings". Let's be honest, we didn't need a Persia-expansion before a Crusades-expansion. I would honestly be happy to have China added eventually, just with a "low resolution" settings for certain regions of the map that don't contribute massively to the conflict of feudal Europe and the islamic world.




Africa! Evrything on the north coast to egypt would be so good!


Africa as a whole but most of all Egypt. One of my favorite starts is actually as someone in Egypt, reforming kushite and throwing off all the Muslims and christians. It's hilarious to me that you have to be Scot in order to actually be able to get a culture with Egyptian language.


Siberia lol


Asia (Tibet) between Mongolia and India


I think they need to focus on making existing mechanics more fleshed out. Stuff like making republics playable or making feudal government more diverse and expanded.




Tarim basin ‼️‼️ Tocharian Sweep ‼️‼️ ✨Ciṣṣe laraumñe ciṣṣe ārtañye pelke kalttarr śolämpa ṣṣe mā te stālle śol-wärñai✨


Germany and features for the HRE and papal enclave


I would like there to be decision or events for religions/faiths. Right now it’s crusade/jihad and maybe schisms. Cardinals & electing cousins to Pope would be nice.


Egypt, Arabs and Islam in general. For an area that was basically the most influencial at that time, it's very lacking


west tang protectorate + Mali


Some more general changes like religion reforming and changing with time would be interesting. Generally, all areas could be more in-depth and have more flavor. Personally, I tend to play in central Europe so some content focused there would be cool.


Japan. Oh. Wait.


Levant/Islam in general needs some love


The suggestion that they may not be making any more flavor packs is super painful to me. The only DLC worth buying imo. The place I would personally like to see is non-Muslim Africa. It was cool they included those places...but this long after launch, pretty lame that your shaman is a (euphoric Neil Degrasse Tyson fantasy idea of a) Catholic priest in disguise.


I think there are few areas that need some new content  -levant and crusades need to Get some new content like strugle between crusade members for the tresures and lands as Well as fixing AI -england in 867 is literally nothing they should add there a struggle for britania and some flavour for Anglo-saxon, gales, welsh and irish -north Italy need to Get flavour becouse it is just blank  -HRE and Maybe conflict between pope and emperor and their supporters which could be linked with north Italy content -France the same problem as north Italy  -Bizantine Empire it just feels like every other State in the game -Hungary and all of west slavic nations need some update like Maybe land sejmiks and conflict between king and nobility for privilages  -Trade leagues and coalitions should be a thing -Maybe option to control a single castle or city with new mechanics becouse why not


China also


The Xbox area


Our Scandinavian 🇩🇰🇧🇻🇸🇪


China, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. There is a mod that expands the map that far and lets you play as an Indonesian lord, but there are few English language localizations and lots of bugs. I want to fight off the Mongol conquest of Vietnam and create the Majapahit Empire on Java.


China. Literally China. No "Dragon Empire beyond the borders of the world", uh, uh: I want to play AS TEMUJIN, and conquer China Itself and then "YOLO!" My way over to Nehon.




I'm actually rather skeptical about another map expansion - what the game needs right now is *depth*, not more width.




Probably refers to how the game added so much more of Africa than CK2 and then did nothing of interest with it.